Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 155: Rich and rich! Five thousand words

On the way to the camp, the pastor of the goddess of wealth has been observing this place.

These people who believe in wealth women have a keen insight, especially in the grasp of wealth and business opportunities. Ms. Soren, who knows about wealth, doesn't know much about it, because she is usually a very low-key god. Even the new wealth lady has replaced the wealthy lady of the past, and people only discovered it hundreds of years later. The reason for the discovery is that Ms. Fortune has been promoted from a weak and other divine power to a medium divine power, and at the same time changed the original priesthood to a position.

In the past, Ms. Fortune was the “God of Trade and Wealth”, and now Ms. Fortune is the “God of Wealth and Trade”.

The replacement of a position means that the power she has mastered has been turned several times!

The wealthy woman who once used [trade] as the core priesthood, the strength of the ups and downs can be described as quite large. Once the war broke out and trade, her power began to be affected, because in that case there was basically no way to trade, and naturally there was no way. Improve the power she has gained. However, with [Fortune] as the core cleric of this lady, her divine power has gradually stabilized, and since the Temple of Wealth has become a bank-like existence, she has maintained a strong power almost all the time, and she has been stunned. Protection] money field.

Wealth, trade, money and protection!

This newly-received wealth woman has not been discovered by other people until this time. She has already replaced the goddess of wealth in the past!

Since then.

The power of the Temple of Wealth has become the first-class power of the mainland, occupying an important position in the game of the Church of the Gods.


When I first heard about this knowledge, Sauron was quite surprised!

Because he did not think that changing a position in the priesthood would produce such a big change, letting a **** that was already weakening rushed into the realm of powerful power. If it is not for Ms. Fortune, the management of the trade is still very strong, and because the mainland trade is not developed enough to affect her power, I am afraid that she is very likely to be the first **** to enter [powerful power] in centuries.

Rows of neat brick houses.

A straight drain ditch.

Shops, pubs and blacksmith shops with simple layouts on the streets. There are also public toilets built specifically. There are no dirty messes in other towns, and there is no garbage on the road.

Everything here is neat and tidy, and even others have decided that Sauron has a slight cleanliness!

"Hello is really amazing to me!"

A peasant priest with a jewel of wealth looks around, and his expression is unrecognizable. He slowly said: "It is full of vitality and vitality, and that is the atmosphere of wealth gathering."

Such a town.

As long as there is a stable order, many businessmen will soon be attracted.

Overseas trade is now in the hands of Sauron, and the towns that are being built and the towns that are being built are two points, killing the front and rear directions of overseas routes. As long as Sauron is willing to let go, he will be able to attract a large number of adventurous businessmen. And trade is what wealth lady needs, which can expand her beliefs and strengthen her power. The weakness of the city of wealth temporarily affects trade. The chaos that occurred in the past has not been able to recover.

This is why she came here!


Sauron raised his hand and made an invitation gesture, then turned and entered the hall.

Just as the priest of Ms. Fortune had just sat down, Gloria, who wore a black witch's robes, also appeared in the hall. She glanced at Sauron with a slight glance and then nodded gently.

"Lord of the Witch!"

The priest of Ms. Fortune stood up and showed respect to Goliao slightly leaning over. As a representative from the Wealth Church, she is well aware of the identity and status of Gloria and her influence in the Witch Council. Even she knows that Gloria has been promoted and commended by the Witch Council for touching the realm of the legendary witch.

Gloria smiled and nodded. Reaching out to make an inviting gesture is like the hostess here.

She smiled and said: "Welcome the emissary of Ms. Fortune, and your arrival will make it shine."

Everyone is seated.

Ms. Fortune’s pastor glanced at the other people and got up and smiled and said, “Call me gold. It’s true that I came here to bring the goodwill of Ms. Fortune.”


Very strange mono name.

The priest named 'Golden' came to the center of the hall and said slowly: "It seems that you are planning to develop this place into a city. You have to admit that your vision is very unique! But you want to develop an overseas island that is too remote. This requires considerable human and financial resources. As far as I know, although you have a close relationship with the Ocean Temple, they did not provide any assistance. On the contrary, your trade from overseas islands, a large part of it must be turned over. give them."

A jewel of gold smiled slightly, and she was quite confident in her delicate face. She took out a card with a golden light and said with seriousness: "This is a godpower gold card of the Temple of Fortune. Just hold it. Take 100,000 pieces of Kindler from any temple of wealth in the mainland!"

She handed the gold card to Sauron and smiled confidently: "This is just the greeting we gave you."

"Please don't refuse!"

"This gift is not in our next transaction. Whether we can cooperate or not, this gift is just a sign of our heart. And express our gratitude to you for re-establishing the South Coast rules and returning trade to normal order!"

100,000 Kindlers! ! !

This is not just Sauron, even the next Gloria is surprised.

The experience of Sauron is not the person who has never seen the rich and the rich, the court royal church, etc. He has also contacted a lot, but he can send 100,000 Kindlers so easily and easily, he is really the first time. See you!

The Fortune Church is really rich and rich!

The 100,000 Kindlers squatted down, and even Sauron did not breathe a few more points, then smiled and reached for it.

Don't take it without taking it.

The money in his hand is never too much. Since she has already said that it is a white delivery, Sauron naturally eats it first.

Seeing that Sauron had received this magical gold card, Ms. Fortune's priest's mouth showed a smile of satisfaction, and the expression became more and more proud.

The Fortune Church is so confident!

No one can refuse them so firmly in the case of money.

Kim raised his finger and turned the ruby ​​ring worn on the forefinger. Then he handed a look to a servant around him. Even if someone handed a paper to Sauron, she was quite self-channeling: "The Fortune Church has the most powerful strength on the South Coast! You want to build it here. The financial resources we need can be borne by us! At the same time, the Fortune Church also holds the largest and largest minerals on the South Coast. We have very abundant slave resources and can supplement the manpower you need at any time!"

"It can be said that we can offer you more than the Ocean Temple that will only extract the value of your interests from you!"

"As for what we need."

“It’s just that you open the city to us, give us the freedom to trade overseas, and then build a temple of wealth here to let us develop believers for the goddess.”

Kimpo looked at Sauron with some enthusiasm, and she believed that the rich conditions she provided would allow the other party to agree.

But what she never imagined was. After Sauron glanced at the paperwork, he said firmly: "I am sorry! I am afraid I can't agree to the above conditions!"

The conditions are actually quite good.

The Wealth Church provides funds, manpower, and supplies to Sauron. It requires only the authority to release the city, give them the freedom to trade in the overseas islands, and let them develop their faith to establish the temple. For Sauron, who has just completed the prototype, the support of the Temple of Wealth is not intended to greatly speed up the construction process, but it is also very dangerous for him.

Because the ocean church!

Moreover, after seeing the conditions, Gloria is also on the surface. In the dark, with telepathy, Sauron said: "Can't promise! The shadow plane is connected to the camp. We can't let other forces know the existence of the wizard tower!"


When he heard the words of Gloria, Soren suddenly woke up.

The value of the wizard tower cannot be estimated, and it must not be known to other forces. So no matter how good the conditions of the Temple of Wealth, he could not agree.

The authority of the city must be firmly in its own hands, and the establishment of the temple with open authority will interfere with the influence of Sauron.

Moreover, all he relies on is the Ocean Church. Now that the temple of the Ocean Church has not yet settled, let the temple of Fortune Lady enter the temper of the goddess of the ocean goddess. If you don't know, you will find Soren's account.

Kim’s face was full of horror, and she did not think so much that Sauron would reject.

Sauron was also embarrassed to be too stiff with the Fortune Church, let alone they had just sent 100,000 Kindlers, so he pondered for a moment and slowly said: "But as my goodwill, I am willing Open up some free trade rights to the Temple of Wealth. As for other things, I am afraid to ask the meaning of the Ocean Temple!"

The Temple of the Sea.

Jin Wenyan couldn't help but frown. She came here because she learned that the influence of the Temple of the Sea on Sauron is far less. If I ask the Temple of the Sea, it is basically impossible to agree, because the Temple of the Sea also needs faith. This is a temporary development, and once it becomes a port like the Port of Tero, the Temple of the Sea will immediately send a priest to settle in. At that time, how could it allow the church of wealth to enter, the power of the gods is intricate, but the establishment of the temple is a radish pit.

When the temple was set up, it laid the foundation.

You see that there are countless battles between the Ocean Church and the Storm Church on the port of Tyre, but in the end it is still in the game, because both sides have the support of the temple.

Building a temple here is tantamount to building a half-sage wizard tower!

As long as the **** standing behind it has not fallen, who is finally able to pull out a temple with divine power?

Amber City was a battle.

So many terrorist knights of legendary challenge levels have not been able to easily attack any temple, and you can see how powerful the protection of the temple is.

Sauron could not allow the power of the temple to settle in his own territory.

Even if possible, he would also exclude the power of the Ocean Temple from the periphery, which is why he is constantly planning to expand the port. There are too many important secrets in the camp.


Kim’s expression was a bit disappointing, but he did not give up the idea, because it was her task to come here. If she did not complete the task, it would mean that the evaluation of her temple would be reduced.

There was a smile on the corner of Gloria. Concealed in the telepathy to Sauron: "Stabilize her. She also has important uses, we can use her as a weight, take the opportunity to ask the Ocean Temple!"

Eat at both ends?

Sauron’s heart stunned, and then he thought about it, and he couldn’t help but turn his head and glanced at Gloria.

The woman’s political acumen is high.

In the face of Sauron's surprised eyes, Gloria smiled indifferently, then raised her hand and gently picked up the long hair of the earlobe, and the cicada turned to look at him.


Soren stood up and said: "If the pastor is not in a hurry, maybe you can stay here for a few days, I can immediately send someone to ask about the meaning of the Ocean Temple."

"You should have seen the port here. The land there is very open."

"In fact."

"I am preparing to sell some of the land there. Although the price is a bit more expensive, I must be able to see the potential of those land with your eyes."

A very clever answer.

Ms. Fortune’s pastor heard the words and immediately looked at Sauron deeply and played with the taste: “That is natural.”

"Okay. I will stay here waiting for your reply."

They disagreed with the conditions of exchange and did not agree to let them establish a temple, but they were willing to sell part of the land.

This is very meaningful!

In the eyes of Kim, Sauron is undoubtedly quite afraid of the Ocean Temple, and does not want to lose the support of the Ocean Church. However, he was also attracted by the superior conditions of the Fortune Temple, and did not want to give up such a powerful boost. So there is such a euphemistic answer. If he is willing to sell the land near the port, then the ownership of the land is owned by the Temple of Wealth. Even if the temple cannot be established blatantly, it is okay to develop a faith as a church of wealth.

As for whether or not I can build a temple to strengthen my faith here, it is obvious that he wants to see the strength of the two churches.

Very awkward and treacherous man!

He wants to swallow the benefits from both churches. However, they are not willing to be involved in the faith struggle between the two churches.

A piece of land.

Kim has seen the terrain of the port. It is a very good natural port. If it develops into a place like the Port of Tyrol, then the port will undoubtedly be the most prosperous place. The fleet that comes and goes will fill the entire port. On the contrary, the camp here is built on the inside and there are two sides around the mountain. One side is close to the tropical jungle and a little far from the port, so it is not geographically superior. However, the terrain here is quite open and can be used to develop cultivated land. When she came, she saw a lot of cultivated land.

I thought so in my heart.

Kim couldn’t help but scorn for Sauron. After all, it’s just a pirate leader with little business savvy. He only remembers what was carved out of the land. He didn’t realize that the biggest wealth here was trade.

If she came to build it, the city must be close to the coastal port and directly become a port city!

just now.

If the port is developed, it is equal to the layout of two cities, even if the distance is relatively close, but in the end, after all, there is no connection. With the powerful strength of the Temple of Fortune, it may not be possible to eat the port bit by bit. If the port is swallowed and occupied the core area of ​​trade, the value of the city here will be much lower.

The elite business vision made her realize that the port is the key, and the future struggle for faith is also in the bustling port area.


The most important thing is the confrontation with the temple of the sea. If you can't face the collision, you can only give each other some benefits and try to get each other to meet each other's needs.

It is terrible to have friction between two powerful **** churches!


A group of people from the wealthy ladies were quickly settled down.

When Kim left the hall, she couldn't help but see some of the drow samurai, which made her quite surprised, turned and took a deep look at Sauron.


This kind of creature is quite difficult to deal with. It seems that they are the subordinates of this pirate?

Maybe he is too light to look at him.

This pedestrian was settled by Soren near the South Gate, and secretly sent people to stare at them, not allowing these people to move freely in the camp. Gloria also quietly arranged the alert circle, blocking the area that connected the shadow plane, and has not yet fully stabilized the portal. If the shadow of the portal shadow is stabilized, it will be concentrated, and then the rest of the camp cannot enter the shadow plane. The port is developing, and when the time is right, they should be settled near the port~www.readwn.com~ This may be an opportunity! ”

Goliath waited until the wealth priest and his party left, and immediately came to Sauron's face, condensing: "The goodwill from Ms. Fortune will make the temple of the sea full of crisis! This can win more benefits for us!"

"I know." Sauron nodded gently.

But he immediately sighed: "But this thing must be cautious, because if we are not careful, we may offend two **** churches at the same time."

Gloria heard the words and raised her eyebrows, then raised her fingertips and made a light stroke on the map of the planned construction. From this, an area was separated, and then slowly said: "Give some of the benefits! Let them fight for themselves!" ”


(ps: The first is today, and there is an update in the afternoon.) (To be continued.)



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