Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 118: Divination

The cold wind whistling!

Standing on a tower of a witch on the shore of the lake, a faint light suddenly appeared.

The cold wind rolled up the snow and danced. When it reached the Witch Tower, it disappeared strangely. The snowflake seemed to touch the invisible barrier and floated on the ground. On the twelfth floor of the Witch Tower, a portal made of a lot of precious stones and secret materials emerged with a brilliance, and then Goliath held Vivian's figure. The wizard will set the location for long-distance transmission to the safest place, the most likely of which is the wizard tower they have.

The heavy steel magic figure stepped into the door and stepped into the door. Goliatha bowed his head to the front: "Respected master. Is there anything I need to order?"

Its sound is like metal friction, using the soul fragments as a mark, so that it has a certain intelligence.

This is a higher-level Golem that can execute some simple commands.

Gloria glanced at it with a blank expression, and the prepared wizard was unmatched. Her true power was not enough to fight hundreds of hunters. However, she has too much power in the wizarding tower. There are twelve stone statues of level 15 in this wizarding tower, and thirty-six clay figurines and stone monsters with a level of about 10. Some spell devices with powerful lethality are simply not able to be carried around.

In addition to the usual wands and reels, high-level wizards will wear up to some protective gear.

There is no Guardian Legion Guard around, even high-level wizards can't get the time to cast spells, just relying on spell energy shields can't stop a large group of enemies.

Gloria gently placed Vivienne at the bedside, and she raised her hand and stroked the pale face of the little girl. It seemed to be a little uneasy.

Vivian seems to be unable to withstand such a powerful power!

The power of the Son of God is also a step-by-step awakening exercise, and Vivienne has just become a step forward. It absorbs such a huge amount of divine power and the result is hard to predict. The power of the Elf Ranger is obviously transferred to her body. The superposition of the power of the two gods is at least the strength of the legendary level. A little girl who is only eight years old may not be able to merge. The strong blood also needs time to merge. The dragon's blood is counted as one of the multiple planes. But the young dragon is a very fragile creature.

Vivienne is now like a young dragon. When she was still in her infancy, the body was injected with the power of an adult dragon or even an ancient dragon!

If this power is not manageable, the final result is not mad or dead!

Gloria’s fingertips showed a magical aura, and it was determined that Vivian was only temporarily comatose, and there was no life threatening, and then it was going to the top of the wizard tower.

She is going to have a divination ceremony!

In the chilly wind, Gloria walked to the top of the wizarding tower. There is an old astrological platform.

This tower has been inherited for many years in the North Witch. She is the new owner. The North Witch has the talent of prophetic spells. Many of them are not wizards who specialize in prophetic, but have an ancient heritage in divination. Gloria took down the veil on her face and revealed the face of a fallen country. The wizard's robe was blown by the cold wind, and the north was always a cold wind. She sat on the knees in front of the astrology and took out a delicate card from the cuff with a mysterious rune.

Divination is a price to pay.

A witch who often uses divination or prophecy. Life expectancy is shorter than other witches, because even witches rarely take the initiative to divination.

Although she knew that she was a little embarrassed.

But Gloria still wants to know if Sauron has survived!

She hopes that he can survive.

Both divination and prophetic accuracy are not as high as expected, and you want to get enough accurate divination. There must be a corresponding price.

The most common price is life!

Gloria slowly closed her eyes, her fingers shuffled at an amazingly high speed, and a rune of essays gave a faint glow. At the end, when she spread her palms, the cards were all suspended from the astrology platform, and a piece of light was emitted. A brilliant spell of light. She still didn't open her eyes, just pulled out her palm and pulled out one of them, followed by the second and finally the third.

The other cards landed, and the three cards were covered by her in the center of the astrology.

Gloria opened her eyes gently. The expression seems to be a little hesitant, but in the end it slowly flips open the card. She was somewhat worried that she had predicted something bad.

The first card was opened and the card was a demon. This is the bad devil in hell.

Gloria’s face was pale, because it might mean that Sauron had died, his soul was sent to hell, and then turned into a bad demon.

Of course, it may also mean other things.

Because the divination of the North Witch is to see the final answer after watching all the cards!

The second card was opened. The card is a big tree, almost covering the sky. This is the legendary tree of life, and the **** tree that the elves believe in.

Gloria's face recovered a trace of blood, and the expression seemed to be a little pleasant.

She couldn't wait to open the third card, which made her silent, because it was a big ghost.

The card that appears at least in the North Witch's divination.

The little devil is engraved with the lowest inferior demon, and the devil is engraved with a handsome devil. He has twilight skin and hair, and the blood of **** is flashing in his pupil. A pair of crimson horns. The devil's dress is quite gorgeous, the color is mainly red and black, with a cumbersome pattern on it. He holds a ruby ​​scepter in his hand and stands in front of the throne with a high-headed gaze looking down at everything, as if watching the so-called The creature in the plane.

This is a big ghost.

The legendary nine-layered Lord of Hell - Asmotels!

One of the most powerful ancient devils of all time, has existed for countless years and may still exist for countless years.

This is a card that represents many meanings, but it is absolutely not simple when it appears. Anyone who has had a big ghost in divination will never be ordinary. The devil is one of the more common cards, but the number of times the big ghosts have appeared in the divination of the witches in the Northland can be said to be few.

The last card is actually the ghost of the Lord of Hell!

This is even more shocking than the first card is a big ghost. For a time, even Gloria can't determine the life and death of Sauron, because a high-ranking Northland witch will draw the ghosts at the same time in the divination ceremony. His fate has been difficult to judge with prophetic spells.

This means that even with legendary prophecy, you can't judge Sauron's life and death!

Gloria stood up in a complicated way. Suddenly she stepped on her footsteps and almost fell on the astrology platform. A deep sense of powerlessness shrouded her whole body, and the scene around her day disappeared completely. She seemed to see it. There are endless illusions, and countless blood and fire are burning. When she looks up, she sees the shadow of a sheep skull, and the faint flame is burning in her pupil.

The illusion lasted only a short time.

When she recovered from the divination of the divination ~www.readwn.com~ herself has stood at the very edge of the wizard tower, as long as she goes one step further, she will fall from the wizard tower up to hundreds of meters.

The cold wind is still whistling.

The sorcerer's robe on her body has been soaked, and there seems to be a bitter chill in the whole body. A trace of blood overflows from the corner of her mouth. When she turns and looks at the position of the astrology, the card that represents the big ghost has already Burning, turning into ash in a faint flame. The other two cards are still intact, only the one dissipates in the cold wind.

"Hell will?!"

Gloria suddenly shuddered and muttered: "Isn't the big ghost representative of other meanings? Is it really pointing to the nine-layered hell?"

It seems to be what I feel!

Gloria suddenly reached out and licked her long hair, not knowing when her hair was already a few more silver!

..................(To be continued)()

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