Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 129: Ice death

A versatile skill.

In theory, Sauron can use any equipment weapon.

So when he picked up the Giss Silver Blade, it was only a little uncomfortable for a while, and then he had the flexibility to master the technique of using it. Unfortunately, this kind of weapon must master the psionic power to fully exert its effect. Therefore, when Sauron picked up, the silver blade is the most basic form of the long sword, and it is impossible to use the psionic power to change the shape of the Giss silver blade. Sauron took it as if it were a silvery, shiny blade, and the Gisyanki used it as a flowing silver liquid.

However, even so its lethality is still amazing!

"Item type: Gies Silver Blade [+3]

Item Level: [Third Order Extraordinary Items]

Item Description: This is a weapon forged with special techniques and enchantment techniques. Only the Gisyanki talents living in the astral world can forge this special equipment. When the Giss silver blade is pulled out, it is like a flowing silver liquid, which requires a corresponding amount of spiritual power to perfectly exert its effect. The Gis Silver Blade has far greater damage than the superior weapons of the same order, but it must also master the expertise of [heterogenous weapons]. Please note that this weapon is very powerful, but it is also very dangerous, because any outsider may be positioned by the Gisyanki in the case of holding a Gisley silver blade, and then they will try their best to take it. come back.

Equipment requirements: special weapon expertise.

Equipment effects: Astral weapons, dagger characteristics, broken silver lines, changing patterns, +3 sharp, +3 penetration, +3 toughness, +1 armor.

Weapon Special Effects: [Astral Weapon], the Astral Weapon uses special materials to cause normal damage to any enemy, so no enemy can attack the astral weapon.

Weapon special effects: [dagger feature], this weapon has a natural dagger feature. Its forging is to adapt to the dagger attack. In the absence of mastery of the dagger's expertise, any dagger attack using this weapon is equivalent to mastering the basic dagger feat effect. If you have a dagger feat, it will make the weapon more powerful!

Weapon characteristics: [Broken silver line], the silver blade of the Gisyanki can cut off the silver line connected by the soul, and let the enemy be forced to return to the flesh and suffer certain damage. Please note that only the soul projection has a silver line, and the creatures that are physically active in the astral are not connected by a silver wire.

Weapon characteristics: [change form], Gies silver blade can change its shape, when it enters the battle, the blade emits silver streamer, and the amount of spiritual ability can make it change the shape of sword, epee, dagger sword, etc. This kind of morphological change has certain limitations, and at most it can only change part of the shape. ”


The third-order supernatural weapon.

But if the weapon's lethality, the Gies Silver Blade is definitely a legendary level of equipment.

It is more than aggressive in the aggressiveness and armor-killing ability. However, the character of the Gies Silver Blade is quite a lot, and it also has the characteristics of breaking the silver line and dagger attack in the astral. This weapon is much stronger than the machete +1 that Sauron used to hold. Soren has the expertise of [high double weapon battle], naturally it is necessary to hold two weapons to be able to exert maximum combat power. He has a versatile skill and he doesn't have too many penalties when using the Gis Silver Blade. On the contrary, he looks quite awkward.


A violent explosion came from afar.

With the increasing number of Gis Yankees rushing to the North Witch, the witches began to use the killing spells of the plastic energy system. They lifted the staff in their hands, and along with a magical spell, the fireballs, ice cones, strong acid arrows, etc., which had already been stored in them, also rushed to the Gis Samurai in front of them. The enemy’s casualties began to increase. But the situation of the North Witch is also a bit dangerous, because after the distance has been brought to a certain extent, the Gisyanki people can already attack their energy protection field.


The dull growl came.

Sauron looked up at the sky, even if she couldn’t help but swear. Then run to the back like a lifeless.

Red Dragon!

The most powerful and deceitful creature in this five-color dragon, it is no surprise to choose Sauron as a target, ready to burn this little human being.

- "The gun hit the head bird!"

This early bird is not only the strongest and most conspicuous, but also the weakest and most easy to deal with.

The **** red dragon is such a creature!

As the five-color dragon, the size is the largest. The strongest, the most fierce creature, the red dragon has a very proud character. However, I like to deal with the weakest enemy first in battle. They like to smash their enemies one by one, kill the weakest enemies first, then kill the targets one by one, and finally let the enemy have only one polished commander. Therefore, when dealing with the Red Dragon, the weakest person is the most dangerous. If you can't see which is the weakest, the Red Dragon will attack the easiest to deal with.

All of them are high-ranking Northland witches, so Sauron is undoubtedly the weakest one and the one that seems to be the easiest to deal with!

So the Red Dragon locked him into the first target.

Just seeing its huge body swooping down, did not directly pounce on the claws to attack Sauron, but took a deep breath in the air, followed by a mouthful of hot burning dragon!

- "Hide your eyes!"

- "Shadow shuttle!"

Sauron’s figure suddenly disappeared into place.

He can barely lick the dragon's breath, but he can't resist the red dragon's breath, because the dragon's dragon is the most powerful one in the five-color dragon. If there is no physical strength, Fire resistance, the dragon's dragon's interest can cause about 120 points of fire damage. Under normal circumstances, the life value of a level 1 warrior is about 15 points, which means that the place where it spits out is directly plowed out to clean up a forbidden zone.

This is also the reason why the Red Dragon has appeared the most in epic legends throughout the ages, and the most harmful causes are represented!

The heat wave of Pentium chased after him.

Sauron could only launch the shadow shuttle ability in desperation, and then appeared behind the earth element in front.

The huge body of the Red Dragon has been chased from the rear. Although it is a little unexpected for the enemies of the envy to escape, it does not care about this as a dragon. Because it is an adult red dragon, adulthood means it is strong and powerful, which means it can use the dragon's breath continuously. The hot dragon spurted on the ground and directly cleaned up a burning trace. The earth elements after the Sauron shadow shuttled were covered with a dragon's breath. It only became a support for two seconds and became a pile of burnt. A fragment of a semi-crystalline body.

Red Dragon Fire!

The hottest flame in everything.

"Be careful!"

In front of the scream of Gloria, even a protective fire damage blessed Sauron. At this time, Sauron had no energy to look around, but rather a wandering dodge, followed by jumping as far as possible to the right. The dragon's breathing sound came from behind him. The speed on the ground was never better than flying. Sauron felt the burning scent from the back, and then it was a dragon's breath to cover him in the sea of ​​fire!

Still can't hide.

The dragon's dragon's breath is close to twice the coverage of other dragons, and the sea of ​​fire that they spit out can last for half a minute. To put it simply, the red dragon can fly from one side of the town to the other side in the case of a dragon's breath, and then spray a small town with a dragon's breath. The biggest one that Sauron has ever seen is a wall of flames that is about 30 meters wide and about 600 meters long!

The huge size gives the Red Dragon even more amazing lung capacity.

The scorching dragon will cover Soren, and for a moment he will feel the burning of the whole body. The 'protective fire damage' released by the witch absorbs hundreds of dragon damage, but Sauron is still twenty or thirty. The speed of the point of life is lowered. Extraordinary physique gives a certain degree of toughness immunity, but Soren still can't bear in the dragon's interest for a long time. He feels like he has entered a melting pot, and his flesh and blood have a feeling of being burnt.


When Sauron felt that he was about to enter a state of serious injury, the legendary scimitar that he held in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

A cold force poured into Sauron's body.

It will offset the scorching dragons that shrouded him, and at the same time alleviate the damage he suffered. The blazing edge of the icy blade bursts with dazzling light. This silvery light is more noticeable than the Gisley silver blade. It is like a torch that is generally eye-catching, and even can't extinguish the light above it. The burning dragon is shrouded around Sauron, but the temperature of the ice is reduced to below zero, and it sends a cold force to Sauron. The body constantly counteracts the damage of the red dragon's dragon's breath, and even emits a magical light to extinguish the flames around.

It wakes up!

As the legendary scimitar when it wakes up ~www.readwn.com~ Sauron feels a will, it is an animal-like will.

This will tell Soren that it is already awake!

It is also activating the power it has in the past, the cold breath is coming out, the fire damage suffered by Sauron is getting lower and lower, and the fire that burned in the vicinity because of the dragon's breath is gradually extinguished.

Machete [ice death]!

Because some of Sauron is not known, it awakened at the moment of the red dragon breath.

At the moment when it awakens, the ability to lose for some reason in the past has begun to recover. As a scimitar in the epic legend, it has the ability to be more than just a sharp edge and a little bit of cold damage.

..................(To be continued.)



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