Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 94: Earthly spirit


Vivian picked up her eyes and carefully observed the front, then gestured to the nearby Sauron to pick her up, crisply said: "Brothers hold me up, I seem to see a path over there! Just to the left of the garden Close to the pile of gravel, there seems to be a small road there, just don't know where to go?"

There is a small road! ?

Soren heard that he immediately hugged the little girl next to him, and then placed Vivienne directly on his shoulder, a small pair of feet on the left shoulder of Sauron, and then a small white ring around him The head, after carefully watching it for a while, whispered: "You can go around from the left side, there seems to be no fog, there is no way to know where to go!"

The fog in front of you should be part of [the lock].

It is as if there are often fogs in the Eight Diagrams array. Many [Miss Locks] will have corresponding obstacles in the interior. This kind of blind eye must be seen with glare, or else it can only be used for disarming, special expertise and divine power. It seems that the power here has been attenuated a lot, or else the real lock should be illusory, not just a fog. Even the enchantment of the lich can form a dark sky, and the arcades of the arcane masters are even more incredible!


Sauron did not hesitate for too long, even when he said: "We look around."

I don’t dare to be obsessed with hardships. I am careful, cautious, steady, and worried about Vivienne’s safety. However, if you don't even dare to explore the side entrance, it is no courage to take risks. The adventure must be a risky thing. One of the limits that Sauron grasps is that the risk does not exceed the limits of his own strength, rather than risking it completely. It seems that the path on this side has been destroyed by time, and even if there is any danger, it is impossible to be higher than the front.

This can also be used to estimate the difficulty of the frontal hard!

"Be careful!"

Sauron put the little Vivienne down, and then began to pay attention to the surrounding environment, from time to time with the toes gently click on the ground. He has no traps around the detection. It should be true that there is no such thing. But he felt that it was necessary to be more careful. The trail passes through the corner of the garden. There are piles of gravel on the side. There are no strange plants nearby, but there is a little crack on the ground.

Sauron looked around and whispered: "Vivienne! Do you think this road is a bit like a road leading to the backyard?"

This is a feeling of Sauron.

From the surrounding environment, this is the front yard of the Witch Tower. Then this path is circling from the side and looks a bit like going to the backyard or going to the kitchen. The Arcanist has a large number of servants, unlike the current wizards, who only need the Golem service. The wizards of the Arcane Empire were all ruling classes. They had a certain number of followers in addition to a large number of servants.

"It's a bit like." Vivian nodded lightly.

It seems like two worlds.

On the right is a strange garden surrounded by mist, and on the left is the ruins without many fog and scattered gravel.

Sauron took Vivienne carefully through the place. When they walked about 300 meters away, there was a house that was well preserved. This house has a very obvious feature, that is, the house has a belt. The chimney. In general, the house with a chimney works almost the same. Sauron felt that he had not guessed wrong.


Vivian raised her hand and pulled the sleeve of Sauron. The whispered: "It looks like a kitchen here!"

"Yeah." Sauron nodded lightly. "Be careful. Let's go in and see."


Solon pulled out the scimitar and died, then handed a color to Vivienne behind him, and then immediately pushed open the door that was not decaying. It was a burst of dust at once. When Sauron walked into the house with the little girl, she immediately found that it was full of dust, and the thickness was close to half a centimeter. I don't know how long it took for a living person to appear.

"Brother, look!"

After Wei Wei'an entered the house, she glanced around. Then he pointed at the position of the front chair, whispered: "There seems to be something over there!"

There is something! ?

Sauron moved a little alert and then picked up a stone and threw it at the chair. Forced to deflect it a bit, then they saw a pair of rather small shackles on the armchair. The height of this frame is only about one-two-five, but the height of the bones is relatively large, especially the position of the bones of the legs and feet. Such a bone shape can be seen at a glance if it is a veteran's identification.

Sauron glanced at him and whispered: "It’s the half-body’s cheekbones, probably the chef of the Arcanist.”


Just when his voice just fell, the house that was close to the closed suddenly burst into a cold, the cold and shrinking cold wind made people shudder, and then there was a scream of strange screams.



Earth bound?

The thoughts in Sauron’s mind changed several times in an instant, and then Wei Wei was guarded behind her, Shen Sheng said: “It’s an enemy of the spirit class! It looks like a bound spirit!”

"be careful."

"It should be watching us in the spirit world now! We wait for it to shape and attack again!"

The enemy of the undead.

The more common one is the undead undead that is encountered outside. This is a dead body with a body, which is easier to deal with. The other is the kind of monster that is born out of the ghost, and belongs to the monster without shape or semi-energy. This kind of undead is more difficult to deal with, and ordinary physical attacks have little effect on them.


The miserable strange laughter was worn from all sides, and Sauron’s expression was unmoved, but Vivian’s seemed to be somewhat unhappy, and he snorted: “The most hated of these undead! Let’s roll this lady. come out!"

A weak spell of light emerges.

- "Protect evil."

Vivienne first applied a spell to protect the evil, and then began to cast spells.

- "Detecting the undead!"

An invisible spell emerges, instantly covering the entire house, and then seeing behind a wall, there is a dark shadow of a dark red aura. Most of the undead creatures are dark red under the spell's aura detection, which means that they are very evil. If they are replaced by the samurai, they must be destroyed.

- "Undead creatures!"

Another magical spirit emerged, Vivienne raised his hand toward the distant undead, and then a shimmer appeared, followed by a scream of screaming. The undead behind the wall suddenly looked like a madman, and the momentum was quite fiercely rushed toward Vivian. The control spell failed, and the enemy passed the exemption decision, so Vivian was identified as the first target.


The scimitar in the hands of Sauron was instantly sheathed, and then he slammed into the shackles of the half-real and half-real.

- "Shadow kills!"

The legendary scimitar has ice damage and has a special effect on the undead. Although the physical attack is almost ineffective, it is useful for the rogue's shadow attack. This is a shadow energy damage. Sauron’s machete instantly slammed the smashing spirit, and it felt like it was a marshmallow. The blade directly passed through the other body’s body. Only the ice energy and the shadow energy hurt the other side, resulting in physical attacks. The damage estimate is one or two points.

- "Fear [Instant]!"

As a near-high-order undead creature, it has a special ability, that is, it can instantly generate fear-like spells, which may be intimidation, or fear, or even a robe of fear. The spell. However, when the fear of the ground is thrown out of the immediate fear, it is a bit dumbfounded in an instant, because the two people in front of the eyes seem to completely ignore the fear, and even the need to judge through the fear exemption is not necessary. Look like.


They directly ignored this fear.

Vivian naturally does not need to say more, she is the fear of the Son of God, how can not immune to a fear of the district. As for Sauron's resistance to fear, he is also quite high. Not to mention the powerful will save he has accumulated, only the fear of the divine nature can make him exempt the fear of the non-legendary enemy.

- "Dominate humanity!"

The spirit of the earth seems to have some wisdom, and now knows that the fear can not afford the effect, immediately changed his tactics. It casts a talented spell [Dominating Humans], trying to control Sauron who looks like a warrior, and then uses him to kill the little girl who makes it feel dangerous. But it is once again miscalculated, because the "dominant humans" it exerts does not even have a single fart, and is directly immunized by Sauron's powerful will.

What a joke!

How many winds and waves he has experienced along the way ~www.readwn.com~ How can it be easily controlled by others!

At the beginning, Sauron’s ‘thinking a thousand miles’, is not always able to cope with the current situation?

As long as the will is strong enough, he will be able to immunize most of the charms, minds, and control spells in the future, which is very important for the rogues whose immunity is lower than the warriors!

Strong as the will of steel.

This is the first element of Sauron's survival!

Therefore, when he succeeded in exempting the "dominant humans" who were bound by the spirits, his eyes were filled with a sense of killing, and the sword was once again turned to the enemy in front of him.

- "Shadow kills!"

..................(To be continued.)



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