Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 67: Dragon Kingdom

Spell resistance.

It is difficult to exercise an ability acquired by conventional means.

Among all the professionals currently known, the highest resistance to spells should be monks. The legendary monk has a horrible spell resistance, and can stand in the field to let a caster with a professional level of 15 or less to put all the spells in the light. Basically, all spellcasting professions can't threaten the legendary monk as long as the rank is less than 15, because in the face of the legendary monk's perverted spell resistance, many spells can't even be waived, all elemental damage is caused. The effect is also low enough to be ignored.

This is an ability that is higher than any elemental resistance and has an effect on all spells.

To some extent.

This is also the foundation of the monk's practice of 'extraordinary sanctification'. It is precisely because of the qualitative change that causes them to immunize any ordinary weapon.

There is no spell resistance in Sauron.

Basically most rogues have no spell resistance, elemental resistance can be gained through exercise, but spell resistance is often born. The monk's spell resistance is accumulating little by little in their daily practice level. Others who want to gain spell resistance can only rely on legendary equipment, or advanced to beyond the mortal field.

The form of the saints!

A spell below the ring is basically impossible to threaten the Holy One of the Incarnation of the Spirit.

% dragon.

They are creatures that are inherently resistant to spells.

And the dragon's spell resistance is very high, and many times they can directly immunize some low-level spells, even high-level spells may not be able to pass their spells.

There is only one way to deal with them.

Super magic expertise, if it is not the legendary super magic expertise, it is not possible to add, and so on.

In case there is no way.

In conjunction with spells that reduce enemy spell resistance, there is always a way to break the resistance of the enemy.


The current Sauron can't do it.

In fact, what puzzles him is that he has not encountered a dragon that has turned into a human being in the past. In his memory, the dragon once transformed into other creatures. The spell resistance of the body will disappear. Because this transformation is equivalent to temporarily transforming itself into a human being, and human beings are creatures that are inherently free of spell resistance.


Little Lolly waved his hand and waved his hand, and smiled and said: "This is scary? This spell is not threatening me! Do you have any more powerful spells? Try it again!"

Sauron’s pupils shrank slightly.

The next moment, he pulled the distance and began to cast fast.

- "Brute force!"

- "Cat's elegance!"

- "Ma Youfu micro-Meteor!"

The legendary scimitar ice dies in Sauron's palm disappeared, followed by two dazzling flames. Sauron's figure fell on the stone pillar of the altar, and multiple spell blessings greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

A dazzling fire jumps.

Xiao Loli’s eyes finally changed. Her expression looked at Suo Lun’s micro-meteor flame in a panic, and then she extended her small tongue and licked her lips. The expression seemed to be a little excited: “Oh! It seems to be a bit overplayed. It!"

"I don't think you will still have this spell!"


"What are you going to do? Want to kill the dragon? Parents are so cute! Are you really willing to start?"

It is clear that it is a sign of weakness. However, the expression on the face is still the appearance of the under-tune and teaching.

"Wa hahaha!"

Xiao Loli suddenly burst into excitement and laughed. The figure was suspended in the air in a strange way. The smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He provoked: "Come on! Weak humans! Even if you will have such a spell, you will not be able to beat me." Oh~!"

"People are the princesses of the Brass Dragon Kingdom!"

Brass Dragon Kingdom.

Dragon Island! ! ?

Sauron seemed to catch something in a flash, but he didn't give him much time to think about it. The little loli in front of him suddenly disappeared in the same place. When it appeared again, it was already in the sky above Sauron.

- "The breath of the dragon!"

The scene of the complete subversion of Sauron’s past has happened, and the brass dragon in front of him has turned into a human being. Actually, I can still use the power of the dragon. Only seeing her slammed a deep breath, sucking a small chest and bulging, the mouth and the gangs on both sides drummed up, as she slammed into Sauron. The terrible dragon's breath is falling from the sky!

The raging fire spurted out.

This seemingly petite body, actually spit out enough to rival the terrible dragon of the adult red dragon, shrouded Sauron's figure for a moment.

- "Shadow jump!"

- "Hide your eyes!"

The figure of Sauron fell under the reflection of the stone pillars on the altar, and disappeared without a trace in the distorted shadow.


Little Loli stopped the terrible dragon breath. She looked down at her head and raised her hand to touch the long blond hair, a cat and mouse. Excited: "Is it hiding? People's hide and seek is very powerful!"

"Where is it?"

"Let me look for it! Where are you hiding?..."

A strange shadow emerges.

Sauron's figure appeared in the shadow of a rock on the top of the mountain. He jumped up in a flash, and the tiny micro-meteor in his palm instantly slammed into the little Lolita in front of him.


A violent explosion sounded.

The terrible penetration of Ma Youfu's micro-meteor destroyed the energy-protection field on her body and caused a violent explosion on her body.

A petite figure flew out.

But soon she stabilized her figure, but the beautiful broken lace princess dress was already a bit ragged, revealing a white and delicate thigh.

Traces of burnt black.

Sauron's spells clearly broke her spell resistance.


The next strange thing happened.

After being hit by the spell, Xiao Loli quickly recovered from the dark skin, and restored the delicate appearance of the white, as if she had not received any damage at all.


Sauron's face changed slightly and disappeared in the same place: "The dragon's ability to regenerate is also preserved!"

What is this monster?

In the case of transformation into human beings, it is still able to retain the ability of the dragon form, not only can use the dragon breath, but also has the resilience of the dragon body.


This is definitely a legendary spell that he doesn't know!


Little Lolita is crying with her cute face, but there is no tear in her eyes. Instead, there is a kind of competition after the child finds some kind of fun game. She cries awkwardly and then flats her mouth. Road: "You actually broke my favorite dress! I only have this dress!..."

"People are angry!..."

"There must be serious people here!..."


Suddenly there was a gust of wind in the air.

- "Dragon Wing Form!"

A pair of huge dragon wings emerged from behind Lolita, clearly her body is still human, but behind them there is a pair of huge brass dragon wings, which looks like the red that Sauron had seen before. The Duchess of the Dragon is a bit similar. Therefore, in the case of the Duchess of the Red Dragon, there was a pair of huge red dragon wings behind him. It’s just that the dragon wing of the little Loli is bigger and more threatening and oppressive, just like the real dragon wings.

- "Flying sand!"

With the huge dragon wing ~www.readwn.com~ terrible gusts of wind swept out, immediately in front of her is blown away by the sand, the sand rising in the sky exposed the traces of Sauron, even He is still in stealth, but the outline is not concealed. After all, the rogue of the rogue is not a panacea. The invisible to the naked eye does not mean that there is no other way to find out.

"found it!"

In the eyes of Xiao Loli, there was a hint of excitement. The petite and exquisite body swooped down with the huge dragon wing. He said, "I can play it now! You must not die like this!" ”

- "Dragon wing slap!"

The terrible power broke out in an instant.

The huge dragon wing is swept down by unrivaled power. The pure-blooded dragon is the most threatening one. The damage caused by the dragon wing slap is enough to make any professional move!

..................(To be continued...) r1292

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