Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 16: Black dragon!

The sea breeze.

Sauron watched the female pirate who gradually swam to the shore, and immediately ordered the ghost ship to leave. Whether or not the target would wait for him here, Sauron was only half sure. In the initial dialogue, he has joined the psychological cues with fear, and deliberately created an atmosphere of oppression. If this does not achieve the intended effect, he can only say that his ability in this area is not enough. After all, he is not very good at anything.

The ghost ship began to accelerate, and the fog moved with the broken hull.

Sauron gradually approached the deep sea area. When the sea front was more and more open and the sea water gradually turned from azure to dark blue, he already knew that he had reached the site of Naga. Naga is not the ruler in the ocean. There are many dangerous creatures in the ocean of this world. Even the sharks and the Naga demon are just a part of the territory. There are many marine monsters, especially in the abyss of the sea, near the sunken continental shelf, where the Naga can not easily get involved.

Because there is a strong energy radiation there!

This is a disaster left over from the Arcane Empire. Even if it has been changed for thousands of years, the central area of ​​the ocean is a dangerous area. The octopus can grow to the size of the squid, and the length can reach 14 meters. It is possible to smash a boat directly, and occasionally there will be giant monsters that can hunt whales. Therefore, trade on the trans-ocean continent has been in a cold storage period. Although some people have explored the continental shelf across the ocean, it is only limited to the exchange between the casters.

Ordinary people can't get through and can't get around the danger zone.

The shelves of the continental shelf will move slightly, and the Soros Islands were part of the continental shelf that year, and Soren is now in the area of ​​the deep sea canyon. Below is an abyss of 10,000 meters deep, and I don't know what is inside. Anyway, the Naga people live near this sea.


There was a slight vibration on the bottom of the sea, and then a battleship with a strange shape resembled a fairy ship emerged.

It was a long and narrow Clipper. The front section is very sharp, and there is a sculpture of the snake head banshee on the back. On the boat is a Naga Haizu, and there is a guy that Sauron has seen. The figure of the Naga priest is also in it. What is different from the past is that she is covered with a blue armor, and her four arms are armed with a long sword, a mace, a staff and a shield. Although she does not have the legendary priest's ability to cast spells, her own creature level with the priest level is definitely a legendary combat power.

Her priest level should be around 18.

The other side is equipped with heavy armor and is also equipped with a shield. If it is not Sauron who knows her identity, I am afraid that I will mistake the warrior at first sight.

This world pastor is a very good role to deal with.

They don't have as many restrictions as wizards. Wearing a full body armor will not affect the performance of the gods, high-level priests can wear a heavy equipment of the warrior, and then cast a spell while fighting, from time to time can also give yourself a magic blessing, after entering the legend can also summon the alien gods . For such a presence, you will sometimes be helpless. Fortunately, the magic is a castrated version of the spell. The pastor is very strong in terms of comprehensive ability, but there is no special place.

Moreover, it is almost impossible for a pastor to have a chance to seal God. At most, it will reach the point of the electorate.


As the opponent's battleship moves, Sauron also ordered the ghost ship to keep up. The Naga people used to appear to be alchemy warships, although alchemy was classified as a taboo in many places. However, the Naga Kraken does not have so many concerns. Battleships are the main tools of Naga. They can't domesticate sharks, whales, and other marine creatures like sharks, so using warships is definitely faster than swimming.

The day passed quickly.

The next day, when Sauron re-completed the spell memory, they encountered another support.

It was a shark man riding a giant tiger shark. They are the most loyal slaves of the ocean goddess, but unfortunately these guys have very low intelligence and very few priests and casters are born.

Under the blue sky!

There was a wave of waves on the sea. Then more than a dozen tiger sharks appeared in front of them.

In front of Sauron is a shark man wearing a seaweed weaving armor. They almost have only the outline of a humanoid creature. The thick arm is holding a trident, and after the battleship, a big bang is heard, and then the tiger shark begins to wrap around. In all around. At the same time, a shark man drove the tiger shark to the Naga priest, and the other said something in the language that Sauron couldn't understand.

Damn the ocean language!

Sure enough, how to learn such things as language is not too much.

The expression of the Naga priest became serious. After listening to the other party's words, even if it was ordered: "Go forward at full speed! Our prey has already appeared. There are other hunters!"

The ghost ship began to accelerate.

I don't know if it is the illusion of Sauron. He actually seems to see the sea shake.

No, no!

It should not be said that it is the sea surface. It should be said that the whole sea seems to have shaken a bit. It is like an invisible vibration spreading on the seabed, and then it has caused a feeling of wave spread on the sea surface. The Naga priest seemed to feel something too. Her expression was so serious that she picked up a conch-like object and prayed in a strange language. This sound was like a wave, spreading to the sea with strange waves, and then passed it on. Somewhere far away.

"Gosal!! Ge... Sa... Lu!..."

In front of the Naga warriors, the heroic low-pitched, as if the name of the creature is shouting, but Sauron couldn’t understand it.


He has a very obvious feeling now, that is, this time the battle may not be simple.

Basically can be determined above the legend!


Time passes by little by little.

The barrels and pieces of wood are gradually visible on the surface of the sea, and there are traces of fire. It seems that fighting has taken place before the start. The **** smell attracted sharks and other marine carnivores. The sharks drove the tiger sharks to excite and scream, followed by some casting moves, some of which followed them to start moving.

This is ‘charming marine life’!

A spell like ‘Charming Animals’ belongs to the natural spelling power of sharks.

The body began to appear in front.

Sauron saw a white bone flag floating on the sea, which made his expression a little ugly, muttering: "The flag of the pirate king?"

This is a battle flag.

Or it is a battle flag of blood sacrifice.

There has been a battle in the nearby waters. They are still a lot late, but they don’t know if the team of the betrayal has been taken down. Soren is not very concerned about these wealth, because he can’t get too much when he gets it. . However, he also had to come, otherwise he might be cursed by the goddess of the sea. Although the gods fell into a sleep and lost contact, they were not completely unconscious. This very important thing, the Ocean Goddess will definitely pay attention to it.


The shock on the bottom of the sea seems to reappear.

The surrounding fish seemed to be frightened and fled in the distance, and even the sharks began to become uneasy.

There is an island in the distance.

It looks like a cliff that suddenly protrudes from the bottom of the sea. It looks very strange from this position, and it is inexplicably disturbing. It is already the outermost part of the Soros Islands. This sea area is dotted with many odd-shaped islands. These islands are the legacy of the Arcane Empire war, which is a bit like a broken mountain.


A dull whisper suddenly came from afar.

Then a huge black shadow vacated, it gracefully opened the dragon wing, hovering from the sea, and rushed directly into the sky hundreds of meters. Subsequently, the black figure swooped down from the sky, and there was a dull fire of gunfire behind the island in front, and then a dragon swelled down from the sky, and the flame column of twenty or thirty meters was shrouded in the sea.

"Black Dragon!..."

Soren silently clenched the machete and turned to look at the Naga priest. He did not guess correctly. The dragon could not resist the temptation of this amazing wealth.


A huge sound came from the front.

Sauron seems to have seen a woman in a white dress, perhaps not a white dress, but it looks a bit like a wedding dress. The reason why it is so eye-catching is that the woman has opened a pair of huge dark red dragon wings behind her, so it is very visual and even more incredible. She is actually fighting the black dragon on the front.

And still melee! ! !

What kind of caster in the world can fight with the dragon?

no doubt.

Only one kind of existence can do this~www.readwn.com~ That is - Dragon Warlock!

In front of her is a legendary Dragon Warlock, she has completed the transformation of the semi-dragon, so the back can be transformed into a pair of dragon wings. The legendary caster cooperates with the power of the half dragon. The woman in front of me should be the legendary duchess. I can't think of her being the blood of the red dragon.

The bottom of the sea seems to have shaken again!

"go ahead!"


The Sauron and Naga priests issued two completely different orders. The Naga warships began to accelerate suddenly. The Naga priests quickly cast spells with their hands. As her curse sounded, an elemental ripple appeared on the sea, followed by a The giant water element around the legend. Elemental life stands on the sea, as the battleship in front of it begins to move. However, the ghost ship controlled by Sauron began to fall. In the sea coming from all directions, the undead on the ghost ship was ready for the battle.

It seems that they are not too late!

..................(To be continued..)()

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