Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Battle of the Pirate King!

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Pirate King.

What an exciting name.

If Sauron defeats the king of the swamp, then he is the new pirate king. In the future, this sea area will be his site. Many of them will be promoted. In the future, some people will be able to lead a pirate ship alone. They are not a group of people who are afraid of death. On the contrary, pirates are a very fierce group of people, but they do not fight without the hope of victory. Now that I have a ghost ship as a helper, they have been mixing on the sea for a long time, very clear how powerful the legendary ghost ship is!

This battle is hard to beat!

But as long as they win! They are the most powerful pirates in this sea!

Wealth, status, power.

In the future, it is possible for them to reach the level of sea wolf, narwhal, and killer whales, and become a pirate leader with a number of characters, as long as they still obey the orders of the pirate king Sauron!

A burst of gunfire sounded.

The appearance of the ghost ship made these pirates brave. Although their combat power was better than the enemy, they also started to counterattack to kill those nearby monsters.

On the other side, Sauron has begun to control the action of the Ghost Ship, which is part of his deal with the Naga priest.

There are many enemies on all sides!

As a pirate king who has been a long-time fighter, the king of the swamp is naturally impossible to have such a small hand. The number of enemies is still several times that of Sauron, and the hidden monsters in the sea are not counted. This is not an easy war, because each other's contest has just begun, Sauron has stopped Vivian, who wants to kill, and sighs: "Keep the spell! The caster must never run out of his own battle." Spell! You have to shoot at a critical moment!..."

Vivian's spells are many.

However, this battle is not that she needs to be alone at home, and Sauron does not worry that she will face too dangerous battles.

After all, her spells are not much enough to completely crush so many enemies.

- "Activate the cable!"

- "The round cannon!"

Sauron ordered the undead to fire continuously, while controlling the cables on the ghost ship, entwining the sea squid who were close together, and then pulling out the scimitar one by one. The most powerful thing about the Ghost Ship is the activation cables, which fly like a snake, and then drag the enemies in the attack range directly. This ghost ship has a strong harvesting ability, and the battle with Sauron is a complete killing experience.

He has accumulated a lot of killing experience!

If it is not for the breakthrough of expertise, he has already upgraded his professional level.

But now he still has to wait.

Soren's several combat feats are on the verge of breaking through, and he must retain a little patience to achieve the best reinforcement.

"what is that?!"

Not far from the shouts of the pirates, I saw a trace of movement in the distant waters, then a shark's figure approached quickly, and the strong sharks appeared nearby, they rode in On the huge tiger shark, a burst of roaring followed, and many sharks sneaked into the sea and joined the battle against the king of the swamp.

"There was finally reinforcements."

Sauron's frowning brows a little looser, and then looked into the distance, muttering: "Naga? Sharks can not solve these pirates!"

There are some monsters with tentacles inside the sea, and it looks a bit like a variant octopus.

These small monsters were strangled with the sharks in the sea. The water on the surface of the sea suddenly spread. More and more enemies joined the battle, and many non-racial creatures controlled by the king of the swamp began to approach. At the same time, human voices are also coming from far away. The king of the swamp has many followers, these are notorious criminals, or other pirates can not tolerate. Their combat power is stronger than ordinary pirates, but also more cruel and dangerous.


Sauron looked around and frowned. "Why didn't the Naga reinforcements appear? Another force promised by the Naga priests? Where is the pirate king trained by the Naga Haizu? Isn't he going to fight?" ”

Sauron’s eyes are full of anger!

He was not unsure of defeating the king of the swamp, but the feeling of being betrayed by the play also made him feel indignant!

Vivienne seems to have a depressing fighting desire in her eyes. She stretched out her small tongue and licked her mouth. She said with a strange voice: "Brother! There is a big monster over there!... Let's kill it." Alright!..."

At this moment, Sauron was angry because the Naga reinforcements did not come, and did not notice the strangeness of the little girl.

In fact.

In front of this little girl who is only nine years old, there is a slight invisible blood in her eyes. Her expression is quite strange. It seems that the present picture makes her feel excited. She took a deep breath and seemed to be very satisfied with the taste of blood. Then the little body flew up.

"Lilyan! Don't be impulsive!"

Another voice sounded in the girl's mind, anxiously said: "You will be exposed this way!... Wait a minute!... You must learn to restrain yourself!..."

The little girl fell back on the deck and seemed to be kicked and kicked with some dissatisfaction. She said: "I hate it!... People can't let go and kill the killer!...I really want to kill these garbage. !......"


The Temple of the Sea.

A picture of the sea was raised in front of the Naga priest's eyes. The picture of the battle emerged from the mirror. The perspective was centered on the ghost ship. Her face was very blue and her eyes roared angrily: "Where is the guy from Asrod? Why didn't you join the battle!"

The roar of anger shook the sea in the temple.

In the eyes of the Naga priests, she was unable to restrain her anger and anger, because she knew that everything she had done at the beginning had been abandoned.

She spent so much thought on Soul!

However, at this most critical moment, the pirate king 'Asrode', one of the most important reinforcements, did not join the battlefield. This is undoubtedly a betrayal for Sauron. At first, all the agreements and the draws became a joke. The Naga priest can be sure that Sauron is absolutely very dissatisfied with his attitude, because at this most critical moment, the strength of the reinforcements she promised has no trace at all.

She is very angry.

Very angry!

Naga priests angered and rushed to the crown, roaring: "Damn bastard! Asrod! ... you are a dog in the royal family! ... you dare to violate the order of the temple! ... I must punish you!... I must kill you!..."

Everything is already late.

Even she did not think that one of the three pirate kings, 'Asrode', would betray himself. Now she can only hope that Sauron can defeat the king of the swamp, otherwise she will not only lose an object that she tries to win, the temple of the sea. The sharks controlled will also suffer heavy losses. And all of this is due to the **** Asrod!

Her heart is full of killings.

Not only is ‘Asrode’, one of the three pirate kings, but also the Naga royal family behind him.


In another sea area ~www.readwn.com~ a huge Kraken battleship is sailing. Standing on the bow is a tall man with a scale on his side. He sneers at the distant waters, whispering: "The idiot priest! Actually thought that I would listen to the order so easily? Want to support another guy to replace me? Or do you want to completely control the power of the ocean?"

How is he willing to help a stranger to deal with the king of the swamp?

As long as you defeat the king of the swamp, it means that a new pirate king is on the south coast, which is a challenge for his power.

"Only the idiot priest would think that everything is under her control." Asrod laughed, and there was a glimmer of cold in the eyes. The goddess of the sea had not responded to the prayers of the believers for a long time. The silence of the gods is for many people. a chance.

On the Kraken battleship.

A Naga guard looked at the distance and looked a little ugly: "Asrod! What are you going to do? Actually dare to violate the orders of the priests! Are you not afraid that she will punish you?" r1152


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