Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 114: The goddess is coming!

Modo City, Chishui Town.

This land is on the sea. Whenever a catch is made, a large number of red fish swim back. The nearby rivers are all reddish, and the name comes from this.

This is already August, because the time of town construction is different, wheat harvest is also sooner or later, and Chishui Town is the last batch of harvested towns. At this time, most of the food has been dried up, and an official dressed up is carrying the statistics of the followers. Modo City has its own rules. All food sales cannot be carried out privately. The surplus food is acquired in a unified way, and then the city hall will stabilize the price. The price of the food was set according to the market price. The initial collection was very smooth, but there was a little turm when it received the second row.

"Do not sell."

》猪>猪》岛》 novel ww.uZhuDao.cm

“My family has a large population and consumes a lot of food.”

The man who spoke was a man dressed as a rich businessman, and he spoke a dialect of the North. At this moment, his eyes were squinting at the East, and he seemed to be talking to the officials in front of him.

Pete frowned and looked at the man in front of him. His purchase of food had been going smoothly, and he didn't expect to have trouble here. He glanced at the servant behind him and said, "How many people are there in your family? How much is the consumption of grain? This year's harvest geometry?"

"Come on."

"Take the file of his registered population."


The follower took a file from the mayor. Pete just couldn't help but smile. He said: "You have only 12 people in your family. You have eaten so much food. I heard that you have at the port. An acquaintance, are you going to sell food privately?"

Speaking of this, Pete's expression suddenly cooled down.

The rich businessman came down with a cold sweat. He didn't want to sell grain, but he was only preparing to hoard. Now the world's food prices are rising all the time. If there is a way to sell it, it is best to sell it. But this thing can't be seen on the bright side, because recently Modo City has introduced a new decree, all food is strictly prohibited from private sale, otherwise it will go to jail.

Pitt has seen such a person on this road. At this time, he is also unceremonious: "The grain is unified in accordance with the market price, it is strictly forbidden to hoard, and private trading is strictly prohibited."

"The offender confiscates the field and sends it to serve hard labor."

After that, Pete was not polite, directly ordered people to pull the grain, and then calculated to throw a bag of silver coins in front of each other.

"This is the city of Modo."

Pitt thought about it and came to the rich businessman in front of him. He said: "It's not the North, nor the South China Sea. The first thing to learn here is to follow the rules, otherwise it will definitely pay a price."

Since the City Hall asked for unified management of food, they have had a lot of trouble.

Some people want to hoard food, fearing that prices will rise in the future. Some people are rushing out and selling because of the bumper harvest this year and the rising prices of food everywhere. In this case, the officials of Moduo City have always been unreasonable, and there is no reason to say that because the current policy is food control, because it is not satisfied with the price of the city, it is not willing to sell food. . The rule of Sauron has never been blindly merciful, and there are more people in the officials of Modo City who are obedient and evil. They will rule but the means are cold enough. This year, mainland food prices have risen steadily. Many of the first batch of people who have harvested in Modo City, whether they are civilians or wealthy businessmen, have the heart to transport food to the outside. For this situation, the measures of the city’s political department are mandatory. Acquisition. There is no need to make any sense at this time, because without Modo City, there is no such thing as they are now. If they cannot be expected to be grateful, they can only be maintained by law.

at the same time.

In the port area of ​​Moto City, a ship full of food is also ready to go.

This year, Modo City ushered in a bumper harvest, but all the food was forced by the city hall to buy at the market price. At this time, the ship full of food is ready to go out to sea, and the fleet will be transported all the way to the wind spear hills.

This time the decree has little effect on ordinary people.

Because the prices of the city of Modo have always been stable, the most affected are the businessmen who expect privately sold food to earn double or even triple the price. However, everything in the city of Modo is for Sauron service. In the face of the general trend of the wind and spear hills, anyone who plays with his own small abacus is crushed.

The capital of the city.

The dissatisfaction of the merchant was passed to Gloria through some channels, but after learning about this incident, Gloria just said a faint sentence: "Catch a few leads and deal with it."

The plan of the Wind Pike Hill cannot be disturbed.

The gathering of the displaced people means huge food consumption. In the future, Modo City will continue to provide supplies. For those businessmen who only want to make profits, Gloria does not mind catching a few typical examples and killing things.


A small episode has little effect.

However, some people have found some signs from the clues. The city of Modo has implemented the ‘food control’ decree, and other materials seem to be subject to certain restrictions. Some smart people have realized that Modo City seems to be fighting because the city hall is continually hoarding supplies. The Chamber of Commerce, which was originally eager to move, immediately became honest, because in the war, the murder of the city of Modo was never soft.

Wind spear hills, borders.

The team’s ragged refugees were sent to a shack in the stretch of miles, where they will wait for three days, first to check the disease, then to count the population, register the name of the household, and then be sent to the windy hills. local.

In just three days, the Wind Spear Hills accepted nearly 15,000 refugees.

And this number is constantly increasing, because the news of relief, the refugees in the entire southern region are approaching here.

The pastor of the agricultural church has reached more than 100 people. The same river goddess and the goddess of sprouts have also sent priests who are responsible for guiding the irrigation of the canals. After a simple rest, these refugees are put into busy work.

Dig trenches, reclaim land, repair roads, and build walls.

In response to the next impact of the Holocaust, the city of Modo sent a large number of clay golems to build the walls in the south and north of the Wind Spear Hills, and the two places will each have more than 10,000 resident troops. .

The population under the control of Sauron has risen dramatically.

The wind spear hill itself has a population of more than 100,000, and after receiving a large number of refugees, the number soon exceeded 200,000.

According to this progress, the population controlled by the city of Modo and the wind and spear hills will soon exceed one million. The expanding population means a steady stream of faith, and the number of displaced people has rapidly expanded to more than 30,000, and many of them have given up. The gods of the original faith were transferred to the majesty of Sauron and the goddess of agriculture.

The beliefs of ordinary people are not strong in themselves. It is possible to believe in other gods with a little guidance.

In the period when the Holocaust did not erupt, the pastor in the Church of Gods did the most to fight for faith and expand the influence of the gods.

The followers of Sauron have increased by tens of thousands in a short period of time, and they are constantly increasing. The large-scale agricultural reclamation has also brought benefits to the goddess of agriculture. Her priesthood is closely related to this. Faith.

All plans are being carried out in an orderly manner.

Modo City has also recently opened a bank opened by the Goddess of Wealth. Currently, it only accepts deposits. It does not charge any fees. It can be exchanged at other Fortune shrines on the South Coast at any time.


The bottomless abyss, the shadow of the kingdom.

In front of a magnificent temple, thousands of demon hunters are ready to go. Since the control of two-thirds of the land in God, the spirit of God has temporarily slowed down the pace of expansion. A large number of potential prayers have been transformed into new demon hunters. At this time, most of the gods in the country have become demon hunters, and the number has reached thousands.

Metals from the Forgotten Land are constantly being sent to God's homeland.

These resources were forged into weapons and armor under the day and night work of the peacemakers. At this time, the domestic combat army of God has expanded to more than 10,000 people.

Unlike the army of Modo City, most of the prayers in God are middle- and high-level professionals, and there is almost no such a cannon.

Columba Arena Arena.

Since the trust of the evil spirits, Barlow-Deron-Solo seems to have stopped the expansion plan, but He is still collecting the demons. Some were sent to the mining area for desperate mining, and the other part was put into the battle to annihilate the undead. Almost every day, the barracks of the Columba Arena were sent to thousands of demons, and then 90% of them died. In the battle, most of the survivors have advanced.

This is an extremely cruel elimination rule.

In just half a month, tens of thousands of demons died, but with the birth of more mid-level demons.

Nowadays, the worms near the Abyss blood pool have been cut in half. Under the crazy extraction of Sauron, even the demons transformed by the Abyss blood pool have been unable to keep up with the consumption.

At this time, the demon army of the Columba Arena has expanded to a scale of about 50,000. The number of middle-level devils is half. These demons are concentrated in the military camp. The demonic goblin in the magnificent forging factory is supervising the hard work of the laborers. We are constantly forging weapons and equipment for them.

The breath of war struck.

Almost everyone expected the demon lord, Sauron, to prepare for a big battle, but they were still unable to determine the target of the attack.


Time passes by little by little.

Just at the end of August, the city of Modo suddenly established a great shrine serving the goddess of agriculture.

At the same time ~www.readwn.com~ a dazzling divine glow also rose from the temple, this is the glory of the mortal invisible, but the gods and legendary professionals can feel. This is a shrine that has been taken care of by the goddess of agriculture. In the golden glory of the shroud, a beautiful and moving woman has also entered the depths of the temple.

this day.

The goddess of agriculture personally came to the city of Modo and settled in the Great Shrine that Sauron prepared for her!

Thousands of druids and high-ranking priests came to Modo City overnight. They were preparing for the grandest celebration of the city of Modo, but they were in the dark, but together with the shadow temple, they were ready to come. s attack.

It is also this day.

Sauron left the city of Modo and went to the bottomless abyss.

According to the content of the true **** covenant, the goddess of agriculture will replace Sauron in the next half-month!


(PS: First.) (To be continued.)

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