Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 120: Healing

Beside the clear river.

A trace of blood spread along the river, Sauron squinted to cleanse the wound on his body, and then bite the teeth and stitch the opened flesh with needlework. After the distance is opened, the other party cannot catch up with him. The rogue's stealing ability is not to say that playing. If you want to track his rogue in the wilderness, you must come to a legendary level to follow the profession. By the time they tried to get out of the cliff, Sauron had already opened a distance of more than ten kilometers and then disappeared directly into their tracking range.

After determining the safety in the vicinity, Sauron stopped to deal with the wound on his body.

The **** smell of his body is too heavy, and those who kill the hunters may also attract other beasts. The most indispensable part of the wilderness is the creatures that are very sensitive to **** taste.


Sauron bit the needle with his teeth, then looked at the injury on his arm, his face looked very ugly. For the first time in a long time, he was forced to be so miserable, and he died there a little bit. The wounds in other locations are better. The injuries on the back are more difficult. He can't sew the wounds there. He can only apply a little ointment to restore the regeneration effect of the 20-point super-physical. Although the river in the late autumn was unusually cold, he went in and cleaned it because there was too much blood on his body.

Sauron, who got up from the river, was a little pale, perhaps because of a lot of blood loss. He took out the meat and chewed it, and used the 0-level trick to dry the body. The elemental spar in his arms has become a bit bleak, because its power has been exhausted and it has to wait seven days before it can fully recover. This legendary equipment can be said to have saved his life, summoned the earth element to contain a lot of enemies, and Stone Skin has blocked at least six knives for him.

The scimitar has been thrown out to attack the enemy, and there are only two daggers near Saulen in the hand.

He did not rashly find revenge for the hunters, but moved further afield. First of all, he had to wait for a night to rest and recover, on the one hand to heal his own injuries, and on the other hand to restore the energy consumed. Spell-like abilities are all blood-type abilities. As long as he sleeps and regains his energy, he can use ‘shadow shuttle’ and ‘hide his eyes’ tomorrow.

The role of the equipment is very important.

Sauron must first find a weapon. Then recharge the used equipment.

For example, the energy ring, if his alchemy skills are enough, you can charge yourself.

As for the safety of Gloria and Vivian, Sauron is not worried about it now. With the wisdom of the high-ranking North Witch, it is definitely not a short-distance transmission. Low-level flickering spells are useless, only temporarily avoiding attacks, and the distance of any door is too short. Escape will also be traced by the enemy, and Gloria opens the portal for ultra-long distance. No accident should be her wizard tower, Vivian is safer on her side for the time being, Sauron can wait until she has raised her wounds and then go to her.

The northern part of the country and the ice and snow country are separated by hundreds of miles of glacial mountains. It is difficult for ordinary people to pass, but it is much easier for him to go alone.

Because he can also learn spells.

Flying is a three-ring spell. Soren can now learn, although the duration is only 1 point of spell power for one minute, but it is enough to fly far away. The world's pursuit of flight is not very high, generally too far distance is the use of transmission spells. In addition to some of the higher alchemy devices of the Arcane Empire, the fastest flying creature should be a dragon. There is a need to pursue, the birth of the transmission spell allows too many casters to focus on the study of spatial dimension.

Some supernatural environments are dangerous to fly.

A short break.

Sauron began to walk along the river. It is easy to gather people near the water source. It is best to find an elf village first. The injury on the back can't be dragged all the time. If you can still find a priest to treat it, it will take at least three or four days to recover. It may be that the injury was too frequent during this time. Sauron’s medical skills rose very quickly. There were actually 27 medical treatments, and another one-up increase was the level of professional doctors in the town who were responsible for handling sword injuries.

He didn't stop at all along the way. After the current road opened up, he knew that he was close to the gathering place of the elves.

Sure enough, a piece of farmland appeared soon.

Farming requires fertile flat land and ample water. Most of the smart creatures choose better land reclamation.

Before arriving at the village, Sauron met the Elf patrol. All of them are all-in-one archers, wearing exquisite leather armor. Also equipped with long swords, short swords, stabbing swords and other weapons, the elves rarely use heavy weapons. The head of the captain stopped him and asked him. He looked at Sauron carefully and then warned him that he would let him go.

Human activities are fairly easy. If you come to an orc or a wolf, they estimate that they will catch it directly.

After entering the village.

Soren immediately went to the Temple of the Elves, a temple of the goddess of life. Now the **** of the elves, the second wife of the patron saint, is in charge of the priesthood of spring, fertility, birth, planting, etc. The oldest goddess of life has disappeared for a long time, and it is not known whether it has fallen. The priesthood that has been bred in the field of life is now divided by many gods. Most of the current signs of life and gods are in a certain field, such as the elves. The goddess of life, the goddess of life of the halfling, and so on.

Unless someone is deprived of the integration of most of the life priesthood, then can become the real goddess of life!

The goddess of life has nothing to say.

It is worth mentioning that the predecessor of the elf goddess of life, she is the legendary spider god, the first wife of the elf patron, now the main **** of the dwarf area drow, is also the most powerful, most evil and most abyss Devil. No one expected that the first elf **** would fall into this way and become one of the most powerful demon gods in the chaotic evil camp!

Perhaps because of her existence, other talents have a deeper understanding of the fall of the gods.

In fact, Sauran appreciates the spider god, because she is really very powerful. Many gods have fallen in the turbulent years, or they have lost a lot of power. Only the spider **** has become the closest to the abyss. Devil. In just five years, she has been promoted to a powerful power by a higher level of gods with a higher level of divine power, and has even moved toward the great power of the dominant level.

If it weren't for her enemies too much, she might really be able to advance into a **** of great power!

In other words, she can create a world out of thin air.

The standard for measuring great power is vague, and the most understandable way is one sentence - "God says that there is light, so there is light."

This is the standard of great divine power.

So far, there has not been any **** of great power, and some ancient gods with great powers have fallen.

The current gods are at most a godland kingdom in a certain plane.


The size of the temple is one level lower than the temple.

There are very few priests with a career level of 10 or above. The one who is responsible for receiving Sauron is a middle-aged male elf. It looks more elegant and is probably a pastor of the eighth grade.

The main way for the pastor to make money is to treat the injury and then sell a variety of therapeutic agents.

The temple maintains the need for money, the need for money to expand the faith, the need for money to upgrade the strength, the priest of the goddess of wealth will even become a professional businessman, most of the temples are selling therapeutic therapies, and the price is definitely not refundable. . Sauron bought 200 Kindlers for the treatment of moderate injuries. The price and cost of the magic is destined to be unpopular. Ordinary people rely mainly on drugs and physicians for treatment.

The effect of magic is amazing!

After the priest was exposed to the gods, Sauron recovered quickly, and the wound on the back gradually recovered, only to see the shallow red marks.

After he bought two bottles of therapeutic agents, he came out of the Elven Temple.

Then, he saw a team of well-equipped Elf Guards escorting a handsome Elf who was riding a white horse.

The elves are naturally not equal, and ordinary elves are similar to human civilians.

It was a male elf with a long green hair. It is natural to say that the lineage is undoubtedly quite noble, because the nearby elves leaned down slightly after seeing him. Sauron also noticed the elf aristocrat, and after seeing some features, the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a strange smile.

It seems that the elf aristocracy in front of us is the son of the elf goddess.

Of course, it is not the first generation of the Son of God. It should be the divine blood that has been passed down for many years. The talent is only much stronger than the average person, but it does not reach the level of fear of the Son of God. The Elf Guard escorted him toward the Temple of Life. Sauron quickly let them pass, and the other side looked at him quite unexpectedly, because the number of human adventurers in the forest is not too large. There are even fewer rogues.

It is really difficult to say that the elf **** is really good.

As the patron saint of the elves ~www.readwn.com~ After his first wife fell into the spider **** in the abyss, he basically wanted to do whatever he wanted. Many people are aware of the character behind the spider god. You can see the degree of debauchery of the drow. His second wife also had some hidden rumors, and she was said to have been with a person who had lived a child and was still a goddess of life. Of course, the official saying is that the mortal was originally the embodiment of the elf Lord God. In fact, the couple changed for a trick.

But no one knows the real situation!

However, the legendary elf patron is a hermaphrodite. The incarnation of the past is sometimes a female, and there are stories with some excellent mortal males, so he may not really care about these things.

The elf nobles in front of us should be the blood of the goddess of life.

Although it is not clear who the child was born with, then Sauron felt that it would not be the patron saint of the elves, because the blood of the birth of the two gods could not remain in the mortal world.

The kind of child born is a god, and the chances of appearing are too small.

..................(To be continued)()

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