Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 130: circus

The cold wind is like a knife!

Sauron also had to put on the cloak and cover himself in the whole body. This year's north is colder than in the past. I don't know if it is only last winter this year. Anyway, in his memory, he went to the ice and snow country is not so cold now. The heavy snow has basically stopped, but the speed of melting snow and ice is very slow, almost no trace of melting, almost all sides have begun to freeze, and some ice on the river can pass.

The weather is only at the end of September, and there are still five or six days from October.

The beasts of the ice sheet began to feed out, because the cold weather wolves began to move, and Sauron encountered many monsters along the way, but they sneaked away from them. Looking at the mountain from afar, but when I walked up, I found that it was still not there. Soren went for a whole long time, and then gradually approached the scope of the ice-cold valley, because there were many ice crystals on the surrounding trees. The Frozen Valley is the coldest place. The climate here is a bit special and has not changed in centuries.

The wind and snow revealed the traces of the carriage. Sauron stopped to observe and found that there was a team passing by.

“Who will go to the ice and snow country in winter?”

Sauron opened the snow layer and looked at the traces of the rut. The cart should have been specially modified to widen the area of ​​the force, but it was not transformed into a sled. It doesn't look like people coming from the south. It should be a port city in the central region. There are more people in the fleet. Soren estimates that there are at least thirty or forty people.

"There should be no caravans coming at this time?" Sauron looked carefully at the front and did not find them. It was estimated that it was yesterday. It was slow in the ice field. Soren estimated that they could meet these before night. People, just don't know who is going north in such a cold time. There were traces of bonfire nearby, and some of the things that had been eaten were thrown directly on the side of the road, and Sauron looked at the debris in front of him and frowned. Because he feels that the front will not be a caravan.

The ice on the road is getting thicker and thicker.

When the day was getting dark, Sauron finally saw a group of people in front, three modified horse-drawn carriages.

The beast is a thick yak with a thick fur. It looks white and snowy on the whole body. There is only one horn on the head. These yaks squat in the outer circle and block the cold wind in the lee. In front of the experienced team, they apparently came to the area of ​​the icefield and know how to make themselves more comfortable, just as people in the desert know how to use camel circles to block the sand. The domesticated beast is very docile. Sauron did not see the traces of the caravan guards, nor did he see many mounts. The people in front of him were not businessmen.


A short figure came out and looked at it with his eyes open. Sauron saw a green goblin, but it was a little different from the goblins he had seen before. It had a richer expression and a strange look on his face. The oil paint looks like a big face. It seems to be a clown. With the drunkenness of the goblins, more than a dozen people near the carriage stood up and could almost see all kinds of races, and even the pretty elves stood beside the burly orcs.


Sauron raised his brow slightly. Slowly came over and smiled and said: "A traveler who crosses the road, see you here, come and ask for a hot soup."

The green skin goblin looked at him up and down. Then came a funny smile and gestured: "Come here. We have just camped."

A lone adventurer.

It doesn't seem to be much dangerous, at least not to threaten such a big team.

Sauron is slowly approaching. The look was not completely relaxed. Before and after looking at the eyes, I asked: "Circus? Are you planning to go to the ice country?"

Three big cars.

Two of them are loaded with a lot of sundries, many of them are tools for performance, and one is not very clear. From the outside, it is quite decorative.

"Of course." A beautifully dressed elf stood up and looked very delicate. It seemed to be a little prairie elf. She wore a delicate skirt, a bit like a lady dress performing dance, but the neckline was quite big. Showing a greasy chest. The side of the skirt has a cornice, and there should be a button inside to fix it. If it is untied, it will reveal the white thigh. She looked at Sauron with her head and thought that he didn't look like a bad person, and complained casually: "If it is not for performance, who is willing to come to this cold place!"

Sauron squinted slightly, not because of the beauty of the other, nor because of the greasy chest, but because of the clothes on her body.

In such a cold weather, she still wears so little, although it is cold, it still looks normal.

She should be an advanced professional!

Don't underestimate the performers in this world, because many are part-time troubadour, especially such circuses, opera troupes and performance groups. The number of professionals in them may be half, and most of them are worth a lot. These professionals are like the stars of past lives, where they can be welcomed everywhere, and a formal performance may be more profitable than the adventurers. Just like the green skin goblin, it should be a special professional clown dancer advanced by the troubadour, so I can find Soren so quickly.

The distance has been closer.

Sauron saw an emblem with a shadow on it, a barrier on all sides, and a colorful cloth. He looked at these people in surprise and wondered: "Phantom Circus?"

“Hey?” The elf girl glanced at him with a smile: “Have you heard of us?”

"I heard that." Sauron nodded and said slowly: "You are very famous in the port of Artur. It is said that there are some very special performances."

The Elf girl giggled and looked at him with a playful taste: "Those performances are not for anyone to watch!"

Sauron shrugged slightly and didn't expect anything for those performances.

"come on."

The green goblin reached out and gestured to him to do the fire. It looked completely different from the goblin in the wilderness. It should be a group of gnomes near the gravel harbor. The goblins used to be the servants of the Arcanists. After the destruction of the empire, some inheritance is still preserved. Their skin is lighter than other goblins, and there is no sense of identity for the wild goblins. They look at the attitude of the wilderness and the goblin, just like the Africans see the cannibal tribe, when the next killer will never be merciless!

"My name is copper. It's a clown." The goblin showed a funny smile and raised the food in his hand: "Would you like to try it? Barbecue ice frog! Only the good things that can be eaten here, taste better than others. Bullfrogs taste much better!"

Ice frog?

Sauron glanced at the food in his hand and frowned. "Does this seem poisonous? It will cause diarrhea after eating!"

"Nothing." The copper plate shrugged very carelessly and said: "The goblin dares to eat anything."

"Copper plate likes to eat frogs, and it is not afraid of poisoning!"

Next to the campfire.

A group of people sat around, there were more than 20 orcs, dwarves, elves, humans, etc., of which women accounted for nearly half, and Sauron glanced at them and found that most of them were advanced professionals. Among them, the proportion of poets is very high. The Phantom of the Circus is an organization active near the port. Members are naturally not only in front of them, they should be only part of it. In addition to the two people who spoke, others were very indifferent to Sauron's attitude, just busy with their own affairs.

There is a human girl wearing a doll mask with dozens of flying knives in her waist, and she looks at him from time to time with a rather provocative look.

The Elf girl should be one of the people who manage things, if the woman who is not showing up in the carriage is not.

"What is your name? How can I come alone to this cold dead place?" The Elf girl came over and sat down next to Sauron. She had a special scent on her body. Sauron was familiar with the taste and was in charge of the goddess. The pastor often has it.

Sauron smiled and looked at her and said: "Sauron. A lone adventurer wants to go inside the ice and snow country."

"Which destination is yours?"

The elf girl glanced at his scimitar and smiled and said: "Go to Aaron Muir, their elders are mainly enthroned. The court management invited us to perform."

Both sides are experiencing exploratory exchanges.

Others don't seem to care very much, but their attention is actually on Sauron's body. After all, he is a stranger.

"Aaron Muir?"

Sauron’s expression was a little surprised, and it seemed to be like what he thought: “The place seems to be a bit special. Have you heard anything before you went?”

The elf girl smiled awkwardly and played with the taste: "What have you heard? We have never heard of anything!"

"Did you hear anything?"

Sauron glanced at her and shrugged her shoulders gently. It seemed like a false saying: "Is it not very early that there is a legend, is the embodiment of the goddess of ice and snow coming there?"

The elf girl blinked and smiled and said, "Is it? I have never seen the incarnation of the gods!"

A crisp bell sounded inside the carriage.

The elf girl expressed a message~www.readwn.com~ and then quickly got up and walked over. The curtains were very thick and nothing could be seen outside.

after awhile.

The Elf girl once again came out and looked at other people: "The head of the team said that you should rest well and fight for the ice block tomorrow morning. Yes, you call Sauron right? You can also camp here, if not If you bring something, let them prepare one for you."

Sauron smiled and shook his head and said no.

As the woman in the carriage spoke, others were slightly better at him.

A group of people began to get busy, and Sauron simply arranged it. The cold wind outside was still very big. The bonfire would fade from time to time, and the human girl with a mask was watching the bonfire. Next to the gorgeous carriage, Sauron glanced a little. He seemed to notice some special wet marks, because the weather was cold and had a thin layer of ice.

That trace is a bit like a snake!

..................(To be continued..)()

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