Abyss Domination

: On fairness, brushing tickets, tearing. (on)

This month's new book is quite lively.

I just learned that the author of "The Plunder of the End of the World" is an eunuch, and this book is still okay. The young man wrote it quite seriously. During the period, I asked a lot of questions, so I was a bit impressed.

For the tearing of this month's new book, especially the role played by Dragon Air.

Buddhism actually has something to say.

The abyss dominates the new book period and is pressed by the brush. Where are the people fighting? After the abyss dominated the shelves, it was pressed for more than half a month? Where are the people fighting?

If we are not united to win, the new book will not be able to get the first ticket.

Is the brush wrong?

Buddhism is a lawful evil. I don't think there are too many mistakes. If there is money, I will brush because this is the big environment.

The abyss did not brush, so it was pressed for so long.

If it weren't for us to make a fight, it is estimated that we will not be able to take the new book first. By the way, we have been competing with us last month. It’s only three or forty tickets a month, and we haven’t risen much in one day.

A group of guys with a buttocks squirting there, what is the qualification to spray.

I haven't wiped it clean.

Dragon Air is completely scented. Various kinds of no brain black, all kinds of brainless spray. The abyss dominates the 24-hour 3000+, and it becomes a **** in their mouths.

Want to hit your face?

OK, the abyss dominated the explosion of a brush, I dare say a monthly ticket, a recommendation has not been brushed.

In the end, I have to rely on the brush to fight the brush. I really have nothing to say.

In fact, the opening of this single chapter is mainly due to the theory that the great gods brush the harm is small and the street brushing is harmful.

What is this theory of shit?

The beginning of the atmosphere has become the current bird-like, it is because of the great **** brush. A bunch of brushes have broken all.

The atmosphere has become the same as that of the officialdom. If you don't brush (corruption), it will be difficult to mix.

Blocking people's money.

Buddhism was not blocked twice. . .

Who gave me justice? ! ! !

It is you.

Without your support, I really can't take this first. Now think about it, you really gave me justice, hehe.

If you want to fight, you can play ~www.readwn.com~ What are the best steps to jump up and down? "The Plunder of the End of the World", I also pointed a little bit of writing techniques, not a good book, but at least a novel that can pass the time.

It was added to more than 400 people.

The young man is planning to be an eunuch. . . I can only say that this is a bit done?

Buddhism does not know everything, nor does it have the energy.

But I want to say, young man, you are not careful, you can have such a pig teammate who helps you to hate, but fortunately it is not a reality, or you can break your home.

The current environment of the starting point is the brush.

If you don't brush, you will be stepped on. Even if you have such a result, and your support, you will be stepped on for so long.

Playing a small fish has a fart, and a newcomer who is eager to be successfully influenced by others and starts to brush the ticket has any fart, and does not really make the effect. In the future, it is such a newcomer to brush the ticket in order to succeed. (To be continued) ()

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