Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 116: 1 knife

Everything happens in this second!

When Sauron's figure disappeared out of thin air, everything in front of his eyes turned gray and white, and the sky was a eternal gray color, even the daylight and moonlight were the same color. The time of this second is very short, the scenery around Sauron is rapidly retreating, the body is assimilated by the shadow in a short time, and temporarily transformed into a form of shadow creature (physical blur). The surrounding scenery is also distorted. The plane opening opens the dimension channel of the shadow plane. It is the transmission ability of the spell-like spell. It can only last for one second, and it is not really entering the shadow plane. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

The next moment he appeared behind the Elf Ranger.

The shadow of the other side was distorted in a strange way, and the shadow of the scorpion made a distorted outline, which eventually became the shadow of Sauron, followed by a blurry figure that was covered by the shadow suddenly appeared.

The Elf Ranger also has a vicious smile on his face. In any case, his purpose has been reached. The hunters obviously assigned some of their staff to deal with Sauron, so that the danger he faces is much less. As long as the hunters are trapped by the three people nearby, there is a great Kěnéng escape with his ability. After all, he is also a fear. He even began to plan the route of escape, the expression on his face was too late to change, and suddenly he suddenly stiffened, and the sharp tip of the knife passed through his chest, piercing the heart in an instant, and then bursting with the sound. Drink, the blade is twisted.


Sauron’s expression was awkward, and the two hands clasped the knife and turned it over. The blade broke open the armor of the other side. While piercing the heart, a blood hole was twisted in the chest. There was a crack in the exquisite military-quality machete. This weapon could not withstand the sudden extreme strength of Sauron, and there was a sign of cracking. The shadow behind him is still distorted, and the shadow of the Elf Ranger overlaps with his shadow. The whole person looked gray and seemed to be a black shadow. When he pulled out the scimitar, the shadow returned to its original appearance, and the vague face gradually became clear.

The body of the Elf Ranger fell so straight to the ground that he was killed directly by Sauron without anyone thinking of it!

The sly smile was rigidly left on the face, and the other hunters were incredible.

A bunch of data madly emerged:

"Activate Diablo Vision!"

"Start the shadows to hide!"

"Start the shadow shuttle!"

"Starting a shadow attack!"

"Shadow hiding success!...... Expertise [Dodge Sight] Activate!... Shadow shuttle successfully!... Activate cross-plane shadow jumping ability!... Shadow attack is successful!... You get 9 shadow damage bless!... Backstab!...You deal 121 fatal damage to the target!...the target dies!..."

"Extracting soul energy!..."

"You get 3600 killing experience!..."

"The goal is a divine creature!..."

"Extract the target divine power!...you gain 3 divinity!..."

"The target has the power of fear!"

"Failed to extract fear power!...God storage failed!...God storage failed!...You don't have any **** level and priesthood to store fear power!...Target fear power transfer!..."


Behind this densely hopping data is the data that Sauron appeared in the second of the explosion:

"The thieves' career has been upgraded to level 7."

"Get 25 points (agility value 20 + (intellectual 2010) * 0.5) point skill points, health increased by 11 points (professional life 6 points + (physical 2010) * 0.5)."


The 11-point life brought by the promotion of the occupational level temporarily relieved his injury. Although the ear is still temporarily deaf, Sauron has restored his perception of the outside world. The anger and killing in his heart were extremely strong, and he did not hesitate to put the killing experience into it. The Elf Ranger in front of him must die, so intensely killing his head so that his pupil becomes a blood red because of the expansion of tiny blood vessels.

All skill points are assigned to avoidance.

Soren reached the conditions of the advanced Shadow Warrior in an instant, and then did not hesitate to choose the advanced.

"Advanced Shadow Warrior!"

"Advanced conditions: [reflective dodge] (achievement), [flexible movement] (achievement), 100-point stealth skill (achievement), 50-point avoidance skill (achievement)..."

"You succeeded in becoming a Shadow Warrior!..."

"The Shadow Warrior's ability bonus activation!... You consume an additional 5000 killing experience!... Comprehend the professional talent [to avoid sight]!...... Sneak skills +15, dodge skills +20!... Increased health by 13 points (Occupational Life 8 Point + (Physique 2010) * 0.5)."

"You got a little free attribute."

"You have successfully advanced to a third-order professional!...Get a chance to purify your blood, add an extra point!..."


The advanced Shadow Warrior spent more than 13,000 killing experiences. In addition to the extra 5000 killing experience, he also needs to upgrade the soul energy of the level. But the power of the advanced profession is unquestionable, and Sauron loses a skill point allocation at the rogue level. However, he added an additional 10 stealth and 20 evasion, and he also mastered the most useful ability of Shadow Warrior [Dodge Sight]!

"Dodge the line of sight [professional talent]: Shadow Warrior has extraordinary shadow skills, this skill is not comparable to other professionals who use shadow ability. As long as they are in the shadow, the shadow warrior can use the shadow energy to confuse the enemy's sight. Any In the case of launching stealth skills (the same is true in the middle), even if exposed to the enemy's gaze, the shadow warrior can let himself successfully break into the shadow and disappear from the other's field of vision." (The number of times equivalent to the level of the shadow warrior can be launched every day. Level 1 is once a day.)

The rogue's stealth ability is also limited.

You don't Kěnéng disappear directly from the other's eyes. Stealth is a process of integrating itself into the shadows. This process involves the ubiquitous shadow energy. Under the broad daylight, there are only two advanced rogues who live in front of your eyes. One is the stalker who masters [shadowing the shadow], and the other is the shadow warrior who masters [avoiding the line of sight).

The former disappears directly into the shadow plane, and the latter blinds your line of sight with shadow energy.

The stalker is no longer in the material plane within a second of this shadow, and he will temporarily enter the shadow plane and return. When I came back, it was completely integrated into the shadow energy. The Shadow Warrior confuses your sight with shadow energy in this second. Although you can't see his existence, in essence, the Shadow Warrior is still in front of you, and you can attack him.

"The career of the Shadow Warrior is upgraded to level 2."

"Get 25 (Agility 20 + (Intelligence 2010) * 0.5) points skill points, health increased by 13 points (occupational life 8 points + (Physique 2010) * 0.5)."

"Advanced professional expertise comprehension!..."

"You comprehend the professional talent [Dark Vision]!... The half-elf night vision ability superimposed!..."

"Rogues total occupation level 9 (7 thieves, 2 level Shadow Warrior), you get an extra point!..."


A thief level brings 11 points of life boost, and two Shadow Warrior levels bring 26 points of life boost.

As an advanced combat class, the Shadow Warrior has a strong dodge ability to improve the efficiency of mastering dodge expertise. At the same time, the level of occupation that is born by nature is 2 points higher than that of the rogue, and the number of basic life of the rogue is 6. The basic life of the Shadow Warrior is 8, which is the same as the basic life attachment of most agile warriors. Expertise must be trained, or rely on expertise to obtain, but professional talent is the ability to directly grasp.

Talent, as the name implies, is the innate ability! A lot of talents are special skills that don't require expertise to master!

Talented feats are basically brought about by advanced careers and natural blood.

A total of 37 points of life increase will restore Sauron directly from the serious injury state, his vision has been restored, although the ear is still bleeding, but gradually can hear the sound, is affected by some supernatural sound wave and the pain The internal organs quickly recovered, because the body that was seriously injured by Vivian was completely restored to combat power. His gaze locked the Elf Ranger in front of him. He did not hesitate to raise the Shadow Warrior to Level 2.

In the case of the sub-career, only half of the occupational level is calculated.

Level 7 thieves, level 2 advanced shadow warriors, Sauron's rogue level is a total of 9 levels, part-time level 5 only calculates half level bonus. So his total occupational level is around 12. Three professional levels can bring a special point, and the total occupation level is above level 10 and enters the third level. Each level can also add an extra point.

Sauron directly gave up other expertise, including [Intuitive Dodge], [Proficient in Reflection Dodge], [Summon Shadow] and so on.

He put all his expertise into the expertise of Shadow Mastering!

"Expend a special point!..."

"Professional expertise [shadow mastery] is promoted to [shadow control]!..."

"Expend a special point!..."

"Professional expertise [shadow control] is promoted to [shadow weaving]!..."

"Pre-conditions are reached!... Sneak 150 (achievement), Shadow Weaving (Achieve), Advanced Shadow Warrior (Achieve)... You master the Shadow Warrior's advanced ability [shadow shuttle]!..."


Soren has risen to the third level!

Abandoned the combat skills of Shadow Warriors. It also gave up the precious opportunity to directly master [intuitive dodge], and even gave up the extra spell-like ability to summon the shadow life.

He almost gave up most of his core competencies, in order to master the [shadow shuttle] in advance!

A knife.

Soren in the case of the shadow shuttle ~www.readwn.com~ a knife to kill the Elf Ranger in front of him.


(Intuitive Dodge [Supernatural Expertise]: Your perception will prejudge all attacks. Whether it is a spell attack or a physical attack, any attack against you will inevitably trigger a perceptual decision. If the perceptual decision passes, you will advance in advance. You can gain additional awareness of the additional dodge ability when you detect all attacks that target your attacks, including directional spells.)

[Remarks: This supernatural feat can be superimposed with the supernatural talent of the super sixth sense. 】

(Shadow shuttle [supernatural ability]: You completely assimilate yourself into the shadows, and transform into a shadow life form when you start the shadow shuttle. In the shadow shuttle state, any shadow within 100 meters can be used as a jump across your plane. The supernatural ability is equivalent to a flickering spell of 100 meters. It must be launched when entering the stealth state and shadows. This ability cannot jump across the plane to the place without shadows.)

[Note: The predecessor ability of the legendary skill shadow step can only be used once a day. 】

..................(To be continued...)

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