Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 149: Sword potential [dagger]!

There are two melee-based touch-type judgment spells in low-level spells.

One is the 'Vampire Touch', which can lower the enemy's health and then transfer back to one's own body. The other is ‘Ghoul Touch'. If the other party cannot pass the Fortitude Exemption, it will be in the same place. After Soren absorbed more than 30 points of life, the injury basically recovered 7788, and the frostbite on the arm was almost immediately eliminated by the abundant vitality. The Necromancer spells are very easy to use in actual combat, and the Frosty pterosaurs in front of them are obviously slowed down by half a shot because of their injuries.

- "Shadow kills!"

Sauron's rogue has a professional level of 9 and can launch 9 shadow attacks every day. As long as there is a positive contact with the other party, the shadow energy can cause 9 points of damage. Maybe this damage effect is nothing, it is better than the effect of Sauron's hand-picked, but this damage is ignoring the defense resistance, as long as it is hit, it will be affected by the energy erosion, directly affecting the vitality of the creature itself.

- "Shadow kills!"

Both attacks were through the surface dragon skin of the frost pterosaur, but the skin near it was dark blue and the blood vessels were obviously atrophic. Shadow energy is very aggressive, not only can cause great damage to the enemy, but also may damage its own body, so many shadow mages have to be forced to transform themselves into mistakes in some experiments. Half-shadow life form. At this point, the rogues are much safer because they grow up in the assimilation of shadow energy.

The whistling sound of the whistling sounds!

After Soren's move to dodge, after rolling over to a rock, this action looks really bad. In the middle-earth move, it is called 'smashing and rolling,' and people who like to play handsome are basically not used. However, Sauron did not pay any attention to these things. He went on the route of the actual combat. I don't care about the style of the battle at all, and it doesn't matter whether it is cool or ugly during the battle. Anyone who has experienced many actual combats knows that the tumbling dodge effect is better than the sprinting dodge.

Fighting is a very serious matter.

It’s silly to throw your life for grace. Bloody life and death fight is not used to play handsome.

Sauron took a breath and began to increase the amount of oxygen inhaled to increase the explosive capacity. The secretion of epinephrine can be accelerated by some special techniques, which is the key to the exercise of martial arts by professionals. His pupils are slightly congested, the pupil's outline is 1.5 times larger than in the past, and there are other subtle features on the body. These features are not supernatural, but the explosive power formed in long-term training battles.

This is still his special ability to not violent, if the violent warrior can also double the pupil in an instant, the secretion of renal hormones increased several times before. The representative is the barbarian. After the violent storm, the legendary barbarian is almost a color, and the pupil and the white of the eye are almost all together. This is not the reason for the explosive ability, but the external manifestation of the explosive state. During this time, the dynamic capture ability of the professional will be strengthened.

The heartbeat began to accelerate, just like the drums.

At the moment when Sauron rushed out, his heart rate almost doubled. This explosive ability requires a strong body to support. The consequence of losing physical condition is that the blood vessels burst, so many Berserkers have a very short life. The main reason is that the body can't keep up with the consumption, and it uses too much violent ability to overdraw its vitality. This is like a master of foreign boxing. A considerable part of the life span is equal to that of ordinary people.

The core of Sauron is added to the physique, just to cope with this situation!

- "Dagger attack!"

He leaped wildly and landed directly on the back of the frost pterosaur, then swayed and stepped back and forth, relying on strong balance ability to find the force point on the back of the frost pterosaur, and then use it again. [Sword potential - heavy 劈]!

A row of data emerges:

"Starting a shadow attack!"

"Start [Swords - Heavy]!"

"You deal 72 damage to the target (hash)! ... Sunder Armor superposition! ... sharp attribute superposition! ... successfully trigger dagger attack! ... Dagger failure!...... Target tough decision failed!... ...the target enters a state of severe bleeding!..."


Sauron's machete was cut on the neck bone of the frost pterosaur. This time, he could not smash the gap in the bone, but cut it directly on the bone. It was a bit numb in his palm. The neck of the Frost Pterosaur was cut to a depth of ten centimeters and that half of the bones were opened. Without sufficient support, Sauron could not rely on extraordinary weapons to cut the keel. It only caused serious injuries to the target. A large expanse of blood rushed out, and the frosty pterosaur made a frantic roar, and the whole body kept rolling, and the figure of Sauron was directly smashed out.


The protective effect of the stone skin of Sauron was shaken. He accidentally was swept by the dragon wing, and suddenly he felt that the ribs had broken two, and a blood rushed to the throat, but he was swallowed forcibly. The ice pterosaur, which has been cut in half of the neck, seems to have injured the blood vessels. The blood is sprayed like the largest faucet, and it will become **** in the vicinity of more than ten meters. Its vitality is quickly consumed with blood. Breathing quickly became weaker.

"There is one!"

Sauron did not dare to look back, flew into the shadows, and then launched a 'hidden sight' into the stealth state. A dragon claw crossed the cold light behind him, and the Martian cracked on the cold rock, leaving more than ten centimeters long claw marks, the depth can reach about five centimeters. The claws of these frost pterosaurs are sharper and stronger than the metal, and the leather armor of Sauron can't be stopped at all. Only the protective energy field of Stone Skin can resist their attacks.

Once the attack failed, the Frost Winged Dragon clearly had an action to retract the claws.

Sauron flashed from the side and slashed his knife to the enemy's neck. I don't know if their neck is too long, or because Sauron likes the refreshing feeling of this dagger attack, and he continues to count in the next fight. The enemy's neck was in the second time. Unfortunately, there is no chance of exerting strength. The most common slashing is to break the dragon skin. If you are not lucky, the knife may be stuck in the cervical vertebrae. But the effect of the attack is undoubtedly very good, the enemy is bleeding faster and faster, and the head is starting to turn inconvenient.

A chance for a moment.

Sauron seized the opportunity to recover the wings. Turned over and sat on the neck of the Frost Winged Dragon, and then tried his best to press his head down. Continuous bleeding has reduced its power, and for a time the head has sunk. Then there was a cold light, and Sauron once again launched a dagger attack.

However, the data that emerged this time is different!

"Starting a shadow attack!"

"Start [Swords - Heavy]!"

"You deal 78 damage to the target (Heavy Strike)! ... Sunder Armor Overlay!... Sharp Edge Attribute Super!! Successfully triggers the dagger attack!... Dagger success!... The target death decision failed!... The target is directly dead!..."

"The battle is over."

"After this time of battle. You have an understanding of [Jian potential - dagger]!..."


The battle skill data prompt appears.

Sauron slammed into the ground, his chest gasping slightly, then climbed up hard, and he did not rush to clean the battlefield, but took off his clothes. There was a marked sag on his chest, which was interrupted by the icy pterosaur. Fortunately, some of the damage was blocked by Stone Skin. The degree of rib fracture was not serious and was not directly inserted into his lungs. If you insert the lung directly, you can reduce the explosiveness of 30% in a flash.


Sauron made a sullen sigh, biting his teeth and taking the broken ribs back, and then took a breath for a while.

Blunt damage is sometimes more serious than puncture damage, especially when blunt damage hits the head and may directly stun people. In the past, he used to deal with heavy armored warriors and he liked to launch blunt attacks, which could make the inferior enemy into a short dizzy state. To deal with the kind of heavy armored warrior, the effect of puncturing and puncture is not enough to cause fatal damage to them. He has blunt damage on his chest, which is the easiest way to break the bones. [Fracture, sputum, shock, coma, dizziness. 】

Sauron looked at the battle skill tips that appeared. Then began to clean the spoils in front of you.

The first is peeling, the dragon skin is an important raw material for making extraordinary leather, the value is quite good!

The pterosaur's meat can't be eaten directly. His extraordinary physique can withstand it, and ordinary people may be poisoned if they eat it. The most toxic sub-long species are the bipedal dragons, whose meat can be directly poisoned by humans. The phoenix pterosaur's meat is cold. He even remembers that there was a Chinese medicine expert who counted the medicinal properties of dragons and flesh.

For example - "Frost pterosaurs, cold (cold), cold poison, liver, lung, kidney, make up the vital energy, strong bones and muscles. Strong strength, warming kidney yang. Pinggan eyesight, weak spleen and stomach are not edible. The chest and abdomen of the food are depressed. It can be detoxified, not eaten too much, not for long-term food. Women can not eat during menstruation, bleeding after service, and life."

This existence was worshipped by many people at the time.

He is the only person in Sauron’s memory who has trained his medical skills to more than 600 points. It can be said that he almost has a 'medical approach' posture. It is said that his medical skills can stimulate natural energy and produce similar magical techniques. treatment effect. This existence was also very famous at the time ‘foodie~www.readwn.com~ His footprints were almost all over the plane, and even counted more than a hundred of the creatures.

He was also the idol of the foodies at the time.

Legend has it that because of his chaotic eating, his physical fitness has been reduced from 18 to 12, and there is no way to recover through magic.

Finally he died.

Sauron doesn't quite remember how it died, but it is definitely because he ate something that he shouldn't eat, and he was accidentally poisoned.

He is also dead.

Sauron picks the right place to start peeling, and then cuts some parts of the dragon meat. The internal organs of the Yalong species can be used as materials. The dragon blood is suitable for low-level alchemy and transcription scrolls. The most valuable position is the dragon whip. This stuff can sell thousands of Kindlers, and the odds and pieces will add up to 10,000 Kindler's gains.

Overall, Sauron’s recent study of alchemy and transcriptional scrolls is almost enough.

..................(To be continued)()

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