Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 122: rest

After the materials are ready, the elf blacksmith will start working overnight.

A sickle worth 20 pieces of copper darts, a kitchen knife worth 30 pieces of copper darts, the long sword equipped by the Elf Guard is considered a military product, the value is actually only about a dozen Kindler. The elf blacksmith's money to create a fine military weapon is only four or five Kindler, but his income for Soren's forging the scimitar may reach about 100 Kindler. The more high-end weapons, the more the value is multiplied, and the requirements for forging techniques and materials are even higher.

It is not very difficult to build. The Elf Blacksmith has a prepared ingot steel ingot (fish scale steel). The key is the special material of 200 Kinder, which is not affordable for ordinary people. One or two people in the entire village are equipped with super-class weapons, and it takes a decade for the Elf Patrol Guard to make up for this cost.

This weapon is built up, and it will be worth two or three years of income!

The elf blacksmith called all of his apprentices, and then began to slam the preparations and took out a piece of steel ingots about ten centimeters long. Sauron basically had nothing to do. He looked at it for a while and then returned to the hotel to rest. Today he is also very tired and needs to recover his spirit. The model of the scimitar has been drawn to the other side. It is a heavy-duty scimitar. The ability to slash and puncture is first-rate, similar to the style of the drow.

The second floor of the hotel.

The elf boss was very good at preparing dinner for him, and also brought a pot of hot water to let him soak his feet.

The other party would naturally not be so apt to serve Sauron for no reason, mainly because of the Kindler he threw. After becoming an adventurer, it was a lot of sight for a Kinder, but for ordinary people, it was a few days of income. The appearance was a bit beautiful, but I couldn't talk about the beautiful elf boss who laid the bed for him, and brought a new blanket to make sure that Sauron had no other requirements. Only then looked back and smiled.

Such a bold guest, if the service is better, maybe she will not use her to find change when she checks out.

That is also a few of the Gindler!

The adventurer is doing the work of carrying his head. It is more generous in terms of expenditure.

Before leaving, the innkeeper also asked if Sauron needed other services and was directly rejected by Sauron. Don't think that the elves are elegant and noble. The upper beam is not right under the beam, the elf **** system is notoriously likes to do whatever it pleases, and the elf family's too long life also determines that many elf couples will gradually lose their sense of freshness. At least human beings are bound by traditional moral rules. In some places, the red dragonfly representing the chastity is also engraved. The elves are less constrained. Some of the challenges of the taste are even stunned by Sauron!

Especially the druids of the chaotic neutral and neutral evil camps.

At the same time there is a part of the respectable devout Druid, there is another group of people who are extremely degraded, even the beasts.

The kind of person you meet will definitely want to kill it. Leave a little clean air to the world.

The special service of the elves is also very particular. It will not be as coercive as human beings. Sometimes it will feel like a rendezvous. The servant is really a maid, and the other is a group of people. The elves' picky is notorious. It is the same here. They will pick the guests. If you are attractive and handsome, the hotel owner will not mind the time.

The custom of the elf is to attach importance to faith, as long as the faith is still firm. Then the soul is pure.

They valued enjoyment in their long life.

On the side of Silvermoon City, which has been rebuilt many times in the North, there is a masquerade ball hosted by the priest of the goddess of love, where you can meet many ladies and ladies. There may even be a pastor who encounters the elves. In the end, the ball became a thing. In fact, many people know that Sauron has participated in the past several times. In order to investigate a serious matter, he even encountered an incarnation of a goddess of love. But that was already the end of the turbulent year. The goddess of love didn't know what happened, and almost shifted to the chaotic and evil camp.

At last.

Even with the intervention of top legendary professionals such as Sauron, she finally shifted from chaotic goodness to chaotic neutrality, which made the pastors believe in the true, sincere and fierce chaotic good-hearted love beliefs. All become a chaotic and neutral love concept belief that advocates self-enjoyment and seeks to stimulate and satisfy the spiritual emptiness.

It is said that her turbulent year fell into the hands of the Succubus Queen and experienced a miserable imprisonment.

The succubus queen.

There are still good results in falling into her hands. Ha ha.


Sauron lay comfortably on the bed. Put the weapon in a position where you can get it.

Then he closed his eyes, although the spirit was very tired. However, he couldn't sleep for a while, and he was worried about Vivienne's condition. He is too clear about the power of the Son of God, and the full play is the strength of the legendary level, and this power does not count to the original occupation level. Vivienne’s own power in her body has just just awakened, and then she absorbed the power of another god, and she did not know if she could merge.

After all, her age is too small, and her body has not yet begun to develop, just like the young dragon can not afford the power of adult dragons.

You let a child play the strength of an adult. One or two hundred pounds of things, the final result will only have one, that is, muscle strain and even damage to the internal organs of the bones.

Now Sauron only hopes that Gloria has a way to suppress Vivienne's power and let her body get a comfortable time!

He still can't sleep.

Sauron simply opened the data page and looked at his main attributes.

"Name: Sauron.

Race: half elf.

Attributes: Strength 14 (+2), Agility 21 (+1), Constitution 20, Intelligence 20 (+1), Perception 15, Charisma 16.

Faction: lawful evil.

Occupation: 10 civilians / 7 thieves (0/15500) / 2 level Shadow Warrior (0/21500) / 5 level wizard (0 / 3650) [second order].

Health: 85/136.

Experience: 2075 (killing experience), 300 points (professional experience) [unallocated].

Skill points: None.

Property point: None.

Legend: 4

Divine value: 3.

Status: Normal.

Basic skills - sneak 151, knowledge 115, theft 35, unlock 45, trap 55, focus 15. Negotiation 12, valuation 10, fraud 5. Intimidate 12, mocking 8. Performance 3, listen to 12, avoid 75, parry 15, block 12, medical 27, search 15, detect 15. Transcript scroll 15, spell recognition 12, field survival 11, using magic device 12, cooking 21.

Legendary skills - omnipotent hand [seal] (weak state).

Personal expertise - dexterous left hand, unforgettable, perseverance, fascination, reflection dodge, flexible movement, avoiding sight, dark vision, regeneration [primary].

Professional expertise - shadow weaving, military weapons [master], machete [master].

Combat skills - shadow killing, shadow shuttle, spell counter, sword potential [heavy]. ”


How come more than 3 legends?

Sauron opened the battle record data with some surprise, because his legendary value was an extra 3 points, and he found the next line of data records:

"Hunting Ceremony [Legendary Battle]: At the end of September, 1675, the Elven Kingdom, the sacred **** of Marathon, in order to regain the attention of the gods, gave a ritual to hunt and fear the Son of God. The legendary killing rituals are interrupted by you. Their prey fears the Son of God (professional level 16) is killed by you, and your existence will be known by more and more evil creatures. [Legacy +3]

It turned out to be a legendary hunting ritual!

Sauron looked at his other attributes and had a lot more expertise. For the specialty, this thing is never too much. The more your own combat power, the stronger. The increase in basic skills is not very obvious. In addition to the skill points assigned to the occupational level, the average skill level has increased by about 10 points.

Soren has been fighting for a long time, and I don't know when it will reach the 100-point average. It is best to raise all basic skills to more than 100 points in the legendary field, otherwise it is not a legend but a disability. The strength to the legendary level, basically will be analogous to bypass, can not have very obvious basic skills shortcomings.

The versatile hand is still sealed.

I don't know why, Solon clearly feels that its passive effect still exists. However, it is not possible to use it actively.

There must be something wrong with it.

If it is temporary weakness, it should have already recovered. Sauron's judgment of the greatest possibility may be that he has suffered a permanent curse effect or spell damage. Otherwise, his soul is hurt. Many attacks on the soul level can't be recovered naturally. You must rely on some powerful magic to relieve the recovery.

It is impossible to have any magic in the body. The spells of mentally retarded, energy-absorbing, and deforming others are too overbearing, and there is no such influence.

If Sauron feels that it is not a special curse, it should be a state of weakness in the soul damage.

"If it is a soul damage, it will be troublesome."

He looked at his data and showed his sight on the 3 points of deity that the Elf Ranger got. He muttered: "The soul damage requires at least recovery to recover, and may even require high-level recovery. ~www.readwn.com~ Where can I find a pastor with a career level above 15?"

"This level of pastor is a bishop level, and it is not easy to see them, let alone spend money on them to perform recovery."

Cash is definitely not enough.

If he can get rid of the gems, he should be able to make up for the cost of rehabilitation, about 3000-5000 Kindler. High-level recovery surgery does not have to think about it. This is a level 9 magical technique. As long as it has not been cut off, it can be rescued and resurrected. It is basically difficult to pay for it. The resurrection can also repair the soul damage, but you need to negotiate with the gods to display it, or the soul will not return *, and the resurrection is also a vegetative.

It is estimated that there is no legendary pastor who will be bored to pay a high price to use the resurrection to the living, the purpose is just healing?


Sauron will look at the 3 points of divinity!

..................(To be continued)()

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