Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Gloria

The screams came one after another.

In the distance, you can see a figure leaping between the trees, followed by a few black lacquered figures, and the orc's roar is getting closer. Sauron picked up Vivian and prepared to evacuate. Gloria also quickly blessed a spell, but the monsters in all directions seemed to find them. It was faintly visible that several strong figures jumped from the tree, and it was intended to be around. Go to the front to stop them. One of the most striking figures is actually a large black cheetah.

Variation Beast!

Some special beasts have certain mutated genes, which may be related to the taboo experiment during the Arcane Empire. They have been in large numbers for a while, but they were later killed and many others fled to the astral and outer Layer plane. Some beasts in the material plane also inherit these variant genes, and mutations may occur when the biological level advances to a certain stage. This kind of beast has spell-like abilities, but the number is very rare, and most of them only have high intelligence and powerful killing ability.

These beasts are said to be the failure of the animalization experiment.

Sauron stopped and handed Vivian to the next Gloria. The black cheetah that stopped them was quite difficult to deal with. Its size is close to that of the Siberian tiger. The graceful body can see obvious muscle contours. It is the bodybuilding champion inside the beast. This represents the strength of the other party. Its power may even be greater than that of the brown bear. The power of the claws may tear the armor. The speed of the cheetah sprint is quite terrible, and Sauron does not dare to escape, because it is equivalent to exposing the back to its eyes.

With a short sprint, there are few creatures that can exceed this mutated large cheetah!

The wolf and the tiger leopard, the risk of cheetah in the wilderness is higher than that of the tiger, because you basically can't run faster on the land than this. If you deal with this creature, you will only be thrown away by it in a flash, then Cruelly bite your throat. Sauron took a deep breath in the sprint. Then the muscles of the whole body swelled and slammed for a distance of ten meters. The scimitar was swept down the head of the panther. There is no protection on the beast's body, only the animal skin can't stop his attack.

A light jump.

The large panther quickly escaped his attack, and at the same time his face was anthropomorphic and mocking. The beast's wisdom is higher than expected, and its biological level may reach more than three orders.

But it is still too light to take it!

Sauron raised his finger in a moment, just a second of time, his fingertips flew two arcane missiles, so the speed of the close-up of the panthers could not be avoided any more quickly. The next moment, his neck was opened with a small hole. Two arcane missiles pierced its leopard skin, leaving a wound about three centimeters deep. The blood suddenly splashed out.

With Soren's spell power, such a close-range two-shot arcane missile shoots, causing at least 20 damage!

1 point spell strength can strengthen the power of 1 point Arcane Missile. High-level wizards use Arcane Missiles to penetrate the armor. It is not to say that Sauron's spell power is also ten points, even if it is deducted from the physical strength. Exemption. Can also be targeted to minor injuries. The cheetah who was suddenly injured was obviously half a beat slower, and Sauron slashed his knife and slammed it on the back with blood. The knife cut out a wound that was nearly five centimeters deep, but it was weak after breaking the muscle layer. He can only retire with a knife.

Physical strength to reduce damage!

It is roughly a 1 point damage reduction for two points of physique. Some powerful creatures can also hold weapons with muscle layers.

Dragons are among the best.

There is no extraordinary weapon against the Yalong species, and the dragon skin that has broken it can not break the strong muscles, and can not hurt the internal organs. It is very difficult to just kill the dragon by bloodshed.

The claws crossed the cold.

The thick and tough leopard tail was pumped over, like a whip-like screaming wind. Sauron shunned and shunned, leaving three shallow scratches on his arm, and the waist was pulled by the leopard's tail, but his body was still stunned. The other monsters nearby are getting closer and closer, and Sauron can't waste it. In the blink of an eye, the dead wood cane is pointing toward the black panther in front of him.

A spell of aura emerges.

The weeds on the ground suddenly became so mad that it was like a tough vine that wraps around the cheetah in front of us. Even if it has the power of a large cat, it has not been able to break off. This short one or two seconds is enough for Sauron. He jumped to the back of the black panther and pressed it down with strength. Then he clenched the clench in both hands and cut it. The power of the sword-heavy force broke out in an instant, and the scimitar hardly cut the head of the panther.

The blood that spewed out was three or five meters away. The headless body of the Panther was stiff and then fell down.

A row of data emerges:

"Start [Swords - Heavy]!"

"Trigger dagger attack!... Deals 125 dagger damage to the target!... Target death!..."

"Extracting soul energy."

"You got a killing experience of 2,450 points!"


Sure enough, it is a third-order cheetah.

The biological rating is estimated to be around 12, and it's not a spell that is not caught by the spell. It's more difficult to deal with it than to deal with the earth.

"Brother is careful!"

Suo Lun’s sudden exclamation of Vivian’s screams, and Gloria also cast a spell in a flash, first blessing them with a spell, then raising her hand to shoot a blood-red light toward the front.

- "Death is a finger!"

The muffled sound of the bowstring trembled, and Sauron didn't think much about it. The next moment he activated the elemental spar, and a trace of earthy yellow on the ground spread to his body. Almost as soon as the stone skin was blessed to him, a sharp arrow flew directly and hit his chest directly. The power on the arrow made him a step back.

Next to the bushes in front, a tall, burly mixed orc armed with a strong bow locked Sauron with a sly look.

But the next moment its gaze turned into a horror!

Because Sauron did not fall, the arrow hit his chest, but it was only stuck between the ribs. The arrow that should have been shot directly by him was offset by the stone skin by twenty damage. With his own 20-point superb physical exemption, the arrow hit his chest. But the damage done is far less than the imagination. He bit his teeth and pulled out the arrows. The leather armor on his chest was shot through. The other side used a strong bow of fine products.

The dark red light hit the tall, burly mixed orc in the next moment. He stiffened all over, and then fell to the ground like this!

Seven-ring spell [death one finger]!

The death of a high-ranking Northland witch is not a matter of watching. It is not easy for all the professionals below the fourth order to pass the death exemption.

The inability to pass the death exemption is the result of a momentary death!

Soren pulled out the arrow and couldn't care for the wound. He slammed the knife and slammed the attack of another mixed-race orc. The heavy tomahawk caught the fierce force and made him the whole person. A wolverine mixed creature on the left. Pulled out a short axe and hit Sauron's back in the next moment.


The short axe seems to be on a sturdy marble. The leather armor of Sauron's back was only a little hollowed out, and he suffered almost no damage. The strength of the opponent is not high, and there should be no special training in throwing weapons. The attack strength of the short axe does not exceed 20 points, and it is impossible to break the protection energy of Sauron's stone skin.

The presence of the North Witch attracted most of the attention of the hunters, and at least half of the hunters bypassed Sauron and flew to Gloria and Vivian behind him. The wizard is the most terrible existence, and it is absolutely impossible to give them a chance to cast a spell. A monster that can't be recognized by Sauron is roaring. The body suddenly began to grow a lot, then took a deep breath and used it on the ground to sprint, the speed is almost unbelievable.

A violent mixed-race beast!

In such a dangerous situation, Gloria is still not in a hurry. She even had time to pull Vivienne behind her, and then she slammed out the staff and pointed out that a basin-sized fireball flew out, and the target was not the enemy in front of me. Instead, it exploded directly in front of the open space. When the time came back a second, the monster who sprinted quickly couldn’t stop and it was completely inertial. At the same time as it rushed, it also happened to enter the explosion core area of ​​fireball.

In the next second, it was full of flesh and blood, and the chest was blown up with white bones, and all the hair was burning.

"Vivienne sees it!"

Gloria has a fascinating momentum, which is completely different from Sauron's understanding. She uses a cold voice: "I remember your exercise calculations? Mobile positioning and spell prediction are important skills. Many enemies are extremely fast, and spells don't have to be aimed at the enemy to be effective!"

The whistling wind rang.

Two flying axes and a long knife were thrown at the position where the two were in the same place. Gloria didn't care at all, and slammed the staff into the ground, and then quickly carried out the spellcasting with both hands, and said: "The spell protection field is cast. At the root of the battle, you have to make sure that you are always under the cover of the energy protection field."


The weapon thrown out seems to have hit the invisible air, and when it hits the energy protection field, it makes a muffled sound. Gloria’s expression does not change at all. It seems that I haven’t looked at the enemies that rushed over~www.readwn.com~ It is the most important basic skill of the caster in combat. The caster can't be distracted to let the enemy interrupt his own spells. The focused skills can also make them more sensitive to the changes around them.

- "Shadow black tentacle!"

Six energy tentacles broke out and spurred in an instant. Half of the enemies rushing nearby were momentarily stiff, and then they were rolled up by the energy tentacles. The shadow black tentacles of the high-level witches and Sauron's display are completely different. The energy tentacles entangled and directly strangled two enemies, then dragged everyone close together and dragged them back into the air.

Goliath slowly pulled up the staff and sighed: "Vivienne. You must always remember that for the wizard, control is more important than injury!"

The strange battle on the battlefield was a bit dead.

Everyone, including Sauron, also saw the real strength of a high-ranking Northland witch at this moment!

This is the style of the high-ranking Master!

..................(To be continued..)()

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