Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 50: Anti-detection cloak

The harvested spoils have made several other people act a lot more aggressively. ∷四∷五∷中∷文←,

After Solon dismantled the body of the high-profile statue, he began to investigate the nearby terrain. Many places have collapsed and buried. The only passage is to the north, where Sauron is not going. The underground remains are large. After all, this is a sunken city, but the places to explore are limited, unless a large amount of manpower is arranged to dig up the city. Even if such a project is difficult in the 21st century, the exploration of the remains is mainly concentrated in the core area.

"Let the workers come down."

Sauron looked at the nearby terrain and then came to a thick wall and said, "You should be able to get inside and let them take the tools and dig them a little bit. You can't use the gunpowder to blow them up. ”

The light on the square is already very strong.

The torch illuminates this area, and basically the monsters are cleaned up by them.

The Oriental Dancer quickly went up and slammed down. After a while, dozens of workers succumbed to the ropes. They glanced at the surrounding environment, and the expression on their faces was still very scary, but at this time they had been left to them. Under the orders of the professionals, the workers began to dig the side walls. The rhythmic beats echoed in the underground ruins, as if the shock had shaken something, the underground ruins suddenly heard a slight shake, and some kind of infiltration into the soul.

Barlow inflammation (Biology level 27)!

The Barlows, who were sealed at the deepest part of the underground ruins, felt the vibration above, but it could not leave the seal. The only ones who knew what was going on here were Sauron and Oriental Dance, but they were wise not to speak, because it is better not to let others know better. The workers stopped in fear with a slight change, but they were quickly screamed and rushed to work, and Sauron could not delay here for too long.

"There seems to be something here!" The bearded dwarf warrior snarled.

The Oriental Ronin looked at him and said: "There must be something in this place. Let's move faster."

It took about an hour or so.

They finally opened a passage. The difference from the square is that the space inside is very small, and the broken building supports the gap inside. Many places can only pass one person. The nature that walks in front of the road is still Sauron. His most important purpose is to get the [anti-detection cloak], so the route is also directly moving toward the general area. This legendary piece of equipment is stored in a special room. Once the owner was supposed to be a strong professional, there is now a monster that is difficult to deal with.

This monster once killed the adventurer team that first explored it!


The adventurers only came up with ways to deal with it.

Since Sauron came here, it is natural to know how to get rid of it, but it may cost a small price.

The rugged passages are gradually widening.

This means that Sauron has entered another area, which should be a noble residential area of ​​the city. Even if it is broken, it can be seen that the building is very delicate and there are many marble pillars nearby. The most conspicuous thing in this area is a tall house, which is one of the few buildings that are fairly well preserved. From the side of it, you can see three statues of steel, their surface has been very serious rust marks, it should be a relatively low-end 傀儡 傀儡, because the loss of energy drive has been completely scrapped.

"Be careful!"

Sauron glanced around and said, "It seems like there is a breath of undead."

Hearing his words, everyone else on the scene was alert.

There are indeed undead here.

But it is not an ordinary undead. Sauron knew what was there before.

- Ancient Mummy [challenge level 18]!


A monster that is common in undead creatures, some are artificially made mummies, and some are mummies that are naturally produced for some reason.

The desert is the place where mummy is most likely to appear.

This undead creature is not difficult to deal with, and an ordinary adventurer squad can easily get rid of it.


If the word "Ancient" is added to the head of an undead creature. Then it is quite difficult to deal with it.

"The ancient mummies [higher undead] (fifth order)."

"Challenge level 18, personal level 22, possesses spell-like abilities."

"The highest attribute is 25 points and the lowest attribute is 15. The total attribute value is 100-115 points."

"Special expertise: high-level undead characteristics, negative energy erosion, spell-like abilities, immune to ordinary weapons."

"Challenging difficulty: b+."


The original group of explorers who first explored here was the ancient mummies, a powerful undead created by a special geographical environment.

Sauron watched carefully around.

He knew that there were ancient mummies here, but he did not know where it was hiding.

A group of people spread out to form a defensive formation. The building in front is a little closer, and I don't know where it is connected. There is a slight wind here, and there is still a chill in the faint.


A strange figure passed through the darkness ahead.

Soren’s spirit suddenly tightened and clenched the scimitar with his hand and screamed, “There are monsters nearby!”

A little bit of faint light.

I don't know if it was sensed by the knives of the scimitar, or some kind of breath irritated it. This knives of the legendary scimitars seem to have a faint light like ice.

This is the weapon in the early warning!

Since the legendary scimitar has been waking up, it seems to have some special uses.

Fight the flames.

A dazzling silver streamer glows when exposed to sub-zero temperatures.

And give an early warning when there are evil creatures nearby.

"Be careful."

Others couldn't help but tighten their weapons. Many of them took a look at Sauron's scimitar, and it was the greedy color that flashed in the blink of an eye. After all, the number of legendary weapons is quite rare. Soren's machete is not activated. Once activated, it will let others know that it is a legendary level of equipment.


A strange wind reappeared.

There is a shadow in the darkness. The ancient mummies are different from other undead. Its speed is actually quite fast, and the undead is at this level. It is already a legendary monster and is no longer restricted by the dead bodies. Even, it has been immune to the attack of ordinary weapons, but fortunately no one in the field is wearing whiteboard equipment.

"It's a mummy!"

The Oriental Dancer stretched out his hand and picked up something from the ground. His face changed slightly: "This is what it fell from."

A piece of crumpled dry cloth.

I don't know how long it has been saved. There is a bad smell on it.

"It should be a high-end mummy!"

The desert warrior knows a lot about the mummies. He estimates that he has encountered some of them. He immediately said: "There is such a speed! I am afraid it is not so good!"

The mummies are not eager to launch an attack.

It seems that its wisdom is good, actually know that the adventurer squad is not so good.

When Sauron's gaze turned, he immediately said: "You stay in place and be alert. I will take it out."

- "Hide your eyes."

His figure gradually broke into the darkness, but it was not looking for the traces of the ancient mummies, but quietly sneaked toward the building in front.

There is where the legendary equipment [anti-detection cloak] is located.

Sauron came here for this piece of equipment that is undoubtedly an artifact level for the rogue, and now has found a place, naturally it is most important to get it first.

When I heard Sauron, the others immediately formed a defensive formation.

And he himself touched the past bit by bit, and then sneaked into the room from the broken window. He was very clear about the memory here, and there was a dark room in the room. Inside the box is stored [anti-detection cloak], but there is a spell trap on the box, forcibly open will trigger a [dissociation].

no way.

This is the relic of the Arcane Empire, and the level of traps above is very high. The peak of Sauron was not very good.

But it is not completely impossible!

Knowing what type of trap it is, it is much easier to crack it.


A slight noise came out.

Sauron quietly entered the dark room, and there was a lot of things in front of him. The bookshelf had time and only a piece of powder was left. However, other well-preserved things are basically super-class items. Including some alchemy equipment, some unknown drugs. A dark blue robes (robes), and a special texture of the staff and so on. The most eye-catching thing is the box inside the corner, which is the most valuable thing nearby and the only legendary equipment.

The box has a special enchanting process.

Even after thousands of years, it is still intact.

Silver white metal.

There are strange patterns on the surface. It is the magic pattern of burning. Any action that forcibly destroys the box will activate the above-mentioned spell trap. This is a treasure chest that is difficult to open with brute force.

In the past, it was discovered that its adventurer team, because there is no way to lift the spell trap, can only let the soldiers directly open.

The last soldier was broken down directly!

- "Dissociation [Six Rings Spell]!"

"Dissociation [Change System]: After casting this method, it will shoot a green light to the target, causing up to 240 spell damage! Can directly decompose inanimate matter, can affect the force field effect, any dissociation The enemies who hit must pass a mandatory exemption judgment. If they are unable to pass the exemption judgment, they will be decomposed, and the passage will reduce some of the damage."

This spell trap is of a very high level!

The strength of the warrior who opened it at the beginning was a high-order, about a defensive warrior with a professional level of about 16 or so. As a result, even the person with the equipment was broken down.

Even the current Sauron, there is not much to grasp the hard resistance.


Dissociation has a flaw, it only works on the target of the first hit.

Sauron basically can't lift this spell trap, unless his ability to unlock the trap is more than 200 points, so the only way to open the box is to fight off the dissociation, or use the cross-plane to avoid this attack. .

He turned around in the same place.

Then Sauron moved the bookshelf quietly a bit, just to cover him in the shadows, and then took an alchemy crystal bottle in his hand.

1, 2, 3! ......

Sauron took a deep breath and slammed the scimitar and slammed it directly on the box in front of him.


As a muffled sound came out, Sauron suddenly released the crystal bottle in his hand, and the figure became blurred in the shadow, and the next moment appeared one meter away.

- "Shadow jump!"

A green light emerged, hit the place where Sauron was originally in the blink of an eye, and then saw that the crystal bottle that he released his hand was directly decomposed, as if the snow and ice had disappeared.


There was a strange wind coming from outside. The movement here attracted the ancient mummies that wandered outside. Soren didn’t think much about it. He directly opened the box in front of him and did not look at other items. He picked up a black paint directly. The cloak was put on his body.

[Anti-detecting cloak]!

I am finally one step ahead! Get this piece of equipment that is undoubtedly an artifact level for the rogue!

"Type of goods: anti-detection cloak

Item Level: [3rd Order Legend]

Item Description: This is a legendary cloak! Anyone who wears it will not be found by any spells after entering stealth stealth. It can immunize all detection-like spells, except for creatures that have a natural ability to see stealth. Otherwise, even the Holy Incarnation of the Spirit has no way to detect the person wearing it by detecting spells. However, it is not omnipotent. Although this legendary cloak can make people detect immune spells, there is no way to cover up other movements in stealth stealth.

Equipment requirements: None.

Equipment effect 1: stealth +30.

Equipment Effect 2: [Anti-Detection Force Field], immune to any spell that detects invisible, any enemy can not use the spell to steal the stealth state of this legendary equipment. ”


Sauron's figure broke into the shadows~www.readwn.com~ This legendary equipment has not a lot of additional capabilities. In addition to an 'anti-detection field', it only adds an additional 30 stealth.

But this has a huge effect on Sauron!

After putting on the cloak, he sneaked again and there was no trace of it, as if completely integrated into the darkness.


A slight noise came.

A shadow gradually approached from the outside, and the shadow of the ancient mummies appeared in the dark room, but it did not find the trace of Sauron, but looked at it with some blankness.

The undead has a certain ability to perceive invisibility!

However, after wearing the anti-detection cloak, only the creatures with natural vision can discover the traces of Sauron.

..................(To be continued.)

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