Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 140: Vampire touch

Very powerful instant spell.

But this is not the most powerful ability brought by the evil deity. There is a more abnormal instant spell in Sauron's talent.

The most common talent spell of this evil deity is - [Vampire Touch].

"Vampire Touch [Nuclear Ability]: You successfully merged with the fear of divinity. When you launch this talent, you can condense negative energy to erode the enemy's vitality and temporarily transfer it to you. Anything after you launch this ability Enemies that touch directly will lose their health (3* spell power) and absorb up to 60 health. These health will be transferred to your body and heal your injury if it exceeds your life. Value, these life energy will be kept for 1 hour, and the upper limit of your health will be increased. The effect of this spell cannot be superimposed, and the other party may die directly due to the complete consumption of vitality." [once a day. 】

This is the touch of a vampire.

One of the most powerful low-order spells of the Necromancer!

Soren now launches this talent ability, which can absorb the health of more than 30 points at a time. These health values ​​can be used to heal his injuries. If there is no injury, it will be superimposed on himself as a temporary life, and it can last for 1 Hours of time. If he is injured in the future, these temporary vitality will be consumed first, to restore the treatment of his own injuries.

This spell is harder to use for wizards.

Because the wizard is going to fight away from the distance, it is difficult to touch the enemy when approaching, but for a rogue like Sauron, it is a very simple time to encounter the enemy.

An instant touch!

The vampire touch began to take effect, the enemy reduced the health of more than 30 points, and Soren increased the health of more than 30 points.

This is a more than 60 points of life, equivalent to an instant treatment of serious injuries!


The ability to attach divinity is more complicated.

The first is the attribute bonus that the divinity itself brings. Sauron is still 7 points divine. If you have enough, you can strengthen it to [Weak Deity], and add all 1 to all attributes. Second is the talented ability brought by divine energy. These abilities are changed according to the divine nature itself. For example, the divine nature of the good camp is mostly the magical treatment. Instant blessing, blessing spells, etc. The deities of the evil camp are basically damage-like spells, as well as negative energy-absorbing spells of life.

Fear of divinity will inevitably have a fearful talent, and then it is the ‘vampire touch’ brought by the evil camp's deity.

Sauron had a big loss on this before!

I accidentally got caught by the other party, and instantly lost more than 50 points of life. On the spot, he was seriously injured, but the other party basically recovered completely.

This talent is the important reason why he ventures to absorb divinity!

A ‘vampire touch’ has the ability to reverse the situation, and Soren is now a high-level professional. In the case of frontal combat, there is no fear.

The gap between the gods and the mortals is so great.

The Holy Spirit's descending spirits, basically all spells below level 6 are instant, and some powerful gods are as instant as 9th-level spells.

The expertise in them has reached the point where the scalp is numb!


Sauron walked out slowly.

Sitting outside with two or three chattering Northland men, the skin is relatively white, but the pores are thick, the hair on the body is strong, and the body is obviously stronger than the southerners. Here is a grocery store, it seems to be selling some food, and there should be room for accommodation in the upstairs. Anyway, it is a place where most of the ordinary business has a little bit of a point. Soren sees three children who look a bit like. Both men and women are younger, and the little faces are a bit chubby. They should be their children.

Raise three children at the same time. It is indeed necessary to make as much money as possible.

Sauron nodded slightly. He looked at the man outside and reached out and took out ten Kindlers from his arms. Then he handed it to the man who was obviously the owner.

"No... not so much!... too much!..."

The tall Northland man was a little embarrassed and muttered: "The lady of the nobles has already paid the money!... She paid you directly for a week of accommodation expenses!..."

Sauron smiled and said, "Receive it. This money is my thanks."

The finances of the civilian class are not very plentiful, but there are not too many places to spend money. Otherwise, the risky person will not be able to earn money for the rest of his life in one go. Ten Kindlers are not a small sum of money for them, and they are enough for three children to pay tuition fees and follow the scholars for one year. Master some of the most basic knowledge. The fat boss next to her is obviously in the eye, and the North Man hesitated. Still, the ten Kindlers were collected, and he earned so much in two or three months.

"Thank you guys."

Sauron nodded slightly. Then turned and walked outside.

It seems to be the edge of Glacier City. In the distance, you can see the tall walls. There are many areas scattered around the city. They are outside the city.

Not a countryman, but not a city man.

There are still a lot of ice and snow on the road, but you can see half of the children fishing next to it. There is a river on the right side of Glacier City, which has already frozen.

There are very few fish in the river. It is overfished and the fish is basically gone.

Sauron looked up at the sky and walked toward the city. He wanted to take off a little jewel, sell the spoils by the way, replenish the consumed materials, and buy a few more needed spell reels.

Although it was safe to feel Vivian in the dark, Sauron still wanted to see her soon.

She is not around, she always feels empty.


On a wide avenue.

The driver drove in a special carriage, followed by seven or eight fully armed knights, and at first glance it was a good guard. They rode the dwarf Northland horses. These horses are not big, their hair is very strong, their strength is better than that of the southern horses, but the endurance is first class. The beasts used here have basically adapted to the environment, and occasionally you can see the physically strong reindeer. The horses in the north are expensive and consume more than the southern ones, and only the wealthy aristocracy can use them.


There was a girl’s crisp voice in the gorgeous carriage. She seemed to complain a little: “Why don’t you let me bring that person? He looks like a very good adventurer!”

"Maybe he still tells the story very much? The book says that such adventurers have many stories!"

Then there was a serious female voice, slowly saying: "His Royal Highness. You should pay attention to your words and deeds, your status is noble, representing the decent face of Aaron Muir, should not be with those greedy, dirty and killing. The adventurers stay together. If there is no law, these people are likely to become a band of robbers!"

"You have saved his life. If you don't meet you, he may freeze directly in the snow."

The girl seems to have listened to her at all, and muttered her head: "The book always says that the princess will meet the fallen knight, and then the knight will fall in love with the princess, then help her to recover, fight against the evil villains, kill The dragon is something. That person may not be a knight, but maybe it is a very powerful adventurer? Recently, there are often adventurers who replace the knight to become the protagonist."

"I can't easily get an adventurer, but I lost it!"

The middle-aged woman named Grein seems to be mad, and she said: "First. Aaron Muir has a powerful princess, no one can threaten Aaron Muir. Second, he is not a knight. It may not even be a great adventurer. Experienced adventurers won't get yourself so embarrassed, and he doesn't seem to have any terrible enemies."

"Finally. The long princess will soon be enthroned."

"His Royal Highness, can you imagine how long a princess would look after an adventurer who came back from the road?"

"I don't think you want her to be angry?"

The pretty girl seems to be somewhat dejected. She plays with her ponytail with her white fingers, untied the ponytail on the other side, and prunes it into a single ponytail with a delicate hair band. Then she flattens her mouth and swears: "They are just Some boring. The princess life in the book is so wonderful, not against the terrible devil, or defeating the powerful dragon, and then there is also a fantasy adventure. I only stay in the room every day, not to learn the court etiquette, or to learn how to learn Managing the kingdom, I learn this every day."

"Anoying people!"

The more the girl said, the more angry she was, and she reached out and pulled the hair band to make the beautiful hair messy.

The middle-aged woman next to me seems to have some helplessness. She said slowly: "You are one of the most dazzling pearls of Aaron Muir! After the long princess is crowned as the queen, you must also manage the kingdom together!"

"I think you should look down on those inferior books~www.readwn.com~ They are completely low-lying poets who use to fool ignorant girls!"

The girl heard a big eye, and her pretty face was mad. It seemed that she wanted to refute the other person, but suddenly the carriage shook and then it became strange and quiet.

The middle-aged woman held her behind her with an astonishing agility, then took a curtain and glanced at it.

The driver was strangely stiff in the same place, the eyeballs turned desperately, and the lips wanted to say something, but no sound could be heard at all. All the guards outside stood stiffly in place, and the horses seemed to be puppets.

- "Group Fixation [Instant]!"

Nine-level spells.

Nearby, there are wizards or priests close to the legendary level, using the super magical feat of [Spell Instant] to set the entire team's guards in place.

..................(To be continued)()

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