Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 71: See the blood seal throat!

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H2> One enters the tribe.

Soren immediately smelled a strange smell, couldn't tell what the smell was, but it was a bit of a smelly smell. The environment of the entire tribe was very dirty and there was a feces left by children on the ground. Even the road surface was not intentionally leveled, and there was a black mud on it. The tribe is surrounded by a low shed. The simple fence is useless to Sauron. He can see the inferior indigenous people who are gathered together. There are basically five or six members in a family.

Here gives him the feeling of an African tribe, even if it has thousands of years of history, but there is no civilization at all!

War, chaos, killing.

The environment has destroyed the hope of civilization, and only the oldest traditions and order are still being maintained, and the numb rulers are the inferior indigenous people. A piece of low-rise shed is surrounded by a circle, and only the most central position of the tribe can ignite the relatively rare resin torch. Everything here is so primitive and ridiculous that Sauron can even see stone simple tools, where steel is also a very rare resource, mainly used on weapons and knives, but you can see some of the bronzes.

Small-scale indigenous tribes are basically quite primitive, and only tribes that have established towns have a lot of skills.

In fact, life is far from being as easy as you think.

The most basic thing is ‘clothing, eating and drinking,’ and the clothes are still in front of the food. Perhaps in the more civilized mainland, clothes are things that only need to be spent to buy, but there are basically few transactions here. Sauron saw a lot of inferior indigenous people, and many indigenous children basically slept barefoot. The clothes of the overseas islands are mainly animal skin, linen and other plant fibers. The skin is a higher value. The linen also needs to be planted and exchanged. If the position of the tribe deviates from the indigenous town, many basic needs of life cannot be Satisfy.

The finished fabric here is something that can be used for money trading! (Note: Similar to cloth used in ancient China as a substitute currency.)

Sauron quickly saw their food.

Basically, there is no accident. It is a kind of porridge with a mixture of black and white leaves. There is a ugly black bread next to it, which is similar to a hardwood stick. It can be seen that their food is still sufficient, that is, there is no oil and water, and eating is also a mess, because Sauron actually saw a spider with a big palm. Almost all of the sheds are like this. Inferior indigenous people live in groups, even if they do not evade their children, the children here are about 13 years old.

Sauron did not stay in the periphery for too long.

He is close to the center of the tribe along a bit of muddy road. To tell the truth, Sauron is a little incomprehensible to the indigenous people’s thinking. It is clear that there is so much labor, why not simply tidy up the ground road environment, maybe they are used to this living environment. .

A patrol guard appeared in front.

On the ground near the center, there were gravel blocks. Soren had just lurked to the vicinity, and heard a series of rapid gasps, percussion and snoring, and it was not just from one place. Probably because of the habit of living like a sunrise, the Aborigines basically have no other entertainment at night, so the only fun they have at night is the mating exercise. As a higher-ranking warrior in the tribe, they enjoy more food, more resources, and more spouses.

Everything in this area is much better than the outside, even decorative sculptures, and bacon salted fish deer legs hanging under the beams. The inhabitants here are the warriors in the indigenous tribes, who are basically professional, have strong fighting power, are supported by inferior indigenous people and have the right to speak in the tribe.

The number of fighters cannot be determined.

However, according to Sauron's estimate, at least five people can support a warrior. If the tribe does not engulf other tribes, it is at most 300 indigenous warriors.

The number of people is not too much threat to Sauron!

Because he brought a lot of pirates, he can basically participate in the battle, but there are many old and weak women and children in this indigenous tribe.

As it gets closer to the center.

Sauron’s heart was inexplicably a sense of crisis. He carefully lurked close and saw several tall and majestic buildings. One of the buildings was very luxurious, and even the ground was covered with fur, and two tall indigenous guards stood in front of the door. It should be the residence of the indigenous tribal chiefs. It seems to live better than many generations of nobles. It can also hear the voice of the maid walking. Sauron hears the vocal vocals and footsteps. What to do.

In addition to this luxurious mansion, there is only one larger yard nearby.

The source that made Sauron feel uneasy was the yard, the strange statues placed in front of the door, and various mysterious patterns to judge. There is no accident here is where the shamans live in the tribe. Sauron felt a faint spell swing, but he didn't dare to get close because the caster could set a warning trap, which was difficult to lift. It is possible that he is a little closer to the past, and the other person discovers him directly in the spell trap.

There is a strong smell of medicine near the shaman's yard!

Very very strong medicinal taste.

This medicine tastes a bit pungent, and it makes people feel a little uncomfortable when it smells. It seems that it will be poisoned after a long time. The nearby houses are far from here, and it seems that other people in the indigenous tribe are afraid of more than respect to the shaman. A lot of weird plant roots and corpses were sunk near this yard, and most of Sauron could not be debated, but this did not prevent him from determining that the shaman was a master of pharmacy!

At the very least, in the Pharmacy Branch, he is a first-class master.

Indigenous people are good at poison.

This knowledge is mainly in the hands of the shamans, who will teach a part to go out, but the core part is passed down by the shaman. Due to long-term exposure to the potion, many of these shamans have toxin resistance, and some even have direct immunotoxin physique. They also possess some magical powers like black witchcraft, including some strange curse spells.

There is a row of trees near the yard.

This is a strangely growing tree, about 25 meters high, not a very wide leaf, looks like the type of tree, the bark is white and gray. Sauron glanced at him, his expression gradually dignified, and he quietly approached the past, and then he came out with a flying knife.

"this is?!……"

Sauron carefully pierced a small mouth on the trunk, and then carefully observed, only to see a trace of milky white liquid overflowing, the air seems to have a touch of a touch.

His expression was serious and muttered: "See blood seal throat?! Arrow poison wood?"

See the blood seal throat.

A natural poisonous tree, whose name is called Poisonous Wood, a tree commonly found in tropical rain forests. The milky white venom in front of the eyes can quickly paralyze the blood vessels, seal blood vessels, and coagulate blood. To suffocation and death. The risk of this toxin is very high. If the dose of poisoning is relatively high, even the superb constitution may not be able to withstand it. As for the ordinary pirates under Sauron, if they are poisoned, they must basically solve the problem, and the possibility of self-resistance is quite low.

“It seems that my decision is correct!”

Sauron’s body could not help but come out with a cold sweat. He secretly thanked himself for deciding to come over himself in person, and he would let his men fight with the indigenous tribes without slamming. Otherwise, when it is really hands-on, the casualties of his own men will definitely be very heavy. Not to mention the other means of the indigenous people, just the toxins that see the blood and throat can make many people suffer a lot~www.mtlnovel. Com~ I haven't seen them yet, they have summoned the spirit of the elements, and the pirates under Sauron can die seven or eight.

"It seems to be a long-term plan! You must also beat them by surprise!"

Sauron’s figure lurked in the darkness, glanced deeply at the yard in front of him, then turned and walked outside the tribe.

The shaman inside is a big trouble!

If you want to deal with the indigenous tribe, you must carry out the act of decapitation. He and Vivian must take the lead to kill the shaman. Although he is not sure about his professional rank, he should not exceed the fourth order. Basically, overseas islands rarely have legendary shamans, and they are also among the large indigenous tribes of tens of thousands. This indigenous tribe seems to have a lot of resources, whether it is population or land, or other supplies.

Even the arrow poisonous wood that sees the blood seal is also very useful for Sauron!

Sauron came over.

That is to determine the threat of this indigenous tribe, but also determined the determination to kill them.

Beside the couch, let others sleep!

These indigenous people are so dangerous that Sauron is absolutely incapable of allowing them to live on this island. I am afraid that the attitudes of the indigenous people to these outsiders are similar, just because they can’t understand the details of Sauron and are not eager to attack. Only.

The two sides are destined to have only one to continue to exist!



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