Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 177: untitled

"You will kill him like this!"

The girl’s brain suddenly sounded an anxious voice, but her expression was nothing but a sigh of relief: “How come! He looks very good!... Besides the halfling’s luck is good, if you don’t let it He went to help find the fear of the Son of God, could it be that we went to find it ourselves?...The gods are mentally inductive!..."

"This idiot plus idiot is useless!... I can't beat him even if I am tired!..."

"Now I can only wait to find him, and then find a way to let him lose with others, so that we have a chance to kill him."

The voice in my head seemed a bit angry and dissatisfied: "You let me out!"

"How could Aladdin deal with the vampire? He couldn't stop even one of your spells. If he was found, he would be killed by the fear of the Son."

The little girl boringly played with her own hair and walked up to the window and smiled and said: "I will not let you out. Who will let you use this idiot to run out of energy. I want to come out and wait for my energy to run out."

"If you kill it, you will kill it."

"In any case, except for my brother, other people die and die. It doesn't matter much to me?"

"You are a useless idiot plus stupid!... You think we are not taking the initiative!... Brother will sit back and ignore it?... Brother already knows that we are afraid of the Son of God, he will definitely find a way to kill other Son of God!... If we don't pre-emptively, the gap with their strength will grow bigger and bigger, and at that time the danger is brother and us!..."

"Do you want to be a cumbersome hiding behind your brother?..."

"Brother is already desperate!...but he is just a mortal!... This must be done by ourselves!... Or do you think I don't want to be with my brother?..."

The little girl’s mouth showed a cold smile, watching the street outside the window, slowly saying: “This is an endless battle! Don’t kill them, they will kill us.”

"My brother will definitely find a way to help us. At that time, he was very dangerous."

"If we die, my brother will help us revenge. At that time my brother is even more dangerous!... Put away your sad weakness and kindness!..."

"Wei Wei'an! We can't lose this battle!..."

The voice in the brain is silent, and the will to try to compete for the control of the body is also silenced. However, there is still a faint idea coming in, with some smug voice: "Brother is my brother, not your brother."

"You are not allowed to call his brother."

The little girl’s mouth showed a little smile. She lifted up the white little hand to develop the belt, and then tied it into a pair of beautiful double ponytails. She blinked and smirked and said: “Your is mine, mine or me. of!"

Lilian was over.

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.


There is a breath of sea breeze on the head.

The figure of Sauron came out of the mountains in the distance, and there was a mountain near the city of wealth, which is very similar to the result predicted by Gloria. The only thing that keeps him confusing is to find out what Vivienne's key card ‘snake’ represents. Until he did not have any clues at the moment, he encountered a few snakes at most, but this obviously has nothing to do with the meaning of the cards. Now I only hope that there are clues in the city of wealth, otherwise he can only go to the Soros Islands to see.

Will Vivienne not go to the overseas islands?

After completing the blood purification ceremony, Sauron's strength has not been greatly improved, especially in the improvement of vitality. He feels that he is now using all the strength, and the slight injury seems to be ignored. Now his life has become - [Rogues career life 6 + (21-10) * 0.5] * 7 + [Shadowry occupational life 8 + (21-10) * 0.5] * 2 [Witcher occupational life 4+(21-10)*0.5]*6+21 Physique+15 [Strong feat] = 200 health.

Sauron has achieved a total health increase of around 50 points.

It is equivalent to the vitality of his three or more occupational ranks. The current life value is equivalent to a creature level 14 vampire, or a professional level 12 purebred warrior.

It may be better than the barbarians, because the barbarians have a lot of expertise to add, and they naturally comprehend strong feats.

This is only a third-order blood purification ritual. There is also a legendary blood purification ritual. If you can master the epic strong, the professional can also increase the health of 30 points at each stage, and up to 10 times. A total of up to 300 points of life can be accumulated.

At that time, the vitality of the legendary melee system was not far from the dragon!

It is still possible for Sauron to get [Epic Strong] because of one of the preconditions of this legendary feat. It is a superb physique that requires 25 points. Soren is not far from this property requirement. The attribute points obtained by the promotion of the professional level are definitely not enough, because he mainly raises the agility value, and the attribute improvement in this aspect can be started from the divine ability.

Weak divinity can be full attribute +1.

Soren is not completely unable to master the epic strong.

As the city of wealth is getting closer and closer, Sauron has not accelerated, and the distance in the distance has gradually widened. You can see the vast beaches and the sea. There are many reefs near the south coast, and the possibility of ships hitting the rocks is high. So most of the city is built in a relatively safe sea area, and the City of Fortune is near the port in the front bay, which is a route to the Soros Islands. Vaguely, he can still see a small ship shadow, but the first thing he saw was not the sail. Although many environments are similar to the previous life in Sauron's memory, the world is flat.

This is not a planet.

More like a flat world frame, just the terrain has high and low fluctuations.

The plane of this parallel continental shelf is quite common. Whether it is the bottomless abyss or the Barto hell, all of them are layer-by-layer continental structures. The power of another law is to maintain the world's operation while connecting other bits. Face space. The upper and lower planes are like a layer of pyramids, and the bottoms of the two pyramids are together, which is the material plane of the largest plane space.

A lot of things are not clear about Sauron.

The structure of the entire distant universe is like that, he just saw a little while traveling in the astral world. The astral can connect most of the plane space, and it is possible to see the half-plane of high-speed flight while traveling. The feeling is a bit like a person walking in the universe, but not seeing the planet, but a floating space, a stationary, moving plane space, like a planet wrapped in the energy of the eggshell.

Star space is the kingdom of the gods, the four sides are the elemental plane, and the bottom is the abyss hell.

Traveling in the astral world may encounter [dead **** country]!


The rogue is not suitable for traveling across planes.

In addition to the shadow plane, Sauron has not even gone to the spiritual world. In this respect, the caster has a natural advantage.

The day passed quickly.

The port can be seen in front of Sauron, and a large ship is parked outside. The central point of the southern maritime trade is the city of wealth, and the mainland trade across the ocean is also a transit point. Sauron even saw ships in the Soros Islands, as well as female warriors living in the rainforest. These women traded like bargains, and occasionally showed their beauty, chest and muscles. When you see a strong but wild beauty showing you muscles that are more developed than you, you will feel that the whole person is not good.

The port is outside the city of wealth.

It is a very prosperous and large city. From the long distance, you can see the magnificent temple. It is the giant temple of the goddess of wealth. It is said to store the high mountain of Kindler. Anyway, no one has ever entered. During the turbulent period, a legendary team tried to break through here, but unfortunately it was completely annihilated in the blink of an eye, and other gods did not seem to have the idea of ​​stealing money from here. So no one has been able to judge the level of guard, but it is certainly one of the most dangerous places in the world.

The symbol of the City of Fortune is the statue of the goddess in front of the temple.

Looking through the old distance is gold glittering. You can brighten your golden dog's eyes in an instant. The goddess weighs about 50 tons. It is not a layer of gold foil on the outside, but a pure gold statue!

That's right.

It is pure gold. A fifty-ton pure gold statue.

Every time Sauron saw it, it felt as if it was a cat scratching. It has been seen many times, but now I still feel itchy. This golden statue cannot be touched. There is a divine power on it, but there is a blessing ceremony to touch it, but it takes a lot of money.

This stuff has made the thieves want to stop, how many people were dying in the past!

What is a local tyrant?

This is the local tyrant!

There is no more outstanding existence in the gods than the goddess of wealth. This girl is so much money that people are going to collapse. How many people fell down under her skirt, crying and crying to hold the thigh to kill her life, not because of her Is money more horrible? If you want Sauron to choose a **** of faith, then the goddess of wealth is definitely in the top three!

Her high-ranking believers may have a special legendary spell.

The name is called - [Dragon Covenant]!

This is a legendary spell that basically does not require much mana, does not need to be too powerful, and even has a low professional level.

The effect of a spell is to summon a dragon or a group of dragons!

Pure blood dragon species.

It is possible to summon the ancient dragon that descended across the plane, or the Taigu dragon that seclusion in the gap between time and space.

A metamorphosis of a legendary spell.

But it is also very expensive.

The legendary spell of the Dragon Covenant is 100,000 Kindler's starting price. How much money can be used to summon many powerful allies, and the possibility of summoning the dragon gods of the Dragon Kingdom is not ruled out. Anyway, this legendary spell is only available to the top locals. Soren has only seen it once, summoning three adult red dragons with the high mountain Jindler, and then directly destroying a small city.

Sauron did not dare to look at the Temple of Wealth.

He is afraid of his own impulses, and the impulse is definitely the devil, so it is better to see that the eyes are not clear.



It is not early in the sky.

Sauron is ready to find a foothold and say that there are many people in different costumes nearby, and many people have strange faces. These are the people who live in overseas islands, and some directly apply large pieces of oil on their faces. The City of Wealth attracts any race that seeks wealth, and there are other smart creatures everywhere. For example, dwarves, elves, orcs, halflings, etc. Every year, many adventurers who have come from all over the mainland want to find a chance to make a fortune in the City of Fortune.

Here is the site of the local tyrant.

Just walk around the street and you will see a businessman with a thick gold chain on his finger, or else there will be at least eight of the ten fingers wearing a gold ring, followed by a powerful guard on Kong Wu. Root gold chain. The local tycoon of the City of Fortune is still so strong, Sauron looked at it and felt itchy, but he was still restrained and did not make a mess. Because the guards of the City of Fortune are also very powerful, they are the top city corps on the road, almost all equipped with one or two extraordinary equipment.

This is the core city of the goddess of wealth.

It is also her important source of faith, and the birthplace of the spread of faith, she allows believers of the theft **** to be active here. However, they are absolutely not allowed to destroy the normal source of wealth.

simply speaking.

The thief has no problem in eating and drinking. He dares to expect to steal the big money and it will be unlucky.

When you catch one, you lose a pit. The priest of the goddess of wealth definitely doesn't mind the slaves used to mine more! At least hundreds of people are sent to the pit every year, and don't want to come out from there!

There was a sudden riot on the street.

Sauron frowned and glanced at him, his expression was unrecognizable. Because the distance is completely like a chicken and a dog jumping, the crowd ran wildly and flusteredly. Some big-bellied businessmen ran sweaty and the gold chain on their necks swayed. They could have A lot of guards. Wouldn't it be like a stray dog?

The riots gradually expanded!

There are more and more guys hiding in the crowd. There is a shop like Sauron, and the fierce boss looks at the distance, and the door is closed. Then all the other guys were driven in. Further away, some businessmen were flustered and went straight to the hutong with their guards. The obese figure ran fast and disappeared at once. The scene is a rare sight in a hundred years. People are running everywhere, as if they are hiding from God, but there is nothing murderous.

Is there anyone who dares to scatter in the city of the goddess of wealth? !

Sauron’s expression became more and more doubtful. He leaped down to the second floor and looked at the place where the riots occurred.

At first glance, he almost stepped into a footstep!

Sauron did not say that he jumped from the top of the building, and then the figure directly entered the shadow, and then entered the stealth state, quietly entered the next alley.

It really is a god!

Being able to make such a big move in the City of Fortune, but also scared other people to run around and still not alarm the existence of the city army, so far only one!

That is - holy warrior! ! !

And it is still a very powerful samurai, so that other people do not talk about turning around and running.

far away.

You can see a team of silver knights riding on the horses, they unified the silver-white knight armor, the waist is a knight sword, and did not wear a hood, but the whole body is wrapped up with armor very tight, even the arm They are silver-white fish scales. These silver knights look pretentious and full of a sacred atmosphere, with a friendly smile on their faces, which makes them easy to look at at a glance. They are a group of very attractive people.

Such a silver knight, if it is walking in other places, will definitely let the civilians welcome the jump, attracting countless aristocratic girls to accelerate their heartbeat.

But unfortunately this is the city of wealth.

In fact, the effect they appeared was that the chickens and dogs jumped wherever they went, and a large group of people fled without a choice.

Why is this happening?

You see that even Sauron has run away, and he knows what this group of guys means.

"Who is his mother's release of the holy warrior?!!"

At this moment, countless people in the City of Fortune are jumping on their feet, especially those who are black on their own. They are just two heads! There are not many people in the bottom of the business. There is a saying that ‘no traits are not business.’ It is not bad for most businessmen to hold the neutral camp. The merchants of the good camp can be said to be few. Especially those who ran overseas trade, and occasionally guest pirates, winning is double the benefits. How can it not make people feel excited?

It can be said that at least one-third of the people in the entire city of wealth are leaning toward the evil camp.

It’s just that the degree of evil of the offset is not too high!

As for the businessmen in the neutral camp, there are many blood in their hands, and they are basically impossible to clean. They will not be okay to detect their camp tendency, so they are not sure whether they are biased towards evil. Whether it is biased towards evil or not, it is certain that it is not clean under your hand. If the Holy Warrior sees you as if you are not pleasing to the eye and you are going to kill you, then it is really bloody!

It’s not too early.

It should have been when the women and gangsters came out to stand on the street, but now the entire city of wealth is quiet. The fights are invisible, the sale, the slutty and the laughter are gone, and the underground casinos are all closed. The three religions and the nine streams are all too clean and have all the lives of the murders. The local gangs have shrunk their heads one by one. At least half of the shops in the original bustling streets are closed, and the remaining half of them are basically invisible.

This is the power of the holy warrior!

Because they are really kind! They can't tolerate evil in their eyes! They are the people who guard the justice!


Half of this world is evil.

Everyone is swinging between good and evil, even those in the neutral camp are only slightly less inclined.

Here is the city of wealth.

In the pursuit of wealth, there must be many people who have used the means of seeing no light. Even under the hand is a strip of human life. Few people here think that they are completely clean, so after seeing the samurai, their first reaction was to frown and then panic. Then he turned and fled.

Because there is the [Silver Knights]!

They are the most powerful samurai organization in the world, and those silver knights that look like a hero are not a shelf, and at least half of them are high-level professionals. If they suddenly lose their hearts and throw a large-scale detection camp, the entire city of wealth can shine in the golden splendor.

People from all walks of life in the three religions are in contact with the City Hall. I hope they will expel these holy warriors.

Unfortunately, no one dares to do this.

Because of the presence of the current samurai leader, the legendary - [the hand of silver]!

The saint warrior who is the first one does not see the age, but the face is very resolute. He frowned and looked straight at the riot in front of him, and could not help but sigh gently.

"Lord of Silver Hands!"

Behind him, a young indignant knight said: "Do you want to purify this dirty city? I saw too many evil people!..."

The hand of silver was not wrinkled by the brow, turned and looked at him, and said seriously: "Stop. Don't talk about this kind of words!"

"Our mission is to destroy the evil **** of fear!... He has killed thousands of people!... The five villages in a town disappeared because of him!..."

"This is our mission. We will go back after completing the mission."

The atmosphere has become depressed and heavy.

Some young samurai who have just come out to perform their duties are not indignant. They don’t seem to understand why so many evil people have been seen. They have always been regarded as the silver hand of faith but they are indifferent! They naturally don't doubt the piety of the silver hand, because if the silver hand can't be called a holy warrior, then no one in the whole world can call it a holy warrior!

He is pious, strong, courageous, fearless, kind, humble, loyal, sympathetic, custodian, and convinced of justice. Almost any knight virtue can be used to describe him.

Because he is [the hand of silver]!

The most powerful and devout holy warrior in the world!

Among his waist is one of the few artifacts in the world [White Star], only the most orderly and kind existence can use its power!

It seems that there is a kind of sadness brewing.

The silver knights walked on the streets full of mess. There were almost no people on the road. Their expressions gradually became sorrowful. Some people even hammered their chests and made a silent roar!

They don't understand!

I don't understand why I believe that justice and good deeds will be like a god-like god.

Only those older samurai are still calm, and they silently follow the hands of silver, it seems that this is not the first time.

Behind them are young holy warriors.

The faces of these young people gradually become sad. Some people even shed tears. Maybe someone will leave the ranks of the samurai in the future, but the ones left will undoubtedly be more devout and firm.

The crowd ahead is getting more and more!

Some ragged people walked out of the dirty and dirty alleys. Their vicissitudes of faces were tortured by life. When they saw the figure of these silver knights, their eyes showed a ray of light. Called hope. Many people crouched on the ground, and some even cried and kissed the ground they walked.

A white-haired, squatting old man walked over in a hurry. He trembled and crouched in front of the silver hand, buried his head deeply, expressing his piety and humility, and his old tears swayed: Justice... finally appeared!..."

"My son... my daughter... they are all dead... all are killed..."

The old man cried sobbingly and crouched deep on the ground.

The silver hand slowly leaned over and leaned toward the old man in humility to lower his head~www.readwn.com~ then lifted him up and said: "The holy warrior is not dead! Justice is forever!"

This sentence seems to be with infinite power.

The young saints who had been extremely low were so excited that they stood behind the hands of silver and looked at the crowd in front of them. Many people held the sword tightly, and the fingers were too hard. And white. Just a word, they awakened their blood and turned their initial low into infinite power and perseverance!

Only those older samurai who showed grief, seemed to have a hint of powerlessness, and finally all turned into a determined eye, watching the group of people in front of them.

They are the bottom of the poor, the people who are exploited and oppressed and maimed. They are the weak and the poorest.

They are not evil, they are victims.


(ps: Time is not enough, I don't know if I have written it, but I have tried my best.) (To be continued.) ()

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