Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 31: Sauron? !

A cold light emerged.

The patrolling guard slammed his neck and slowly fell to the ground. Sauron reached out and dragged his body before the other fell to the ground, and placed it in the dark corner of the corner. The enemy will not leave him too much time. The patrol guards will change their shifts every once in a while. When they find an abnormality or see these bodies, I am afraid that an alarm will sound soon.

- "Shadows hide."

Soren looked obsessively, and then the bow flew, accompanied by a slight landing sound, his figure has jumped to the roof next door.

He leaned forward and sneaked forward, reaching for the corners as he approached the eaves and then fluttering down the ground.

There is a room in front of me.

There was a snoring noise inside, and the sailors would not stay on the boat after landing.

"One, two, three, four, five, six."

Soren counted the number of people in the room, and a cold light appeared in his eyes. He gently pushed open the door, and then quickly slashed his knife to one of them. With a blood splash, he instantly slashed to another One. An icy and ruthless knife flashed, and Sauron smashed three knives in an instant, directly stabbing the enemy's deadly nuisance, then tumbling forward and slashing again to the other three enemies. Less than three seconds in the whole process, Sauron simply cut the knife six times in a row, and then left six dead bodies in the room.

A top rogue who let go of the bottom line is pretty scary!

Because no profession can be more proficient in assassination than rogues, if they are no longer scrupulous, the final result will be quite scary. This is because Soren has no advanced assassin who is assassinated, if his advanced career is an assassin rather than a shadow warrior who is inclined to face the battle. So tonight is a nightmare for everyone!


Aaron Dell.

The palace in the night was brightly lit, and Princess Anna sat on the throne, next to the heavily armed maid captain and a witch in a dark blue robe.

Since Prince Hans blocked the port of Allendale, the guards in the palace have doubled. Numerous whistle whistle whistle, the court witch group was also rallied, and a warning spell trap was placed everywhere. After all, Princess Anna is not a long princess. With the terrible strength of the princess, the every move in the palace is in her grasp, but now the princess is mysteriously missing. It is only by the court witch regiment to protect the safety of Princess Anna.

"Things are like this."

The next big man with a **** beard in the throne, after rubbing his sweat on his forehead, he said: "After finding something wrong, I evacuated from there."

The hall is quiet.

Princess Anna wore a pure white lace lace dress and listened to the report of the bearded general below. Whispered: "You mean? There is a ghost ship nearby? Is it still helping us deal with those enemies?"

"Yes." The bearded general nodded and said: "It didn't attack us. I'm afraid things are really like this."

Hearing his words, the other people present were obviously not convinced.

The ice witch standing on the right side of Princess Anna frowned slightly and said: "The ghost ship is mostly a wandering undead. Even if it appears, I will not help others. Maybe it is just attacking the Viktor pirates and not attacking you, maybe It’s just a coincidence."

The bearded general glanced at her and said, "I am afraid that the ghost ship is controlled by someone."

"I don't know if the Princess has heard of the decapitation?"


Princess Anna’s expression was a bit stunned, and she had been arrogant since the long princess’s mysterious disappearance. On the one hand, I have to worry about my sister's safety, find ways to find her traces, and on the other hand, deal with many things in the kingdom. A young girl who is just a grown-up. Dealing with the huge things in a kingdom is not so easy. Sometimes she is too tired to fall asleep on the copy. Especially after the Viktor pirates ransacked Arundel's coast, there is more to be done.

In fact, she does not know much about things outside the ice and snow country.

"The decapator?"

The only person who heard the name on the scene was the ice witch. She was surprised to hear: "Are you talking about the newly rising pirate king on the South Coast?"

"The first person - Sauron!"

"It is said that he also has a powerful ghost ship! How can he appear here? Is it a country of ice and snow? And he is said to be on the South Coast! I am afraid there are more than half of the mainland!"

Sauron! ! ! ?

When she heard the name from the ice witch's mouth, Princess Anna couldn't help herself. Then stood up incredibly.


The crystal cup placed beside the throne landed and was accidentally knocked down by the Princess Anna on the ground.

But this time she has no mood to manage so much. The voice was a little suspicious and unbelievable, muttering: "Sauron? Are you saying that he is Sauron? Did he appear? Did he really appear?"

"Have he been back!..."

I heard Princess Anna being a bit incoherent. The other people present were puzzled. Only the maid captain standing next to him was surprised. Maybe she didn't know who the decapita was. It was even more unclear who the pirate king who had risen on the south coast halfway across the continent. But she knows the name of Sauron, and is even familiar with the name, because the name was mentioned more than once in Princess Anna's mouth.

Is it really him?

Princess Anna seems to suddenly think of something, the voice anxiously said: "No! It is too dangerous!"

"He has only one person! Call the army right away! I am going to help him! How can he deal with so many enemies by himself!..."

The maid of the maid looked at the ups and downs of Princess Anna, and immediately reached out and held her down. Shen Sheng said: "Don't worry about the princess! Maybe just the same name! And if it is really him, his cautious personality should not Rushing action!..."

"I am afraid we have to figure it out first."

Princess Anna’s words gradually calmed down, but her expression became very firm and she said seriously: “It’s him! It must be him!”

"He said that when I need him, he will come back, he will stand behind me."


Keel Island.

Under the dark night, the killing is quietly underway.

I don't know how long it took, and finally the patrolling guards found something wrong, and then saw the bodies that were dragged into the corner.

A sharp alarm sounds!

For a moment.

The entire island was alarmed, and the screams spread all over the place, awakening those who were still asleep.


"There are enemies!"


A burst of flustered voice came to ~www.readwn.com~ but was eventually drowned in a series of explosions.


There were several explosions in the vicinity of the port. It seemed that the place where the gunpowder was stored was ignited. The sound of the explosions turned the entire port into a sea of ​​fire.

But this is only the beginning.


The dull shelling came, and in the dark night, the front of the port didn't know when a fog appeared, and then a black warship emerged from the fog, and the intensive firepower was poured on those docked at the port. On the nearby battleship.

..................(To be continued)


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