Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 21: The blessing of the goddess of the sea

Outside the temple of the sea.

Sauron stood in front of the main hall silently waiting, Adele Isabel was arranged by him to go to the tavern, and the next plan needed some helpers, otherwise they could not be opened by the two of them. When the Naga priest came back, he entered the interior of the temple. Even the guards of the temple were ordered to stay outside. No one knew what she was doing on the ground. Sauron is naturally not qualified to go in, and he does not want to know too much about the secrets of the ocean goddess, because the more he knows, the deeper he is involved.

This is how it happens.

As time went by, the power of the surrounding temples suddenly shook, and it was a very obvious sense of shock. The power around the temple was like a tidal wave. The world is provided by believers to the power of the gods, and then the gods transform the power of faith into divine power. These powers are not all controlled by the gods, but also need to be fed back to the believers. A large part of them will remain in the temple. Therefore, any shrine with a pastor's abbot will have a divine power, otherwise it will be an abandoned temple.

Divine power will gradually reduce and dissipate.

If the presiding priest is replaced or the strength is low, or the number of believers is reduced, the above divine power will be reduced little by little, and finally the spiritual power above the temple will be reduced by one or two levels. Elevating the ranks of the temple does not only require a large enough scale, but also the number of believers and the influence in the surrounding area. The world has scattered a large number of shrines, but more than 90% belong to the level of the temple, and there are not many levels that can reach the temple. Most of them are in the city.

The number of Great Temples is even less!

Such a great shrine is equivalent to a half-sorcerer tower. After the activation of divine protection, there is no way to destroy the meteor burst.

Amber City is a classic.

If the temple does not have such a powerful deterrent force, the struggle between the gods will be more intense, because many evil spirits can't wait to wash away the nest of the enemy's believers. If the temple is hard-headed in front of it, no formal legion can be beaten. Even if you hit it down, you will have more than 50% of casualties.

Divine power began to gradually gather, it seems that the Ocean Temple has undergone some unpredictable change!

This change cannot be understood by Sauron because he has little knowledge of divine power and magic. There is not enough knowledge to judge it. But he was able to feel the change, and even noticed that the change was spreading towards the underground water below the Temple of the Sea. It seems to be an invisible energy fluctuation that envelopes the entire Port of Terno. It was not only Sauron who felt this change, but all the guards in front of the temple crouched on the ground and began to pray piously. Other believers in the port of Tyrol also began to pray, and the invisible wave of prayer turned into a powerful force of faith, allowing the temples of the sea to shine naked but not dazzling.

This process lasted for a short time.

It has also attracted the attention of many forces. The power of the temple seems to be gathering, and there is a sign of a breakthrough. If the Ocean Temple is promoted to become the Great Shrine, then the incarnation of the Ocean Goddess will appear. This is a process of blessing of the gods. Every temple will appear when it is upgraded. The first temple has the spiritual consciousness to give the aura, and then the temple is promoted to have the power of the gods. The most iconic is the image of the god. The imprint of the gods is preserved, and the believers can be perceived by the gods when they pray.

It should be no avatar now.

All the gods are busy resisting the energy storm, but the temple of the sea in front of them is indeed upgraded, and it is estimated that it has become one of the few great temples along the coast.

Many believers in the ocean goddess began to gather here.

The figure of the Naga priest slowly came out. I don't know if it is the illusion of Sauron. He actually feels that there is a divine atmosphere in the Naga priest in front of him. This breath is a bit like the voters of the ocean goddess. However, there is still a big gap. It seems that after she offered the sacrifices, she received the reward of the gods. The gift of the gods to the believers is an important part of the consolidation of faith.

The other stood on the high platform in front of the temple, watching the believers gathered in front of them, and then they cast their sights on Sauron, slowly saying: "Human. You come in with me."

Sauron leaned slightly and walked in toward the hall.

"Your performance is very good."

The Naga priest stood in front of the statue and held the scepter representing the sea priest in his hand. He said in a strange and sacred tone: "You punish those who have turned away from faith. They tell them the cost of violating the goddess with blood and death." You also proved your loyalty, and you offered the goddess the sacrifice she wanted."

"You deserve a reward!"

The Naga priest slowly walked over to Sauron. Then lifted the palm of your hand and said, "Your Majesty."

Sauron’s expression did not reveal hesitation. He just hesitated in his heart, and then he kneel down in front of the goddess of the ocean goddess. This step he has actually experienced several times, because this is the real **** blessing ceremony. To obtain the blessing of the gods, you must first express your humility and respect, and prove your worth, and then you can get the gift of the gods, the gods are not noble benevers. The blessing of the goddess of doom is an accident, and the mysterious woman seems to be as unpredictable as the goddess of doom.

The priest of the gods will have similarities with the gods, and the priests of the goddess of doom and the goddess of fortune are the capricious people who do what they want.


The Naga priest reached out and pressed Sauron's forehead and said in a low voice: "Human. You have proved your worth. You have safeguarded the majesty and interests of the ocean goddess with your own strength and reputation. This is a commendable. The behavior, so you are eligible for the gift of the ocean goddess."

The scepter was gently placed on Sauron's shoulder.

Then the Naga priest leaned over and kissed Sauron's forehead, using the quirky ocean language: "I am blessing you on behalf of the ocean goddess! You will not be attacked by sea monsters in the sea! You will be affected by the ocean. The blessing of the goddess! The sea is your home! The waves and storms will be far from you and your servants!"

"You will be the patron of the ocean goddess!... You can control the creatures in the ocean with the help of the goddess!..."

A divine power began to gather.

The blessings of the blessings that are visible to the naked eye, Sauron's body seems to be shrouded in a blue light. The goddess of the sea goddess seems to open his eyes, and a line of sight falls on Sauron's body, and then gradually disappears. This is the power of the gods. From now on, Sauron will become the patron and blessing of the ocean goddess. As long as he does not actively attack marine species, most of the marine intelligent creatures, including Naga, sharks, sea bream and so on. Will not take the initiative to attack Sauron and his companions.

And he can also communicate with these marine life, because the goddess of the ocean gave him blessings. His identity is equivalent to the priest of the Ocean Church.

This is a reward that is difficult to refuse, especially since Sauron is also preparing to develop in overseas islands.

The brilliance of divine power gradually dissipated.

There was a row of data in the eyes of Sauron, and he had an extra background expertise on his body:

"The Gift of the Ocean Goddess [Special Expertise]: You have acquired the gift of the Ocean Goddess by your own actions. From now on you will greatly reduce your chances of encountering danger in the ocean, whether it is storms, waves, eddies, or All kinds of fierce and dangerous marine creatures, they will not easily attack you because of the blessing of the ocean goddess. You or your fleet sailing in the sea will be blessed by the goddess of the ocean, you will get the other goddess of the ocean gods Exchange trade opportunities.

from now on. The vast majority of marine life, including marine monsters, will treat you as neutral. And with the blessing of the Ocean Goddess, you gain a range of spell power that can be used to dominate other creatures in the ocean. ”

This is the most basic blessing.

The blessing of the goddess of the sea does not increase the number of attributes, but it is equivalent to an amulet on the sea.

Also, it can additionally reward a spell-like ability.

"Dominating marine life [French-like ability]: You have the blessing of the ocean goddess, belonging to the caretaker she is watching, which allows you to mobilize a special power. You will be able to control most of the marine life, this kind The effect of spell power is equivalent to [Charming Marine Life], the level of the dominant marine creatures can not exceed your professional level, and the level of marine monsters can not exceed half of your professional level. The difficulty of this spell is related to your charm. ."【Once a day. 】

This is a special spell-like ability.

It is equivalent to the fascinating marine life of the partial door, but the effect of the dominant spell is stronger, and it is better than the charm of the shark.

It has an exemption difficulty decision. It is decided according to the charm.

The average marine life can not exceed the level of Sauron, and the special marine monster can not exceed half of the Sauron level.

This is the power of the ocean goddess.

Because ‘Charming Marine Life’ is unable to control marine monsters, it is at most the level of control of sharks, whales, and big octopuses.

The blessing ceremony is completed.

The Naga priest looked at Sauron quite a bit, and slowly said: "Human. Keeping the goddess in the heart, she will not give you a reward. When you decide to hand the faith to the goddess of the sea, She will also give you more gifts."

This is the *naked draw.

The main believers of the Ocean Goddess are concentrated in marine life and coastal areas, and the value of a quasi-legendary rogue is still amazing.

After all, rogues are more proficient than other professionals.

Sauron leaned over and kissed the back of the Naga priest's hand and expressed his humility. Because at this moment she represents the goddess of the ocean, he said: "I fear the power of the goddess. Thanks her for her generosity, when the goddess needs it. I am willing to give her a strength."

This is not the language of the faith.

The meaning is a bit like a guest, more like a relationship of employment and employment, many temples have such members.

There was a slight dissatisfaction on the face of the Naga priest, and then it became a smile, slowly saying: "Good. I hope you remember today's vow, when the Ocean Goddess needs you, you will dedicate your power to the goddess. Otherwise The goddess will take back his gift."

The blessing of the gods is not so good!

Sauron knew this for a long time, otherwise he would not lose the blessing of the spider god.

However, since ~www.readwn.com~ can be obtained now, it is natural to make good use of it.

No one knows what will happen in the future. If something really happens, the most disappointing face is that the turbulent era is coming soon. He does not believe that the ocean goddess will be bored because of this little thing to chase him. As for the ordinary task, Sauron will not have much rejection. Anyway, he wants to develop overseas without the help of the church. There is such a golden thigh in the ocean church, even if it is with the storm church. .

After all, the ocean goddess is also a powerful power!

With her support, Sauron is equivalent to directly entering the interior of all marine-like intelligent creatures. Even special prestige recognition tasks are not needed, and they can peacefully coexist with these marine life, and if necessary, from them. Trade is rich. The most important thing in this world is strength. If it weren't for his legendary strength, the Naga priest would not spend so much on him.

just now.

The most important thing is to use this opportunity to accumulate more strength.

..................(To be continued)()

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