Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 75: Everything is thoughtful!

The sky is getting darker.

Dark Blade - Andy's face was not very good when he walked out of the hall. The dwarf warrior he brought with him had been settled in another place of residence, and someone had been waiting for him when he returned. These drows seem to be completely reassured by Sauron. They are still fully armed after they settle down, just waiting quietly for the return of their heads. The drow is a suspected and intelligent creature. It is difficult for them to believe in others in a short time.

"how about it?"

A young dwarf warrior stood up and asked, "Dark Blade! What did the Lord say?"

Dark Blade - Andri looked at other people and noticed that they also wanted to know what the Lord asked for. In the end, he could only helplessly sigh: "He hopes that we can serve him and fight for him, as long as it can do this. At one point, the community can get a steady supply of supplies, and even he promises to let us migrate to live here."

These words have silenced many people.

Because it is a very good condition, but when you think about it, you have the suspicion of annexation. I don’t want to be controlled by a human being inside the drow. Cooperation with each other is the limit they can accept now. Unless it is the power of Sauron that they can't resist and can't refuse, they can easily erase their existence. Before coming here, the female priests made a decision. In fact, the group of girls were still a little disgusted with distrust of human beings, or they would not be a male drow.

Be aware that the male in the drow is born inferior to the female!

"Dark Blade Adult!" A young drow warrior hesitated, slowly said: "We didn't think that would be the case before we came here? After all, there is no free food under the sun, he will definitely need what we pay!" If it is just fighting for him, it is not a big deal for us. After all, we have not dealt with indigenous people twice or twice."

What is the most overseas islands?

Indigenous people.

This group of drows has not been fighting the Aborigines twice, and it is basically a little better in the overseas islands. In places where food and food are abundant, there will be indigenous tribes, large or small. They have mastered many ways to deal with indigenous people in the cruel environment here. After all, they are drow spirits, creatures that are equally dangerous and evil. Even if they gave up the belief in the spider god. There is still a hint of deceit and cruelty in the nature of the drow!

"I know."

Dark Blade - Andrei looked at other people and said slowly: "But this Lord wants to attack and destroy the indigenous tribes directly!"

A word caused an uproar.

The other drow warriors couldn't help but widen their eyes and muttered: "The dark-bladed adult, you didn't tell the Lord what is in the indigenous tribe? Those souls are quite difficult to deal with, and there is no flesh and blood. When we first encountered them, they suffered heavy losses. It is basically impossible to defeat the spirits in these pirates in the camp. Unless there are quite powerful casters!"

The drow elves also fought against the indigenous spirits.

But they are undoubtedly a failure, that is, because their own strength is not enough, but also because the number of enemies is too much, the power of the wizard and the priest is lost, it is difficult to kill the soul of the semi-energy form by a group of powerful melee fighters. .


Essence immunizes against any non-extraordinary weapon attack!

If it is a spirit with a semi-god ability, it will be immune to any attack of the third-order or less extraordinary weapon. The immunity is similar to that of the half-deity witch, but there is no such physical damage reduction capability as the half-devil lich. After all, the lich The body is a bone shelf. In the entire camp, if you encounter the spirit of the gods. Except for Sauron’s legendary scimitar, there is no weapon to injure it. It can be imagined how passive these dwarf dwarf warriors were at the time, and they were almost one-sided in the face of the soul.

This situation is often impossible.

It’s as if you don’t have dragons and dragons. Dealing with the dragon sometimes can't break the same!

"I said that."

Dark Blade - Andri looked at other people, Shen Sheng said: "But the attitude of the Lord is quite determined, and I dare not obviously reject him. After all, now you know the situation of the ethnic group, and you are angry with a pirate king. It’s not a wise choice! But fortunately, the indigenous tribes here are much weaker than the ones we encountered. The population is estimated to be only a thousand points. According to the custom of hunting for the indigenous people, it should be three hundred people. about!"

Indigenous warriors do not participate in farming or participate in labor. In addition to regular hunting battles, they are all supported by the lower classes of indigenous people.

The leader of the Zall Warrior looked at other people. Slowly said: "The Lord said that he is sure to deal with the soul, so our task is to help the pirates deal with the indigenous people."

A short silence.

A dagger who looked like a young man stood up. Shen Sheng: "If that person can deal with the soul, we are not afraid of those indigenous people. According to the time calculation, it is almost time to go to the antelope and the zebra migration, this time is the hunting period of all indigenous tribes. The source of meat in the spring of next year depends on this hunting. So they should not launch an attack for the time being. Maybe we can pick up the time to raid them, and the luck and casualties will be much lower!"

The overseas islands are somewhat similar to Africa.

Many of the islands here are scattered, but there are also connected islands, because it used to be a continental shelf. The creatures in the jungle also have the habit of migrating from north to south. The number of herds will be quite large when they migrate, and sometimes they can also encounter migratory elephants. This period of time is the hunting season of the indigenous tribes, and a large part of their meat coming from the coming year comes from here. Indigenous people will use sea salt cured meat to dry, which can last for quite a long time until the fishing season next fall.

The fishing season is the migration of fish, squid, swordfish, striped fish, etc., will travel to the warmer areas every autumn, and return to the north near the spring. The number of fish in this period is quite spectacular, and you can see a lot of fish on the route of fish migration with the naked eye. To put it simply, it is to throw a large net to get dozens of fat fish, and because the fishermen do not hunt very much, these fish are very clumsy and can be forked with a harpoon.

In some respects, the resources of the overseas islands are indeed very rich!

(Learning: Geography: The overseas archipelago as a whole is a long and narrow island connection zone, the length of which reaches the scale of the continental shelf, but the width is less than one tenth. The outer edge of the Gulf Islands will extend to the extreme north, and finally Close to the large glaciers that stretch for miles.)


The other side.

Sauron walked back and forth in the hall, then looked up and looked at the man in front of him, and said: "Pay attention to those drows, if there is any change, tell me immediately."

"Yes." A knife licked his face and immediately left.

Just like the drow can not fully believe in Sauron, Sauron is not completely convinced of them, because he is not dealing with the drow one time twice, and knows a lot about this kind of sinister wisdom creature. If you want to control the drow, you have the power or the benefits, otherwise they can easily betray you.

Sauron closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and immediately said: "No female drow appeared ~www.readwn.com~ and did not see any casters."

"Is this drow elves now fading into this way, or are they still not decided to cooperate with me completely? If the value of holding them is greatly reduced, there is no future for a drow group that has lost the caster's heritage. If it is the latter, then they are still receptive to themselves and they can cooperate only because there is no other choice!"

“There must be a strong force to tame them completely?”

This drow elves are of high value, and Sauron’s plan has them in them, which can do more with less. Let's say that the drow's nature is suitable for doing things that can't be seen. Soren's many means of pirates may not be able to do it, but these drows can definitely do it.

He must hold this group of drows in his hands!


(ps: Today's five more.) (To be continued)



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