Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 35: Watching the fire across the sea

The price of the sea wolf is very good.

Although Kinder’s search for Kindler is only about seven or eight thousand, but the variety of goods and jewelry is worth 20,000 to 30,000 Kindlers. This does not count the black market interests of Shipwreck Bay. If you send someone to take over this In the end, I am afraid that the final gain can reach more than 50,000 Kindler. Don't underestimate these wealth, Sauron had to fight for many times in order to earn some of Kindler. The world is more serious in the polarization of wealth than in the past, and the more wealth it occupies.

The national tax of the Ming Dynasty was probably three to five million yuan a year, and France was only 800,000 gold coins in a similar period.

This is almost the same as taxation in the Principality of the world. Maybe some kingdoms can reach millions of Kindlers, but they must be wealthy kingdoms like Arundel. In the Ming Dynasty, a few wealthy tycoons were slaughtered, and it was a breeze to get a national tax for one year. There were also many aristocrats who had more money than the king during the English and French periods. The distribution of wealth in this world is not fair at all, and there is hardly any fairness. Soren’s money from two batches of pirates is equivalent to a city’s tax for nearly a year.

This money is of great use!

Although many of them are goods, there are naturally ways to get rid of them.

If it weren’t for the pirates to accumulate so much wealth, it would not be possible for Sauron to easily send out the supplies of a ship.

This is a very necessary investment!

The cleverness of the drow is naturally to know what Sauron wants, but because his strength is not enough now, Sauron is wise not to speak. If you open up the other party's disagreement, but it is easy to create a gap, it is better to first close the relationship, and then open their own situation and then conquer them. The value of these drows is amazing, not only their combat power, but more importantly they can be used as a source of faith and build a framework for the church.

Because among them there must be a pastor of the dark girl. Without the pastor leadership they can't support it for so long!

Of course, their value is not limited to this.

It is more difficult to change your faith. Even if they can't be the source of faith in Vivienne's future fight against the fear **** and the vampire god, they can also help Vivienne expand the faith to complete the church framework. To take a step back, these people may even become the foundation of Sauron's gods. The Holy Holocaust is a big game. Only the gods are qualified to drop on the board. No matter what Solon plans to do in the future, he will get it first. The qualification of the gods is absolutely not wrong.

The Holocaust is the most chaotic period, but it is definitely not the end of chaos!

After the end of this turbulent period, the mortal has restored some calm. But the battle between the gods is more and more obvious. If he and Vivian defeat the vampire **** and the fear god, then they need to face the upper plane gods and the next plane demon, a new **** to them. It is definitely the easiest enemy to deal with. Without the foundation of faith and church, Vivienne will become the lamb in the eyes of all devils.

Sauron is a half-elf, and these drows also have human blood to adapt to the surface life.

If he remembers correctly, the gods that were the first to fall in the Holy Holocaust have the **** of the half-elf and the **** of the rogue, which means that the two fields of priesthood will hang in the future. These two fields of priesthood are half-elf and rogue. Although this is only a weak field of priesthood, it can help Soren to go further. In the future, it is much easier to confront the fearful demon with the body of the gods. The vampire gods have been successful, they must speed up to catch up.

These drow are half-elf.

Soren can give up for Vivienne's life, and even thought of turning into a shadow lich. If Vivian can't seal God against the fear god. Then he will seal the gods against them!

After all, Vivian is not a vampire, she has been branded with the fear of the devil.

The vampire **** is not intended to be a very smart guy. He actually knows to use the vampire field to make himself a god. This is undoubtedly a little inspiration for Sauron. Since the vampire can be used to seal the gods with the lesser-spirited vampire field, then he uses his own half-elf lineage as a springboard, and it is not impossible to master the half-elf priesthood in the future.

The priesthood is in the body, and Sauron is the worst in the future!

As long as there is a blessing in the form of the saints, Sauron is steadfast in confronting the saints of any incarnation of the gods.

This is a long-term road.

Sauron also had a vague direction after seeing these half drow spirits. The vampire **** son gave him the greatest inspiration, because if he used the semi drow elves as a springboard, he would seal the gods after the strength reached a certain level. Then he can seek the priesthood of the **** of the half-elves after the turbulent period is opened. In this way, the half-elves of the whole world can serve as a reserve base for his development of believers, and will not have too much frictional conflict with other ancient gods.

This is a very weak priesthood.

However, it is a very important springboard for Sauron, because his ultimate goal is definitely not this.

Because he has a killing deity!


The road to God is extremely difficult.

But if Sauron intends to follow this path, then he must plan ahead, otherwise he does not have that much time.


It seems that from the beginning to the present, all the legends are related to killing, whether it is the rumors of the cut throat, or other legendary events. The vampire **** has not fallen. As a new god, as long as he does not fall, his strength is increasing day by day. His power is growing day by day. Soren has opened a situation and cannot let the other party pull their gaps apart. far.

The day passed quickly.

The pirates prepared a cargo ship and then loaded the materials on the island. After a night of rest, the drows recovered a lot. Soren gave them a letter before sending them away, saying: "Give this letter to the leader of your ethnic group, maybe she can understand how to choose in the future!"

"I am looking forward to your reply."

The head of the semi-dall elf humbly leaned over, then reached out and took the letter and put it in, and said: "We are very grateful for your help, and we are willing to help you when you need it."

Solon nodded lightly and said, "Go. I think your ethnic group has been waiting for you for a long time."

The three and a half drows in front of them leaned over again before they boarded the cargo ship. They were undoubtedly lucky. They met Sauron at the most desperate moment, not only kept their lives, but also brought back the goods of a ship. . But this is only the case. If they can't prove their worth, or they can get the same benefits, they will no longer be able to get this help from you. As the drow who came out of the dark area, they knew that all the effort was to get a return.

Sauron watched the leaving cargo ship, then turned and glanced at Adele. Shen said: "The black market trade that sent people to take over the shipwreck bay can give some of the benefits to the local forces, but the slave trade must be in our hands. ”

Slave trade?

Adele had a hint of doubt on his face~www.readwn.com~ But she has gradually become accustomed to the order of Sauron, and she is prepared to arrange the staff without asking much.

The pirates in Shipwreck Bay were destroyed, and Sauron needed to support a group of pirates who could work for themselves.

Since the vampire **** can use the vampire field to catch fear, then Sauron can naturally try to use the half-elf field to kill. In all respects, Sauron has an advantage in fact, because no matter how much he or she does not seal the gods, not many people will be energetic enough to go overseas to pursue him.

This is the key to his constant focus on overseas islands!

With more and more cards, Sauron's vision is becoming more and more clear. As long as he masters the pirates, he will hold the sea route and want to deal with him.

..................(To be continued.)



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