Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 114: Adult dragon

As the distance gets closer, it gets closer.

Sauron's footsteps are getting lighter and lighter, and the speed is getting slower and slower. The dragon has a pretty good hearing ability. Even if Sauron has a very high agility bonus, it is still possible to find it sneak into it. Fortunately, there is a white dragon in front of you. There is not a high level of spells. It only has a part of the spell-like ability. Otherwise, Sauron will have to pay attention to the spell trap. Once the Dragon Nest has evolved into a maze over time, there must be many trapping institutions.

The adult dragon in front of us seems to be sleeping, but this does not mean that it has no perception of the outside world.

The dragon's slumber is a very important process in life. They still retain about 50% of the basic ability in the state of sleeping, and can detect the footsteps of other creatures that are close to or slightly heavier. In the state of being asleep, the dragon's ability will gradually increase, and the injury will recover at a double speed, which requires it to eat a large amount of prey in advance. The adult white dragon that Sauron saw was recovering from the injury, because he found that the dragon on the left side of the white dragon had a wound. The wound was 30 centimeters long and the depth was close to five centimeters. It seemed that some kind of two-handed epee was chopped on it. of.

This will affect the flight ability of White Dragon!

Then another wound is in the throat of Bailong, where there are fine small scales. The fragile defense is actually the most tough place in the dragon. The ordinary weapons are difficult to break. It should be attacked by a sword or a stab-like weapon. The area of ​​the wound is small, but it seems very deep. It seems that the person who dealt with it has a dragon-like weapon. For any purebred dragon, you can assume that most of it is covered by protective gear of the body armor level.

In the gossip story of the troubadour, there seems to be a place called the inverse scale in the body of the dragon. Here is the fatal point of the dragon. If you hit it, you can kill it even if you don’t hurt the heart of the dragon. dead.

But in fact, there is no scale in the body of the dragon.

They have a weak defense position, but there is absolutely no fatal scale, and it is not known when it starts. There are such sayings in the story of the troubadour, and many people believe that it is so true that many naive adventurers think that it is easy to kill the dragon when they find the reverse scale. After all, the story is always told in this way. In the midst of the fatalty of the dragon, this terrible creature was killed at once.

"The defense strength is at least 25 or more!"

Sauron zoomed in to a distance of about 20 meters and observed the body of the adult white dragon, mainly the color, thickness and distribution of the scales. Based on his past experience, Sauron can judge that the adult dragon in front of him has a defense level of about 25 points, that is, the dragon scale and dragon skin covered by the body surface. It can defend against physical attacks that are close to 25 points of strength.

This defensive intensity is equivalent to an adult man holding his weapon with both hands and attacking with maximum strength.

In other words.

An adult man holding a two-handed weapon with a full blow may just be just breaking the defense of the dragon.

Just enough to break the defense, the damage is estimated to be less than 3 points!

Sauron’s expression was quite serious, and he sneaked toward the other side, while his heart secretly said: “The pirates I brought with him are fine, and the dragon scale protection that breaks it should be fine, but if there is no heavy hit, the damage is estimated. There is only a single digit."

This is not a good thing.

It is not easy to slash an adult dragon by relying on Sauron alone to output damage.

Follow the side of the Dragon Nest. Sauron can see a bunch of treasures, because the number is not too much, it is directly covered by the huge body of the dragon. As the weakest white dragon in the five-color dragon, although it has accumulated wealth to adulthood. And there are double to three times the trophy standard, but the treasure it has is still not as exaggerated as the Red Dragon.

Because the Red Dragon is the most powerful five-color dragon, and it is still the most evil dragon to collect the spoils.


Sauron saw some small things that shimmered and illuminate the light.

Those are diamonds!

White Dragon is one of the most favorite diamonds in all dragons, as long as they find diamonds. They always think of ways to do it for themselves unless it is very dangerous. Among all the gems, White Dragon likes diamonds the most. So in almost any adult white dragon's nest, you can find some pretty eye-catching diamonds. Therefore, in the treasures that Bailong does not seem to be rich, it is often possible to hide a valuable trophy. The key is to see how many diamonds there are.

After all, this stuff can be sold for a very high price as long as one piece!

There is not much gold in the Dragon Nest.

Due to the proximity to overseas, Sauron barely saw much of Kindler, most of which were finely broken gold sand and gold nuggets. There are not many gems, but there are a lot of diamonds mixed in them. Soren sees more than a dozen pieces.

A moment of pause.

In the corner, Sauron recorded the entire environment of the Dragon Nest in his heart, and the tactical arrangement began in the brain.

He has two options.

The first one is that now the dragon has not found him, and quickly pulled out the legendary scimitar ice sneak attack, as long as the distance is within ten meters, even if the dragon senses to find him, Sauron can also win two or three attacks. opportunity. If you can be lucky enough to hit the leader, Sauron can do a lot of damage to the enemy at the beginning of the battle.

However, in this case, the next battle will not be easy.

Because the space inside the Dragon Nest is too narrow, the white dragon that reacts will surely spit out the dragon's breath. At that time, Soren even had no place to hide.

Never hard to resist the dragon!

This is a special point in the Dragon Slayer Code.

The second option is to bring out the white dragon, so there is no chance of sneak attack, but it can also make Bailong think that he is a thief who sneaked into the dragon's nest. Under normal circumstances, Bailong must be chasing him away from the lair. Soon, Sauron can lead it to the bottom, giving the ambush below the opportunity to attack the pirates.

If you can leave the white dragon on the ground, the final victory is as high as 80%!



Sauron’s mind was ready.

Just seeing his figure suddenly flew out, directly to the white dragon in front of him, then violently reached out and grabbed the treasure underneath it, grabbed a large number of gold diamonds in one breath. After the things arrived, Sauron immediately pulled back and retired ~www.readwn.com~ almost when he was close to the treasure about five meters, the sleeping dragon also felt like a slight movement, and suddenly opened. Huge longan.

- "Dragon sensing (10 meters)."

Sauron’s figure is about to escape to the outside of the Dragon’s Nest, only to see a vague background.


Angry roaring sounds!

The adult white dragon suddenly blinked in front of him and stood up. He actually said a lingua franca, and said with anger: "Despicable shameless thief!"

It is not an ordinary white dragon.

It's not a white dragon that doesn't have much wisdom like a beast. Being able to use lingua franca means that there are some different places on it.

..................(To be continued.)



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