Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 41: Holy Avengers

There are many pedestrians in and around the town.

The city in the desert is called Hadar, which means it is 'the watcher in the desert'. This is the ancient language of the East. It is estimated that many learned wizards don't understand it. Entering here gives Soren a feeling of returning to the Western Regions of the Middle Ages. The mixed population is a bit like Jerusalem, desert races and Western races, and trades with different accents. Some Eastern merchants are reluctant to enter the western continent, so many goods will be removed from the cities on the edge of the desert.

When I came here, Sauron found that she had forgotten a very important thing.

That is to learn the ‘learning language’ spell.

Damn dialect!

Although there are many people who hold lingua franca here, the mainstream language is still in the Oriental language, and there are dialect characteristics in the desert. Now he has no language translation system. Many words can only understand one or two points. Normal communication is more troublesome. Fortunately, he just passed by here, but he can only find a businessman who knows the lingua franca.

The buildings in the city are the kind of domes built, and the most eye-catching is the desert temple.

That is the church of death.

The death priesthood has always been an important area for the gods to compete for, so each **** has almost all the gods involved in the field of death. The desert temple in front of you is the church of the Eastern gods ‘Fortune and Death Goddess’-Nevez. At the top of the Temple Church, Sauron saw an emblem of a ring of life floating on a golden bowl. This is a goddess of chaotic good camp. The sacred position extended in the field of death is the 'guardian of the deceased', which also protects the deceased. The kind of priesthood that is not disturbed.

Therefore, the believer of this goddess is not very difficult to deal with.

The Eastern gods were outsiders of the ancient empire. No one can be sure of where it came from, but the ancient empire once swept a large number of people from other worlds, and then the Oriental Desert God was born. Since the long years, the Eastern Desert gods have rarely intervened in the struggles of other gods. Even in the era of chaos in the Arcane Empire, they were only a bystander. The beliefs of these gods are limited to the desert. As for the Eastern Kingdom, it is a blind spot for the gods' beliefs.

Because of the influence of the monks, the Eastern countries are more inclined to believe in 'natural' than to be specific to a certain god.

This road is a bit like the so-called 'Tiandao'.

But it is different from the kind of heaven that people know, but a way that is more inclined to the spirit. The pursuit of monk is the sublimation of the individual.

If you want to use a word to describe it.

Sauron thought that it should be called - ‘Heaven and Man! ’

Anyway, he has no way to distinguish the difference between the spiritual detachment pursued by 'natural druids' and 'wushu'. In his view, 'Tiandao' and 'Natural' are basically the same things. Sauron is not the kind of person who is too rigid in the spiritual world.

There is a paragraph that is recorded like this.

It was a Druid wanderer who traveled to the East to write a book. The Druid's last part-time monk became a powerful legendary powerhouse.

- "In addition to daily training, the monk's practice is mainly spiritual. They have a mysterious connection directly with the spiritual world, and they feel the mystery of nature through meditation, so they do not need pastors and gods. Traveling in the East In the process, I saw a lot of powerful monks. They didn't know any spells at all, but they could master many magical abilities through practice. This ability is not from the gods, nor is it a kind of science that I know. It is more like a gift from the practitioner to nature.

I think this is another way of nature.

Therefore, I decided to join them and use the practice of monks to find the mysteries of nature. ”


Soren temporarily found a hotel to stay, and immediately prepared to inquire about the news.

It’s quite difficult to find a place in the desert, even if he only knows the general direction, if no one has ever explored it. As a pioneer, Sauron may still need to dig a hole in and say. Because his next goal, the 'anti-detection cloak', is in the underground ruins and is still buried in the depths of the desert. Exploring this underground ruins is not like just looking for a dungeon cave to venture into, but more like archaeological discovery.

Specific operations can refer to the European Marauders to excavate the Egyptian pyramid. The first batch of underground relics that were opened that year were almost all the channels that adventurers spent on hiring people to dig.

The geographical environment of the desert does not allow for the entry of the latecomers for thousands of years.

Sauron wanders in this desert city, where you can see adventurers from the East. Every year, Wushu embarks on a journey of spiritual practice, visits the Druid Church on the other side of the mainland, and learns from other professionals. They are all daily in their practice. As long as the number close to the Eastern monks begins to increase. However, most of the monks are still issued. Only those who are prepared to strictly observe the commandments of the monks, or those who have established them. I will shave my hair.


"If it is not for justice, then it makes no sense!"

Sauron first turned around here. But when he was about to return to the hotel to rest, there was a sudden riot in front of him, followed by a loud, hoarse voice coming from the front, so that he could not help but stop his own steps. There are a lot of people gathered in front of me. It seems that it is people's nature to love watching. The three layers in the front are surrounded by many people. Even the nearby guards were attracted, but they did not stop, and the expression on their faces seemed to be overwhelmed.

Sauron also quietly walked over.

Then there was a sacred samurai in front of his eyes. From the face, he looked very young, but the wind and frost on his body was too heavy, which made him look at least ten years old. The samurai wore a worn silver armor with a fish scale armpit on his wrist. In front of him was a man dressed as a desert warrior. The scimitar in the other hand was held in his hand, and he could not stab in the thorn. I don’t want to pull it out.

The face of the samurai gave Sauron a slight sigh, and then he seemed to think of something, and his look could not be changed slightly.

- "Justice justice!"

Faced with a panicked desert warrior in front of the eye, the samurai palms showed a white light. He suddenly released his palm and pulled out the two-armed epee at the waist and pointed it at the enemy in front of him.

A **** red glow emerges.

The man standing in front of the holy warrior floated the evil spirit of the modern watch.

This blood-red aura has shocked everyone else. Anyone who has some knowledge can't go back and forth because the desert warrior in front of him is a **** person.

"It's a sand thief! He is a thief!"

A businessman next to him seemed to think of something, followed by a voice of fear in anger: "They ransacked past merchants and never left any living."

The samurai did not care about the others around.

He looked at the man in front of him and said in a low voice: "A week ago, you attacked a caravan from the city of Oasis and killed twenty-seven innocent people."

"The crime you committed should pay the price!"

The samurai held the heavy swords in both hands and crossed out. The desert warrior in front of him was quite awkwardly swaying, but the whole person flew straight out.


His body slammed into the back wall, and he couldn't spit out a trace of blood.


"Either by force or by law."

The samurai once again waved the giant sword and said in a low voice: "But the law here seems to cover you, then I can only rely on force to uphold justice!"

There was a faint aura on the giant swords he held, when the holy warrior slammed his sword again.


A crisp crack sounds.

The sand thief in front of him was directly cut off by the scimitar, and he was killed under his sword.

- "Break the evil!"

The samurai glanced at the others and paused for a moment while passing over Sauron, but quickly removed his gaze.

He did not recognize Sauron.

I saw that he came to the body of the sand thief, leaned over the body and whispered a few words in a special language. Then he glanced at the guards with stiff expressions around him and lifted the body with one hand and walked outside the city.

No one else heard what he had just said.

But when Sauron heard the weird language, he couldn't help but squat because he was familiar with the passage.

This is a very old language.

Even from where it is, it can't be studied, but the translation is roughly what it means.

- "In the name of justice, revenge for the weak!"


There is a very important sentence in the saint's creed.

- "Compassion is weak, protect women and children."

I am afraid that even Sauron himself did not think that his own words actually made the young samurai who met in the city of wealth embark on the road of becoming a "sacred avenger."

But it seems that he has not yet completed his own test, because the true Divine Avengers are not what Soren sees now. But from his body, Sauron has seen that he has completed many practices, because the Holy Avengers also have the test ~www.readwn.com~ The truly formed Divine Avengers are close to the legendary level of strength, just he waved Although the sword that came out was strong, there was still a big gap from the avengers in Sauron’s memory.

And his weapon is not a copy of the ‘Sacred Avengers’, but an ordinary two-handed sword.

This means that he has not yet obtained real qualifications!

The holy warrior left alone.

No one dared to stop him. The city guards just looked at the body of the sand thief carried by the holy warrior and then sent him away from here.

Any city has dark corners.

The goods looted by desert bandits will eventually need to be removed.

Sauron watched the figure of the saint warrior leaving, his eyes seemed to move a little, and then he followed quietly.

..................(To be continued)


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