Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Elemental life

Inside the dark forest.

Sauron headed forward with Vivienne, and Gloria followed the light footsteps in front of him, in front of Aladdin who was responsible for exploring the road. There was an eight-year-old girl in the adventure team. The halflings didn't have much opinion. After all, they all saw Vivienne's terrible explosive power. A round of Arcane Missile Instant can kill a lot of enemies, and can save lives at critical moments. Even with the use of Arcane Missiles, Vivian has nine 0-level spells and a Level 2 spell that can provide a lot of assistance.

Sauron did not think that the little Vivian could grow so fast, it seems that she is the Son of God is * not far from the ten!

Because she learns to remember spells faster than Sauron.

The pedestrians trudged for a day in the forest and waited until noon the next day to get closer to the elemental portal. This is the portal that was left many years ago, and the location is hidden, in a canyon near the Emerald Mountains. From the vicinity of the arrival portal, the number of tree weeds is gradually decreasing. Excessive elemental energy also affects the growth of plants, because too much energy of a single species will form a similar field effect, gradually excluding other elements. .

The land here is a bit dry, with weathered rocks everywhere, and some sculptures that have been left long ago.

It is a statue of the Spirit of the Earth, a high-level earth element, and a spiritual embodiment of the legendary earth. It is usually sleeping deep in the ground. There are only a few special ways to wake them up and summon them to the surface. After the group entered the canyon, the expression was dignified. Sauron put Wei Wei'an down, let her walk with Golia, and pulled out the scimitar to watch the vigilantly. Aladdin walked with his short stiletto feet and watched the movements around him.

How powerful is Faye?

The two spells that Gloria subsequently released will be understood, as she reads the spell. A spell of magic has fallen on everyone.

- "Highlights!"

Lightness is also called 'Cat's Elegance', the effect is to temporarily increase 4 points of agility, up to 25 points of agility. Ordinary light spells are two-ring spells. It is a single-buckle-like spell, and Gloria is using a six-ring spell. Group blessing can be carried out, and the duration is twice as long as the ordinary light spirit. Sauron was directly strengthened to 24 points of agility under this spell blessing, and Aladdin reached the highest agility of 25. After all, he is a purebred rogue, his professional level has reached 10 or above, and agility is definitely not lower than him.

- "Acceleration!"

When the second magical spell fell, the speed of Sauron's movement was doubled directly. The speed of the ordinary sprint completely crushed the level of the Olympic champion, reaching a speed of nearly 4-5 seconds per second. At the same time, the speed of attacking is also much higher than before, and the number of knives in one second is at least one more time. This spell is also a group. The number of blessings is determined according to the caster's level, and the blessing time is determined according to the spell strength.

Gloria put away her hands after two methods, and gave herself and Vivian an energy protection barrier.

Then basically there is nothing for them.

Master is so chic, only after the encounter can not be confronted, they will continue to cast spells.

Aladdin was excited to move his muscles and muscles. Then he jumped out for four or five meters. After landing, he turned and twisted. He walked straight to the cliff and ran a seven or eight steps across the wall. Then I floated down to the ground and said with joy: "It’s been a long time since I haven’t worked with the wizard. I really miss the days of being blessed by spells!"

Sauron is also active in the bones, adapting to the speed and sensitivity of the spell blessing. Suddenly increasing agility takes time to adapt, otherwise it is prone to deviations during combat, but they are all experienced rogues. After a little exercise, they grasp the degree of spell blessing. These two spells are the spells that the wizard most often blesses the rogue, which can greatly increase their sensitivity and battle outbreaks.

Gloria nodded lightly and looked at them with a glance: "The quick fix. These two spells last only half an hour."

Half an hour is enough.

Sauron made a gesture toward Aladdin, and then two people marched from both sides. The experienced thieves could replace the warriors, and the rogues reached their strength. The ability to fight in front is not bad. Aladdin made a gesture and then rushed into the valley. Raising your hand is to smash a piece of hidden weapon. Elemental life has no fatal weaknesses, nor do they have any important organs. The undead can fight the fire of the spine and the soul to achieve a fatal blow, but the elemental life can only exhaust the energy of life in their bodies.

This group of creatures is immune to backstabs.

Of course, it is not absolutely immune. It is like fighting against the lich. If you can hit the fire of the soul in its eyes, you can also achieve the fatal damage of the backstab, but the difficulty is almost high and scary. To deal with the life of these elements, you must accurately hit the core of their elements, usually in a certain position in their body, the requirements for strength and weapons are extremely high, and it is basically impossible to penetrate with the equipment of Sauron and Aladdin. Elemental body.

A lot of supernatural life, only hit a certain point to launch a fatal blow! Only the effect of a fatal blow can match the backstab!

This must have legendary expertise [weak insights].


In the boring loud noise, a behemoth of up to three meters was taken out. It looked like a human figure with muddy stones piled up, with limbs and heads, but the head was just a rock, faintly The outline of the face can be seen. The weight of the earth element has reached more than half a ton. When it steps, it will leave a deep footprint on the ground. The momentum that it rushes is like a bulldozer, pushing all the stones that block the road.


Sauron raised his hand and pulled out a flying knife, which was directly flung by the solid rock of his chest. It only left a shallow trace.

Do not break the defense!

Fighting elemental life is such a disgusting thing. Earth elements have a layer of natural elemental armor that immunizes any physical damage with an attack power below 10 points.

No doubt, you are dealing with stones, but this stone is relatively large and fierce.

"Earth element [Elemental life] (fourth order)."

"Challenge level 9, personal level 15, possesses spell-like abilities."

"The highest attribute is 22 points, the lowest attribute is 10 points, and the total attribute value is 90-100 points."

"Special expertise: elemental armor, strong slam, elemental life, earth throw."

"Challenging difficulty: a-."


It is twice as powerful as the Abyssal Snake, and it is only a level of difficulty. It can prove how difficult it is to deal with this elemental creature. Sauron and Aladdin rushed over and left, and they swayed and leaped with agility, avoiding the arms swept by the earth elements, and the huge rocky arms screaming. At the same time, the two men jumped up and waved their weapons to puncture the weak points on the earth elements. Some of their bodies were made of mud, the torso limbs were rock structures, and the joints were mud structures.


The scimitar in the hands of Sauron crossed a cold light and ducked before the earth element waved his arm again. The enemy's reaction speed was relatively slow.

A row of battle data floats:

"Hit the target."

"You launched three slash attacks on earth elements!...causing 5, 4, and 3 physical damage!..."

"You succeeded in angering the goal."

Sauron’s palm was slightly numb, and after cutting through the mud layer, it was on the rock, and a counter-shock was not small. This is the root of his mother is to dry with the stone, a little knife with a knife to cut the flesh and bones of the sense of refreshment. Aladdin's dexterous figure also landed from the side, swam around the earth elements, seized the opportunity of a moment, and suddenly jumped again and stabbed the enemy's arm joints. The weapons of both of them are still of good quality, and they have not been wounded, but they did not know after the battle.

"Attack the joints of the left and right legs." Sauron snorted and slid through the cracks of the earth's legs, slamming the scimitar and slashing it at the enemy's knee, where it was a softer soil structure. As long as the supernatural life maintains a roughly human form, it will follow the basic laws, and they cannot move without legs.


A series of Mars emerged. Two people walked like a butterfly. In just a minute or two, the knees of the earth elements were severely hit more than ten times. Finally, a critical point was reached, and the lower limbs of the soil elements were broken. It’s down. However, it is a bit of a surprise to Sauron that it can still move with the thigh without the calf and foot, but the sense of balance and movement speed plummeted, which is the purpose of their attack.

Sauron cut a total of twelve knives ~ www.readwn.com ~ cumulative damage reached about 60 points, Aladdin attack may be a little more, but the damage may be better than him. The earth element has a biological rating of 15, and is conservatively estimated to have a base life of 150 points. As a supernatural form of elemental life, it has an additional life bonus of about 100 points, which means that its health value may be close to 300. Point, there are more than one high-ranking warrior.

The soil elements with greatly reduced mobility are not high-risk, but two people slammed it around with a ping-pong ping pong, adding up to a hundred knives, only to break up the elemental energy. In the sign of Sauron, the halfling stopped, and finally he succeeded in filling the knife and ending the earth element in front of him.

Both of them have some weapons, but the harvest is not small:

"Hit success."

"You have caused 4 damage to the earth element!... The target is dead!..."

"Extracting soul energy."

"You got 2,550 killing experience."

..................(To be continued)

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