Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 45: Vivienne!

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Sauron watched Vivian's situation while fighting.

Although he knows that Vivienne's strength may be stronger than himself, he just feels that he can't worry about it, and he will pay attention to the little girl from time to time. At first, her fighting style made Sauron frown, because the little girl was completely throwing the spell out, relying on her powerful spellcasting power and spell power to crush the enemy. However, her fighting style changed again, and the combat skills began to become remarkable after using ‘Dead Clouds’.

Sauron thought that this was the little girl who quickly mastered the combat skills, but he knew where the control of the body had been exchanged several times in just a moment.

For a lawless quail, the spells of course only need ‘~~’.

The battle is still going on.

With a slight impact, a huge faucet warship appeared in the vicinity of the ghost ship, and many of the physiques were obviously a lot of mixed-race lizards, fighting the undead undead on the Death Talker. There seem to be some lizard priests with strange faces who sing the eccentric demon language and then raise their hands to display a magical aura.

- "Dispel the undead!"

This is the basic ability of the pastor, and any **** will give this ability to the pastor.

Dispelling the undead has different effects according to their own strength. It is possible to directly kill the death spirit, or it may shock the undead, or let them suffer no small damage. Those who are not guilty are special types of shackles. The priest's professional level is not enough, but it causes a little damage to them, but there are still some weak grievances that are killed and dispelled. Dispelling the undead can be used continuously, and Sauron will naturally not give the priest a chance to show up, even if he has launched his own abilities.

- "High stealth!"

- "Transformed killer!"

Sauron’s figure gradually disappeared, and then appeared behind an enemy in an instant, while a scimitar pierced the heart of a mixed-race lizard. The enemy is obviously rich in combat experience, and actually began to shrink the formation to protect the casters, they gathered in a certain range, preventing Sauron from approaching. There seems to be a mixed creature of sea bream fish, and even can see the traces of Sauron's high-speed movement, but even this does not stop Sauron's approach.

- "Frenzy charm!"

In the eyes of Sauron, a strange light emerged. The legendary cloak 'The Sadness of Mohe' was activated in the battle for the first time. A mixed-race warrior in front of his eyes was obviously confused, and then the backhand was smashing at the speed. The priest of the caster. This knife not only interrupted the priest's spell, but also cut off the palm of his hand. He was attacked by a mixed-race warrior controlled by the enchanting spell. He slashed a lot of companions nearby and suddenly caused confusion around him.

- "Hide your eyes!"

- "Shadow shuttle!"

Sauron was quite jealous of the caster, his figure disappeared in place, and then appeared directly from the distorted shadow, and instantly smashed the priest close to the third order. Because the enemy can't see his position, he is confused by the high-level stealth technique, so unless it is a range of spells, it is difficult to aim at Sauron.

A cold road flashed!

Because of the violent temptation of the madman attacking the companion's mixed-race warriors, Sauron almost killed seven or eight enemies without much effort. At this time, the mixed-race warrior who had the charm of the spell was also injured. Soren directly cut a skull with a knife. It was at this time that the figure of the king of the swamp appeared, although Sauron never saw it, but recognized it at first sight.

- "Death is a finger!"

It was Vivian who was faster than Bisone, and the little girl raised her hand with a dark red light.

The king of the swamp took a shot in the head, but the figure just shook a little, and then patted his chest if nothing had happened, and the mouth made an angry roar!

Sauron shook his head in the dark, and Vivian's combat experience was still very few. After dealing with such legendary fighters, their immunity to immunity was so high that they were scared to death, there was no absolute spell strength to suppress, and the lethal class judged the spells against them. There is not much effect. Sure enough, the king of the swamp did not care much at all. Its natural spell resistance was extremely high, and there was also a depreciation bonus of the demon, and any lethal spell would have a hard time.

- "Aura!"

- "亵渎言!"

An evil energy field spread, and the king of the swamp smiled and uttered a screaming language. The language seemed to be with a special magical power, so that Sauron looked at it when he heard it, and his eyes appeared a glimpse while jumping. Come out a large piece of data:

"Affected by the aura!..."

"The goal is to hold the evil life of the ritual ceremony. In the range of 亵渎 亵渎 ,, all your immunity is reduced by 2 points!..."

"Affected by the words of blasphemy!..."

"Trigger the will to decide!... Will decide to pass! ... You successfully resisted the shock!..."


Even after a quick return, Sauron was slow for half a second.

At this time, the king of the swamp had already waved a huge anchor and came over. Soren even had no chance to dodge. He could only bite his teeth and block the knife.


Sauron’s figure flew out.

Even though he has become a murderer and has received the blessing of Dragon Power, the power has reached an astonishing 25 points, but in the end he is still flying out by the king of the swamp. Sauron's figure broke the wooden fence, and when it landed, it blew out a blood, and then jumped up and jumped.


The huge anchor was smashed out by the king of the swamp. It was originally anchored on the anchor and attached to its body, but it was not so obvious because it was too big.

"Sure enough, I can't resist the giants!"

Sauron gritted his blood and swallowed it back. The figure fell on the mast, and it was turned into a residual image. The king of the swamp recovered the anchor with a chain, and then it screamed. Sauron's figure was distorted in the air, and the toe grabbed a little on its arm, and then the figure twice vacated. The other person's size is too big, the giant body type gives it enough power to add value, but it also makes it a bit slow.


A blood splatter.

Sauron double-knife crossed the neck of the swamp king, and it felt like it was cut on the tough dragon skin, and the knife did not break the muscle layer of the other.


Vivian's sharp voice sounded. When she saw Sauron's wounded and vomiting blood, she immediately became red-faced, and then a pair of small devil's wings emerged behind her. At the same time, a tattoo appeared on her side face. She suddenly opened her mouth. A sharp and screaming roar, all the creatures hit by this squeak are all bloody, and even a lot of enemies are killed on the spot.

The horrible sounds have passed by!

Vivian suddenly lifted her finger to the side of Sauron, only to see a strange shadow behind Sauron, and then stabbed him toward his back.

- "Maze!"

A strange spatial fluctuation emerges.

The black shadow that suddenly appeared behind Sauron was too late to make a scream, and it was swallowed up by the distorted space, and then sent to a maze of different dimensions.

- "Transmission flashing!"

- "Time is still!"

Everything within 30 meters of Vivienne’s center was fixed, including Sauron next to him and the king of the swamp in front of him. The little girl’s eyes were full of blood, her expression seemed very angry, and she snarled with sharp children’s voice. : "Bastard!... You dare to hurt your brother!... I want to kill you this monster!..."

The expression of the little girl is very angry, just like a violent walk, a pair of exquisite eyebrows seems to be turned into a ‘willows upside down’.

Just seeing Vivian holding up the devil's sword as high as her, it was directly cut toward the king of the swamp, as if it was not deflated, the little girl even cut seven or eight times. Stop a little bit of gasping. She is small, her age is small, her strength is not big at all, she can cut down so much and it is completely outbreak. After she cuts it, she feels a little off force.

Time recovery!

Sauron seemed to feel just as if something had happened, but when he was ready to continue to find the opportunity to attack the king of the swamp, he unexpectedly found Vivian standing in front of the king of the swamp!

"Not good! She is in danger!..."

Sauron almost didn't think much about it. He rushed over the subconsciously, then reached out and hugged Vivienne's little body, and then slammed back quickly.


The dull down sound rang.

Everything that happened in front of him was beyond Sauron’s estimate. www.readwn.com~ The king of the swamp in his eyes is quite a tough king. At this moment, the body is divided into many pieces, and its body is covered with sword marks, but the position of the sword marks is There is no trace of blood seeping out, because the blood seems to be broken down by some powerful force. The huge body of the king of the swamp fell to the ground and split into pieces of minced meat during the process of falling to the ground.

This is simply not possible!

Sauron was scared by the situation in front of him, because the time was just a second before him, and for Vivienne, the time was already 30 seconds.

Everything in front of you has the common sense of Sauron!


He soon realized that he could achieve such an effect, and it seems that only legendary spells [time still].

Vivienne killed the king of the swamp!



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