Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 140: Death collapses!

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"What happened just now?"

Gloria came to Sauron's side and couldn't help but hold Sauron's palm and muttered: "I just seemed to feel something! But it is not clear!"

Although she has the power of prophecy, she is not a true **** after all.

The mortal has no feeling about the dissipation of the field of long sleep, and the legendary strong will have a weak induction, because the energy of the entire material plane changes, they will feel a cold and evil approaching atmosphere. Only the true gods can perceive the changes of the whole world. As the main **** of death gods, Klanwo’s [sleeping field] is like a magic net covering the whole world. This kind of power makes the ordinary dead unable to resurrect on their own. They must cast the spells of the dead spirits to transform the undead. Now the field of sleep gradually dissipates, accompanied by the richness of death. Even without any spells, dead creatures are possible. Directly converted to the undead.

"The field of long sleep is dissipating!"

Many of the powerful gods have a field that hangs over the material plane, as if it were the climate of the Amazon rainforest, largely because of the sphere of the storm. Sauron closed his eyes and felt the change of the material plane. He muttered: "The king of the dead - Ke Lanwo has an accident! His long-sleeping field shrouded in the material plane is dissipating!"

This is the fate that Sauron cannot change.

Because from the beginning to the end, he does not know where the Kravo is, the other is a **** of powerful power, unless he deliberately wants to meet with Sauron, otherwise Sauron is difficult to track the existence of the other.

Everything is still happening.

Klanwo eventually broke out with the undead monarchs, although Sauron did not know where it was, but it was certain that the battle must be very fierce!

The king of the deceased should be in a very bad state. If even the field of sleep has expired, then Kranwo should be hurt very seriously now. At the same time, as a relatively powerful middle-aged power, it is also a **** that is close to powerful power. While Sauron disappeared in the field of long-sleeping, he also felt a decaying and evil force infiltrating into the material plane.

This is the power of death - Nai Luo!

Although the belief in death has spread in the desert, for most of the old gods, the **** of death is still a **** of aliens, an outsider.

His faith originated in a country called ‘Grey Eagle’.

It is only a few hundred years before Death God-Nei fell in the material plane, but it is already a very powerful one in the world of the Grey Eagle. There are still many such alien gods, including the entire orc gods that are transmitted to the material plane in the Battle of the Orcs.

Gloria’s expression was serious and she said slowly: “Is the disaster of the undead more serious?”

Sauron nodded: "Yes. It will become very serious."

The field of long sleep is a force that suppresses death, which greatly increases the difficulty of the resurrection of the deceased. The dissipation of the field of long sleep means that the deceased will automatically transform into a dead soul. I am afraid that it will take a few days, and those who have erupted in war have a large number of The death of a refugee will soon become a paradise for the undead.


Time has passed and one day has passed.

As if to verify Sauron's words, in the land near the Agate River in the south, where there have been battles of half-orcs and half-elf battles, some strange changes are beginning.

This is a black fertile land.

In order to compete for this land, the war between half-elves and half-orcs broke out continuously. At the moment, in the darkness of the night, on the battlefield where tens of thousands of people had died, a pale palm bone suddenly came out from the ground, and then the white bones opened the soil, a very serious look that had already rotted. The Orc climbed out. Even after dying, its physique is still tall, and a rusted blade is held in the hand, and a weak soul fire leaps inside the pupil.

It all seems to be the beginning.

The whole piece of land began to churn, and the undead one after another climbed out from the ground. There were orcs, human beings, and half-elves. The undead who had died in this land were revived one after another.

However, at this moment they have no movements.

Because in another section of this battlefield, a very powerful undead atmosphere broke out.

Here is the half-orc cemetery, accompanied by the evil atmosphere, a rotten almost half-orc shaman climbed out from the ground, he held the white bones staff, the other hand holding the hoe, now using the pupil The fire of the soul that jumps inside looks at the other undead.


A strange vibration sounded.

In front of the Orc's Tomb, a team of Necromancers in grey robes are casting spells, and next to them is a legendary lich.

They seem to be summoning what.


The grave in front of him suddenly exploded, and then a burly half-orc walked out of the grave. His body did not rot much, but it was covered with various corpses, which means that he was very strong during his lifetime. The body has been quenched to a rather amazing level.

This is a fireblade sword in a half-orc clan!

He did not die from the battle with the half-elf, but in the subsequent demon invasion, in order to protect the clan and with the sub-devil lord from the bottomless abyss.

He used to be the right-hander of Eugene's right arm.

But now He is still regenerating for the undead. The former blade is covered by the dark flame. This is the fire of dying from the high-order undead. It is also the most vicious negative energy fire of the lower plane. It can be any living creature. The vitality is fuel.

With the resurrection of the Bladeblade, the Necromancer around him retired and bowed to Him with a slight bow.

This is a high-order undead with a biological level of more than 25 years.

His death was not able to enter the Kingdom of God because of the curse of the sub-devil lord, and was forced to linger in the endless river of silence. The dissipation of the long-sleeping field of Klanwo was not only the restriction that represented the material plane was lifted. It also means that other undead monarchs have the ability to reach out to other spiritual rivers within the spiritual world, the underworld, and the lower plane.

There is no rest without sleep.

They can use the power of evil to recall the souls of these deceased people!

The same scene broke out in Amber City.

From the beginning of the departure of Sauron's 'Meteor explosion', the piece of the city burned by the fire, thousands of houses were turned into ashes, many people were burned alive in the fire, now in the dark night, a piece A strange white mist filled the air. There were not enough bones here, but the residual soul and resentment led to the birth of the ghost.

The pale shadows are floating in the ruins, constantly making a burst of laughter.


The bottomless abyss, the kingdom of Sauron.

After such a long period of development, the whole of God has changed a lot.

The size of the reincarnation pool has doubled, but the number of spirits has fallen by a factor of 10% since the beginning, because many of the spirits have fallen in the war of attacking the country of fear. Although there is a steady stream of new heroes, it is still unable to make up for the initial gap.

The dead ugly monkey became a **** of aliens.

He is the current ambassador of God's highest authority and is responsible for helping Sauron to manage the entire country.

Of course, He is only responsible for the part of the battle and the soul. The construction of the specific Kingdom of God is still the responsibility of the original Holy Spirit pastor.


A golden light column suddenly appeared above the giant temple, and then the figure of the ugly monkey quickly returned to the temple and crouched in front of the statue of Sauron.

His expression is dignified.

About a few minutes later, he came out of the temple and announced to other heroes: "There is an abnormality in the underworld and the Styx! The death **** Klanwo and his alien gods have been unable to complete the task of receiving the soul! ”

"My Lord has a god!"

"From now on, the soul of the believer will be taken by us personally!"

The authority of the gods is part of the functioning of the world.

It is as if the fall of the goddess of magic will cause the destruction of the magic net to affect the entire material plane. The king of the deceased - the Krawang accident directly led to the soul of the gods and believers.

The gods and the **** of death have a contract.

That is the soul of most believers. Except for those who are particularly pious and important, they will send the gods to the outside world. Other souls are sent to the underworld to be gathered by the death gods. Finally, they are responsible for the messengers of the gods in a unified time. It is connected to the interior of the Kingdom of God, and most of the souls that are not led by the aliens will enter the Styx, and a small part will flow to the bottomless abyss, Batu Hell, and the gray wilderness.

The ugly monkey has begun to perform its duties.

He has so far received three batches of souls, the number of which is about three hundred or so, all believers who died in the chaos of the elements of the Modo city, and some other places who believe in Sauron’s death. .

These souls first entered the underworld directly.

Then the ugly monkey, as a **** of aliens, has the ability to temporarily leave the Kingdom of God. He is responsible for completing the contract and assisting Sauron to take away the soul from the Death Service.

But now it is no longer possible.

The king of the deceased - Ke Lanwo's whereabouts are unknown, those who are obedient can no longer complete the task, although the soul will enter the underworld, but has lost the shelter of the **** of death.

This means that the devils, demons and demons will be ready to move!

At the time when Clanwo was still there~www.readwn.com~ there was a daring devil who stole the soul from the underworld, and now the undead monarchs joined forces to seriously injure Kranwo, causing his whereabouts to be unknown, and even more devils and demons can’t wait The black hand is extended to the Styx.

The figure of the devil appears in the dead of the undead!

They are creatures of supreme interest. After the first plunder of the material plane, these sly devils quickly targeted the underworld.

In this situation.

The believers of the gods can only rely on themselves to shelter. As the alien **** of Sauron, from now on, the ugly monkey needs to personally lead the demon hunters to pick up the souls of the believers, otherwise they will not know when they will be stolen by the devil.


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