Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 163: Vivienne's servant

Hey! Hey!

A series of bubbles appeared at the bottom of the clear lake, and then a small figure emerged from the bottom of the lake, first a small head, then a wet princess. Vivian seemed to be drunk and fainted out, and then walked on the water at the same pace. She seemed to be a little bit too clear, and after a few steps of swaying, this Suddenly, I suddenly raised my hand and held my mouth.

"Hey!... Yeah!..."

The little girl opened her eyes in surprise and looked at her feet. It was a slightly swelled water surface. She walked on it as if it were flat. Didn't use any spells at all, she walked on the calm lake like this, as if she felt that her body was wet and uncomfortable. She lifted her white hands and made a snap, and then she quickly became clean. Clean up. The little girl was very curious to take a few steps on the water, and then ran straight up, petite body jumping lightly on the water, like an elf from the lake.

"Great!! Hey!... When did I become so powerful!..."

The little girl thought about it with her head in her head, and then a series of memories came to my mind, probably because I suddenly lost my mind.


She stepped under her feet and fell into the lake again.


* The small head came out again, and the little girl opened her mouth and spit out a lake of water. Then she climbed up from the water like a wall and stood on the calm lake again. This time she didn't dare to run around. After she cleaned her soaked clothes, the little girl walked toward the lake. The small appearance was also somewhat cautious, and she seemed afraid that she would fall in again.

She still can't swim.

After setting foot on the ground, Vivian took a small hand and patted her chest. It seems to be a sigh of relief: "This is safe!..."

"But, where am I now?"

The little girl picked up her toes and wanted to see the surroundings, but she was short. The body is also small, and you can't see too far. Without any choice. She can only trotting to the front of the hillside, and then trying to pick it up to see the surrounding environment, it looks very interesting, even if she is very hard to pick up, in fact, the height of the jump is still very general. However, she still saw the surrounding environment, in front of a wild field, next to a large and large lake, with a dense forest on the left. On the right is a very high mountain.

There is no sign of human activity in front of her, she should be in a place near the wilderness.


The little girl suddenly screamed and screamed, muttering: "The idiot Lilyan!... Actually said that I am an idiot, she is an idiot!... Nothing to run so far, this is good.... I have to get lost. Already...."

It may be that the tone of this speech is a bit unaccustomed.

The little girl quickly reached out and licked her cute little face and shouted: "Not good! It was affected by that guy! It’s a bit like talking to her! I can’t let her out next time!"

Vivian was stunned like a broken piece of paper, and then took out a lot of small things from the delicate embroidered dice bag. She first tied the hair with a pink hair band and turned it into a beautiful single pony tail. . Then he took out a pair of buckskin boots and replaced the slightly high-skinned little boots on the little ankles, and then tied the white socks with the pure white trousers with a cloth strip. The little looks a bit like Sauron's preparations before going far.

"Gregory's sister said that in the wilderness, you can't wear piecemeal things. Those things look good but they are very troublesome."

The little girl seems to be talking to herself. Shrinking his head and looking around, then the cat slid into the grass, and after a while came out, the princess dress was gone, replaced by a simpler underwear, if not a pretty face and a smooth long Hair, it looks like a tomboy.

Of course, it still looks like the age of eight.

"I don't know how about Gloria's sister? I hope she has nothing to do!"

After the little girl had finished all this, the time had passed for a while, and she looked at it with some stunned look. Muttered: "Where are you going?"

The little girl has no clue.

In the end, she could only take out a Kindler and just throw it away. Then move on to the southwest. Behind it is a large forest, Goliath has told her long ago. Don't just enter the dense forests. She didn't know how far she had sent it, but she was sure she had left the North, and it was obviously warmer. Vivian's heart is actually a little scared, but she is also a very strong little girl. The experience of the slum has made her very sensible since she was a child. She understands that she needs to cheer herself up at this moment.

Because her brother is not around her, she can only rely on herself.

"First find someone somewhere."

Vivienne's little body was marching in the grass. The speed was not slow, because she blessed herself with a spell. She looked up at the sky and muttered: "There are many monsters in the wilderness, I am so small. At first glance, it is good to bully. The monsters will definitely want to catch me to fight for the tooth festival. Now I can only find the city first, and then see if I can get on the caravan to find my brother and sister."

"Sister Golia said that there are so many bad people outside!"

"Goddess of wealth! Bless me to meet some good people!... I will definitely work hard to make a lot of money in the future!..."

The little girl is still not very clear about the faith.

However, she believes that since the goddess of wealth is in charge of wealth and earns a lot of money, it is definitely a good thing for her. Then she has money, and the goddess of wealth is happy too.

In fact.

The little girl was taught by the singer that Gloria must learn to make money from the beginning. The witch without money is not a powerful witch, and the rich witch is a powerful witch. So for the first time in the heart of the little girl, the idea of ​​believing in the gods came out. After careful thinking for a long time, Vivienne finally chose the goddess of wealth and became a pan-relief of the goddess of wealth, that is, shouting verbally. Basically, I won’t pray seriously, and occasionally hold the Buddha’s foot.

This situation is very common.

After all, devotees are praying every day, and from time to time they still have to hang their gods. Most people in this world are pan-faith.

This walk is a dark day.

Vivian felt that she was a lot better than before. It was not too tired to go so many ways, that is, she could not see a person with some flustered feelings. After all, she was not very courageous. Many people, like her age, are actually quite timid. I am afraid that I am afraid that one person will be afraid of empty houses. Only adults will feel at ease.


In the distance, it seemed that there was a howling of the wolves, which prevented her from speeding up.


The little girl seemed to see something, and rushed to the woods over there. She noticed the rising smoke, the location was near the wilderness road, and it might be other adventurers. Wild animals rarely ignite bonfires, and basically do not do this along the road. Gloria has taught her a lot of useful knowledge.


The vibrating voice sounded in front, and even a silhouette of the figure flew out.

The advancing Vivian suddenly stopped, because she saw the person in front of her, and the strange scene on the other side made her feel a little scared.

It was a man with two men and three women next to him.

The faces of men are somewhat enchanting, and the faces of women are quite glamorous. They look no different from ordinary adventurers. Except for the appearance of a little charm, the others are more normal. But what Vivienne saw in her eyes was not like this. She saw that everyone had two faces on her body. The first face was the appearance of human beings, which was what other people saw with the naked eye. The second face is a vague phantom. These people's faces are covered with silver scales. The pupils turn into a weird pale yellow erect, with sharp fangs on the corners of the mouth and tiny scales around the body.

This is a snake man.

A race that has been secretly hidden in the human race, an evil and dangerous creature.

They have a natural ability to change, can be disguised as human beings in front of ordinary people, most of them are mixed-race snakes, and occasionally encounter very powerful pure-blooded snakes.

Vivienne saw this creature in the book, they are very cold-blooded species.


One of the mixed-race snakes showed a horrified expression. It seemed difficult to imagine why a lonely girl was seen in the wilderness. It looked like it was not necessarily as old as ten. But the adventurous vigilance made him dare not relax, he made a gesture behind him, and then slowly walked toward Vivienne.

The little girl didn't think much, she immediately turned and ran.

The back of a charming woman who looked like a leader browed and immediately screamed at the other people around her: "Catch her!"

A few figures flew out.

The little girl's short legs sprinted very slowly, and she was about to catch up in the blink of an eye.

When the other party is about to catch her soon~www.readwn.com~ Vivian suddenly screamed, lifting the white hand is a forward, a weak spell aglow, then five arcane The missile spurt out, and the nearest male snake man trembled a whole body. When he lowered his head, he had already opened a huge blood hole in his chest.

thump! Hey!

One of the mixed-race snakes fell to the ground, and several other snakes suddenly pulled out their weapons.

Vivian seems to have been a little scared, almost subconsciously picking up a few fingers, and then an arcane missile raging out, the other four snakes rushing to her eyes become riddled, one Bloody down.

The female snake who was ordered at the beginning has been dumbfounded!

When she saw Vivian's gaze turning around, her face was full of fear. She suddenly slammed down on the ground, buried her head deeply on the ground, and shivered: "Don't kill me!... I am willing to serve you as a master!...a powerful master!... Your humble servant is willing to loyal to you forever!...Request you to let go of my humble life!..."

..................(To be continued)()

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