Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 131: Sauron's knife

The red dragon's figure whizzed past.

When a round of dragon's breath spit, its huge body began to swoop down.

The Northern Witches began to aim the spell at the red dragon in the sky, but the spells that deal damage to it are basically nothing. Adult red dragons have strong spell resistance. Basically, spells below the three rings are difficult to effect. Sometimes the protection of dragon scales cannot be broken. The adult red dragon has a 10 point spell reduction, and its dragon body can heal any spell damage of less than 10 damage, and it also immunizes any fire damage.

- "Fireball!"

A basin-sized fireball descends from the sky.

But it is not from other casters, but from the mouth of the red dragon directly sprayed out.

As the dragon with the strongest fighting power in the five-color dragon, the adult red dragon has a caster level of 7-9, which means that it is roughly equivalent to a Dragon Warlock of level 8. Dragons learn spells at a slower pace. In fact, very few dragons are very eager to learn, so their spells are all self-understanding. A eager to learn dragon is quite terrible. This dragon is also one of the best in the dragons, because it means they have to deal with humanoid creatures.


A burst of violent explosions came.

The first wave of the dragon's breath spit has not broken the defensive formation of the Northland witch, but the second round of fireball bursts is a hard-boiled monster that has been summoned by the Northland witch.

Dragon's spell!

Although not as varied as a wizard, the number of uses is quite a bit.

The Red Dragon does not use low-level control spells, because it is basically impossible to threaten the high-level North Witch, all of which are covered by range-like spells, in order to clean up those summoned creatures. It is very embarrassing, knows how to use tactics, and even knows to pick weak enemy attacks. So when it found that there was a chance to attack the Northland witch formation after cleaning up the summoned monster, the red dragon immediately swooped down the huge dragon wing.

- "Dragon wing slap!"

Any spell is more powerful than the dragon itself.

The power of the adult red dragon is the highest of all dragons, and no additional blood talent can reach the power of 33 points.

This power is enough to push the vast majority of creatures in the material plane!

So as long as they are concentrated by the dragon wing, almost most of them will be killed on the spot or broken or stunned.

This is the same for the North Asian witches.

So when they perceive the red dragon's dive attack from the sky, and the dragon wing slap followed by it, the North Witches all started to prepare the flickering spells.


The figure of the elders of the earth element was directly shot and nearly 30 meters away.

The same legendary creature, the elders of the earth element in front of the red dragon is like a child, whether it is a huge body or a terrible force, all completely crushed the earth element elders. The dragon wing slams the earth element elders into a dizzy state, and the rock body on the half has cracks. All other summoning creatures nearby were flying backwards, and it was simply cleared by the red dragon. Even the madman of the madness was interrupted by the dragon wing, and now the half body is twisted and struggling on the ground.

This is the power of the dragon!

Positive hard resistance has almost no chance of winning.

The Northland witches all shunned the dragon's dragon-wing slap. In fact, in the astral of the six-ring spells, the Red Dragon did not expect to hit these powerful high-order Northland witches with the dragon wings. . An instant transmission-like spell, whether it's flickering, any door, space jump, and other similar abilities, can all avoid the dragon's dragon wing slap. However, the purpose of the Red Dragon has actually been reached, because after the Northern Witches launched a transmission-like spell to avoid the Dragon Wing, their formation was completely dissipated.

How can I still maintain the formation after the transfer?

The dragon wing slammed directly to the summoned creature within 30 meters of the square. The violent impact cleared the other creatures within 50 meters. How could there be any defensive fronts?

What they need to face is not just this red dragon.

So when the Northland witches summoned them in front of them to stop the enemies from approaching, and as the assassination creatures that blocked the spells were all killed by the red dragons, the Jisyanki psychic warriors seized the opportunity.

They seized the opportunity to directly hit the witches of the Northland!

- "Remove the magic!"

- "Cleavage!"

- "Highly lift the magic wall!"

The psychic warlock's ability to cast spells is better than that of these high-level North American witches. In fact, any spellcasting system is better than a professional wizard. However, when these psychics were obsessed with the use of spells to remove the energy-protection field of the Witches of the North, the battle began to change gradually. First of all, the protective field of a Northland witch was all broken, and then a soul warrior rushed to her front, and the silversmith blade was directly smashed.

This is followed by a protective energy field triggered by an accidental spell, and a protective spell triggered by the props.

- "Remove the magic!"

- "Dissociation!"

The second round of spell attacks came, and the soul warrior who had been hard-pressed by the front was killed by a spell, but the last protective field of the North Witch was also broken. Then there was a distorted figure, a Gisyanki appeared near her, and then waved a silver sword from her back. Exhausted all the protective spells, the Northland Witch was as fragile as a straw, and was instantly pierced by the enemy, while also breaking her neck.

Unprotected wizards are the heads of all harvested!

The dead Northland witch gradually dissipated, her body was reduced to spiritual energy disappearing, and her body would not wake up, which is hard to say. Because the soul projection is dead, it must undergo a mandatory determination of strength, will, and spirit. If it fails, it may reduce its own strength, and it may also become a direct body. In the unlikely event that an enemy in the astral world knows how to attack the soul, the possibility of becoming a corpse is as high as 90 or more!

So Sauron didn't like to come to the stars.

Because it is too dangerous!

The first dead Northland witch made the Gisyankis excited, because they knew that the high-order witches who seemed to be incomparably powerful were not invincible.


The battle is still going on.

However, other people have not seen Sauron's figure, because he has put all the skill points into the sneak, and then the whole person has completely entered the stealth state. As long as no one releases detection invisibility near him, then very few people can rely on the ability to detect and find the traces of Sauron.

He is waiting for the opportunity!

Not only waiting for the defensive loophole after the dragon launched the attack, but also waiting for the witches to further consume the dragon's vitality.

There aren't many spells that can kill the dragon!

Even the legendary spells are hard to break the top-notch toughness of the adult dragon, but that doesn't mean that the spell can't hurt it. In fact, the red dragon has already entered a minor injury when flying from the sky. Its dragon wing smash destroys the formation of the summoning creature, and also kills the low-level summons, only the higher-order element life remains nearby. The Red Dragon is not in a hurry to deal with the witch, because it knows that the witch is quite dangerous. If it is too impulsive, it is the legendary spell waiting for it.

The sly red dragon doesn't like to take life to fight against legendary spells!

- "Dragon tail sweep!"

The red dragon is cleaning up the life of the nearby elements. The elders of these summoned elements are not their opponents, but solving them can greatly increase the pressure on the witches in the North, because the Gisyankis can already attack them.

The figure of Sauron is close by little.

When the front of the body is as big as a mutton-like red dragon just after the dragon tail sweeps, his figure suddenly flies out. Sauron's goal is the red dragon's abdomen, which can directly attack the dragon's internal organs. However, if you want to hit the dragon heart, you can only rely on the dragon slaughter gun, because the red dragon's body width is too long, and the ordinary weapon can't reach the heart position.

In front of Sauron is a solid dark red dragon scale. When he is near the body of the red dragon, this huge monster seems to be inductive. It **** the dragon wing and wants to shoot the enemies that may exist. However, Sauron's sturdy twisted dodge, directly escaped the amazing dragon wing, and then clenched the machete to the red dragon's belly scales stabbed.


A very different feeling.

Sauron easily penetrated the body of the red dragon, as if it had no dragon scales with amazing defenses.

Then he discovered in a flash that he had just subconsciously stabbed the gap of the red dragon's scales when he attacked. The dragon scale is not a complete whole, it is a solid scale, each scale has a small gap. The front piercing is not useful, but it can attack the combination of dragon scales along the slope.

This was something that Sauron could not do in the past!

Because he doesn't have such superb skills, he can retain such amazing accuracy at the moment of launching an explosive attack.

But he seems to have done it now.

Sauron didn't just do it~www.readwn.com~ When he gripped the scimitar and pierced it from the crack of the dragon scale, he also felt the touch on the knife. He broke the tough dragon skin and pierced it. The red dragon's muscle layer, and after piercing the muscle layer, his clenched machete seems to have become his own finger, and the touch from the blade makes him know that it is close to the muscle ligament.

The creature is made up of pieces of muscle!

Muscles also have a strong protective ability, but at every muscle connection, its defense ability is quite weak.

- "King Ding Jieniu!"

This is the only metaphor in Sauron's mind.

But Kenting knows the most about cattle, and Sauron is most familiar with his knife!


(Machete [Legend]: Critical Strike +1, Deadly Attack +1.) r1152



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