Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 17: Legend of Sauron

The young samurai immediately wanted to raise an objection when he heard that he had to act separately.

But this time the girl priest swept him and gambled: "Okay. Just do it. You two together, Deno, you follow Lanster. I am acting with Sauron."

The samurai mouth wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a sophisticated thief.

He seems to have guessed a little of Sauron's identity. In fact, this experienced thief has seen Sauron's scimitar several times along the way. As a rogue, he still knows a little about the legend of this profession. Yesterday, following the day of Sauron, the more he saw it, the more he felt that Sauron was the legendary [headman], the most powerful pirate king on the South Coast!

For this existence, the outside world is mixed. Some people think that he is a man like a male, and some people think that he is too timid.

But there is no doubt that if the person who angered the decapita, the final end will be very bad.

If the man in front is really the most powerful pirate king of the South Coast, Sauron, then they are better off obeying each other's arrangements, because they are just a group of third-rate adventurers compared to the fast-rising legend. . This experienced rogue is still more confident in his own vision. According to his judgment, the other party may have 80% of the pirate king on the South Coast.

In fact.

It is not only him who guessed this, but also the young priest’s mind.

Only she did not ask, because the timing is wrong.

The group quickly separated, and Sauron entered the town with the girl priest from the other side. The goal of two people working together is much smaller. This era is very vigilant to foreign adventurers. Teams of more than five people are easily attracted to the attention of the people. The two of them entered the town very easily, and then came to the hotel here, the girl priest has been silent in the back. The expression is a bit complicated.


Her heart is also very complicated.

When she was a little looked down on Sauron, it wasn’t to say how much Sauron hated, but she liked Vivienne, and she thought that a thief like Sauron couldn’t get on the countertop, and finally couldn’t give Vivian enough. good life. Then, she was very friendly and proposed to make Vivian a pastor, and to find a way to help Sauron find a job and let him change something more decent.

Unfortunately, Sauron refused her without hesitation.

In the eyes of the girl priest at the time, Sauron was undoubtedly a very unrecognized act.

But time proved that she was wrong.

Look at the strength of Sauron now. As well as the equipment on the body, the power of every move, everything tells her that the thief who could not get on the table in the past is no longer the same.

Not only has he become a strong player in the legendary field, he may even be a person who is shaking on the south coast!

Regardless of right and wrong, Sauron’s achievements are beyond her imagination.

The girl priest thought a lot of things in her mind. After there was no other person nearby, she finally got the courage: "Sauron. Is that person on the south coast really you? I always thought it was just the same name!..."

Sauron did not answer, just nodded gently.

The girl priest was shocked and finally got the answer. But the shock in my heart is not small.

How long is this?

From the disaster in Amber City until now, she began her adventurous career because the original temple was destroyed. She thought that her progress was fast enough, but now she has just become a formal pastor. Sauron has become the most powerful pirate king on the legendary South Coast.

She suddenly had a feeling of unpredictable fate!

"Follow it."

Sauron glanced at the people near the hotel, then grabbed the girl priest behind him and took her into an alley.

The young girl's little white hand was slightly stunned when he was holding it, but he quickly responded: "I found those who have no eyes? Where are they?"

"No." Sauron shook his head. Shen said: "There are vampires here!"


The girl priest’s expression was a little wrong, muttering: “Vampires? Have they grown here?”

Sauron’s feelings are sharp.

As the top rogue in the gray field, he knows a lot about dark creatures. Just a glance at the hotel, he found that one or two people in the state are a bit abnormal, their skin is too pale, as a resident of this size town, these people need to work hard every day. People who work long hours are hardly too pale as they are, and these people still look quite strong, and their breathing is very weak, not as powerful as ordinary people. Sauron’s powerful observation ability can find their chest ups and downs. The degree is significantly lower than that of ordinary people, only about one-third of the strength of ordinary people breathing.

Normal people breathing so much, it is estimated that there will be a little oxygen deficiency!

Their vampires.

And it should be a vampire servant who has just been transformed. I still don't know how to disguise myself to look more like an ordinary person.

"Vampire Son?"

Sauron’s brows could not help but wrinkle, and his heart secretly said: "His power has grown so fast? Actually, the claws have developed to such a remote place."


"The more prosperous the place, the stronger the church organization. These relatively remote towns are the places where he can easily take advantage of it."

The bustling land of the church with the gods is divided, and the vampire **** is not easy to enter.

Equivalently, these more remote towns have weak defenses, and it is easy to be infiltrated by vampires, and then gradually spread his beliefs and expand the number of believers of the vampire gods.

"What now?" The girl priest looked at him and asked.

Sauron glanced around and took her to move on. Shen Sheng said: "First find a place to spend the night, vampires like to act at night, I will follow them to see what can be found, if no one has come here, I will definitely have some intersection with them."

The power of the vampire **** must be suppressed.

The news collected by Soren recently is not very good for him, especially the growth of the vampire god, but also makes Sauron feel a deep threat.

"Good." The girl priest nodded.


The other side.

The pedestrians who moved separately were also prepared to go to the other side to enter the town of Dead Leaf.


The samurai had a hint of suspense on his face and muttered: "You said that he is the legendary decapator - how could Sauron? Anria know him?"

When he heard his companion say Sauron's true identity, even if he was a samurai, he could not feel a cold sweat behind him.

That is the most violent pirate king in the rumor!

Maybe he doesn't have any cruel acts, but his style of work is extremely hot. There are legends that people who die under him are thousands of times.

The samurai is not an idiot.

There are so many evil acts in the world that they are hard to manage, so there are also warnings in the sacraments of the holy warriors that do not act blindly.

I don't know the identity of Sauron. Maybe he dares to fight. After understanding Sauron's identity, there is no battle in his heart.

Because it is not an opponent at all!

He even knew that if he angered the legendary pirate king, he would bring disaster to the adventurer's team.

"It should be him."

The veteran rogue has a very good attitude towards Sauron, and even has some meaning of admiration. Shen Sheng said: "It is one of the strongest rogues in the legend! It can become a leap in just a few months." The most powerful pirate king on the South Coast! His strength can be said to be unfathomable, and he did not play a little bit of power when he started to play with you!"

Rogues rarely produce heroic characters.

Mainly because the rogues have no advantage in frontal combat, and their fighting style is used to assassination, spying, sneak attack, etc., so most of the rogues like to hide behind the scenes, which is more secure for them. .

Sauron is definitely an accident!

In the past few hundred years, there have been very few rogues appearing like him, and they are still wandering swordsmen with a tough fighting style, just like the protagonist in the gossip story.

In fact.

The story of the rise of the evil pirate king based on Sauron has already appeared in the mouth of the troubadour, but most of it is a negative evaluation. People regard him as one of the most terrible pirate kings of this era!

The poet will not be bored to tell a pirate king as a legendary hero, and people are more afraid of his understanding.

But this is not the same in the rogue.

There are also legendary powerhouses in the rogue, but many don't show up at all, or they are the characters who don't see the end of the dragon, just leaving some legendary names.

This will also help their safety.

Sauron is the only legendary rogue who stands on the table and is the head of one party. Even if it is a kind of organization like a shadow thief that has been passed down for many years, the head of the power will not be as blatantly let others know.


Nearly half of the rogues in the entire world have heard of his name ~www.readwn.com~ and many of them are more respected.

Because the rogues' concept of good and evil is inherently weak, many rogues are thieves, and there is even a legend that the decapitator, Sauron, used to be just a humble thief.

The rogues are more optimistic about the rise of the characters within this profession.

So Sauron has a high reputation among the rogues!


The experienced rogue who walked in front suddenly stopped and walked to the front of a cemetery. Shen Sheng said: "Look at these graves! The tombstone has been standing for a long time, but the soil has recently been newly flipped."

When he heard him, the others immediately woke up and walked to the cemetery.

..................(To be continued.)


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