Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 126: patient

Sauron did not dare to be too close.

The hunters have the ability to counter-track, and the gnoll's sense of smell is very good. It can smell the smell of a stranger when it is too close. At this moment, Sauron’s figure has been completely shrouded in the shadows. He can’t see any traces at all. He moves in the shadows and will never be exposed to the unshaded position.

Closer to the first reading.

Sauron moved very slowly, barely heard any footsteps, and there was a gray hare beside the grass until Sauron passed by a meter from the side of it. It didn’t have any awareness, and it was still busy. What to eat. The front can see the traces of the bonfire, it seems that the hunters are still here for the night, there are peeling beasts nearby, they should be hunting a wild boar last night, the wild boar and half of the pigs did not eat.

There was a figure of a mixed orc in front, and the expression looked fiercely at the foot of the mountain, rubbing the tomahawk with his hand.


A series of sounds that Sauron couldn’t understand at all, it seemed to be the dialect of a mixed-blood orc, and a little bit of pure-spoken orc language. This language is not understood by the specific language. It can only be based on its expression. The action to judge, the mixed-race orc seems to be a little angry, constantly pointing to the foot of the mountain seems to want to launch an attack.

The number of hunters has decreased a lot!

Sauron saw the black-lacquered high-ranking gnoll, with a sword wound on his face and a cold-eyed look at the mixed orcs.

It seems that they have not finished hunting.

"It must have happened!" Sauron marched along the shadows and sneaked down the foot of the mountain about a hundred or two meters. His expression gradually became dignified, so the grass on the ground seemed too strong.

He reached up and picked up a vine and murmured: "Is this? Winding? Not right! It's not like a simple spell!"

The power of the spell will not last so long.

Everything in front of me clearly lasted for two or three days. These plants are full of vitality for some reason.


Sauron approached it on the first reading and found that the foot of the mountain had become a sea of ​​plants. There were green vines everywhere. These plants seemed to be alive, gently swaying with the wind, and faintly observed. Traces of activity. The exuberant plants resemble a barrier that blocks the loopholes in all directions. In some places, blood can be seen clearly. The vines have sharp spikes that penetrate some organisms and use their blood to maintain their existence. However, there are signs of withering in areas close to the edge.

“Is this activating plants? Or is it changing?”

Sauron slowly pulled out the scimitar, and dared not to approach the vine that was obviously too vigorous. This kind of thing is definitely a difficult one, and the luck of the legendary rogue can be trapped inside. Look at the bodies inside those vines and you will know. Those are absolutely the bodies of high-ranking hunters. They have killed at least six guys with a career level of 15 or above on this vine. It seems that they have also tried fire attacks, but these supernatural vines are not afraid of the flames.

Sauron saw the figure of the elf guard, the number has been reduced a lot, only three people can still stand, there are four or five next to the ground and die, I don’t know, it seems to have died a lot. The elf aristocrat who was the first to look handsome was still there, but he looked very embarrassed and had three claw marks on his face. The eyebrows are all cut open, and a face looks extraordinarily embarrassing. Judging from the wound, the other party's poor reading was attacked into the temple.

“It doesn’t look like a power outburst? Is it because of legendary items?”

Sauron stared at the elf aristocrat in the distance. His expression looked a little desperate. He was trapped here for nearly three days. His guards died most of the time, and the rest were basically wounded. They were obviously blocked by the hunters, and they were supported by the vines outside for so long.

Time to read it in the past.

The despair on the face of the Elf nobles became more and more obvious. The guards said something in his ear, but the distance was too far to hear.

This vine cannot exist forever.

If no one comes to rescue them, these people must be dying in the hands of the hunters!

The sky is getting darker.

Sauron quietly landed on the tree pole and slowly moved along the shadows. The rogue's patience was very good, and Sauron's patience was better. He was not eager to launch an attack, nor did he have any movements that exposed his existence. It was like a bystander, always watching the movements of a group of people at the foot of the mountain, maintaining a distance of about one or two hundred meters. Don't look at the hunters who are constantly arguing, their vigilance has not been put down, Sauron has a shot to kill, but there is no grasp of the retreat after the shot.

He is not close to the elves.

First of all, Sauron did not have the ability to help them escape. Secondly, the other party would not necessarily believe him. He was not enthusiastic enough to risk his life to help an unrelated person. There are also 12 hunters, half of which have a career level of around 12, and the other half are all high-level professionals with a career level of 15 or higher. The number of mixed orcs is half, and the strength of the high-ranking wolves is strong, but the right to speak seems to have weakened a lot.

The hunters were roasting and they sent people to hunt a goat.

Someone tried to get close to the vines, but immediately after seeing the dancing thorns, the expression seemed to be very fearful.

Sauron sat on a tree, looked at the bonfire in the distance, then turned to the shadows at the foot of the mountain, and then took out a piece of meat to chew. At this time, the patience of the competition, the most important thing in hunting is patience.

The night falls.

The hunters basically did not sleep, surrounded by silence at the campfire, and the continuous failure to interrupt the ceremony has made them feel depressed and angry.

The mixed orc took the dagger and picked the tooth next to it, staring at the back with hatred.

Sauron heard a slight scream from the vine, but before he could move, the black lacquered high-ranking scorpio showed a sneer, quietly lurking in the past, reading it in the dark. Touched. The other hunters looked at each other and looked at each other without any action. Instead, they slightly improved the voice of the first reading.

An elf guard lurked out.

Those vines seem to be under control. Did not attack him, he left the scope of the vine, it is quietly sneak out to the outside, it looks like a part-time job in the ranger. The people inside the vines watched him nervously, and the dark vision of Sauron had already taken effect. The night was not much different for him from the daytime, and the shadow warrior was an advanced career that was very suitable for night activities.


Just as the elf guard thought he had escaped. When I wanted to speed up the escape, I suddenly saw a black shadow coming out from behind the bushes, accompanied by a cold flash. The claws puncture directly from the abdomen's abdomen. The gnolled man grabbed his neck with his palm and then lifted him directly. When the claws of the right arm were pulled out, the blood intestines directly spilled large pieces. The screams of fierceness screamed. The vines were silent in silence. Then came the sorrow of someone's anger.

The gnolled man smirked and raised the elf guard, then walked toward the bonfire.

Two strong mixed orcs stood up, glanced at each other fiercely, and then showed a cruel smile, directly using a wooden stick to string the unretained elf guards, and then grilled on the campfire!

The mourning of the miserable to the extreme sounded.

The elf aristocrats in the vines look like white paper, and the remaining elf guards are also pale.

Sauron put down the meat.

Suddenly he felt that he really had no appetite and silently collected the dry food. The vague screams were still coming and going, and he held the machete to stay in place. Looked up and looked at the sky.

It is still early.

The moment before dawn is the most relaxed time of the human spirit. Even high-level professionals will have a sense of tiredness during this time.

The screams from the campfire are getting weaker and weaker.

Soren looked at the side with no expression, and the palm of his hand holding the machete was a little white, because it was too hard.

The air has a flavour of meat.

However, when this taste drifted out, the elf aristocrats in the vine suddenly spit out, spitting tears and snoting out, and the whole person looked very embarrassed. The hunters made a sly laughter, and the mixed orcs picked up the unrecognizable bodies, tore them down and threw them into the vines, and said something loudly, which seemed to be very delicious and delicious.

There is an elf guard who seems to be crazy and wants to rush out, but he is still being pulled by another person.

Because going out is also dead!

The Elf nobility was completely soft and in the same place, and the expression was a little nervous, because the roasting thigh was thrown in front of him.

As an aristocratic class, he probably never experienced such a thing.

This is the real wilderness!

Sauron looked very silent, and there was no trace in the darkness. He kept paying attention to the bonfire and occasionally looked up at the sky.

It’s almost early in the morning.

The elves in the vines are almost close to collapse, and the means of the hunters are not something that these pampered guys can afford.

Some mixed orcs are sleeping, but some are still on alert.

Dark night.

The high-order gnoll's eyes are green and oily, always watching the nearby movements, but as time goes by ~www.readwn.com~ it also gently closes the eyes, they have been here for almost three days, it also Need a little rest. The power of spells is declining, and they find that some vines have withered, and it should not take long for these **** vines to disappear.

Soren looked at this side silently.

Although the high-ranked gnoll has closed his eyes, the action of sitting on the ground is still an explosive squat, and it can be rushed out in a moment.

It didn't fall asleep, it just closed its eyes and faked it.

Time advances by one minute.

The mixed-blooded orcs with warriors have already snorted, and the alert hunters look slightly tired, and the gnoll's posture is slightly tilted.

Sauron’s face was almost revealed with a trace of expression. He narrowed his eyes and pulled the scimitar out, then slowly approached in an arc.

First reading, first reading, first reading.

..................(To be continued..)()

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