Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 124: Soul projection

The soul is a wonderful feeling from the body!

Although Sauron was not the first to try to leave the soul in the way of projection, it was the first time in reality. The strongest feeling is the sense of weightlessness of the soul, and the loss of the **** of gravity makes the soul light. But the direct departure is not a complete soul. At the moment of contact with the light column, Sauron's soul has been shaped into a soul projection by the spell, and then directly sent to the front of the star.

The soul projection is only part of the soul.

It is not the weight of a complete soul, so if it dies, it will not necessarily let the real body die.

But it will definitely cause quite terrible soul damage!

If the proportion of damage is too large, it may turn people into idiots, and even directly affect the real world, let the existence of the soul project out to the dead! This can be easily understood in the East, that is, if the soul projection is dead, it will be part of the three souls and seven scorpions in the oriental mythology. It may become a god, and it may become an idiot directly. It may even become The vegetative person died on the spot. Usually this kind of soul projection will only be used in very dangerous places, or it may be some unreachable places, which can make the cost of death much lower.

The souls of two people are reshaped into half energy bodies!

The power of the soul projection has been weakened a lot. Soren only retains about 80% of the strength, and all the equipment below the legend is left on his own flesh.

He doesn't like to go to the astral, just because of this!

Low-level extraordinary items can't complete half-energy conversion, only the legendary equipment can be transformed into the soul projection, and will stay in the soul projection position after dying. Therefore, even the legendary wizard in the soul projection state will not carry his most powerful legendary equipment. However, it is impossible for Sauron to leave the equipment on. All of his legendary equipment directly affects his level of combat. Going to the astral without legendary equipment is simply a behavior of seeking death.

A short stun!

When the consciousness of Sauron and Gloria recovered, they had already come to the front of the Stars.

At the moment, the eye of the Northland has gathered a number of witch projections of about twelve people. These soul projections noticed the appearance of the man of Sauron, and his face was not revealed by a trace of surprise. Then they looked at Gloria with a confused look. When she saw the expression on her face, the other witches couldn’t help but reveal a narrow smile. It seems that Gloria's popularity is very good, not as unpleasant as her mother.

The witches present are all high-level wizards, and at least one-third of them are the level of quasi-legendary wizards.

As for the witch with a career level of 25 or so, it is estimated that the whole world can't find much, so she should be the most powerful one among all.

Say so.

Su Ran is actually the weakest one in the soul projection, and is still a half-swing wizard.

For the arrival of Sauron. The eyes of the Northland did not show much, just looked at him a little, and then nodded gently to Golia, then looked serious and said: "Ready to send! Everyone concentrates!"

The door of the astral that had already been opened suddenly wraped them in, and then it seemed to enter an iridescent channel. There were countless flying spots that couldn’t be seen by the naked eye, so they could be captured with the naked eye. There are only a lot of rainbow-like lights. Soul projection is the simplest way to cross the plane. Many abyss demons and **** devils will go to other planes in this way. Death in the state of soul projection is only a part of the strength, and most of the time will not lead to the death of the body.

The wizards are very cherished for their lives!

Therefore, even in the current situation of the enemy, the eyes of the Northland did not ask other witches to go to the astral.


A feeling of the soul passing through the film came.

Or it should be said that it is a bit like the feeling that people are sinking into the sea. When Sauron opened his eyes again, he was already standing on a very deserted land. The land above this land is a silvery river with almost no plants visible around it. The feeling is like standing on the surface of the moon watching the universe, in front of it is the endless silver river, like the galaxy of countless stars. Around this seemingly small land, you can see countless stars and objects that are like a meteor.

It may be just a comet, or it may be the body of an ancient god!

The astral has become a huge junkyard.

Innumerable years, countless people have come here to die here, and there are all kinds of other reasons to enter the astral existence, and finally completely turned the astral into a huge junkyard. In this junkyard. You can discover the body of the ancient god, the hidden half plane. The fallen kingdom of the gods may even encounter a broken floating fortress. A huge star battleship and so on. Almost everything you can think of is likely to be encountered here.

Because here is a huge all-inclusive junkyard!

It is also the most dangerous dump.

There is no air in the astral world, so it is not easy for flesh and blood to survive here. They must rely on the floating surface of the astral. So many of the travelers who enter the astral are the soul projections of the semi-energy state, or directly the strong existence of the form of the saint. There is an energy in this endless astral, and the wizards call it the 'source', which is considered to be the most basic structure of the universe.

But Sauron still prefers to call them another name.

- "Dark energy!"

The birth of almost all half-planes must be connected to the 'stars' and 'ether' planes. The half-plane is a very special existence, which is difficult to say in a few words. But one thing that can be easily understood is that even a legendary wizard can't supply the enormous energy needed to open a half-plane. So the half-planes are all a little bit ‘growth’, which is very similar to the kingdom of the gods, except that the energy that is supplied to the half-plane is only from two places.

One is the astral.

Another one is the Ethereal Plane.

These two planes have an unclear relationship, and the structure of the energy is not known, but the astral is closer to the outer plane and the etheric space is closer to the inner plane.

At the foot of Sauron is a half-face!

Because there is very little material structure inside the astral. This is almost indisputable, and most of the material in the astral origin comes from other planes.

So it is always called a junkyard!

Even this half-planet at the foot of Sauron is a huge garbage floating in the boundless astral world.

The half plane is the carrier.

If there is no such half-plane support. The soul projections of Sauron and other witches are directly exposed to the astrological source, the silver torrent at the top of the head. This is a rather troublesome thing. Because of this torrent of energy generated from the distorted space, there are many dangerous astral creatures in it. The secrets of the astral world are not necessarily known to the gods, but the gods know how to use the energy of the astral world. The original world creation is multiplied by these 'source energy'.

A lot of things Sauron are not very clear.

There aren't many things he can remember, but he knows that there is endless dark energy and something called "crystal wall" in addition to the torrent of energy like the Milky Way.

The soul enters the stars!

A lot of data emerged in the blink of an eye in the eyes of Sauron:

"The soul projection is complete!..."

"The soul enters the astral plane!...the soul touches the dark matter energy!...the soul touches the source energy!..."

“You get some episodes of epic background expertise [Astrology Traveler].”

“You get some of the expertise in epic background expertise [the Plane Explorer].”


"The soul is constructed!"

"Soul projection transforms dark energy!... You automatically master [Spell Instant] feat!... All spells below 6 rings are all in an instant state!..."


From the moment you step into the astral world.

Everyone's spellcasting power has begun to skyrocket, as if to unlock some kind of shackles. Hard students are freed from the **** of matter.

Then they came into contact with the most primitive and essential energy.

This energy is everywhere, and let them automatically master the ability of spells to instant, although they can still feel the magic net, but it seems to jump off the role of the magic net, do not need the magic net to gather energy. All casters who enter the astral plane automatically master the spell's instant ability, and all spells below the 6th ring are all instant, and the legendary spell only takes half the cast time.

This is still not close to the source ocean.

If you are close to a galaxy like a galaxy, or touch the energy of the distorted space. Then even the legendary spells are likely to come out directly!

As long as your soul can withstand this power, the astral can give you endless energy.

Because it is the closest to the essence of the universe!


There was a world in front of Sauron.

It is a huge half-plane, the outer layer is a gray iris. It looks like a translucent egg shell. Inside is a complete world, but it is not the structure of the planet, but looks more like a continental shelf. This is the half-plane born in the astral, using the endless energy of the astral as a supply, growing land, rocks, mountains, seas, air, plants, etc. in the semi-planet, and finally it evolved a relative Complete can support the half-face of intelligent life.

This huge incomparable half-plane has swiftly passed!

It was like a Halley's comet that crossed the sky, and soon disappeared into Sauron's field of vision. The astral is almost endless, it is a plane that is too big to be near limit, but if you keep going up. You will encounter a layer of [crystal wall]. But before you encounter the existence of [Crystal Wall], you will see countless gods. If you are lucky, you can also see the legendary [Pantheon] plane!


The earth at the foot of Sauron shook a bit.

This half-plane seems to exist only for a short period of time, and Sauron can see the edge of the land at a glance. Jumping from the edge into the void torrent.

Throughout the ages!

There is no shortage of lost in the astral world, and it has been swept away in the torrent for hundreds of years.

Therefore, the astral is often referred to as [the place of exile]!

Here connect all the planes ~www.readwn.com~ but you may not be able to find the channel, no half-plane as a reliance, after being involved in the void of the torrent, it is like a mortal being washed away by the flood.

The birth time will not exceed the hundreds of years of the half-face is shaking!

As if there was something attacking it, Sauron could feel the dignity and worry on the face of the North Eye, which would make the most powerful witch in the North feel worried.

Then the enemies that appear are very likely to be the kind of intelligent creature that Sauron hates most!


(ps: This chapter has been written for a whole day. In the database sorting, it is quite slow to write. A lot of things have to be filled by myself. It’s really a lot of brain cells. From the legendary book, the information can provide things. There are a lot of loopholes, but the floating butcher is a stubborn person. Today there is only one more, I want to draw a three-dimensional picture of the crystal wall universe. If the painting is not ugly, I will send it to you to see it.) (To be continued)



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