Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 38: Killer

The Temple of the Sea.

Sauron squinted a little as he walked to the door, because he saw a special carriage, not how special the carriage was, but with an emblem like a tuna. If he remembers correctly, according to the knowledge of the world [noble], this should be the family crest of a noble family. The aristocratic family emblems are of special character and representative meaning. They will use this kind of tuna-like family emblem. The other party should be a noble family in the coastal zone.

Here is the port of Tyrol.

Port of Tyrol is a chaotic area. Although there are managers, it is definitely not a nobleman, and the power behind the scenes is also frequent. That is to say, this nobleman cannot be local, and it is only a nobleman in the coastal area. How can the nobility in the coastal area come here? And also came to the Ocean Temple, which is biased towards the evil camp? Do they believe in the ocean goddess?

Sauron frowned and went in.

He really saw a figure of a woman who was praying. She looked very tall and beautiful from the back. She wore a veil on her head and had a slender waist. Because she crouched in front of the goddess of the ocean goddess, her hips looked very big when she bent down. Round, no matter from which point of view, this woman is full of a strong temptation.

Sauron’s footsteps alarmed the other.

She stood up after hearing the sound, and a pair of blue-eyed scorpions stared at Sauron, then smiled and took off the veil. She had a very charming face, and her nose was a bit tall. This is a characteristic of the western nobility, and the skin looks very White, long eyelashes look like fake eyelashes, but in fact she is born. Another iconic feature is that there is a black scorpion in her mouth, a small, inconspicuous black sable, and her charming face seems to have a few different temptations.

This woman's figure is tall, even more than five centimeters higher than Sauron, it is not easy for a woman to find her husband at such height.

After all, the height of the Sauron half-elf lineage is not low!

She estimates that there is more than one meter eight.

This tall woman looks very slender and the other person's age should be twenty years old and not more than twenty-four years old. Because of the popular aristocratic waist-waist dress in the vicinity, her chest was exposed with a greasy, full-bodied chest, slender waist, up to the rounded buttocks, and the snowy long skirt outlined a very attractive arc. . This kind of clothes seems to be worn often at aristocratic banquets, because it can perfectly reflect the woman's arc and attractiveness. Usually, this kind of wear can be uncomfortable.

Mainly because the waist is too high, affecting the breathing naturally, people who are not used to wearing will feel awkward!

Sauron is slightly stunned.

He couldn't help but look at it more than just the other person's charming face. More importantly, the appearance of the other party makes him feel a bit familiar. Soren naturally has never seen this woman before, but after watching a few more eyes, he finally understands why it is so familiar, because the woman in front is somewhat similar to Adele-Ishabella in some outline features, two people There is a similarity of about five points on the outline of the face.

Faced with Sauron's gaze, the aristocratic woman's face was slightly reddish, and then she leaned over gently. The white hands raised the skirt and performed a lady's ritual. When she slightly bent her knees, the fullness of her chest became more and more amazing. It seems like a deliberately exposed deep gully in front of Sauron. The long skirt with a little lace was like a flower, and the aristocratic woman in front of her eyes leaned over and looked up with a bright smile. It seemed that she was slightly reddened by Sauron's handsome face. Then he turned and walked behind the temple with a small step.

"She is called Monica Isabella."

The figure of the Naga priest came out and seemed to be very satisfied with Sauron’s beginning performance. The smile was awkward: “She is the daughter of Count Caleder and his only heir. She is the blood descendant of Queen Isabella. With the purest aristocratic lineage, many talented warlocks have been born in this blood. Although she is just an ordinary person, she has a very rich dowry. Because her father has gradually grown old, she is in charge of the entire count. Power and wealth. She even has a Knights loyal to herself."

"On the entire South Coast, she is the wife of countless noble children, because of her beauty and because of her wealth."


The Naga priest looked at Sauron's more and more horrified expression, and his eyes seemed to be inexplicable. He said: "She is still a virgin virgin!..."

Lying in the trough!

What is rhythm?

Even with Sauron's calm mood, this moment is a little scary.

After Soren had been around for a while, he only came back a little, and then took a deep breath: "Is the priest lord looking for me for this?"

It seems that he really underestimated the influence of the Ocean Temple.

If the aristocratic woman had the inheritance right of the Earl Territory, it would definitely be the first-class aristocratic family on the South Coast. Even if they were dying, the accumulation of centuries would still be some. But the Naga priest in front of her is exactly what she used as a trading commodity. It seems that she can marry Sauron if she is willing. This world woman also has the right to inherit the title, and the dowry property will not be counted on the husband’s family and belong to the private property owned by the individual.

Therefore, the status of aristocratic women is not low. The standard of many aristocratic families is to look at bloodlines, dowry, status, and so on.

Beauty is only a small part of it.

From this point of view, the aristocratic woman is really the top standard. The Naga priest said that she is the target of many aristocrats on the South Coast, and it is no exaggeration.

But how can the Ocean Temple control such a noble woman?

Although it only affects her marriage, it also represents a powerful influence. The Ocean Church has a stronger mastery of the coastal areas than Sauron imagined. Just the aristocratic woman must have had any deal with the Ocean Temple, or what kind of contract had been there. In the end, what agreement was reached, Sauron could not know, but he can be sure that the Naga priest was really **** for recruiting him this time. the meaning of.

The Naga priest frowned slightly.

Sauron’s words clearly represented that the killer who had just been sacrificed had not let him completely feel the heart. This made her feel a little more angry, and there was a feeling that Sauron did not know how to feel good. But she also restrained herself from showing up, because it was only the sweet date that was just given, and the mace to Sauron.

Just seeing her strange smile, slowly said: "I really did not think that you actually have such ability! In just a few days, the pirates in the nearby waters were settled."


The Naga priest said that he paused here and said: "You seem to have completely become the target of the king of the swamp. He seems to be trying to kill you to consolidate his position. This is a very powerful pirate king, he The people are completely different from the humans you meet, and there are even many non-human monsters inside."

"If you can't beat him, I'm afraid that the efforts since this time will quickly vanish!"

"The pirates don't have much loyalty. As long as you fail, they will not hesitate to betray you. So I want to know how you plan to deal with the king of the swamp?"

The Naga priest showed a smile, and it seemed to have some gloating.

If it wasn't for Vivien to wake up, Sauron really had to ask for help from the Temple of the Sea, but it is not impossible to unite him with Vivienne's power to defeat the king of the pirates, the 'King of the Swamp'. .readwn.com~ After all, Sauron is very aware of the power of fear of the Son of God. They are born in the quasi-legendary field. Vivienne now combines the power of two other feared sons. The strength is definitely more than a little bit stronger than Sauron, but she has not So rich experience to use this power.

Rejecting Naga priests?

When there is still the need to use the power of the ocean church, Sauron can't make each other's relationship too rigid.

Agree with her solicitation?

If it is not a mandatory spiritual contract, you can agree. Soon, there is no belief in Sauron. It is not impossible to hang a general name. The ocean goddess is a golden thigh.


He had thoughts in his mind, that is, the sugar coat was eaten and the shells were thrown back.

..................(To be continued.)



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