Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 174: Redemption!


A charming woman twisted her elbow and attacked, and she turned Yaliana into a shrimp. Before she became a vampire, she was an ordinary girl. She basically had no fighting training. Now she only relies on instinct to fight. Compared to the experienced and charming woman in front of her, she is completely like a clumsy child. Vampires have a long life, which has led many older vampires to have very strong combat expertise, many of whom are masters of all weapons.

The charming woman in front of her eyes undoubtedly had a long battle training. The dagger in her wrist was lightly stroked and she took off Ariana’s hand.

This kind of injury threatens the vampire, but it can temporarily affect her activities.

The two vampires locked Yaliana's arm, and then used her brute force to bring her down and sit directly in front of the charming woman.


The charming woman chuckled and stretched out the dagger to open the face of Jalyana. There was a **** mark on the beautiful face. She stretched out the scarlet tongue and licked the blood on the dagger. She slowly said: "It's beautiful. Face! No wonder the master will love you so much! But after you are caught back, it is no longer so good!..."

As if with a hint of hatred, she drew a dagger on the face of Yaliana.

A series of blood marks appeared.

The face of Jalyana suddenly became bloody, but the strong regenerative power of the vampire is still there, and the wound is gradually recovering.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Ariana opened her mouth with a sharp fang, and glared at the charming woman in front of her eyes. Her eyes glanced slightly around, but she did not see Sauron's trace, which made her sink into the valley. The two vampires behind her stuck her arm and completely suppressed her in the same place, because she struggled excessively, and one of them directly stepped her on the ground. Slowly said: "Take her back! The master will give her the punishment she deserves!"

The charming girl glared at him and said coldly: "I still don't need you to teach!"

"Take off her limbs and take it back."

Vampires have a strong ability to regenerate, it doesn't matter if you break your arms and break your legs. It is a lot easier to interrupt your limbs.

Yaliana showed a sense of despair, she struggled desperately, and made a beast-like squat, her pupils gradually expanded, from green to blood red, and finally the whole eye was blood red. This weird change surprised everyone. The charming woman is even frowning: "Frenzy pedigree? Damn! It is the blood of her father!..."

Her father is a violent warrior.

Just as they were about to interrupt Ariana's limbs, a dark figure suddenly appeared behind one of the vampires, accompanied by a cold flash, the scimitar directly pierced his heart, and a trace of frost emerged. On the surface, the skin of the vampire touching the scimitar sounded like a sulphuric acid, and it was too late to wait for him to make a scream. Soren was a twisted knife that shattered the other's heart. A corpse stayed in place, and the flesh quickly aging. This is a low-level vampire who has lived for hundreds of years.

There are enemies! ?

This sudden attack made them unprepared and lost control of one of them. Ariana screamed and slammed into the past, then biting her mouth to the charming woman. Sauron retired in a flash. When the figure broke into the dark and disappeared, he used the ability to hide his sight and re-entered the stealth state. The charming woman was entangled in the place where Julia was violent, and another vampire wanted to help. However, he is very jealous of Sauron in stealth, he can not find this enemy!

"Kill her!"

A feminine woman flashed a cold light in her eyes, and she did not show mercy. Directly seized an opportunity to stab the heart of Yaliana, not long ago, she was not able to escape, she was hit in the heart. She seems to have fallen into a state of madness, regardless of the wound on her chest, but in turn bite the enemy's neck.


A scream rang.

The charming woman's neck was covered with blood. Her face became violent, her sharp fangs appeared in her mouth, and her expression was quite embarrassing. She grabbed Yaliana's arm and broke it, and then slammed it hard. Ariana still entangled her, biting her neck and flesh down a large piece of blood, and the blood rushed out. She gripped the other side with her legs and slammed into the neck. .


A cold light emerged again in the darkness, and Sauron's figure appeared instantly, and the knife pierced through the chest of another vampire, then sprinkled some liquid on him. The sound of the sizzling sound came, and the vampire seemed to be corroded by sulfuric acid, and it was completely unrecognizable in the blink of an eye. He disappeared with a blank expression, and the shadow near the next moment was distorted. His figure appeared behind the enemy in the darkness, and the knife spurred the charming woman in front of him. The instinctive dodge of the other side was very amazing. Ariana, who was entangled in her death, was in front of her.

This knife has already been exerted, and Sauron will not be able to return after the shadow is moved.


The scimitar pierced from the back of Yaliana, and even though Sauron had shifted her position, the holy water on the scimitar eroded her flesh. She gave a painful roar, but then Ariana made a thing that everyone had never thought of. She actually ran with her charming woman, and the scimitar passed her belly from the back and then stabbed. Into the body of a charming woman.

Another scream rang!

Sauron had no time to think about anything else, and another scimitar appeared immediately in his hand, and then instantly slammed into the head of the charming woman.

A flattering head fell to the ground.

The scimitar in the hands of Sauron slashed the enemy's head in a very horrific manner, and then stopped just before the head of Yaliana.


The headless body fell to the ground, and large blood swelled out. Yaliana couldn't help loosen her legs. Her eyes seemed to be a little stunned. The heart on her chest had been shattered. I don't know why I had not died on the spot. The vampire was fatally wounded in the head and heart before the high level, and she could continue to fight in the event of a heart injury. The charming woman is not a high-order vampire. Although she has sucked the blood of high-order vampires, she has not yet had the ability to become a bat and a gas.

“Why do you want to do this?”

Sauron’s expression was a bit inexplicable, and she looked at the increasingly weak Yaliana, whose heart had been shattered, and the injury was basically untreated. He gave a sigh and said slowly: "You just have to hold them down, I will be sure to kill them! Why are you so desperate?"

Sauron hesitated, then slashed his wrist and put it on the other's mouth, Shen Sheng said: "Drink. Maybe you can cure your injury."

Blood is flowing.

Ariana’s expression was sober, but her expression was very weak. She used the only arm to remove the wrist that Sauron put on her mouth, and muttered: “I saw my brother... look To a lot of dead people... I don't want to kill... I really don't want to kill..."

A drop of blood red liquid appears in the corner of the eye.

It is said that the tears that vampires sometimes shed are blood, and Sauron is the first to see it.

"You will die."

Sauron sat in front of her, her expression was a bit complicated: "Drink my blood, you may live."

Ariana swayed her head slowly, her pupils became more and more scattered, and she said in a low voice: "I... finally free... thank you... thank you..."

"Sorren... my soul... will you be redeemed... I don't want to break into the abyss hell..."

Sauron was silent.

The vampire is destined to break into the abyss of hell, unless the legendary pastor or even the saints hold a redemption ritual for her, otherwise her soul is very likely to be born again in the abyss of hell.

This is a pure soul.

Such a soul will not be engulfed in the reincarnation of the Styx. If no one in the Kingdom of Heaven accepts her, the abyss of **** is her final affiliation.

The vampire is a cursed creature!

Not to mention that she has killed so many people, even the gods she believes will not shoot, and may not have the energy to pay attention to a humble little soul.

Sauron slowly held her palm and whispered: "Yes. You are free. No one can enslave you. As long as your heart is still pure, no one can marry your soul."

"May you be redeemed!... May your soul rest in peace..."

Ariana’s mouth was hard to show a smile, her pupils gradually dimmed, and whispered with the final voice: “I’m sorry...”

The palm of the hand fell weakly, and no one knew what her last sentence meant.

Soren Momou felt that the heart was a little blocked, he slowly put down the other's arm, and then walked to the body of the charming woman ~www.readwn.com~ Slashing her spine, taking the central half of the spine Come out. He silently cleaned the battlefield. Although he was not injured at all, he still felt a little uncomfortable, as if he was suppressing something.

He bent over and picked up the body of Yaliana, bringing her arm that was torn off by the enemy.

Complete body.

This is the respect for the deceased, and Sauron took the body to the dark and left in the distance.

This is a good girl.

No matter what she has experienced or done, her soul is still pure, she should have a quiet and beautiful bone-buried place after death.

That place will bloom in the coming year!



(ps: Ask for the annual ticket.) (To be continued.) ()

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