Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 169: Cursed item

The sky is getting into the night.

The merchant ship did not stop, the river was relatively safe, and the helm was also a veteran. If there is no accident, it is a day and a half to arrive at Shipwreck Bay, where the estuary of the river is. Next door sounded quietly at night, it seems that this pair of men and women's energy is good, actually changed the pattern to the hammock to come. Sauron’s expression is quite calm, just waiting quietly for the opportunity, and from time to time will pay attention to the outside movement.

Stealing things is not advisable.

The other party is in the room, such a small space, not a legendary rogue is very troublesome. Moreover, there is still a distance on the road. If the other party finds that something has been stolen, it may cause unnecessary trouble. Sauron is a person who hates trouble, so sometimes he will be very sorrowful, and the other party does not look like a good bird. If you want to do it, you must be fast, because there are other sailors in the cabin, and there are escorts of merchant ships on the deck.

These are all accidental factors, they certainly do not want someone to have an accident on board.

Time passes by little by little.

Sauron patiently waited for the early morning of midnight, the men and women next door tossed three times in a row, it seems really tired.

He also heard the man’s grunt.

From time to time, there will be merchant ships and guards passing by, every other hour, mainly to patrol the cargo in the cabin, after all, the value of these goods is not low. The sailors will work in shifts. There is a large hammock down, which is the one that uses the gauze to hang the two ends. There are two groups of people in the middle of the night and the middle of the night. The situation on the deck is unknown. Soren has basically not gone out today. No one is bothering him because everyone knows that the wizard's temper is rather eccentric.

The food is in the kitchen and guests need to be able to get it by themselves.

If no one takes the initiative, basically no one will send it. This is a merchant ship after all, not a passenger ship.

Sauron's fingers tapped the table very lightly, and he was calculating the time of the patrol.

The caravan guards will appear once in ten minutes. Their footsteps are three people, and occasionally they will talk a few words. Immediately after entering the cabin, turn a little to the deck. Sauron squinted slightly, waited until the footsteps went a little further, turned and picked up the clothes, and then he slowly pulled out the scimitar. It’s not the legendary scimitar that the ice and snow country got, but the one that started out. The legendary scimitar is too eye-catching.


Sauron gently opened the door, and the movement was very small and did not alarm anyone.

His figure is integrated into the darkness. The sneak ability made him completely invisible in the shadows. He carefully walked to the next door and then added a set of shackles in his hand. When the old line of the year was still skilled, Sauron gave a slight movement and heard a slight snoring. He had already opened the lock on the door. The people inside didn't wake up, they seemed to sleep very hard, they had tossed a lot of time.

Sauron gently pushed the door open.

His palm is very stable, paying attention to not making any sound, and night vision ability makes him see everything inside. The scene inside is quite *.

The woman's dress is thrown on the ground, and there are many small pieces of gadgets.

There are weapons at the foot of the bed.

The other party should also be an adventurer, but it looks like a warrior. Because the muscles of the man are distinct, some are very strong and obvious large muscle mass. The woman curled up in the corner of the bed, her hair was red, her back was white, her hips were full, her **** were rich, her legs were slender and strong, and she looked quite beautiful. She should also be a professional. Because Sauron saw the old man on her palm, close to the mouth of the tiger. The rich experience tells him that the other party is good at using short weapons.

There was only breathing in the room, and there was a snoring from time to time.


Sauron quietly closed the door. Then he touched the past quietly. He shot like a lightning bolt in a flash. He was directly stabbed by a scimitar and stabbed the other's heart on the spot. Originally, he intended to stun the two men, but since the man is a warrior, the tough immunity must be very high, and the power of Sauron is estimated to be better than him, and the possibility of alarming others is too high. Then the cold light in his eyes flashed directly to the man, and then shot the woman's throat in an instant.


A slight impact sounded.

The sound was a bit awkward, but did not alarm the sailors below.

The woman opened her eyes in an instant. She opened her mouth and wanted to yell and yell. The pretty face was full of horror, because the sound of Sauron’s throat was not able to be heard, and he could only kick with his ankle. On the ship's board. The sound of this made Sauron frown, and he just swallowed back when he was ready to say it, and then his wrist twisted, accompanied by a crisp click, and the woman’s neck was directly twisted by him. It is.

A touch of blood scent appears.

Sauron frowned and smothered the blood, then stacked the two bodies together.

Some people are very sensitive to **** smell, he is better to deal with it a bit, so that the **** taste here is not too rich.

A row of data emerges:

"Starting a backstab!..."

"Inflicts 85 puncture damage to the target!...the target dies!..."

“Extracting soul energy and gaining 550 killing experience.”

"Start the lock throat!..."

"Inflicts 24 damage to the target!... The target neck is broken!... Triggers death!! The target toughness saves!! The target is directly dead!..."

“Extracting soul energy and gaining 350 killing experience.”

The man was stabbed in the heart by Sauron, which was equivalent to launching a backstab and died on the spot. The woman is a lock throat attack, which is caused by a bruise effect, but because she is twisted off her throat, she directly dies in the death exemption. The occupational level of the two people is not high, it is estimated that it is about the second order, and it is easy for Sauron to deal with them. He didn't even launch any skills, just killing the two guys with a normal attack.

This does not help him to lower his expectations for extraordinary items. Two such guys are basically impossible to find anything good unless the character breaks out.

Sauron began to fumble in the room.

He found a lot of piecemeal things, these two guys have almost no extraordinary equipment, just some very common military goods. However, he quickly found a special item, which is a rather large cloak, the color is biased to dark red, looks very beautiful, feels very smooth, like a silky texture, this should be Extraordinary items in their mouths.

Soren tried to identify the item and soon saw a row of data:

"Type of Item: Mohe's Sadness [Water Purse +2]

Item Level: [Second Order Item]

Item Description: This is a cursed special cloak. The ordinary sleek cloak is made of fine hair, but this one is made with a skin that was born from a river called Mohe. of. The whole process of production was very **** and cruel. The producer peeled the high-order water and cruelly, and then we used this hair to weave this legendary equipment. Compared to the ordinary water cloak, this piece of equipment is more powerful, but it also leaves the curse of the dead soul.

Equipment requirements: physical fitness above 12 points.

Equipment effect: Charisma +2, the highest upgrade is 25 points.

Equipment special effects: [Charming human] 1 time a day, this legendary equipment can launch a charm of human beings every day, without any spellcasting action, with the ability of spell-like ability to instantly enchant human spells.

Equipment special effects: [Frenzy Succubus] 3 times a day, this legendary equipment can launch a violent charm in three days, without any spellcasting action, with a spell-like ability to instantly send a violent charm spell. ”


Legendary equipment?

Sauron’s face showed a hint of surprise.

The water cloak is a rare and extraordinary equipment, because the water essence and the tree essence are the beautiful creatures called nature avatars. Among them, the tree is still a little more common. Many legendary wizards like to transplant the tree essence as their servant, or the acolyte of the warm bed. Water essence is rare. They are the incarnation of the river and have many special extraordinary abilities. Even the wizards find it difficult to find them.

These two creatures belong to a special supernatural life and have a natural charm of spells.

Tree essence, water essence, succubus, and demon, these are four natural and charismatic creatures. Their adult charm is 20 points, with instant special charm spells. Ordinary water cloaks are made with their hair woven, and then enchanted by special spells. In general, you can add 1 point of charm, and occasionally add extra spell effects. This piece of the front is obviously made in a special way. It is a bit like a human cloak. It uses not only the hair of the water, but also peels off her skin.

No wonder there is a curse of water essence!

This piece of equipment reminds Sauron of the human cloak in the abyss~www.readwn.com~ The cloak is also legendary equipment, the charm of the evil camp creature +3.

Wearing such a cloak on the body does require a certain psychological quality.

Sauron gave up the human skin magic armor because of resistance. In the end, he wore a legendary dragon leather armor, and the psychological burden of wearing dragon skin was smaller. His fingers touched the cloak slightly, and it seemed to feel something in the darkness. It was a mourning voice illusion, and there was indeed a curse of the dead soul. This is still Sauron's perception is not high, if the perception is high, you can feel more, and may even communicate with the dead soul above.

Soren quickly closed the legendary cloak.

Then he began to deal with the body, and he would reach Shipwreck Bay tomorrow. He had to deal with it a little bit to ensure that he was discovered before he arrived.

As for what will happen later, he doesn't care at all because he has already left.

..................(To be continued)()

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