Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 83: Captive slave

The sky is just bright.

Inside the indigenous tribe is a cry of shouts, many houses have been swept away, the ground is a mess, and there are many unsinked blood and bodies. This rich **** smell attracted many dangerous beasts, but they were behind the village in front of them, still very clever and not close. A pile of animal skins, belongings, and swords were collected, all stacked in front of the central Emirates House. There were also a lot of gold and silverware. The natives liked to use gold and silver to show their status.

The central open space is going to black and suppress the head of a person.

All the weapons were collected, and the captives were all separated into women, children, and adult men. Then they tied the arms together and tied them together. There are basically not many old people in the indigenous people, because their average life expectancy is less than forty years old, so most of the indigenous people are adult, and the 14-year-old children here are considered adults. The battle last night has not forgotten them. The blood on the ground makes these indigenous people full of fear, especially looking at Sauron’s eyes. It is like watching a terrible existence!

The battle soon ended after killing the soul.

There is basically no accident. The ordinary indigenous warrior can't stop the attack of Sauron. Although he has just arrived in the field of high-level professionals, he is not without the slightest grasp of the legendary creatures. The number of prisoners has not yet been counted, but the number of heads should be one hundred. The people who fled last night are still a minority. The drow wizards quickly controlled the situation. After all, the drow is also a very Rely on the race of slaves.


Sauron looked at his busy hands and secretly said: "The ability of the drow is indeed much better than the pirates."

Whether it is discipline during battle or the process of capturing slaves.

The drow warriors are completely superior to the elite pirates under Sauron. The drow's society is supported by slaves, so they are also very comfortable with how to control slaves. But the world's best at enslaving other races is still sucking monsters, which are born to control other races. The drow is good at dark art. But for Sauron, their ability is really much better than pirates.

"Your Mightiness!"

A one-eyed pirate came to Sauron's face and leaned down and respectfully said: "It has been counted."

Sauron glanced at him and asked: "How is the casualty?"

The one-eyed dragon turned his head and looked at the back. His face was a little guilty. The whispered: "Twenty-six died, and forty-two were injured. The rest are basically small injuries. Those who can't save me have already Give them a good time."

Is the casualty so high? !

Sauron’s face was not very good, he turned and glanced at the drow. The dark blade Andri is converging the body of his companion. A total of three dwarf warriors are killed. Most of the others are wounded. The gap between the two is too far. This is the difference between discipline and undiscipline in the battle. The pirates are nearly 30 dead. If they are replaced by other pirates, I am afraid that the morale will collapse. On the other hand, when I look at the drow elves, I have killed three people in total, and only 10 of them have injuries.

It looks like a massive battle. The strength of the pirates is really not good.

"Signing people to come over!"

Sauron looked at the one-eyed dragon in front of him, and Shen Sheng told him: "Use the boat to transport these slaves back, first transport the children and women back, and then transport the adults. Let the people in the camp come to meet. If there is any change, kill Innocent!"

The indigenous tribe does not have much wealth.

All the spoils add up to the value of one or two thousand Kindlers. This is still the calculation of the fur goods they have accumulated. These things have to be transported to the south coast to be exchanged for money. Here are ordinary household items. Most of the captives are ordinary people. However, there are also a small number of professionals who are strictly guarded, and the number is about fifty or sixty. As for the original chieftains of the chiefs, they had already been cleaned up by Soren.

These indigenous people must not leave a living mouth. Must be completely cleaned to control!

The pirates started to get busy.

The pirates who witnessed each other even kicked the slaves of the natives. They had just died a lot of brothers last night. They naturally have no good temper. Soron’s heart has not much pity, just Admonish them that they must not destroy slaves, because these are important assets that he needs. The long rope tied the wrists of the indigenous slaves, and then one by one, like a farm, and the warships had already docked in the river ahead, and the slaves were quickly transported back to the camp.

"set fire!"

Sauron looked at the village that had been broken before, and said: "All are burned!"

A big fire ignited.

Many indigenous people cried and cried, and their former homes turned into a sea of ​​fire, and now they have nowhere to go. Seeing that the Horde has completely turned into ashes in the fire, many people have to be angry with Zhang, but more of them are gradually numb, as if they lost their hopes and let the pirates control the ship. They have been homeless, the tribes have been wiped out, they are slaves now, goods, they have no hope, no choice, even the courage to resist.

A thick smoke rose.

Sauron looked at the village that turned into a sea of ​​fire, then turned and looked at a team of slaves **** with ropes, and his face could not help but reveal a smile.

He finally stood on the heels of the overseas archipelago!

Resolved the indigenous tribe in front of him, this island is his site, unless he actively provokes other indigenous tribes~www.readwn.com~ otherwise their chances of attacking Sauron will be greatly reduced. At this time, he finally had time to develop slowly, and the slaves of nearly a thousand people also provided him with a large amount of labor, and the progress of the construction of the camp would be greatly accelerated.

"It is a pity that these cultivated land."

Sauron stood on a higher **** and looked at the cultivated land near the tribe. It is a pity to say: "These cultivated land is the mature land after many years of cultivation, and there are also specially dug ditches. Although the area is not very large, it is considered to be It is quite valuable. Unfortunately, the place where I developed is not here. The river here is not very convenient to connect to the sea. I can only give up all the cultivated land."

Cultivated land can be re-exploited.

However, the location of the natural port is difficult to change by manpower, and it is impossible for Sauron to change the plan for a little land.

Power cannot be dispersed because overseas islands are dangerous!

..................(To be continued...)



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