Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 62: Degraded

The figure of the tall woman fell to the ground. However, she is still moving forward with her right leg, posing a half-legged posture and being able to attack again at any time. Sauron is also slightly in the hand, holding a fine gold dagger, a pair ready to fight. The dark loss just made him feel a little wrong, even if it is a legendary master of boxing, he should not be beaten so much. What made him most jealous was not the opponent's fighting ability, but the pair of **** gloves. It was disgusting to deal with the rogues like him. Various elements attack inside. Electrical damage is the easiest to trigger a negative state, as anyone who has inadvertently encountered a household circuit understands. These gloves are probably not legendary equipment, and they will not look too far apart! The oriental dance Ji Fei came to the side of the tall woman, almost rushed into her arms, and then hugged her slender waist, the voice joy: "Ti! How come you here?" The attention of the tall woman is still On Sauron's body, I heard the words: "I heard that Di Ji assigned you a task. I am a bit worried about the difficulty of the task. I am afraid that you will be in danger. I will come by." "Be careful of this man." He is very dangerous and seems to be very evil!" Aura. The other party seems to have seen the aura of Sauron by some means. As a pirate king who ruled the Three Seas, it is absolutely a very evil spell to use the detective spells in Sauron. There are many mysterious means in the East, but there is no place for the wizards. The professionals from the Eastern countries seem to be able to master some special expertise in their practice. Sixth sense. One of the most powerful supernatural feats! Sauron’s eagerness to master the expertise, in fact, he spent a lot of effort to get a weak version. If you want to gain more powerful expertise, you may only rely on some kind of adventure, or you will enter the realm of the gods. As for the more advanced, it is a legendary specialty. People in the world who have this expertise do not have double digits. (Remarks: The sixth sense is equal to the super power that comes with nature. After the day, it is basically impossible to exercise. It can only be mastered through exercise. The legendary monk has reached a certain level. Perception may further strengthen the expertise, as a natural supernatural feat. .) "He... he is okay...." Oriental Dancer heard the words and looked at Sauron. The expression on the face is a bit complicated, whispered: "I will tell you later, do you want to live now?" "He saved me once!" "Not an enemy. Tidy. Let's sit down and talk about it?" When I heard the oriental dance, the tall woman slightly picked up the beautiful willow eyebrows, and immediately took a look at Sauron, slowly retracting the posture. Sauron looked at the Oriental Dancer and her slightly, and immediately collected the fine gold dagger. He quickly pulled out the scimitar on the ground. The line of sight has always fallen on the tall woman. Master of Boxing - Ti. A strong woman. But if the card is really out, Sauron is not afraid of her. Masters of Boxing and Juggernaut are a routine way of fighting. They are all pursuing extreme roads. This kind of combat skill may be very powerful, but there are also obvious weaknesses. If you seize the opportunity, you can kill them instantly. This type of advanced career may be very powerful in one-on-one, but if there are too many enemies, the situation is very dangerous. In short, Sauron was beaten by her more than ten, and now it is a little hurt. However, if she was hit once by Sauron, the injury was very serious. Because the master of boxing only wears gloves and fights, there is basically no armor on the body. (Note: Masters of boxing can't wear leather armor. They only wear arm guards at most, and women in front of them don't have arm guards.) The group is approaching the oasis. The Oriental Dancer pulled her to whisper and seemed to be talking about what happened in the front. From time to time, the tall pedicle would look back at Sauron, and the expression was a little surprised. Sauron sat on the side of the bonfire and quietly wiped his machete, seemingly not interested in their conversation. "Wait a minute." Ti had once again glanced at Sauron, whispered: "Do you mean that he might have killed the following Baloyan? How is this possible? Barlow's magic is not even an opponent! With this man The strength, I am afraid it is very difficult to get close to it!..." Oriental Dance Ji quietly glanced at Sauron. Minor: "It's probably true! All of the following collapsed!" "But I didn't see it." "Maybe he didn't show real strength, or because he still has injuries." Shake his head lightly. It seems that I still don't believe it. after awhile. She slowly came to Sauron's face and whispered: "Thank you! If it wasn't for you. Purple is probably dangerous today." Purple? ! Is the name of the Oriental Dancer? Their names are really strange, they are all monosyllabic, and it seems that even the surname has not been mentioned. Sauron looked up at her. At this time, he only saw the true appearance of the woman in front of her eyes, Liu Yemei, apricot kernel eye, melon face, cherry mouth, tall nose, black long hair, it seems that from any angle, she has gathered all the oriental women. Beautiful features. It is obviously the kind of soft beauty with the oriental flavor, but I did not think that the battle was so fierce and strong. Full chest, slender waist, slender thighs. Sauron’s eyes stayed on the slender legs of the other side. He had never seen a master of boxing in the past, but he was able to practice the darkness to the master of the boxing. He was the first time he met today. gas! Sauron is not sure if this is the power of the air, or the talent of the other party is really amazing. However, this woman in front of him undoubtedly gave him a profound impact, but also completed a part of his loopholes in the battle against the enemy. It seems that the violent whip legs can still be mixed with darkness. It is best for the professional to be careful. He used to travel in the Eastern countries, but he did not accept the practice of the Eastern Kingdom. Maybe there is time to try it. Even the Druids and Rangers can learn from the professionals of the Eastern Kingdom. As a rogue, he should also have the opportunity to learn from each other. "Have a rest." Soren played a bonfire, looked up at the dim starry sky, and slowly said: "I am coming to the night. I will leave tomorrow, since you got what you need~www.readwn.com ~ Also leave here early." His voice just fell. The Oriental Dancer who came over couldn't help but tremble, but it wasn't because of Sauron's words that she only saw her astonished and raised her finger at the sky. The expression seemed to be a bit horrified, like a language: "Look!...you!... ...you look over there.........stars!...no!...no!...the stars!...fall down!..." Sauron immediately turned to look at the direction pointed by the Oriental Dancer. Tidy also quickly looked up at the sky, only to see a distant star who did not know where it was, suddenly became dim, as if it were a light bulb that was about to be extinguished. Then, it suddenly disappeared without a trace! But this is only the beginning, just after its light has completely disappeared, suddenly a group of very dazzling brilliance emerges in its original position! This is a completely different light from the beginning. In the past, its light was like a star, although it was clear but far away, it was like the earth and the stars. But now its light makes people feel close at hand, as if it were in two plane latitudes, and now appears in the same plane. The dazzling stars crossed the sky and fell like a meteor. Although it only flashed in an instant, it still made people feel powerful. The kind of shock that cannot be described in words. Sauron stood up. He has been watching the direction of the stars falling, and his expression has never been dignified. because. There is a **** that has fallen! He didn't know which **** was fallen, but he knew that if such a vision appeared in the sky, then there must have been a true god. He is dead. Even the gods who are above the top will have a day of death. ..................(To be continued)

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