Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 143: Northern trade

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Most of the North Witches have special prophecy for divination.

This makes them often have quite amazing intuition, and can blur the feeling of the future fragments. For example, when Sauron stayed here for a day, he found that the city of the Northland seemed to be preparing for preparation, and it seems that it has been going on for a while. The food, weapons, important materials, etc., are now all managed by the Chamber of Deputies under the High Witch Council. Compared with other places, the response of the North is quite quick.

Sauron is also calculating the time of the turbulent year!

At the latest, there will be the first batch of gods and saints appearing around October this year. It is almost until February, and who can better cope with the turbulent period in the future, watching how the preparations for eight months are. Because the war between the gods begins, all kinds of divine power will be raging in the mortal world. At that time, it is very difficult to carry out production. Together with the abyss demon invading the material plane, the purgatory devil is arguing everywhere, and the resources of the entire material plane. It will be scarce.

Sauron has been hoarding food, and the snake island has now turned into a large granary!

It can be said that the food price on the South Coast is basically more than 50% higher because of his large purchases, and the price of food continues to climb, which is estimated to more than double in March.

At noon the next day.

The pirates under Sauron brought back a message that the fleet he ordered had reached the deep-water port, but because of the fear of Soren’s force, the deep-water port refused to let Sauron’s fleet dock, and also urgently notified the higher witch council. If there is not this layer of Gloria, I am afraid that the High Witch Council will directly expel Sauron’s fleet. The stronger the strength, the more eye-catching, Soren ordered the fleet brought over to threaten to capture a port city, so even if there is a Gloria in the fleet can not be docked.

"Just let them stop at the mouth of the sea."

Sauron took a look at the topographic map of the North. I clicked at one of the locations and then told me: "The first batch of things will be shipped back. I am talking about a transaction with the Witch Council during this time, maybe two days later."

Standing in front of Sauron, the one-eyed dragon heard the words and bowed his head. Then he said, "You can rest assured that I will ship the first batch of things to the ship now."

Soon, the one-eyed dragon left with a group of people.

Sauron stood in front of the balcony of the Witcher Tower and looked at the departing caravan. Then he turned and walked in the direction of the laboratory. Gloria, who was in the state of research, was very busy. They didn’t get close to the two days. Because Gloria is very busy, Sauron is also very busy. Sauron has never been a sentimental person. Since there is such a close relationship with Gloria, it would be quite stupid to seek opportunities to cooperate with the Witch Council without using her relationship.

The resources of the Witch Council are quite rich!

And they also have something that Sauron is very scarce, that is, a large number of extraordinary level equipment.


Any wizard-like coalition parliament carries out high-value arms trade, including alchemy weapons, extraordinary equipment, scorpion demons, etc. This trade is hard to buy if it doesn't matter.

The heavy footsteps of the clay golem sounded!

There was a dull voice of the clay figurine behind Sauron, and he said, "Hello! There is a wizard named Saruman who wants to see you."


When he heard the name, Sauron gave a slight sigh.

immediately. He remembered that he had mentioned it to Gloria when he wrote a letter. He needed a wizard who was well versed in alchemy and could make large quantities of struvite into high-quality fertilizer. Yesterday, Gloria and Soren mentioned that someone will come to see him today. However, he did not say his name. He did not expect to be called Saruman. This name is not common in the North.

Made him think he was wrong!

Sauron heard the words and nodded lightly: "I know. Bring him in."


There was a clay figurine coming in with a young male wizard who had a beard close to the white. The face looks quite old, but the wizard's professional level is not high, probably only about 10 levels. This means that his talent is not very good. Not all wizards can triumph all the way, many wizards have been stuck in the third-order threshold for the rest of their lives. Otherwise, Gloria will be a member of the Higher Witch Council before she has only four or so strengths.

There are also many male wizards under the North Witch Council, and Saruman is one of them!

His age should be no small.

Even if he did not use the special ritual of prolonging his life, his face was so old that he was nearly sixty or seventy years old. Sauron was observing the old wizards in front of him, and the other side was observing Sauron. From any point of view, this is a wizard who can never advance to the legendary strength. Although he is dressed neatly, he looks a bit messy, his eyes are tired and bloodshot, it seems that he has not rested for a long time, on his staff. You can see a part of the defect, but there is no repair.

As Gloria said, this is a wizard who is very tight on hand!

The wizard is very rich.

But many times they are short of money, and even the money that can flow in Gloria's hand may not be as much as one-third of Sauron!

Otherwise, last night, the girls will not go from Soren to more than 30,000 Kindlers in the intimacy.

She needs a lot of expensive alchemy materials!

Anyone who has taken care of trade knows that the proportion of liquidity is actually very tight. If Soren is not doing business, I am afraid that the capital chain will not be as abundant as it is now.

Such a wizard is exactly what Soren needs!

Because the wizards who are too promising are not easy to control, wizards with advanced potential may not be willing to work under Sauron.

It is precisely this kind of wizard that the professional level is not high, the age is not small, and there is not necessarily much ambition of advanced legend, and the person with considerable experience of alchemy is the kind of man that Sauron needs.

"Before they came, should they tell you something?"

Sauron looked at the old wizard named Saruman and said slowly: "Your job for the next three years is to serve me. I will pay you 12,000 Jindler every year, and you also You can pay for the spells, knowledge, and materials from Gloria at a price. She will give you a higher exchange of privileges."

The sorcerer’s debt is shared from one layer to another.

The expensive cost of spell learning, and finally must be part of the middle and lower level wizards, or the cost of training high-level wizards is too amazing.

The time for Solon is three years.

For him, three years is enough. When the wizard is willing to stay, he will stay and will not leave.

Like this wizard who has no advanced legends, An An’s work for him for a year and a half should be no problem.


The old wizard named Saruman looked at Sauron. He couldn't figure out the identity of the other person, because Sauron looks like a wizard, but is obviously as keen as a rogue, which may be a part-time adventurer. He bowed his head and expressed his respect. From any angle, Sauron can stand in the wizarding tower and talk to him. The status of the position is undoubtedly higher. The middle and lower level wizards basically respect the high-level wizards.

He slowly nodded: "According to the contract, I went to work for the overseas islands for three years. You pay me 12,000 Jindler every year. After three years, I can decide my own stay."

Sauron glanced at him and replied: "Yes."

"If you have no problem, set up the contract. You can prepare. We will leave after three days."

The price of hiring a wizard is very expensive.

Although Gloria also knows alchemy, she must not let her transform the struvite as a fertilizer.

Saruman in front of him is also a wizard who knows alchemy. Gloria said that he has a good level of alchemy. Such a thing should not be difficult for him.

Wait until the quality fertilizer is produced. Soren’s financial path is one more, and the cultivation of overseas islands will also rise strongly.

Basically self-sufficient self-sufficiency will be very easy.

Because of the existence of Gloria, Sauron did not worry about what the wizards in front of him would do, so he paid a half-year remuneration. Anyway, after killing the adult white dragon, his worth has increased a lot. The funds in hand are quite abundant, and the goods from the East are very easy to get rid of in the Northland. The witches have no way to reject the fine silk and porcelain. Whether it is in any era. The consumption potential of women is quite amazing. These wealthy witches buy and buy one hundred thousand of Jindele's sales.

There are not many things that can be taken away in the Wizard Tower.

Because Gloria manages this wizard tower, it does not belong to her private property.


Hiring an alchemist is only part of the Sauron plan.

In addition, he also needs a group of superb weapons to arm his elite guards. www.readwn.com~ The limit that can be bought on the South Coast is the precision forged military weapons, which are far superior to the first-order equipment. There is still no small gap. Sauron wants to buy more than 100,000 Kindler extraordinary weapons from the Witch Council in one time, to arm the pirate corps of his own. This extraordinary weapon of +1 can only be equipped by the elite army of the land, so whether you can buy the right to speak of Gloria.

This kind of generous arms trade must be approved by the Witch Council!

According to the current market price, the price of a first-order super weapon is about two hundred Kindlers. Soren is ready to buy five hundred elite equipment.

The elite troops in a small city are not necessarily equipped with such high armed equipment.

.................. (The novel "Abyss Dominant" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" in the upper right" "Friends", search the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (to be continued.)



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