Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 175: epitaph

In a quiet valley.

Sauron stood in front of a grave and meditated. In the distance, there was a small river. In the spring of the next year, there will be flowers in the mountains and plains. He gently erected a tombstone, then sighed deeply and pulled out the scimitar to prepare for lettering.

- "The tomb of Yaliana."

Sauron sat down and looked at the sky, seemingly thinking about what to leave.

For this woman, he didn't really know much, but Sauron knew what the vampire was. From vampire derivatives, vampire slaves, **** people, etc., to formal vampires, the whole process is ruthless and cruel. The beautification in the folk rumors does not exist at all. The dark creatures are dark creatures and have nothing to do with good and light justice. From the moment of transformation, the new vampire is the fate of being enslaved until the moment they are free.

According to their own strength, vampires have the talents of [creating a multiplier], [slavery servant], [doing a vampire] and so on.

This is a dark species with a family as its core.

A servant who can be enslaved by a vampire cannot exceed twice the base of his life, and there may be other requirements, but Sauron did not study it carefully. These converted newborns are their slaves, and their will is directly controlled by the other's mind. Unless they are forced to resist the control of the mind, they can only wait until the vampire master exceeds the upper limit of control or give him the freedom. A high-order vampire often has a large number of minions, progeny, servants, and blood.

Yaliana is a newborn who successfully resists the control of the mind. This not only provokes the master's majesty, but also makes other servants doubt the master's strength.

Vampires are actually very poor creatures.

Although he has powerful abilities, he is always cursed, and he always carries the negative state of "blood hunger".

This blood hunger is a terrible curse. It is only slightly weaker than [dark hunger] and [soul hunger]. If the will to detoxification is judged to be 10 points, then the blood-hungry will is determined to be at least 30 points. Not to mention the area of ​​Yaliana. Even if Sauron was transformed into a vampire, he could not resist this instinct.

The longer the repression, the stronger the eruption!

Even if it is as strong as steel, it will be spent for a long time, and the beautified vampires in the story are deceptive.

Sauron has not seen a vampire who does not kill.

This determination of will will not take effect all the time, the legendary monk may not be able to survive, even after the suppression of the outbreak even the loved ones will bite, if Sauron is transformed into a vampire, do not bite others may be crazy to bite Vivian. The newborn **** blood for the first time. If no outsider forcibly interrupts, the last drop of blood from the first sucked creature will be cleaned.

Never overestimate your will.

[A certain person exists in the queue because it is not allowed for a long time. It is rare to encounter a meat directly and eat a lot. Being able to walk to the position of the country's executive, the will is far more than ordinary people. 】

In the face of survival, there are times when you will find your will becomes more and more vulnerable in the passage of time. Because you are fighting against the instinct of survival, if humanity disappears in it, the rest is just instinct.

It is very common to eat human flesh when you are hungry!

and so.

Yaliana lost.

She lost to the vampire's instinct and lost to [blood hunger], which is not surprising, because Sauron is not sure to fight this hunger, maybe if he stands at that angle, there will be no confrontation. Just control your own bloodthirsty and don't flood.

But she did not lose.

When she removed the wrist that Sauron had cut, he already knew that there was a death in Ariana. She had taken revenge and she wanted to end her life. This is the confrontation between humanity and blood. She struggled for a long time in this contradiction, losing to blood and hunger again and again, but defeating it at the last moment of her life, and Julia chose her own destiny.

That is death.

This is a very cruel world.

Cruel to you can't even choose to commit suicide. Because suicide is a felony in the teachings of any god.

She chose death, she was free, and she was free.


Sauron pondered for a long time before sitting in the grave.

Then he slowly pulled out the machete and carved a line on the tombstone - "in the darkness. The heart is bright."

No one can help her.

Now even the gods are hard to protect themselves. Her soul will be born again in the abyss hell. After the reincarnation, she will lose most of her memory. If she has not lost herself, then she will go to the most difficult 'soul redemption'. road. If she has lost her self, then she will sink in the abyss hell, perhaps a member of the devil, or a part of the devil.

Sauron turned and walked away from the distance.

The short-lived mood did not affect the path in his heart. Whether he was alive or dead, he was destined to break into the abyss.

Because Vivienne is where he is.

He is heading in the direction of the City of Fortune, and Vivian has not had any whereabouts yet, but he is sure he will get clues soon. Because the fear of the Son of God has become stronger and stronger in each other's killings, and soon those fearful sons will be exposed. At that time, Vivienne's figure should also appear, because she must also go to the fearful throne in the killing!

This is fate.

Only after defeating the will of the fearful demon can she re-select her own destiny.


Bottomless abyss.

Level 570 - [Landscape Paradise].

Here is the territory of the Succubus Queen, although her territory has been expanded a lot in the long time, but she still likes to stay in the past territory, here is also the base camp of the abyss succubus. The number of layers in the bottomless abyss is hard to estimate. Some of the planes are very narrow. Some of the planes are too harsh. The demons can only survive. Some of them can't survive. Among so many planes, the abyss of the ocean abyss also occupies a large part of the space, so the territory of the abyss demon is also very cruel, and any relatively good space is ruled by powerful demon lords.


In a splendid palace, a woman with a beautiful face leans on the throne, and her look lazily props up her chin, and she looks so beautiful! She sat so boringly on the throne, looking down at the space in front of her face. Many of the demon lords have had a long time, and in their long lives they will certainly have nothing to do.

As if she had discovered something of interest, she suddenly sat in a formal position and looked at the void in front of her eyes with interest, slowly saying: "Fun! Fun!"

"It seems like there is a good soul that has entered my territory!"


She slowly stood up, raised her hand and hit a finger, condensed: "eyes observer!"

A portal is emerging from the air.

What followed was a huge eye-devil with more than a legend. It has countless dense eye-stems. The huge monocular in the center seems to pass through time and space. This is a very special advanced career in the eye. The eye-observing observers watched the abyss and hell. They may owe allegiance to some powerful demons and devils, and sometimes as arbiters of the lower planes. Eye-observing observers are extremely dangerous creatures, and it is no more difficult to challenge them than to deal with weak gods.

The huge eye-devil leaned over, in fact it had only a huge head and could only see the general movement.

"Queen of the Succubus!"

The eye-observing observer lowered the height slightly, lest his huge body be taller than the succubus queen, although the succubus queen who ruled for a long time was shifting toward the orderly evil camp, but everyone knew that her character was difficult. It’s very likely that you will be punished for a little bit of trifle.

The succubus's punishment is not as good as imagined!

A glimmer of divine light emerged.

The stunning woman on the throne stood up. Behind it was a pair of huge demon wings, the human appearance was changing rapidly, her forehead appeared a pair of corners, and the pupil turned into a crimson. The peerless face became enchanting and charming, with a pale blue eye shadow and a magical pattern from the corner of the eye, a sly smile on the red lips, and a long red hair perpendicular to the waist. The graceful and delicate body is covered with a silk dress, and almost all of the fruit on the chest is exposed to the outside, and a beautiful belt is tied around the waist. Under the slender waist, it is like a full moon like a full moon. Under the slender legs, it is not the human ankle, but the unique hoof of the devil.

Her body seems to be full of endless temptations!

Just looking at it, it seems to be shrouded in the emotions and desires that are radiated from her body!


A loud whip echoed.

The sorcerer's palm emerged with a whip, surrounded by the flames and arcs of the rushing, and she slammed into the void, and even a force broke open the space.

As the succubus queen became a prototype, the aura of [Fairy Beauty] spread, and the eyes of the Observer were fascinated by the huge one-eyedness, and then they were a little more awake. Since the Succubus Queen has taken over the desolation, desire, taboo love and sexuality, and the evil priesthood of the whiplash, her own charm has become more and more amazing. Whether it is male or female, there is no gender at all. It is a self-conscious creature, whether it is alive or dead, it seems that it cannot escape the influence of her own charm.

She is cruel, glamorous, evil, full of endless temptations.

The succubus queen has lured two demon monarchs, and finally they personally conspired to kill them! She is the devil of evil and evil, and the most degenerate incarnation of the abyss. Even the gods of heaven are hard to resist her power! Even after the spider **** is facing this sinister and vicious presence, the heart must be full of vigilance!

"Smurf Queen - Mickey's [High Devil] [Weak Devil] [Higher Alien]

"Race: Succubus."

"Attributes: Strength 30, Agility 36, Constitution 40, Intelligence 30, Perception 30, Charisma 49."

"Faction: chaos and evil [faction offset order]."

"Occupation: Charm Witch 40/Devil 10. [Abyss Demon]"

"Life: 800+/800+."

"Capability: Unknown."

"God: Weak and other devils."

"God duty: fallen, taboo love, sex, abuse."

"Field: charm, degeneration, evil, taboo, torture, flogging, abuse, conspiracy."

"Aura: the beauty of the glamorous, the gaze of gaze, the fall."

"Special Skills: The Queen's Kiss, Summon High Devil, Summon Succubus Legion."

"Basic skills: fraud 530, ridicule 270, alchemy 360, focus 490, negotiation 650, easy capacity 530, performance 320, escape 470, threat 570, knowledge 450, listening 460, watching words 360, investigating 420, avoiding 500, using Magic device 520..."

"other skills:???"


A whip shadow cut through the space ~www.readwn.com~ The sacred magic queen appeared in the eyes of the divine light, then directly flew through the space into the Styx, and then entangled a soul to drag it from the Styx come out.

The soul shrinks into a large light group with a fist.

The succubus queen reached out and caught the light of the soul, and the corner of her mouth showed a cruel smile. The white fingers shook it into a cobblestone, and the faint soul shadow could be seen. She looked at it with interest. , play the taste: "It seems that I have not given up hope? I like this toy most!"

"I don't know how long you can support in my hands!... I hope you can bring me a short pleasure!..."

"Eye Watcher!"

The succubus queen threw the stone of the soul formed by the fingertips to the eye-observator, with a wicked smile on her lips: "Transfer her into a succubus!"

"Maybe she is qualified to be a Sister Shine!..."

..................(To be continued.)

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