Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 136: The long princess is god!

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The princess officially sealed the gods.

This is very important for Allendale or for the city of Modo! Because this means that the power of Modo City is strong again!

The whole city of Modo knows about Sauron and Princess Anna, and even the great shadow of the message in the pub dominates that you have conquered the sister flower, not only Princess Anna is Sauron’s intimate companion, even the legendary The princess also has a leg with Sauron. There is no way to explain this kind of thing, because the more the explanation, the more troublesome, and the only thing that can still be left on the side.

The long princess is not a small thing.

Even if the current undead disaster broke out, Sauron would have time to prepare, and he would send this news to other alliance partners.

Inside the study.

Gloria’s figure came out, her expression was very calm, and she came to Sauron and handed a list to the desk, whispering: “This is a list of ready gifts. Top grade pearls are 3,000, and the best black pearls are three hundred. One thousand pounds of gold, nine thousand pounds of silver, one hundred rubies, one hundred and fifty sapphires, three hundred amethysts, five hundred fine silks, one thousand pieces of oriental porcelain, fifty diamonds, [dark blue Heart] a diamond..."

The long list of gifts is full of pictures.

Sauron took a look and couldn't help but squint, then looked up and looked at Gloria in front of her eyes.

"Can't make people look down on Modo City."

Gloria gently picked up her long hair, and the beautiful face showed a smile: "Allendale is the most important partner of Modo City. In this case, I know the weight, and I already have a lot, can't ask for you. No more. If I can, I don't mind if you take the princess together!..."

Speaking of this, she smiled like a naughty smile.

This is not to celebrate the registration of Princess Anna, it looks more like a gift for Sauron.

A gift of more than five million Kindlers!

Sauron heard the silence and he reached out and took Galia into his arms and muttered, "I'm sorry!..."

Gloria reached out and covered Sauron's lips. After a moment, she sighed and sighed: "I don't want to be your burden, I want to be a woman standing behind you to support you. The situation of material planes is very complicated. Modo City needs the power of Aaron Dell, and Aaron Dell also needs the help of Modo City. Even the emperor of the mortal world will not have only one woman, let alone you have to face more than mortals."

"You need the power of a long princess."

"Not just now, in the future, you also need a strong ally like the Princess!"

"Although I don't know how the struggles of the gods are! But I know how many challenges a new **** needs to face. Now the gods have not done it for you because of the catastrophe of the saints. But if the catastrophe of the saints is over, Without enough power and strong allies, they may launch a plot against you at any time!..."

"Princess Anna is a good object."

"If I can, I don't mind if you bring the princess together."

Gloria is a very smart woman, but sometimes it is too smart to make people feel a little bit painful.

As the hostess of the city of Modo, she certainly knows a lot of hidden things, and naturally knows the value of Arundel and the princess to the city of Modo. Although Sauron has become a **** of medium power, but he also faces a lot of enemies. The power of the three gods of death makes Soren have to face many powerful existences in the future. Even the death gods are the ones he must face. Potential enemy. In this case, as a **** with a weak foundation, Sauron needs a lot of allies, and must be a strong enough ally. Although Vivian is a medium power, the time to seal God is too short. The flogging girl, although serving Sauron, is not powerful enough, and she is not loyal to Sauron. Saruman is still not on the table. If it involves the struggle between the gods, the only one who can help Sauron is the powerful princess.

Gloria chose tolerance and concession at this moment. She is a very smart woman because she knows that if she does not choose this, Sauron will face a difficult situation.

How to deal with the long princess and how to face Princess Anna.

A short silence.

Then Sauron deeply embraced Gloria in her arms. He was not a drag-and-drop person. At this time he could only promise: "You will always be the hostess of the city of Modo."

As Gloria said, Princess Anna is a good object.

She is the successor of Allendale, and she is not likely to interfere with the city of Modo, because the entire ice and snow country needs her to manage. If the princess is a god, she will be the strongest bond between Sauron and the princess. This relationship is enough to ensure that they become the strongest ally in the future.

Sauron is a new god, and the same is true for the long princess.

"Get ready."

Gloria looked up and kissed Sauron's lips gently, then said: "Although I can't guess what you end up wanting to do. But I know that it must be above the gods! I don't want Be a drag on you, I just hope to stand behind you and witness the moment."

Everything in Moto City.

All of Sauron’s journey along the way, Gloria looked at her. She can feel what Solon is going to do, which no **** has ever tried.

If successful, the world will change accordingly.

There must be a lot of resistance in this. The gods are sometimes stubborn and conservative. The Holy Holocaust gave Sauron a chance, but with the end of the Holocaust, the conflict will lead to a new camp opposition. Sauron needs a strong ally, and neither the goddess of agriculture nor the goddess of wealth is enough to be a real help for Sauron.

This is a long princess.

Even in the face of the gods with powerful power, the long princess is still the strongest fighting force that can't be ignored!


The fleet full of gifts set off.

At the same time, there were also the messengers from the City of Fortune, the messengers of the North Tower, the messengers of the Harvest City, the rituals of the Princess of the Long Princess and the coronation ceremony of Princess Anna, which became a meeting of the Solon allies. Even the messengers from the Eastern Kingdoms have already set off. After learning the news, Dongfang Diji immediately sent a team of messengers to bring a rich gift, and she hopes to occupy a position in these alliances.

Aaron Dell.

With the arrival of autumn, the whole of Allendale was full of excitement.

The fleet of the city of Modo was full of ports, and the floating boats were docked near the towers. The countless gifts were carried in a box and a box, which surprised the rich and generous city of Modo. The witch ambassadors from the North Towers followed closely, and they brought the blessings and celebrations of the eyes of the North. The messenger of the goddess of wealth is also very generous, the lady is looking forward to the friendship of the long princess, and the trade of Aaron Dell can give her more power. The messenger of the goddess of agriculture was the last to come, even later than the emperor of the Eastern Emperor, but they brought a special gift, an improved winter wheat that allowed Arundale to cultivate in two seasons.

The long princess’s ritual is very simple.

At least it is much simpler than Sauron and Eugene, and the internal composition of her church is very special. The Snow Witch is the main component of the church.

Unlike Sauron's priesthood, the long priest's core priesthood is snow, cold and winter.

This is the ancient priesthood!

That is to say, since the birth of all things, the beginning of the season changes, the long princess's priesthood already exists.

To some extent, the power of the princess is special to Sauron, because she is very close to the existence of the ancient gods. The power of winter, cold and snow makes her dependence on the church and believers very low, although she cannot be with the mother of the earth. Beautiful, but the long princess has the advantage over other gods.

The entire princess's church is less than a thousand people, and the number of pastors is even rare. Most of them are snow witches.

In the future, the number of pastors will gradually increase, and the size of believers will also expand, but the internal dependence on the world will be reduced. To a certain extent, even if there is no **** church, the princess can at least maintain the medium power, which is not comparable to Sauron. A large part of Sauron's power is still in other gods, whether it is the king of the dead - Kranwo or the **** of murder - Sirrick, who have the priesthood and divine power that Sauron needs.

For the long princess to seal the gods, the goddess of agriculture seems to show extraordinary enthusiasm.

She not only sent cold-resistant crops that could greatly increase the yield of farmland in the North, but also sent out one of her own voters.


This basically represents the second incarnation of the gods.

Obviously the goddess of agriculture wants to get something from the princess, and according to Sauron's guess, the goddess of agriculture seems to be very interested in one of the four seasons.

The official time to seal God is three days later.

After the long princess sacred, Princess Anna will be crowned as king!


Three days passed quickly.

With the arrival of the long princess ritual, the temperature of the entire material plane seems to have dropped a lot. A cold snap swept the whole world, and this cold air suddenly felt that the winter was coming. The time for the princess to hold the ritual of the gods was chosen at three o'clock in the afternoon, which means that she is not an evil camp, but is finally positioned in [sequential neutrality]. The original long princess's camp was [neutral goodness ~ www.readwn.com~ but because of the sacred sacred reason, especially after becoming the queen of Arundel, her camp gradually shifted, a king is difficult to guarantee pure The kindness, eventually the long princess shifted to the law-neutral neutrality when the gods were sealed.

Of these, it was not affected by Sauron.

The priesthood of the long princess was finally locked for cold, snow and winter.

The ritual of the gods is very close to the rituals of the ancient gods. The prayers of the believers have been omitted a large part, which means that her demand for faith and the church is very low! Also on behalf of the princess finally decided his own path!

- the incarnation of winter!


(PS: Tomorrow's update is up to 8:00 in the morning.) (To be continued.)

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