Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 23: The pirate king's call for you!

The rainstorm continues. ⊙四⊙五⊙中⊙文¥f,

With the approach of the Holocaust, even the climate of the localities is a lot worse. The storms of the overseas islands have been connected for many days. Now the ice and snow country seems to be the same. It is estimated that it will not stop within a day or two. Sauron stood in the torrential rain, accompanied by a loud bang, the sky crossed a lightning. He jumped on the roof and then flew past the night sky. The toe was a little more than ten meters away from the roof, just like the top light master.


Sauron's figure fell to the top of a clock tower, and he looked up at the darkened sky, passing a lightning bolt in the storm.


The crisp voice spread in all directions, and he sat high in the palace of Allendale, and then gradually fell into meditation. Sauron is a person who attaches great importance to the promise, but his reality is really not suitable to see Princess Anna, not only because the timing is wrong, but also because he can not have too much tie.

Sauron is very dangerous.

People related to him will also be very dangerous!

If the long princess is not missing, even the advent of the Holy Incarnation may not threaten her, but now the princess has been mysteriously missing, in case anyone knows the relationship between Sauron and Princess Anna, especially soon. In the future, when Sauron is likely to fight with the Church of God, the threat that Princess Anna will be too close to him will increase linearly.

She is not Gloria.

Gloria is a powerful Northland witch, a caster who is about to advance into the legendary field.

Princess Anna is just an ordinary person.

Even if she is the successor of Allendale, the status is equivalent to the Queen of a country, but her own strength is still too weak.

Sauron can't show up.

You may not even be able to meet her again!

Sauron’s plan has been advanced to the realm of the gods. It is best not to let the outside world know that his relationship with Princess Anna is too close. He does not believe that the princess will be so depraved, perhaps until the return of the long princess, the security of Princess Anna has been guaranteed, Sauron can rest assured that she will not be involved in the battle of the **** level.

He is a very cautious person.

Sauron has always been clear about what he will face in the future!


He stood at the top of the clock tower. Finally, I looked at the palace of Allendale, and then the whole person broke into the night.

Let everything end in silence.

Maybe she can guess who made it all, but these can't be put on the table.

Inside the hotel room.

Soren spread a paper that recorded a lot of information about the Viktor pirates and the situation of Prince Hans who blocked the port of Arundel. He is the heir to the southern island country. It is a coastal country in the southwest. It is not as rich in wealth and strength as Arundel, but it is also equivalent to the level of a small duchy. Soren spread a brief map of the continent. He first picked up a quill to draw a circle in Allendale, and then found a circle on the south coast in the port of Tyrol.

Overseas Islands. Tero Port, Viper Island, Shipwreck overseas.

The four sites were connected by Sauron into a line, and then he painted the deep-water port of the North. Northland is actually in the northwest of the mainland, and the ice and snow country is the true north. The West Coast is the republic of the rebellion. This route does not have much value because it belongs to the site of the dark tide fishermen. The power of the pirates is mainly concentrated in the northwest.

Sauron connected the shipwreck overseas with the Northland deep-water port by a line, and then connected to the southern island country from the north to the south.

The southern island country is gradually approaching the South Pole.

Although the material plane is not a planet-like world. But the coordinates of the North and South Poles are still somewhat similar, and they are all very cold countries.

The southern island country is a bit like an overseas island, but more like the Indonesian region above the earth.

It is also a small land-floor country near the Pacific Ocean, which used to be part of the mainland. Later, land displacement occurred due to huge damage. Continued south from the southern archipelago, it is an endless cold country, once a vast continent, now covered by a blue ice. There are not many living people on this land. However, there are a lot of living undead, a kind of intelligent species that has a blue light in the pupil and is close to the undead creature but lives in another way.

They are the product of the terrible disasters that occurred when the Arcane Empire was destroyed.

Sauron has not been to the place near the poles. However, he has seen information about them.

“Shipwreck Bay, Deep Water Port, Southern Island State.”

Sorenti stroked a line, followed by a line from the southern island country, along the West Coast all the way to Allendale.

A slight cold light appeared in his pupil, Shen Sheng said: "Supply can be kept up, can be supplemented from the deep water port through the authority of Gloria, and then directly attack the southern island country from the West Coast!"

Sauron is definitely not a soft hand.

Since Prince Hans of the southern island country dares to attack Allendale, he must pay a painful price!

Sauron looked at the map in front of him.

Finally, he made a fork in the southern island country near the capital, and then drew a sign that the sword was staggered under the hoe.

Transoceanic expedition!

The main force of the southern island country blocked the port of Allendale, and Sauron did not believe that there were enough naval fleets in the southern island countries.

It is far too far to support Arundel from the South Coast.

Almost equal to a continent, but attacking the southern islands from Shipwreck Bay is within the expedition of Sauron.

It should also be a fight!

By the way, with this expedition, the northwest coastline along the northern coast is directly included in its own territory.

Soren stood in the field for a long time, and finally he took the map and turned and walked outside. He is now in Arundel, and he wants to mobilize the fleet on the South Coast, and he must touch the wizard. He still has no mastery of communication, so he needs the power of the Northland Witch. There are still three days to go from full launch, and he has plenty of time to prepare.


Three days passed quickly.

In the hall of Viper Island, the pirate leaders under Sauron were gathered together.

"This is the order that you sent back."

The red-haired female pirate Adele-Isabella watched the others, then took out a sealed document and said: "It is the Northland Witch Council that is responsible for conveying! There should be no mistakes! ”

The figure of the half-elf mate is also among them.

However, he is now the leader of the Eastern route. His majesty has gathered hundreds of warships. Sauron’s re-use and promotion has turned him into the No. 2 leader in the pirate group.

Of course, this is in the case of not counting the big Miss Vivian and the Northland witch Golia.

These two have no interest in the internal change of power within the pirates. Their centers are all in the overseas islands, but their status is superb.

After all, these two are powerful casters!

"What order!?"

The semi-elf squad directly reached for the document and then dismantled the seal mark above. His move was not intended to make the red-haired female pirate a little dissatisfied, but she forcibly endured. The semi-elf mate has made several merits in succession. The reputation in the pirates is obviously higher than her. This kind of behavior does not make other people present dissatisfied, but the red-haired female pirate who used to be the second-in-command is very uncomfortable.


The half-elf squad quickly glanced at him, and then there was a smile of excitement and bloodthirsty on his face. Shen Sheng said: "You let us attack the southern island country!..."

He handed the documents to other people, and all the pirate leaders who were present were all seen again.

The command is simple.

The fleet of Tyre Harbour, Viper Island and Shipwreck Bay was mobilized to attack the southern island countries, to reach the deep-water port from the West Coast route, and then to receive supplies from the Witch Council, followed by cutting off the routes of the southern island countries and looting the coastal cities of the southern island countries. It was also named to let the semi-elf squadron commander attack the capital of the southern island country, but it is not a real attack, but only a slap attack makes them feel threatened. The focus of the mission was to take advantage of the opportunity to annex the West Coast and force Prince Hans to withdraw from Arundale.

"You have issued a call for the pirate king!"

The red-haired female pirate glanced at the other people and said: "All the pirates on the south coast can act together, and the trophies obtained by the looting do not need to be offered, all as their private spoils."

The pirates on the south coast are the most.

Because of the natural route problem, the pirate group on the south coast is the most active. (Oriental routes, overseas routes.)

Not all of these pirates are Sauron's men. Sauron is only the biggest pirate as a pirate king. In addition, there are many large and small pirate groups on the south coast. These pirates are equal to eating in the Sauron's territory. They can't just rob the merchant ships, and they have to get a part of them.

Under normal circumstances ~www.readwn.com~ this ratio is around 37, and 30% of the spoils need to be supplied.

Now many pirates on the South Coast have switched to part-time businessmen, but there are quite a few private pirates. After all, robbery is much faster than running hard.

Soren’s call for the order.

It is equivalent to ordering other pirate groups to play together in the name of the pirate king.

All the spoils are owned by them personally, and the name of the looting is the name of Sauron. In the future, if the southern island country wants revenge, it can only go to Sauron to fight.

It is impossible to retaliate against the small pirates who played with them.

This is tantamount to a chance to rob the pirates, they are in response to the call of the pirate king, without the consequences of looting, or most of the consequences have been borne by Sauron. (retaliation, cleansing, piracy, etc.)


(ps: Today is two more.) (To be continued.)

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