Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 5: Incarnation of the gods

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The purple light arc remains in the air.

The next moment, the body of the Duchess of the Red Dragon fluttered like a snowflake in the sky, turning into a pure energy dissipated in the air.

"not good!"

The picture in front of him made Sauron frown, and the fallen witch behind him also changed his face. He raised his hand and threw it out with a nine-ring spell.

- "The Soul!"

An invisible energy barrier shrinks, and there is a faint whisper. This spell must be sung with swear words because it can confine the soul of any enemy. It is a pity that when the fallen witch completed the cast, the body of the Duchess of the Red Dragon has been turned into energy dissipation. Only two or three pieces of equipment fell from the air with the wind. The vivienne next to the hand quickly reached out and then fell directly on the cable. In front of Lun.

"It's life hiding!"

The fallen witch's expression complexly fell on the ghost ship's slogan, Shen Sheng: "I don't think a warlock can master this legendary spell. It seems that we are too underestimating her!"

Legendary spells.

What has just played a role in the Duchess of the Red Dragon is a top spell that is comparable to ‘time stillness’.

"Life Stories [Legendary Spells]: Legendary spellcasters can isolate their vitality to a certain position in the body, then take it down and keep it in a safe place. This way you can't be killed by any conventional means, and immune Most of the effects of sputum, sudden death, and death. If you are destroyed by an enemy, then a certain part of your vitality can be revived by the body reconstructed by cloning."

[Remarks: Life hiding can transform the body into a semi-energy form, immunizing most negative states. 】

"Cloning [Eight Rings]: Make a copy of an invigorating body. After death, your soul will immediately move to the resurrection with the soul mark. The cloned copy needs to be cultured in the laboratory for several months, resurrection. Your level will be reduced by level 1. There is a certain chance of failure in cloning, which requires a lot of material cultivation."

[Note: Cloning requires a large alchemy laboratory. 】


The legendary wizard is the most difficult to kill.

One of the reasons is because of the legendary spell ‘Life Hidden.’ It isolates the life of a legendary spellcaster from a certain location and then removes it and keeps it in a safe place. This is a bit like the life of a lich, but as a flesh-and-blood legendary spell, life-hiding requires more.

This legendary spell requires a huge amount of wealth and may require a certain amount of soul energy.

But its role is also amazing!

That is the extra life, not to mention the fallen witch next to it, I am afraid that Sauron did not expect a legendary Dragon Warlock to master this spell, knowing that the Warlock's spells are more dependent on comprehension. This spell is quite difficult to master and requires a high level of alchemy skills. Many legendary wizards don't necessarily master this spell.

The legendary mages are high on the top.

To a large extent, this is because of the existence of this spell. Being able to have more life, let them be more comfortable than other legendary professionals. And this is because the Arcane Empire has been destroyed. Otherwise, in the documents recorded by the wizards, the Arcans will also have an advanced version of the 'Life Stories', which is to recreate the vitality directly after the death of the body. A physical resurrection does not require cloning to match.

In that case, if you want to kill the legendary Arcane, you can only destroy them from the soul level.


The pirate king Asrod was killed by Sauron.

The Duchess of Red Dragon was pierced by the magical crystal pulse gun and then dissipated in the air with the wind. The enemies who are strangling are suddenly dumbfounded. The fastest reaction is the Eastern pirates. They almost didn't think much, and immediately turned the bow to escape the battlefield. The second reaction came from the Navy of the Rosary Principality, clearly that they had already taken advantage of the flank, but at the command of the commander, they took the opportunity to retreat from the battlefield. Finally, the pirate king Asrod's subordinates. They are already being beaten, and they want to escape, and some are planning to flee to the back of the Island.


Sauron glanced at the broken enemy and reached out to stop Vivian, who was ready to pursue. Shen said: "Don't sneak into the enemy, there are Dragon Warlocks nearby."

The power of a principality is not so weak.

If it wasn't for the Red Dragon Duchess, I was afraid that I had to let Golia open the portal to support.

There is a transmission array inside the captain's room of the Deathtalker.

The lab above is connected to the overseas archipelago. Gloria can reach the ghost ship at any time through the transmission array, which is why Sauron has no fear.

A burst of cheers!

The broken enemies made Sauron's men more and more brave, and many pirates raised their arms to make a burst of cheers.


The next moment their cheers will come to an abrupt end!

Because there was a wave in the distance, a huge wave of more than ten stories, this huge wave like a blue sky near the battlefield, the waves of dozens of miles covered everyone. Under the raging waves, no warships can survive, they will be easily smashed and smashed like paper, and finally sink into the sea.

- "Tsunami [legendary spell]!"

The thundering waves are like a wall, and all the warships in front of it are so small.

The cheers turned into exclamations.

All the pirates on the battlefield, like the enemy and me, are like a headless fly, all of them are covered by the legendary spell 'Tsunami.' The eastern pirates who started the fastest have already approached the battleships within the scope of the tsunami. Under the huge waves of ten floors, their battleships were like toys, and even a wave failed to emerge. Directly smashed and sank into the sea, the sailors above basically have no possibility of surviving.

"Damn Naga Priest!!!"

Sauron’s face was quite ugly at the moment, and it seemed to have the anger of choosing food and food. He said: “She doesn’t mean that the Naga royal family will not shoot?”


The signature spell of the Naga Haizu.

The entire South Coast area except the priest of the Ocean Goddess. Soren really can't think of anyone who can display this terrible legendary spell.

This spell has the ability to destroy a port city.

It may not be able to threaten a strong man like Sauron. After all, he has a lot of ways to save his life in the face of the tsunami. However, the men he brought, the fleets that he had left, and the defeated enemies, the loot seized, could hardly be intact under such a terrible tsunami. If the power of this tsunami breaks out, I am afraid that even the back of the angry sand island will be inundated. The ten-story high waves are enough to destroy everything. The fruit of Sauron's victory can only become a ruin.


Time went back five minutes ago.

Somewhere on the bottom of the sea, a team of heavily armed Naga guards scattered around. In the center is a group of female Naga, who are in front of a mirror made of sea water.

"Lord of the Banshee!"

A female Naga sorcerer saw a pair of glasses and slowly said: "Asrod has failed! He was killed by the cut throat!"


A cold snoring sounded, followed by a cold sound from the rear, slowly saying: "This incompetent waste! He was afraid of the king of the swamp, and now he has no use for cutting the throat."

"Prepare to cast a spell."

"Let these people all die in the sea."

The Naga sorcerer next to him nodded, and even a strange singer sang, this is the language of the ocean Naga, accompanied by their singing spells. A huge wave was gradually raised on the sea, and the height of the huge waves became more and more alarming. At the end, it almost became a blue sky and moved forward.


The Temple of the Sea.

In front of the Naga priest is a mirror of sea water.

Her expression at the moment is quite complicated, and it seems that she is somewhat hesitant and somewhat struggling. The gaze of the looming tsunami waves in the mirror seems to be making a tough decision.

"His priest."

There was a low voice in the dark water, and slowly said: "If you are not willing to take it, it is better to let them be killed by the tsunami. Here, most of the pirates on the south coast have gathered together, if they all die If there is a cut throat, no one will be available. So we can take the opportunity to get more benefits."

The Naga priest heard the words and shook his head gently. He said: "It is very difficult for the tsunami to kill them. It can only kill the mortals present and destroy all the battleships."

"But then, the forces on the South Coast become a vacuum."

"This is not necessarily a good thing for us."

“Let others prepare for the spell, we need to pray for the incarnation of the ocean goddess!”


The terrible tsunami is approaching.

Many people closed their eyes desperately and firmly grasped the hull. Under this terrible wave, they could only pray for fate to care for themselves, because they had no way to escape within the scope of the tsunami.

- "Flight!"

- "Flight!"

- "Flight!"

When the terrible tsunami appeared, Sauron and others had already casten their spells quickly. The scarce spells could not save so many people. Even if Vivian and the fallen witches were present, they could only use flying to make very few people. Brought to the sky.

The terrible tsunami is getting closer.

The ten-story high waves make people feel desperate, but when the tsunami in front of them is about to sweep them, a strange conch sound suddenly sounds around them.


Then I saw a wave rising in the center of the battlefield. The sea water stirred like a whirlpool. The blue water automatically converges into a figure of more than ten meters. She stands in the whirlpool and holds a trident, and the tsunami that sweeps forward is light. With a light finger, I saw that the horrible waves in front of me gradually disappeared, just like everything else was an illusion.


The Temple of the Sea.

The dull sound in the sea, slowly said: "His priest! Has already gathered other marine pastors, can cast spells!"

"Your Mightiness?"

"His priest?"

The sound in the sea seemed to be anxious, and a strange tentacles emerged in the dark and dark darkness.

The Naga priest is still standing in the same place, but at this moment her face is stiff, and there is a feeling of panic in the faint. Because in the mirror image of the sea in front of her, there was a figure of a goddess holding a trident. She stood in the whirlpool, as if to control the master of the ocean. As she raised her hand and leaned forward, the terrifying tsunami It disappeared into the invisible.

Ocean goddess!

The Naga priest felt cold at the moment.

Her heart is full of fear, because she has not yet cast a spell that prays for the incarnation of the ocean goddess, and the incarnation of the ocean goddess appears in her own eyes.

What does this mean! ?

Just thinking about it made her shudder, and she could not help but panic.


Time is back to a week ago.

Sauron is preparing for a decisive battle with the pirate king Asrod, because of the last experience of defeating the king of the swamp, he held a very simple sacrifice ceremony before leading the fleet.

This is really a very simple sacrifice ceremony!

The sacrifice is the ocean goddess.

Soren even did not even have a few words of prayer. In general, he expressed a meaning. He was prepared to dedicate the head of the pirate king Asrod to the goddess of the sea and use this battle as a sacrifice to her.

It's that simple.

After all, Sauron still needs the blessing of the goddess of the sea. Anyway, this war is inevitable. It is better to say hello in advance to say something to the goddess of the sea.

There are additional benefits to winning! (When killing the king of the swamp.)

Sauron has the blessing of the goddess of the sea, so his prayers are different from ordinary believers, and even the weight will not be lighter than the prayers of the pastor. If he is to pray for sacrifice, the goddess of the sea must be heard. . Because of the blessing and care of the gods, it is tantamount to deepening the connection between the two. The sea goddess can perceive Sauron's prayers and even pay more attention than the ordinary marine pastors. As for the goddess of the sea who likes his sacrifice, will he care about his prayers, that is, no one knows.

After all, the ocean goddess is also famous for its moodiness!


The terrible tsunami gradually dissipated.

The trepidated pirates looked up and looked forward. When they saw the figure of the sea goddess standing in the whirlpool, the black-pressed heads crouched down, and others whispered in a whispering voice.

The incarnation of the gods descends to the mortal world!

The goddess of the sea did not come in person. It only formed a temporary body with sea water. She did not care about the mortals who crouched on the deck~www.readwn.com~ instead turned their eyes to Sauron not far away.

The gaze of the gods!

As if with infinite pressure, the ocean goddess glanced at Sauron, and then seemed to nod gently with satisfaction.

She raised the trident in her hand and pointed her finger forward. Then she saw the three sea snakes that had their heads curled up from the bottom of the sea. It seemed to have heard something and gradually swam to the front of Sauron, just like a servant. The head is lowered deeply.

The vortex gradually shrinks.

The incarnation of the goddess of the sea looked into the distance, her brow seemed to pick up slightly, and then the figure dissipated in the whirlpool and re-formed into the blue water.

Everything just like an illusion.

..................(Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - input can), participate immediately! Everyone has a prize Now, pay attention to the WeChat public account now!) (To be continued.)


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