Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 132: Dismembered Red Dragon (on)

The blade cuts along the tendon, and Sauron actually has an unusually smooth feeling.

The feeling is like taking a knife to pick up firewood. Before, he was holding a cross cut and needed a very strong force. Now he is standing upright, both the gravity inertia and the trajectory of the wood itself. This knife was originally stabbed into the red dragon's body three inches after the subsequent weakness, but now Sauron pierced a nearly one foot deep, but also opened a nearly three-inch cross-section wound. In the simplest and most intuitive expression, Soren almost cut a piece of meat weighing about one hundred pounds from the belly of the red dragon.

Just a knife!

The Red Dragon made a very low-pitched snoring, even more painful than a round of spell attacks against the North Witch.

Spiritual spells can't control the dragon's will, and the damage spells are hard to break the dragon scale's protection. Since the destruction of the Arcane Empire, more than once, people have mentioned the tide of elements, and listed a large number of pure blood dragons to prove the influence of elemental tides on other creatures. The long life of dragons can last for thousands of years, and some of them have lived for quite a long period of time, and they can clearly see the greater influence of these millenniums on their power.

This theory eventually points to about three or five hundred years, and the power of the dragon will reach the peak of the elemental tide.

Some people suspect that this will lead to the re-emergence of Long Island.


The witch's formation was completely gone.

They are not the ones who have come on, but they only retain about 80% of their strength. Both the cast level and the spell strength are much lower than the strength of the ontology. The wizard's projection can retain about 70% of the strength. Although the soul projection is more powerful, it can only retain about 80%. It is said that the Arcane Empire used to have a powerful spell called ‘Imagination’, which can retain more than 90% of combat power, but this spell has been lost for a long time.

After the destruction of the Arcane Empire, many spells lost their inheritance. Especially spells from other planes.

The reduction of the strength of the semi-hanger wizard like Sauron is not so obvious, because his spell position is not so much, that is, the arcane missile can only be lost. And the rogue's professional soul projection does not reduce the attributes. It only slightly affects the basic skills of all aspects. Therefore, the influence of entering the astral circle on him is minimal, and he retains most of the attribute points in the state of soul projection. And just as Sauron’s combat power is largely supported by attributes.

The whistling wind is coming from behind!

When Sauron broke the dragon scale and caused a lot of damage to the red dragon, the narrow dragon tail was also raised in the air, and then rushed toward him.

Sauron did not dare to resist the knife and rushed back. When he pulled out the machete, the wound splashed a large piece of dragon blood.

The hot dragon's blood fell on Sauron's body. The red dragon's blood was hotter than the white dragon. Just like the boiling water, it caused a slight burn to Sauron. This injury does not affect Sauron's combat effectiveness, but it slightly shakes his body. Only relying on strong agility and flexibility, the body can be swayed in a nearly twisted manner, and then flew to the side of the red dragon. Because the tail was raised, he saw a huge chrysanthemum, and had to say that the dragon's excretory organs were not much different from other creatures.

However, there should be a lot of no dragon scale protection here!

The dragon's faeces are a good use of wild props that can dispel other wild monsters so that they don't dare to approach and attack the adventurers.

So since there are dragons' droppings, they also have excreted organs.

For any creature, this position is a critical hit. Usually it is protected by the dragon tail, and there is basically no chance of attack. But now the Red Dragon has just swept a dragon's tail and swept the body of Sauron, because it produced a defensive void of about a second and a half. Sauron himself never said anything about the means of justice. Immediately after seeing the enemy revealing a protective area without dragon scales, I immediately rushed in.

When the scimitar subconsciously nearly smashed in, he found that the location of his attack was special.

His mother's!

This red dragon is still a mother!

The enemy's gender did not affect Sauron's fighting consciousness. When the red dragon made a terrible sorrow, and at the same time turned his head and sprayed a dragon's breath on his body, Sauron had re-entered the shadow, and then launched the new ability of the shadow warrior [shadow jump]. This is the general ability of the rogue, but the shadow dancers have to master it earlier. If it is a pure breed thief, it may be necessary to master the legendary level. This is a very important pre-skill and is the most important escape and pursuit skill of the rogue.

It is a bit different from [shadow shuttle].

"Shadow Jumping [Supernatural Ability]: As the relationship between itself and the shadow plane becomes more and more tight, the rogues begin to master the mysterious shadow jumping ability. They can jump and jump in the shadows, as if they were any magical masters mastered by the wizard. In general, this shadow jumping ability does not need to enter the stealth state. As long as it is in the shadow, the rogue can perform the shadow jump. This jump distance is up to 100 meters, but can be divided into any number of times. Before mastering the special advanced ability. The limit of shadow jumping in a day is 100 meters."

[Remarks: This ability can be used ten times. Each time you jump 10 meters, you can jump once and jump 100 meters at a time. 】

This is the legendary [shadow jump]!

A more flexible and easier to use than the shadow shuttle, it does not need to enter the stealth state, just need to be in the shadow.

Then you can launch a jump ability similar to any door, and immunize the spell lock like a meta anchor.

However, this supernatural ability has a weakness, that is, its ultimate distance is 100 meters, unless it has a very special expertise, it is at most 100 meters away. From this point of view, [shadow jump] is completely better than the legendary skill [shadow step], because the latter has greater distance and greater freedom and greater lethality. In fact, the consideration that Sauron has always had is to raise the professional level of the rogue, or to raise the professional level of the wizard.

One is the current combat power, and the other is the future battle potential!


The violent flames hit like an explosion.

Sauron only jumped a distance of about fifteen meters, and [shadow jump] can only be crossed in the shadows that are visible to him. The strength of the legend can not feel the invisible shadow. Sauron's thin figure disappeared in the shadows, and then appeared in the shadows. In this moment, he completely avoided the dragon's breath. In fact. The rogue begins to enter the high level, and the distance from the wizard is gradually narrowing. Otherwise, they will not be the second only to Juggernaut, who have the ability to assassinate the wizard.

Soren’s dealings with the wizards in the past was a lot of supernatural powers.

The changes on the battlefield are changing rapidly!

The situation of the Witches in the North seems to be a bit uncomfortable. The tactics of the Gisyanki people are to stop the magic and then rely on the soul warrior to attack the enemy. This has caused a great problem for the Northland witches, that is, they do not continuously add defensive energy fields, so they are easily exposed to the attack range of the soul warrior. However, once the defensive spells are added continuously, they are caught in a passive war of attrition, because the spells always have the light.

The sorcerer's fragile body is destined to have no support for the force field, which is difficult to support for how long!

Because they attacked them are all advanced soldiers in the astral world.


A strange figure appeared out of thin air. The Gilbert Blade was then swept to a Northland witch who had exhausted the defensive spell. The wizard remembers up to one-third of the defensive spells, so when her defensive spells are exhausted, they can only throw a large number of attack control spells in a counter-attack, killing the Gis Yankees in front of them. Quite a lot. However, the protection of the energy field was lost, and her existence was quite fragile, becoming the target of many soul warriors.

The silver blade of the Giss turned to the cold silver light and directly stabbed the heart of the North Witch!


Something unexpected happened.

The Northland Witch, who had almost exhausted all defensive spells, suddenly seemed to have triggered some sort of unexpected spell, and then swung the wand to block the soul warrior in front of him.

Strength, agility, reflection.

No matter from which point, the North Witch is almost impossible to block the attack of advanced fighters.

But she is indeed blocked.

- "Tan Sen Deformation!"

The soul warrior in front of me seems to be aware of something. But it is already a bit late.

The Northland Witch, who looked very delicate in front of him, picked up the staff directly and knocked off one of his arms on the spot, and then the staff slid across his head. That picture is simply terrible. It is only at a glance that the power of the witch has reached about 20 o'clock, because almost the other's skull has been broken. All the people who saw it didn't jump from the brow, and Sauron was surprised to see this scene.

"Tano Sensation?!"

Sauron circumvented the range of the dragon's breath and muttered: "I don't think there is a battle wizard in the North Witch who is proficient in metamorphosis!"

Battle wizard.

A special genre of casters.

They mainly focus on learning spells, such as lower-level learning and deformation, which can be transformed into creatures such as animals, spiders, pterosaurs, etc. ~www.readwn.com~ Learn Tano Morphology at a higher level In the form of transformation, it is close to the combat power of soldiers of the same level. In the future, they will be able to learn a variety of special spells, as well as special spells in legendary spells that can transform into giants, golems, demons, and more.

This is a very rare wizard genre!

Especially after the destruction of the Arcane Empire. There are fewer and fewer wizards mastering high-order deformation spells.


(Tansen Transformer [Six-Circle Spell]: Increases your strength, agility, and physique to 20 points, natural armor +4. Strong Reflex +5, automatically masters military weapons. Vitality is equivalent to the same level of warrior, spells are in effect Lose the ability to cast spells.)


Ps: I arrived home at 10:30 and barely wrote a chapter. Three more tomorrow. (To be continued)




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