Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 76: Netting

The air seems to be getting dignified.

In the dark passage, slowly came out a tall and burly figure.

It was a bit of a weird orc, the hair was just a small erect hair, its height reached more than two meters, and the muscles of the body were full of terrible explosive power. Unlike the exaggerated muscles of the barbarian, the muscles of this orc are very refined. If you look closely, you can see that every muscle in it is quite powerful, even more terrible than Soren. !

"Juggernaut arrives at the target location."

The orc looked at the surroundings with cold eyes, and then the palms of the naked eye, which were invisible to the naked eye, said directly in their minds: "There is no other obstacle in the target location. Is it standing by?"

Time passes by little by little.

About a minute or two later, a woman with a sigh of relief sounded and said slowly: "Juggernaut is on standby!"

~ No ~ wrong ~ "The bait has entered the booking area."

"The running dog of the prey appears! Pay attention to the church pastor after the spider god! No prey has been found yet!"

The orc slowly nodded and replied: "Jian Sheng understands."

"Is the element pool recharged? The recharge of the element cannot reach the fifth or higher level of the artifact. I am not sure of breaking the spider god--the power of the gods!"

The contemptuous female voice sounded again, faintly saying: "The half-plane energy is being extracted, and it is expected that the energy peak will be reached after 24 hours."

The orc nodded again: "Understand. Juggernaut is on standby, waiting for orders at any time."


A slight footstep came from the side channel.

The orc sword, standing still in the field, suddenly turned around and looked at the darkness not far away. The figure of the vampire **** and the **** poet appeared in front of him.


Not only is the Orc Juggernaut a little horrified, but also the face of the Vampire Son and the Hell Poet.

Neither side found each other in advance.

This means that each other's hiding ability is not much different, until they are close enough to find the hiding side.


The vampire **** was just glanced, and the expression on his face changed slightly. Telepathy directly echoes in the minds of the **** poets, Shen Sheng: "The Juggernaut above the legend!"

The **** poet's answer is also very fast: "Mixed orcs! Not like the existence of a material plane."

"It is possible to come from the astral world."

There was no change in the face of the vampire god, but the heart also turned up the storm, and dignified: "Star Sword Saint?"

The **** poet quietly clenched the magic flute and replied: "It is possible."

The vampire god: "It seems to be very strong."

Hell's poet: "It's stronger than me."

Vampire Son: "How is it possible? Then he is not!..."

Hell's poet: "I can't judge the specific strength, but I can definitely be from the astral world. He has residual astral energy."

The vampire god: "Will it be attracted to the gods of half-elves and rogues."

Hell's poet: "It is possible. This kind of existence seems to have little to attract him except the realm of the gods. But the **** of the half-elf and the rogue does not seem to match his power? Unless he is only interested in the godhead!"

Vampire Son: "Since it is an opponent, do we kill him in advance?"

Hell's poet: "The odds are not high! Moreover, if you haven't seen the traces of the prey, you will first fight with a Star Sword. Do you think this sale is a bit of a loss?"

The vampire god: "It seems that this time the battle is very difficult! A lot of strong people who have avoided the world are attracted by the gods?"

Hell's poet: "I don't know. Let's see the opportunity."

The other side.

The Orc Juggernaut found two figures in front of his eyes. It is also immediately transmitted through the mind: "Discover unknown targets! One of them is a holy form, and the other seems to be the legendary **** poet."

"Is it an obstacle to clear the target!"

After a while.

In the mind of the Orc Juggernaut, an icy metal-like friction sounds, slowly saying: "Don't act rashly!"

“There may be other people attracted by the bait.”

"If the other party leaves them without hostility, I have already let the butterfly include them in the monitoring of the spiritual ability field. A bait may not be able to attract the prey to personally take the shot. The battle plan is being recalculated. The goal of the saint form is the vampire. God, list it as the second bait that attracts the spider god!"

The Orc Juggernaut nodded to the vampire god, not far away, and said in his mind: "Juggernaut understands."

A short silence.

The vampire **** looked at the orc sword saint who nodded slightly toward himself. Using telepathy: "It seems that he has no intention to follow us."

Hell's poet: "That's the best. We leave directly from the side."

Vampire Son: "Is it just like this? Star Sword Saint is very rare! You don't want to try his strength?"

Hell's poet: "Juggernaut is not a temptation, it will only become a battle of life and death! If we fight with him, the outcome will only be between a few seconds, this is not to test the enemy. It is desperate to fight with him."

The vampire god: "That's right. Then let's leave."

"But it's a pity. I haven't encountered such an enemy yet. It seems that the recent changes have attracted many of the strongest travelers in the astral world."

Hell's poet: "Go. This kind of astral traveler rarely acts alone, and there may be his companions nearby."

There was not much contact between the two sides.

The vampire **** and the **** poet carefully walked away from the side passage, while the orc sword saint remained standing still. When the goal disappeared completely, he regained his sight: "The target has left."

A magnetic female voice rang: "Understand. The target has been included in the scope of the spiritual ability field detection."


It is 80 kilometers away from the Orc Juggernaut.

An expressionless martial art stands on a towering stone pillar, his eyes watching the darkness in front of him. As if looking through the fog: "The monk reached the designated location."

"The monk is on standby!"

A scornful female voice rang: "Standing on the spot! Have you found any abnormalities?"

The monk replied: "The traces of the wax melted into the demon. The prey may have appeared, but the target stealing ability is too high and does not appear in our detection range."

Another cold metal sounded: "Taling No. 5 took over the detection authority within 50 kilometers."

"The monks are ready to fight."

“Clear other nearby obstacles immediately after the target appears, and make sure there are no other interferers near the prey.”

The monk nodded: "The monk understands."


It is 50 kilometers away from the location of the monk.

There is something in the twisted shadow. In front of him is a team of heavily armed drows. The guards are petrified lizard knights, the male drows are scattered guards, and the center is a group of female drows. Elf priest and caster. Behind the body of a dagger who looks like a dwarf, there are some scary monsters in the face, they are legendary - spiders.

The upper body is the drow, and the lower body is a terrible monster with a huge spider!

Distorted mind.

Crazy bloodthirsty, and terrible destruction of hatred after twisting!

The spiders are the losers of the internal struggle of the drow. They have been transformed into such monsters by the power of the spider god, and are one of the most troublesome and most annoying monsters in the dark area.

The shadow gradually disappeared.

The team's drow is still moving on, but there is a line of sight in the dark to watch them: "The rogue finds the target."

"The emergence of the drow master, the petrified lizard knight and the spider wizard."

"You can be sure that the prey has appeared!"

"But it is currently impossible to detect the specific location of the target!"

An icy metal sounds: "Pull away, don't get too close to the target. Report the target position at any time, and the spider **** is very likely to be hidden in the team."

There was a slight trace of darkness and replied: "Understand."


Elemental altar.

Sauron looked at the last elemental altar in front of him, and he couldn't help but hold the scimitar a little nervously. As long as he got the fourth element spar, he could make the final challenge.

Four elements elders.

The combination of four elemental spar will summon the wind element elders, the water element elders, the fire element elders and the earth element elders.

They are all legendary creatures.

Only after defeating them all can you get the final loot.

A piece of sealed godhead!

This piece of godhead comes from an ancient evil spirit, although it is only a broken fragment of the godhead, but it can still lift a certain person to the realm.

Divine Godhead = Semi-God Field.

The divine power of Sauron is enough, as long as you have a godhead, you can always advance.

Maybe there will be no obvious changes in strength!

But one thing is very important for Soren now~www.readwn.com~ That is, as long as the advanced to the field, Sauron will completely ignore the legendary spell.

This legendary spell will completely ruin him, no matter how many levels of caster he faces, he will not sit still!

This is also the greatest value in the advanced semi-god field.

And, as long as Sauron can raise the level of the gods, he can transform himself into a 1-3 ring spell that can be ignored. The saint shape is extremely resistant to low-level spells, and many spells are connected. The energy field of the form cannot be broken.

Only advanced, he is truly a field of the gods.


(ps: There is still one more today, ask for a referral ticket.) (To be continued...)

Chapter 76: Weaving:


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