Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 61: Shadow crack

The most important part of the plant is definitely the root.

Many old trees cut off their torso and finally sprouted new shoots. But if there is a problem with the roots, it will definitely not last long. This is true of the variegated plant life in the overseas islands. Whether it is a piranha or a cannibal tree, or any other mutated plant that is not well known, the core of their roots is on the roots. If you cut it off, you won't die. It won't take long to grow.

Plants mutate to this extent, and they are almost as good as animals!

Although they don't have as much intelligence as animals, they still rely on their own actions. This area should be one of the places left behind by the catastrophe, and they don't know what is going on inside. With the current strength of Sauron, he naturally has no big problem in dealing with these things, but this place is too weird, and he dares not venture into it. I still have to stay here later, and now he needs a lot of things to do.


Just when Sauron was about to block the place and temporarily let others not get close, Adele Isabella seemed to see something. He raised his finger and pointed to the other side: "You see it! There seems to be something there!"

What is there?

Soren heard the words and stopped looking at it. It turned out to be a gray-black thing. He walked cautiously, watching the weird trees nearby, then reaching for a corner and getting ready to pick it up. However, he did not pull out when he tried hard, and it seems that some of this thing was buried under the ground. In desperation, he could only make a gesture toward the red-haired female pirate behind, and then two people used weapons to dig up the dirt to dig out the gray-black stone.

"It’s obsidian!"

Sauron’s face showed an incredible expression, and then looked at the gray-black stone inside the hand. Because of the long-term weathering and the years of wear, this obsidian has not seen the past, but it is faintly able to judge what it is. Part of the architectural sculpture. It should exist for a long time.

Obsidian is a very strong ore that has been weathered into such a minimum of thousands of years!

This is a very rare ore.

It can be used in a lot of places, but it is the most commonly used and used on a large scale, so that it seems to have only two places in Sauron's memory.

The first is the Golem!

The second is the wizard tower! ! !

Whether it's a Golem or a Witch Tower, this area was definitely a powerful wizard's site a long time ago. There are artificially polished obsidian fragments, so there is a high probability of something related to the wizard.

There may even be a wizard tower!

Thinking of this, Sauron's breathing could not help but rush. Even if it was a broken wizarding tower that had lasted for thousands of years, the temptation for him was quite large. The function inside is even destroyed. Many of the things stored in it have amazing value. And if Sauron did not guess wrong, it may be an ancient relic left over from the Arcane Empire. Among them, there may be data information spells in the period of the Arcane Empire, and the value is basically difficult to estimate.

"Let's go in and see!"

Sauron, who had already planned to leave, was still ready to explore. He told the red-haired female pirate behind him: "Looking around, we try not to alarm these plants. They seem to be asleep."

At this point, the sky is already a little dim.

Sauron looked up at the sky and gestured to Adele-Ishabella around him. The two men walked side by side from the side. Surrounded by a lot of weird trees and flowers, it looks very large, a bit like an ancient virgin forest, and occasionally they have encountered some leaves. The whole plant was alive. But it seems that there is no attack. These weird plants seem to be attacked by nearby creatures when they are attacked or need to eat.

This is very similar to the fact that the beast has a full stomach when it is full!

The horizon in front is gradually widening.

Sauron saw a large lavender flower, and he frowned and glanced. Muttered: "Datura? No! It just looks a bit like!"

He turned back and glanced at the red-haired female pirate, Shen Sheng: "Be careful. We are going around!"

It is not like growing up here.

Instead, it is like something that was cultivated by man in the past and then survived to the present for some reason. There are weird flower seeds on the ground. It seems that this plant is left behind, but most of it has not sprouted, because the land can not support so many plants. Some of the flower seeds have been damaged and disappeared, but some of them have been preserved, and they do not know what effect they have. Sauron felt that these plants were dangerous, purely an intuition of a veteran rogue, so he did not bother to disturb them.

Many of the plants here are just like living!

As I bypassed these weird flowers, there were some broken architectural outlines in front. Because the weathering was too strong, and then surrounded by all kinds of weird vegetation, it was impossible to judge with the experience of Sauron. what. Even he couldn't find a way to enter the building in front of him, and naturally he couldn't judge the situation based on the outside. Not all underground ruins will leave you an entrance, or even help you get through a tunnel to explore.

In more high-end or older places, many underground ruins will not be left for you.

What should I do at that time?


Do it yourself!

Digging out a hole and dug out a tunnel. The high-end adventurer team often dug it out like this. The sunken city in the desert rushed into the quicksand, and many people just dig to find the treasure. When Sauron saw that the surface of the ruins that had not been left for him even a hole, he knew that today's exploration can only end here. The building has been completely sunk to the ground. If it is not filled, it will be filled with sea water. Anyway, many situations may occur.

This time I can't get in!

Sauron had to get through the passages here, then arrange for the man to dig it out and finally find a tunnel that he could enter.

He observed it a little bit in situ.

Ready to remember the surrounding environment, there are some iconic features, but at this time the red-haired female pirate suddenly said: "Hello! You look at the corner of the wall, it seems that something is wrong!"

The search ability is strong! ?

Sauron looked at the red-haired female pirate next to him with amazement and then headed toward the wall. The woman didn't know whether she was intuitive or basic, and seemed to be a little stronger than him. Sauron was a plant resembling a lantern grass in front of him. He didn't dare to get too close, and went far to the back, and then saw a strange gray crack.

"Space crack!?"

Sauron’s expression was a little surprised, but he glanced at it: “Shadowed plane?! The building here is also connected to the shadow plane? It looks like a permanently solidified slot gap! Did the owner here get through? Fixed transmission channel?"

Shadow plane.

A non-material plane that Sauron is most familiar with.

He just glanced at the crack in the space in front of him, and guessed the general role and reason, and he was sure that his chance of correctness was over 90%.

This is not arrogance, but his confidence!

The number of times he used to shuttle the shadow plane was too much, and he still survived for a while in the shadow plane.


Sauron looked up at the sky and said slowly: "It’s too dangerous to come back later."

The shadow plane can't be messed up.

Because the shadow plane is connected to the material plane, but the environment is not the same, there may be some ancient and dangerous creatures. In the shadow plane, you can encounter monsters with a level three or more challenges at any time, and the proportion of legendary special life and legendary monsters is quite large, much larger than the material plane.

And there are shadow dragons in many places!


The two men carefully retreated and the camp was almost finished.

Although it is still very rudimentary, but after a day, Sauron did not impose any requirements. What I found in the weird jungle today is the focus of Sauron. The slaves were driven by the pirates and worked for half a day. They also received some food at the moment. Although they were very rough and inferior, they could at least fill their stomachs. Sauron is not a sly person. They don't have the strength to work for a slave. It's a simple truth.

The night passed quickly.

When Soren woke up and was ready to think about how to explore that weird place, the ugly half-elves rushed in and sighed: "Your! Three slaves sneaked away last night!"

what! ?

Sauron’s face instantly became blue.

The half-elves first noticed his expression and quickly said: "But two of them just got out and were caught by us. The other one fled into the jungle. I have sent someone to catch him."

“All of the escapes are indigenous!”

"Hello~www.readwn.com~ I suggest bringing these indigenous people to work, they are more disobedient than other slaves!"

Sauron’s face was very gloomy.

After hearing the words of the half-elf mate, he shook his head gently, and then his expression was cold and cold: "No! Pass my orders, let people prepare two crosses, and nail the two escaped slaves on top, shelf It is where the slaves work."

The half-elf singer heard a cruel smile and immediately nodded: "Okay! Your Excellency!"

"I will do it right away."

They are pirates.

Pirates are not a kind profession, you must let these slaves know how to be awe!

..................(To be continued.)



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