Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 25: Storm is coming

The sky was cleared for a day. ∷四∷五∷中∷文△,

The next day, it was a dark black cloud, and it seemed to be raining again.

Sauron stood on the mast of the Deathtalker and looked at the waves in front of the sea. On the side of the ghost ship was a huge black shadow. At the moment, it was undulating in the waves, only to see a ghost. He stared silently at the front, seemingly waiting for something. Sauron was always a very patient person, so he waited very calmly, but his eyes looked up and looked up to the sky.


A thunder jumped across the sky.

Along with the thunderous thunder, a drop of rain fell, and it was only a light rain at first, but it quickly became a rainstorm.

"Deep sea snorkeling!"

Sauron’s mouth finally showed a smile, but it was very cold and cruel. He waved his hand gently, and the undead on the deck quickly moved. In the whisper of the ghost sea monster, the linger The number began to decline and the entire ship gradually sank into the sea. The surrounding waters rushed toward the deck, and Sauron slid gently at the rudder, and then drowned the water from all sides. The sea water was poured into the hull. Sauron’s hair spread out with the sea. When the Death Story finally sank to the bottom of the sea, he looked up at the sky, the wind on the sea was bigger, and the sky crossed. Amazing lightning.


The storm was over the sea, and the thunder of the road crossed the sky. It seemed that the storm was only temporarily stopped, and it has only just begun.

The sea is rough, but the sea floor is quite calm.

The dark lacquered deep sea could not hinder Sauron's view. The stalker snorkeled hundreds of meters deep under the sea. He was calculating the enemy's position and he had collected a lot of information before he left.

With the prestige of his current South Coast pirate king, the thieves union is willing to offend the southern island nation and is not willing to offend him.

"Rise up 300 meters!"

Sauron looked around, there was a reef in front of him, and some fish in the sea. However, due to the energy of death, almost no one is near to the vicinity of the Death Talker. The mutant killer whales are escorted around. The North Coast is not as dangerous as the South Coast, but there are also some deep-sea behemoths, and these deep-sea behemoths seem to pay little attention to the blessings of the ocean goddess. There is no way for this. There are other people in this world who are involved in the oceans. For example, the gods of the Weiku people are involved in the marine field from the pirate field.

The Weiku people believe in a god.

It should also be the only **** of pirate priesthood, but one of his priesthoods is ‘the pirate **** of Vik,’ and there are very few other pirates who believe in him.

This priesthood was born because the Viktor was born to be a pirate. By looting other merchant ships.

"Up 100 meters!"

Sauron looked at the surrounding environment, while observing the movement on the sea, about rising to the height that could glimpse the sea surface, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and the sound of the sound ordered: "Summon the fog!"

"The undead souls scuttle their battleships!"

Black lacquered sea water.

A group of unspoken innocents appeared, and they took the tool of the ship slowly to the upstream and approached towards the sea.



A thunder crossed the sky, and the waves caused the hull to shake.


A middle-aged man dressed in navy costume cursed and grabbed a corner of the hull. Dad said: "All work hard! When I get back to the port, I invite you to drink!..."

"This **** weather."

"I said earlier that the storm didn't end so quickly. In this weather, if there is a fleet going out to sea, there is no need to send us out to patrol."

A wave hit me.

The hull of the battleship swayed and the sea washed up on the deck. Let a naval sailor station crash into the barrel, but it is not too heavy, just frowning and shaking.

"What about the South China Sea?"

The middle-aged man looked around and didn't know when there was a fog around him. He couldn't help but curse again: "This ghost weather! You can still dance under the storm!"

"Come on."

"Let the torches light up, don't go away with the **** fleet."

Very strange weather.

It is reasonable to say that there is no possibility of fog in such a storm. Therefore, it is also a middle-aged officer who drifts around the sea all the year round. He finds that he is not very good. He shouted: "All the police are awake! This fog is weird! What are we going to encounter?"

"Ah!!!" His voice just fell, and a naval sailor screamed.

When he heard his voice, other people suddenly became scared. The middle-aged officer immediately shouted: "What is the ghost? What do you see?"


The hull suddenly vibrated. Many people on the deck fell down when they were not stable. There was also a sailor's foot and a stroke. He almost fell from the boat into the sea, but fortunately he was entangled in a cable.


The sailor who shouted at the beginning was full of fear: "A **** shadow!... bigger than a ship!...in!...under the water!...not seeing what it is!...but under the sea There is something!..."

The middle-aged officer heard a sigh of relief in his heart, and his expression was a little scared. He murmured: "I don't want to be so lucky to meet the sea monster?"


The hull was shaking again.

Everyone here saw it. There was indeed a huge shadow in the fog that wandered, and the hull was shaken because it was hit by it.

"No!...not good!..."

Another exclamation sounded, and a drowned navy sailor ran out and shouted: "The cabin!...The water is under the cabin!..."


The hull swayed again, and a sailor was screamed and screamed into the sea. Only after a sigh of sorrow, he immediately disappeared into the rolling waves.



The storm seems to have become even bigger. The warship is also swaying in the waves, and the waves that make it look like a boat that can flip over and sink at any time.


The sound of the keel fracture came from the hull, and then the battleship was shocked. It eventually turned over in a huge wave and sank into the sea.

On the sea.

A sharp spur of the roots emerges, and a huge black shadow wanders in the sea, and a vaguely visible shadow of a black lacquered warship in the sea can be seen.



"Who can help me!……"

The sunken warships did not immediately kill these naval sailors. In fact, many of them were low-level professionals. Their tenacious vitality allowed them to swim after sinking into the sea, but at this time they flew out in the sea. The black-painted cable, the black lacquered hull of the seabed became clearer and clearer, and a cable hangs the sailors who have fallen into the sea, and then drags it deeper into the sea. Vaguely, some humanoid monsters with seaweeds appeared nearby, and they screamed and smacked, ruthlessly killing the fish that slipped through the net.


Keel Island.

This is an island occupied by the Vico pirates. It is said that there was a dragon buried here, so it is called the keel island.

The size of the island is not very large. It is estimated that there is no size of the snake island, but there is a semi-natural port, because of a steep mountain wall blocking the whistling sea breeze. There is a lighthouse built on the island. Basically, any port city will have an iconic lighthouse that will guide the sailing vessel. Even the lighthouses in some places can guide ships to avoid reefs, greatly improving the safety of the fleet's nighttime navigation.

"How come they haven't come back yet?"

Above the lighthouse, a young man dressed as a standard aristocrat frowned and looked into the distance. Shen said: "According to time, they should have returned."


A flash of lightning crossed the sky.

Lightning illuminates the sea far away, and you can see that the waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger.

"His Royal Highness Prince."

Behind the young man is a white-bearded old man who wears a delicate robes and sighs: "I haven't come back in this situation, I am afraid they are in trouble!"

Prince Hans’s expression suddenly ugly, and Tie Qing’s face said: “A standard patrol fleet, a large warship, and three **** warships. Even if you are in trouble, how can you not return? Didn't the fleet of Allendale attack them?"


"The last time we joined the Viktor pirates to reinvent Alendale's navy, I am afraid they have no ability to go out to sea now."

This is his extremely proud battle.

First, let the Viktor pirates attract the attention of the Allendale Navy, let them think that only the pirates came out to plunder, and then swayed the fleet to deal with these Viktor pirates. However, what I did not expect was that in the vicinity of Longgu Island, they also encountered the main navy of the southern island country, which is the fleet led by Prince Hans.

Naturally, the results of the battle needless to say ~www.readwn.com~ Faced with nearly twice the number of enemies, Allendale's navy is almost completely annihilated.

Allendale was so badly hit, and it was difficult to basically assemble the fleet to go out to sea.

Near the port.

With a wave of waves, a broken deck gradually drifted to the edge of the port, and the nearby defenders seemed to find it and screamed loudly.

There are more pieces of broken wood nearby, and the waves rushed them nearby.


Another lightning flashed across the sky.

Under the black clouds, the waves on the sea are even more amazing. In the deep night, there seems to be a terrible monster, watching the island silently, waiting to devour everything on it.


(ps: So much today.) (To be continued.)

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