Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 116: Alien God!

One second to remember [the classic ÷ ☆ ◇ ◇ ◇ 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】

The ugly monkey is dead.

When his figure jumped off a cliff hundreds of meters high, it meant that life had left him.


The body of the ugly monkey fell into the dark canyon, and the riddled body finally swallowed the last breath, and then the glory of a soul emerged. The illusion of the ugly monkey emerged from the body, and his expression looked very awkward, as if he had no sense of his own.

Even the legendary professional will enter chaos at the moment of his death.

Ugly monkeys don't know themselves, and they don't have self-consciousness. This state will gradually recover with the time of death. When the soul reaches the Hades, many memories will recover. But here is the godland of the fearful demon, which itself belongs to the kingdom of the gods. Therefore, there is no death in this world. The kingdom of God is a private world belonging to the gods. If you die here, you cannot be attracted by the Styx, and there is no angel of death. Come over and pick up. If no one else takes him out, the soul of the ugly monkey will wander in this godland until he is thoroughly assimilated by the kingdom of God and transformed into a killer with the strength of the legendary professional.


It is impossible for Sauron to give up the ugly monkey.

Just in the moment of the death of the ugly monkey, a powerful power invaded the country, followed by a gap in the void.

The golden brilliance emerges.

A huge palm appeared in the sky. The palm of the palm, composed entirely of golden power, was several tens of meters long. From the sky, it caught the soul of the ugly monkey, and then took him directly to break the barrier of the plane and left the fear of the kingdom.

at the same time.

Inside the shadow of the kingdom of God, a large number of evangelists are gathered in front of the temple, and the priest of the Holy Spirit is promoted. Thousands of pledges gathered in front of the temple to pray, where the divine light of faith is shrouded in a force, and the golden pillars of light rise and break the sky.

A gap appeared.

Then the huge golden palm reappeared, and a soul was dropped from the sky by the golden giant hand, just in the golden beam above the temple.

Soren still can't enter the kingdom of God.

However, as the Holy Holocaust entered the late stage, his sense of God's domesticity became stronger and stronger.

The giant hand-consuming power puts the soul of the ugly monkey on the temple, and then the power of the surging faith is used in all directions. Sauron does not intend to send the ugly monkey into the reincarnation pool. He will personally reinvent the body of the ugly monkey with divine power to reward this devout and loyal believer.

"In my name!"

"Give the authority of God! Let me be the God of God! Control the power of the rogue!"

The majestic voice of Sauron echoed in the kingdom of God. The gathering of the power of faith began to recast the body of the ugly monkey. His soul was gradually distorted, and then sublimated little by little under the infusion of divinity.

Black shadows appear.

The body of the ugly monkey turned into the form of a demon hunter. The black wings emerged from behind, and the dark red tattoos were gathered on his chest. Sauron's divine power and divinity were continuously injected, and part of the power from the [Rogues] priesthood was also injected into the ugly monkey's body by Sauron.

He still can't directly create a true God.

However, Sauron left the seeds of the true God in the body of the ugly monkey, and the [Rogue] sacred priest directly transformed it into a "Different God".

The power of divinity awakens memory.

At the moment when the meat was finished, the memory of the ugly monkey was almost completely restored, but he still remembered the moment before his death. After recovering his consciousness, he seemed a bit stunned and didn't know where he was. But soon he found that he had become different, not only more powerful, but also some changes in the body.

He clumsily manipulated the black wings to fall, but quickly became very skilled.

The figure of the ugly monkey has been turned into a man about two meters tall, with a hint of gloom on his face, and his body is covered with an evil atmosphere.

This is the transformation of the soul, including the appearance is composed of the characteristics of the soul. The power of Sauron gives the ugly monkey more powerful power. His body is shrouded in a halo of evil spirits, and at the same time The identity gave him a hint of power in the shadows, rogues and killings.

"See God makes you!"

The headed priest of the Holy Spirit welcomed the arrival of the ugly monkey. Under her leadership, tens of thousands of prayers kneeled down and bowed to the ugly monkey in front of her eyes.

God is second only to God.

There is no real **** in the kingdom of Sauron, so God is the highest personal identity of God.

Moreover, God's status in God is very special. In addition to having powerful power, they represent the will of the gods when they appear. At the same time, the alien gods are also responsible for negotiating with the gods, and attracting believers from the Hades and other countries. soul.

God has a very special soul character.

They are very few prayers who are free to leave the kingdom of God, and the ability of the alien gods to automatically possess the [plane transfer] can reach almost the vast majority of the datum kingdom.

The alien **** has many talents.

This includes, but is not limited to, legendary all-night language, legendary all-night text, mind communication, alien transmission, precise alien transmission, astral roaming, changing form, and so on.

The ugly monkey who just resurrected is still adapting.

However, he did not forget his responsibility. The ugly monkey quickly came to the face of two powerful spirits. Then he pressed his hand on the heads of these two spirits. With the brilliance of divine power, the ugly monkey would be on his own body. The divinity is injected into the two most powerful spirits.

"In the name of my ugly monkey!"

"Give the power of two people [others of the world]!"

The shrouded light on the temple was made into two bodies, and they entered the bodies of the two spirits. Then their form began to change. This phenomenon is called [promotion], and it is directly promoted in the soul of God.

There are shadow wings behind the two spirits.

They are not transformed into the form of a demon hunter, but are directly enveloped by a cloud of shadows, and the dark lacquer of the lacquer covers it, and it looks like a vague outline. The brilliance of divine power is used as a sharp blade, and the power of faith is shaped into armor. The strength of these two spirits directly breaks through the legend and reaches the strength of close to high-level legend.

They are the gods of the opposite world.

If there is a subordinate of the ugly monkey, if they are replaced by the upper plane, they can understand it as a shadow angel.

It is also the creation of the gods, the battle servants of Sauron.

The alien gods are similar to the Holy Spirit pastor, but they cannot be transformed by conventional means. They must be created by Sauron or the alien gods.

"The war is coming."

"My Lord ordered me to lead the British Army to attack the fear of the kingdom!"

The figure of the ugly monkey flew up. The promotion of Sauron directly turned him into a creature above the demigod. He looked down at the army of the prayers in front of him. Shen Sheng said: "Three days later, I will open the door of the fear of God. God country."

It is now the time of the Holy Holocaust.

Sauron did not have the ability to resurrect a legendary believer, and this must also bring back the ugly monkey's body. What he can do is to send the ugly monkey into the kingdom of God and turn it into a god. For Sauron, the ugly monkey who has sneaked into the fear of the kingdom is undoubtedly the best commander.

The spirit of God in the country will be led by him to become the main force of the attacking fear of the kingdom of God.


The death of an ugly monkey is a pity.

However, the death of the ugly monkey is also a perfection, that is, in the **** of Sauron, there is finally a prayer who can take the command of the town. A pastor of the Holy Spirit is not enough to lead everything in God's country, but a different **** can make many alien gods.

The ugly monkey is dead.

But He also lived.

He was transformed into a divine commander, instead of Sauron's task of accommodating the soul of the believer, and this time the war of the kingdom of God will also be the main force.


Bottomless abyss.

Near the hot magma, Sauron gasped and regained his strength.

The promotion of the ugly monkey made him pay no small price, a full 12-point divine value, and hundreds of divine power values. The ugly monkey is a very good believer. His body has the value of Sauron's cultivation. Therefore, Sauron has given the ugly monkey a glimpse of the power of the wandering priest, so that the future can also be considered as a rogue.

The Gulamba Arena is another key to attacking the country of fear.

First of all, here is the bottomless abyss, which can reach the desperate wasteland directly through the portal. A godly kingdom often has a large number of prayers.

And these are all consumed by the Demon Legion.

During this time, the demon avatar Sauron stopped using the battle to advance the demons, but constantly accumulated the number of demon. At present, there are nearly 100,000 demon in the Columba Arena, and there are a lot of demons, night witches and ghosts. The abyss worms purchased in the hands, these abyss worms are hatching in the blood pool.

When their corruption is complete, the number of demons will increase again.


Modo City.

The Golem factory, which has been running for a long time, has stopped working today, and a large number of witches are busy in it, assembling the already-made Golems.

Modo City has experienced several attacks on the lower plane.

These attacks have brought a lot of losses to the city of Modo, but after defeating the demons, they have acquired many soul spar ~www.readwn.com~ Soul spar is consumed on these golems, and part of them The high-end soul spar comes from the depths of Barto's hell, so Sauron even sells an artifact as a commodity.

The basement of the Golem Factory.

The dense clay figuries are arranged in the forefront, all of which are battlefights that have not been activated since they were created.

They are different from the golems sent to the construction site, and all of these clay golems have been injected into the combat feats of [the work]. Behind the thousands of clay golems are rows of stone golems, although the number has decreased a lot, but it has reached the scale of two or three thousand. Then there is a stronger and rarer steel golem. Most of the steel from the bottomless abyss is consumed here. The number of steel golems is more than 600. They are not made by the apprentices, but by A group of witches are secretly responsible for manufacturing. The soul spar from Barto Hell is almost entirely consumed here.

Finally, there are twenty-four diamonds.

They almost consumed all the rare minerals from Barto Hell, which were made by Gloria, the Fallen Witch and Alice.


The entire Modo City suddenly vibrated, and then the huge energy came from the deepest part of the lab. The people in the basement of the Golem factory suddenly burst into shock, followed by one after another.

.................. (To be continued.)

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