Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 91: Battle of the gods

Think about the state of Sauron's transformation into the killer, and you can understand how bad this thing is!

In the face of the size of the killer who weighs more than 8,000 pounds, the samurai defensive formation does not seem to exist at all. No one can resist this monster, and the suppression of body pressure is too obvious. This kind of monster's crushing ability is stronger than Barlow's magical demon. It has a huge body movement speed but it is quite swift. The high-speed movement of the alien body with the terrible lethality makes the saints lose a lot in the blink of an eye.

But this is just a beginning!

When the vampire **** had just fought and fled, he immediately rushed into the formation of the holy warrior.

Soren has not been able to determine the career of the vampire god, only to be sure that he has a vampire's racial bonus, high movement speed, strong combat power, and all kinds of terrible spell power. The vampire advanced professional has racial punishment, so his professional level is certainly not too high, but if you add the vampire's racial talent, as well as the ability acquired after the gods and the priesthood bonus, then his danger is better than hell. The poet is higher.

- "Yang Yan burst!"

The terrible glare erupted in the dark underground space, whether it was the Holy Warrior present, the Vampire Son, the Hell Poet, or Sauron, all affected by this spell.

However, it is clear that the enemy is more affected!


Along with the raging power of Yang Yan, a samurai who had been forbearing and rushed out also rushed out. He instantly pulled out the sabre at the waist, and directly swooped to the killer in front of him.

- "Break the evil!"

A holy radiance emerges.

The sword seems to be shrouded in an inexplicable force. It is only in an instant that the half body of the killer is cut into an astonishing mouth, and even the internal organs can be seen clearly.

Holy Avengers!

The penetration of this artifact is enough to ignore the resistance of the alien demons.

Holding the Holy Avengers - Kasumier's Holy Warrior is so powerful! Every time he attacks, he can leave a terrible wound on the killer. At the same time, the power of the artifact automatically attaches the ability to Holy damage after hitting the enemy, and also produces a legendary level of magical effect.

This world is still very fond of the samurai.

Among the most powerful artifacts in the material plane, two of them are used by the exclusive samurai.

One is. The other one is.

The fifth-order artifact is enough to crush the high-level demon, and the killer's injury is getting heavier and heavier. The samurai who held the Holy Avengers under the cover of his companions was unscathed. The situation is being reversed little by little. If the summoned killer is killed, then the number of people who clearly dominate and retain the artifacts will undoubtedly have a higher chance of winning. Moreover, the holy warrior has been restraining the evil forces, and the ability to restrain at the combat level has made up for some of the gap in strength.


In the face of such a situation, both the vampire **** and the **** poet seem to be not confused.

Even they are still approaching a little, especially the vampire gods who are fighting with the warden, are taking advantage of the high-speed movement, and little by little with the warden close to the rear of the holy warriors. The distance changes little by little. The vampire is even closer to the position of the priesthood, closer to the holy warrior holding the Holy Avengers.

This distance.

I can't help Sauron think of something bad!


Sauron suddenly wanted to feel something. The whole person rushed out of the shadows instantly. His figure flew out and seemed to be ready to rush into the battlefield at this time.


Everything is already late.

- "The field of the saints: time is still!"

Sauron did not know that these holy samurai had no experience in fighting the saints incarnate, but from now on they should be not much. Because the way they fight is obviously a model for dealing with ordinary legends. Even Vivian can use the legendary spell ‘time stillness’. As one of the most powerful fear gods, Vampire-Reinhart can't possibly master one or two legendary spells after the gods.

Time is still.

Time has been frozen! That's a fart!

The other people present were all shrouded at once, and both the warden and the priests were still in place. Even the nearby **** poets. Also staying in place motionless.

He is not a god!

No matter how strong the legend is, it can't immunize the effect of time still.


The vampire **** sent out a smirk, and the figure turned into a residual light, and the first goal was not the samurai holding the holy avenger. It is the caster behind the defensive line.

A fierce spell breaks out!

However, all of these activated defense fields ruptured like eggshells. The vampire **** easily broke all defensive spells, and in the blink of an eye, a heart that was still beating from the chest of the priesthood.

Time stops are still going on.

It is impossible for the holy samurai to reach the end of the spell. The attack of the saints breaks their defenses easily. Even if the vampire is a weak god, he is a **** after all.

The second goal is the holy warrior.

Pure body, good fortune, legendary physique, epic strong. In the presence of the vampire gods in the form of the saints, these are only a matter of one or two seconds.

Within the spell effect of time stop. He is enough to complete the battle easily!

The light flashed.

The vampire even easily re-created the holy warrior holding the Divine Avengers and prepared to take away the other's life in the next attack.

"Since you guys who are ecstatic, want to find death! Then I naturally want to fulfill you!"

The voice of the vampire **** has just fallen. Suddenly an icy cold light pierced from behind him, and Sauron’s expressionless figure appeared, and the scimitar icy ruthlessly stabbed the other side’s heart. Vampires' racial genius is too perverted, and they want to kill them only by attacking certain specific positions.

"how is this possible?!"

The face of the vampire is full of horror, an incredible expression, accompanied by the cold cold, Sauron directly broke his energy defense field, and slashed the knife to the enemy's heart. But at this moment, the vampire **** seems to trigger other defensive capabilities, and the second energy defense field directly separates Sauron's attack.

No break!

There are many triggering defensive spells in the form of the Holy One.

Sauron had already anticipated this, and he did not hesitate to slash again.

- "Shadow kills!"

In the face of Sauron's continuous offensive, the figure of the vampire **** suddenly turned into a blood-red gas, and then instantly separated from his attack range.

- "Gasification form!"

The gas returned to the human appearance at an alarming rate, and the vampire **** was shocked and said: "Who?!"

He has not seen the appearance of Sauron until now.

- "Hide the line of sight!"

Soren re-entered the shadows in the moment of the enemy's gasification, enough to match the artifact's 'anti-detection cloak' so that the vampire **** can not see his presence with his eyes.

"Immune my time to be still!... Who is it?... Are there other gods nearby?..."

The expression of the vampire **** is a bit suspicious, very careful to open the distance, can not see the enemy's trace, quietly close to himself but can not detect, any point to tell the vampire God appearing enemies is not simple ~ www.readwn.com ~ just A knife broke through his energy protection field, and the enemy had the ability to seriously hurt or even kill him.

Sauron disappeared in place.

But at this moment he did not continue to attack the vampire god, but instead rushed to the holy warrior who held the Holy Avengers.


A sacred glow emerges.

Sauron took a burning pain from the palm of the Divine Avengers. The pain seemed to infiltrate into the soul, and he could not help but tremble.

But all this is just a moment.

next moment!

Sauron made a low-pitched voice, holding the divine vengeance in both hands and turning it into a streamer to the vampire god.

- "Universal skill!" (To be continued)


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