Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 84: Psychic warlock

An inexplicable force broke out from behind.

Sauron’s face changed instantly, and Lolita, who was hugged up, activated the acceleration, and the whole person left the scene like a ghost. As one of the top loiterers who have seen the body of the spider **** in the dark area, Sauron has received many mission assignments in the interior of the drow. Perhaps because the reputation accumulated by the task entrustment is too high, Sauron's name has gradually been introduced into the back of the spider god, and thus forced to accept a difficult task of potholes.

"That... is that a spider god?..."

The expression on Lori Long’s face was also a little panicked. As a dragon, she slept all the way to the legendary field, but just before her eyes - pig-pig-island-small-say-www-- everything happened, but it was completely crushed. Her past confidence. Perhaps the mortal is as weak as her ants in her eyes, but in fact they are not ants in some existing eyes.

Sauron nodded slowly.

Immediately after a certain familiar force emerged, he suddenly recalled the memory of the gods after several encounters with the spider god.

- "Breaking and killing! [Spiritual ability]"

- "Hand of Death! [Assassination of God]"

As a top-level rogue who faced the Holy Spirit in the face of several positive challenges, Sauron was too aware of the terrible power of the old gods.

In contrast to the horrible existence of the spider god, the legend is nothing but a dusty humble.

There are many records about the fall of the Arcane Empire. In fact, there has always been a conspiracy theory that the fall of the Arcane Empire was because they threatened the rule of the gods. The power of the Arcanists is too strong, and the field of study involves the realm of the gods, so it will fall for overnight for some reason. During the period of the Arcane Empire, the influence spread to the entire multiverse, and the internal legendary professions conservatively estimated that there were millions. The conspiracy theorists believed that no one except the gods could eliminate so many legendary professionals in one breath.


Sauron is groping a little bit into the field of entry, and it is also an area beyond the imagination of mortals.

In theory.

The gods are invincible. At least it is impossible to be defeated by mortals, because this is the rule set by the gods. Since the long history, the degeneration of the gods has been an internal struggle, and the example of mortal gods is not in one hand.

If it is not the arrival of the Holy Holocaust, a **** with a weak power can also kill a group of legendary professionals.

"The gods are close to invincible in God."

"In the realm of the gods, a power of change in the form of changing the form, changing the reality, or changing the size is enough to easily transform your body into whatever He wants to see."

"For non-divine creatures, certain gods who master the priesthood of death, killing, and destruction can directly erase the other's life."

“The gods are immune to most of the disadvantages. And always take the maximum when exempting the decision.”

"Only the sacred form of the gods can be killed by mortals."

- "The Rules of the Gods," Volume III, Chapter 3, DK-JAYER.


Far from the battlefield.

When the figure behind the spider **** disappeared, a blurry and distorted shadow also quietly receded.


"The power of the spider **** is too strong!... We mistakenly estimate the power of the spider **** with the strength of the half-elf and the **** of the rogue!... Even if we have increased the amount of strength difference by nearly one hundred Times, but the gap between the two sides is still too great!... The battle plan failed, and the tactical squad of the sorcerer is only one life."

"The half-plane coordinates seem to be locked by the spider god!...Request the Stars Floating Tower to support the retreat!..."

"I have to go back to Imprint City and bring the news back to the non-God church."

The shadow quickly disappeared into the darkness.


The other side.

After Sauron opened a sufficient distance, he finally slowed down a little.

He looked at the Lolita in front of him and said with a serious look: "Things are a little more than we expected! If even the spiders are showing up, then the dark areas may not be able to stay."

Holy Holocaust.

The blasphemy action was carried out before the Holy Holocaust had begun, and this provocative act would definitely provoke the anger of the spider god. I am afraid that a terrible big cleansing will soon spread to the dark areas, at least before the official catastrophe of the Holy Ghost, the spider **** needs to vent their anger. Just now. Although the gods feel something, but no one knows what is coming!

Sauron estimates that it is the clearest one of the contents of the Holocaust.

In a way, this should be his only advantage over many gods!

No one knows at what time the sacred catastrophe broke out, and how strong the outbreak will be. What is the scope of the impact? Even the gods who resist the chaotic energy can only vaguely guess a general direction. So there are actually a lot of temptations during this time, not just the gods who test the gods. There are other powerful organizations that are also experimenting with various goals.

Everything that happened today.

Sauron didn't have any impression in the past, which means that it happened before other adventurers entered the dark area.

Although it is not clear what the team of the attackers after attacking the spider **** is, the Sauron can roughly guess that they have a great relationship with the Arcane Empire, because the entire combat plan is quite a 'sci-fi', and this The premise of all is the need to have the Taling in the Arcane Empire to complete the huge tactical calculations.

This kind of battle has been encountered by Sauron, but it is not as scary today!

If the goal is not a spider, then I am afraid they should have succeeded today. Any **** below the middle of the power can be defeated by this level of tactics. It is a pity that they picked the wrong object and chose the spider **** who had long been a powerful divine power and in charge of too many priesthoods and field powers. They did not know why they wanted to kill the spider god. However, Sauron did not feel surprised. After all, Spider God was famous for attracting firepower. Her enemies have already been countless.

As early as [medium power], that is, before the outbreak of the spider war, the spider **** [Ross] has already singled out the entire elf **** in the hard anus.

No accidents.

If it weren't for the spider god, then Sauron wouldn't see her turn around and run.

As for why some people think of killing her, Sauron doesn't understand the reason. He is so risky in his memory, and he is so hostile to the spider god. It seems that there are only a very few existences.

For example, the Shenming non-God church, a certain exploration organization in the astral world, or a powerful force that he does not know.

(Note: Before the establishment of the drow gods, the spider **** is more of a person in the hard **** elves, but as a goddess who is good at using conspiracy, she will also look for some powerful allies.)


"Spider God!..."

Lolita whispered her head and said that since she had encountered the initial situation, her emotions seemed to be a bit low. The whole person seemed to be absent-minded, as if there was anything in mind.

But at this time, Sauron did not have time to think so much.

The battle I just encountered is really terrible! I am afraid that under such a tactical attack, even a second of time may not be able to hold it. As for the spider god, it is hard to resist all the attacks. Soren has no accidents. The current sacred catastrophe has not completely erupted. After the spider **** is not completely deprived of the priesthood, unless it is In addition, several powerful gods join forces, otherwise it is basically impossible to kill her.

Many tactics seem to be very strong, but encountering some existence is useless.

It’s like someone once wanted to kill the succubus queen who looks like the property is not very strong, but when he really wants to start, he finds that even the enchanting beauty can’t pass. Finally, the Succubus Queen opened the field of ‘Desire Desire’, and a group of people began to make a shameful PLAY that they regarded as a shame in their lives.


There is more light in front.

There was a strange fluorescent plant growing nearby, but it was just near here, and Sauron’s look changed, pressing his hand on the knives of the ice. There was a fallen figure in front of their eyes. From the outline, it should be a woman. The exposed skin looks very pale, and the veil on the face is not very clear. However, on her body, Sauron saw a sign that was a bit familiar. He couldn’t help but sneak a sigh of relief and said: "What is the organization of the gods?!"

Psychic Warlock?

When Sauron turned over the woman in front of him, he and Lollyon next to him looked at each other with surprise.

Little Loli raised her brow slightly and glanced back: "She is dying!"

Sauron nodded slowly.


She is dying!

A powerful psychic with a career level of more than 30 is so easily smothered by the spider god.

Sauron spread her wrists and saw a dark blue-like black widow-like mark on it, and couldn't help but mutter: "Assassination of the priest ~www.readwn.com~ 诡 领域 。. It is the curse of the spider god! ......"

"Basically it has not been saved."

Since the advance of the battle of the spider to the powerful power, the spider **** - Rose has been smashing other powerful priesthoods, or the corresponding field of priesthood.

The field of sputum.

Almost none of the people who cursed after the spider **** survived.


Lolita looked a little at the soul of the psychic warrior, slowly saying: "Unless there is a **** to give her a new life, she is basically dead now."

Time freezes.

When she heard the words in her mouth, Sauron’s eyes did not give a light.

He seems to think of something!

..................(To be continued...)

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